def optimize_portfolio(sd=dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed=dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms=['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices_all = prices_all.fillna(method='backfill') prices_all = prices_all.fillna(method='ffill') prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later rfr = 0.0 sf = 252.0 # find the allocations for the optimal portfolio # note that the values here ARE NOT meant to be correct for a test case arg_num = len(prices.columns) allocs = np.asarray( arg_num * [1 / float(arg_num)]) # add code here to find the allocations #cr, adr, sddr, sr = [0.25, 0.001, 0.0005, 2.1] # add code here to compute stats #arg_num=len(prices.columns) def con(x): return float(sum(x)) - 1.0 cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': con}) bnds = arg_num * [(0.0, 1.0)] min_result = spo.minimize(lambda x: prices.div(prices.iloc[0]).multiply(x). sum(axis=1).pct_change().std(), allocs, method='SLSQP', bounds=bnds, constraints=cons) allocs = min_result.x prices_test = prices.div(prices.iloc[0]) prices_test1 = prices_test.multiply(allocs) port_val = prices_test1.sum(axis=1) cr = port_val.iloc[-1] / port_val.iloc[0] - 1 daily_ret = port_val.pct_change() adr = daily_ret.mean() sddr = daily_ret.std() daily_rfr = rfr sharp_ratio = (daily_ret.sub(daily_rfr)).mean() / ( (daily_ret.sub(daily_rfr)).std()) sr = sharp_ratio * np.power(sf, 1.0 / 2.0) # Get daily portfolio value #port_val = prices_SPY # add code here to compute daily portfolio values # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # add code to plot here #df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) prices_SPY_test = prices_SPY.div(prices_SPY.iloc[0]) plot_prices = pd.DataFrame( prices_test.multiply(allocs).sum(axis=1)).join( pd.DataFrame(prices_SPY_test)).rename(columns={0: 'PORTFOLIO'}) plot_data(plot_prices) pass return allocs, cr, adr, sddr, sr
def BestPossible(): # Read data dates = pd.date_range('2008-1-1', '2009-12-31') start_val = 100000 syms = ['AAPL'] prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) prices_port = prices_all[syms] # only price of each stock in portfolio prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later dfprices = pd.DataFrame(prices_port) dfprices['Cash'] = start_val - 200 * dfprices.ix[0, 'AAPL'] dfprices['Holding'] = 200 dfprices['Stock values'] = dfprices['Holding'] * dfprices['AAPL'] dfprices['Port_val'] = dfprices['Cash'] + dfprices['Stock values'] dfprices['Benchmark'] = dfprices['Port_val'] / dfprices['Port_val'].ix[ 0, :] dfprices['Best'] = Best_strategy(prices_all[syms]) dfprices['Best possible portfolio'] = dfprices['Best'] / dfprices[ 'Best'].ix[0, :] df = pd.concat( [dfprices['Benchmark'], dfprices['Best possible portfolio']], keys=['Benchmark', 'Best possible portfolio'], axis=1) plot_data(df, title="Benchmark vs. Best possible portfolio", ylabel="Normalized price", xlabel="Date") crBM, adrBM, sddrBM = compute_portfolio_stats(dfprices['Benchmark']) crBest, adrBest, sddrBest = compute_portfolio_stats( dfprices['Best possible portfolio']) print "statistics of Benchmark", crBM, adrBM, sddrBM print "statistics of Best Stategy", crBest, adrBest, sddrBest return df
def get_RSI(prices, gen_plot=False): prices_RSI = prices.copy() prices_RSI = prices_RSI / prices_RSI.iloc[0] prices_RSI['gain/loss'] = prices_RSI['JPM'] - prices_RSI['JPM'].shift(1) prices_RSI['gain'] = prices_RSI['gain/loss'].apply( lambda x: x > 0 and x or 0) prices_RSI['loss'] = prices_RSI['gain/loss'].apply( lambda x: x < 0 and x or 0) list_gain = prices_RSI['gain'].tolist() list_loss = prices_RSI['loss'].tolist() t = 7 list_RS = [] for i in range(0, t): list_RS.append(np.NAN) for i in range(t, prices.shape[0]): RS = (np.mean(list_gain[0:i]) * (t - 1) + list_gain[i]) / (np.mean(list_loss[0:i]) * (t - 1) + list_loss[i]) * (-1) list_RS.append(RS) prices_RSI['RS'] = list_RS prices_RSI['RSI'] = prices_RSI['RS'].apply(lambda x: 100 - 100 / (1 + x)) #plot graph if gen_plot: print("Technical Analysis by RSI: ") plot_data(prices_RSI[['RSI']], title="Method-4 RSI", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Price") plt.savefig('indicator_RSI') """
def assess_portfolio(sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), ed=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1), syms=['GOOG', 'AAPL', 'GLD', 'XOM'], allocs=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], sv=1000000, rfr=0.0, sf=252.0, gen_plot=False): if sum(allocs) != 1: raise Exception('Allocations to the equities should sum to 1') dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) prices = prices_all[syms] prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] normed = prices / prices.iloc[0] alloced = normed * allocs pos_vals = alloced * sv port_val = pos_vals.sum(axis=1) cr, adr, sddr, sr = compute_portfolio_stats(port_val=port_val, rfr=rfr, sf=sf) if gen_plot: df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) df_temp = df_temp / df_temp.iloc[0] plot_data(df_temp) ev = port_val[-1] return cr, adr, sddr, sr, ev
def optimize_portfolio(sd=dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed=dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms=['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # find the allocations for the optimal portfolio # note that the values here ARE NOT meant to be correct for a test case def r_sharpratio(allocs): return analysis(prices, allocs)[3] * (-1) xGuess = np.ones(len(syms)) / float(len(syms)) bs = [(0, 1) for i in range(len(syms))] cs = ({ 'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: 1.0 - np.sum(x) }) allocs = spo.minimize(r_sharpratio, xGuess, method = 'SLSQP', bounds = bs, constraints = cs) cr, adr, sddr, sr = analysis(prices, allocs.x) # Get daily portfolio value port_val = prices_SPY / prices_SPY.ix[0] # add code here to compute daily portfolio values port_val2 = (prices / prices.ix[0] * allocs.x).sum(axis = 1) # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # add code to plot here df = pd.concat([port_val2, port_val], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df, title="Daily Portfolio Value and SPY", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Price") return allocs.x, cr, adr, sddr, sr
def test_code1(): # this is a helper function you can use to test your code # note that during autograding his function will not be called. # Define input parameters of = "/home/mdonaher/PycharmProjects/mc2_pc2/orders.csv" sv = 10000 start_date = dt.datetime(2007, 12, 31) end_date = dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31) # Process orders portvals = compute_portvals( orders_file=of, start_val=sv, sd=start_date, ed=end_date, ) print type(portvals) if isinstance(portvals, pd.DataFrame): portvals = portvals[portvals.columns[0]] # just get the first column else: print "warning, Your code did not return a DataFrame" plot_data(portvals) # Get portfolio stats # Here we just fake the data. you should use your code from previous assignments. start_date = portvals.index.min() end_date = portvals.index.max() start_date1 = ((portvals.index.min()).to_pydatetime()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') end_date1 = ((portvals.index.max()).to_pydatetime()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') calc_cum_ret = (portvals.ix[end_date, ['Cummulative_Value']] / portvals.ix[start_date, ['Cummulative_Value']]) - 1 calc_adr = ((portvals / portvals.shift()) - 1).mean() calc_sddr = ((portvals / portvals.shift()) - 1).std() cum_ret, avg_daily_ret, std_daily_ret, sharpe_ratio = [ calc_cum_ret, calc_adr, calc_sddr, 1.5 ] cum_ret_SPY, avg_daily_ret_SPY, std_daily_ret_SPY, sharpe_ratio_SPY = [ 0.2, 0.01, 0.02, 1.5 ] # Compare portfolio against $SPX print "Date Range: {} to {}".format(start_date1, end_date1) print print "Sharpe Ratio of Fund: {}".format(sharpe_ratio) print "Sharpe Ratio of SPY : {}".format(sharpe_ratio_SPY) print print "Cumulative Return of Fund: {}".format(cum_ret) print "Cumulative Return of SPY : {}".format(cum_ret_SPY) print print "Standard Deviation of Fund: {}".format(std_daily_ret) print "Standard Deviation of SPY : {}".format(std_daily_ret_SPY) print print "Average Daily Return of Fund: {}".format(avg_daily_ret) print "Average Daily Return of SPY : {}".format(avg_daily_ret_SPY) print print "Final Portfolio Value: {}".format(portvals[-1])
def optimize_portfolio(sd, ed, syms, gen_plot=True): dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices_all.fillna(method="ffill", inplace=True) prices_all.fillna(method="bfill", inplace=True) prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later allocs = find_optimum_allocs(prices) allocs = allocs / np.sum(allocs) port_val = get_portfolio_value(prices, allocs) cum_ret, avg_daily_ret, std_daily_ret, sharp_ratio = get_portfolio_status( port_val) normed_SPY = prices_SPY / prices_SPY.ix[0, :] if gen_plot: df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, normed_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp, title='Daily Portfolio Value and SPY') pass return allocs, cum_ret, avg_daily_ret, std_daily_ret, sharp_ratio
def main(): dates = pd.date_range('2009-01-01', '2012-12-31') symbols = ['SPY'] df = get_data(symbols, dates) plot_data(df) daily_returns = compute_daily_returns(df) # histogram daily_returns.hist(bins=20) ''' call this twice if wanting to plot 2+ charts on same chart: daily_returns['SPY'].hist(bins=20, label="SPY") daily_returns['XOM'].hist(bins=20, label="XOM") ''' mean = daily_returns['SPY'].mean() std = daily_returns['SPY'].std() plt.axvline(mean, color='w', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) plt.axvline(std, color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) plt.axvline(-std, color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) print daily_returns.kurtosis()
def test_run(): start_date = '2009-01-01' end_date = '2012-12-31' dates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date) symbols = ['SPY'] df = get_data(symbols, dates) daily_returns = compute_daily_returns(df) plot_data(daily_returns, title="Daily returns", ylabel="Daily returns") daily_returns.hist(bins=20) mean = daily_returns['SPY'].mean() print("mean:\t\t\t{}".format(mean)) std = daily_returns['SPY'].std() print("std. deviation:\t{}".format(std)) plt.axvline(mean, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1) plt.axvline(std, color='black', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1) plt.axvline(-std, color='black', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1) kurtosis = daily_returns.kurtosis() print("kurtosis:\t{}".format(kurtosis))
def assess_portfolio(start_date, end_date, symbols, allocs, start_val=1): """Simulate and assess the performance of a stock portfolio.""" # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date) prices_all = get_data(symbols, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[symbols] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Get daily portfolio value port_val = get_portfolio_value(prices, allocs, start_val) plot_data(port_val, title="Daily Portfolio Value") # Get portfolio statistics (note: std_daily_ret = volatility) cum_ret, avg_daily_ret, std_daily_ret, sharpe_ratio = get_portfolio_stats(port_val) # Print statistics print "Start Date:", start_date print "End Date:", end_date print "Symbols:", symbols print "Allocations:", allocs print "Sharpe Ratio:", sharpe_ratio print "Volatility (stdev of daily returns):", std_daily_ret print "Average Daily Return:", avg_daily_ret print "Cumulative Return:", cum_ret # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_normalized_data(df_temp, title="Daily portfolio value and SPY")
def optimize_portfolio(sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), ed=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1), syms=['GOOG', 'AAPL', 'GLD', 'XOM'], gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # find the allocations for the optimal portfolio allocs = optimize_sharpe_ratio(prices) # compute stats cr, adr, sddr, sr = compute_portfolio_stats(prices, allocs) # Get daily portfolio value normalized_prices = prices / prices.ix[0] alloced = normalized_prices * allocs port_val = alloced.sum(axis=1) # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # add code to plot here df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) df_temp = df_temp / df_temp.ix[0] plot_data(df_temp, "Daily portfolio value and SPY", 'Normalized price', 'Time') return allocs, cr, adr, sddr, sr
def assess_portfolio(sd = dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed = dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms = ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], \ allocs=[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4], \ sv=1000000, rfr=0.0, sf=252.0, \ gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # compute daily portfolio values port_val = compute_portfolio_value(prices, allocs, start_val=1000000) # compute portfolio statistics (note: std_daily_ret = volatility) cr, adr, sddr, sr = compute_portfolio_statistics(port_val, freq_sample=252) # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # add code to plot here df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp) pass return cr, adr, sddr, sr
def test_code(): # see format of [order].csv in orders directory of = "./orders/orders2.csv" sv = 1000000 # Process orders portvals = compute_portvals(orders_file=of, start_val=sv) print portvals if isinstance(portvals, pd.DataFrame): portvals = portvals[portvals.columns[0]] # just get the first column else: "warning, code did not return a DataFrame" # plot with spy to compare start_date = portvals.index[0] end_date = portvals.index[-1] dates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date) temp = get_data(['GOOG'], dates) SPY = temp['SPY'] normalized_prices_SPY = SPY.copy() normalized_prices_SPY = (normalized_prices_SPY) / SPY[0] normalized_portval = portvals.copy() normalized_portval = (normalized_portval) / portvals[0] df_temp = pd.concat([normalized_portval, normalized_prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp)
def assess_portfolio(sd = dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed = dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms = ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], \ allocs=[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4], \ sv=1000000, rfr=0.0, sf=252.0, \ gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later prices_SPY = (prices_SPY / prices_SPY.iloc[0]) * sv # Get daily portfolio value port_val = get_portfolio_value(prices, allocs, sv) # Get portfolio statistics (note: std_daily_ret = volatility) cr, adr, sddr, sr = get_portfolio_stats(port_val, rfr, sf) # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # Plot normalized portfolio value. df_temp = pd.concat([port_val / sv, prices_SPY / sv], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp, title="Daily portfolio value and SPY", ylabel="Normalized price") # Compute end value ev = port_val[-1] return cr, adr, sddr, sr, ev
def optimize_portfolio(start_date, end_date, symbols): """Simulate and optimize portfolio allocations.""" # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date) prices_all = get_data(symbols, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[symbols] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Get optimal allocations allocs = find_optimal_allocations(prices) allocs = allocs / np.sum(allocs) # normalize allocations, if they don't sum to 1.0 # Get daily portfolio value (already normalized since we use default start_val=1.0) port_val = get_portfolio_value(prices, allocs) # Get portfolio statistics (note: std_daily_ret = volatility) cum_ret, avg_daily_ret, std_daily_ret, sharpe_ratio = get_portfolio_stats(port_val) # Print statistics print "Start Date:", start_date print "End Date:", end_date print "Symbols:", symbols print "Optimal allocations:", allocs print "Sharpe Ratio:", sharpe_ratio print "Volatility (stdev of daily returns):", std_daily_ret print "Average Daily Return:", avg_daily_ret print "Cumulative Return:", cum_ret # Compare daily portfolio value with normalized SPY normed_SPY = prices_SPY / prices_SPY.ix[0, :] df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, normed_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp, title="Daily Portfolio Value and SPY")
def assess_portfolio(sd = dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed = dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms = ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], \ allocs=[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4], \ sv=1000000, rfr=0.0, sf=252.0, \ gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Get daily portfolio value # Get portfolio statistics (note: std_daily_ret = volatility) cr, adr, sddr, sr = [0.25, 0.001, 0.0005, 2.1] # add code here to compute stats port_val = prices_SPY # add code here to compute daily portfolio values normed = prices / prices.iloc[0] #print (allocs) alloced = normed * allocs pos_vals = alloced * sv port_val = pos_vals.sum(axis=1) normed_SPY = prices_SPY / prices_SPY.iloc[0] daily_rets = port_val / port_val.shift( 1) - 1 #by 1 row, subtracted by 1 to view change ev = sv ev = port_val[len(pos_vals.index) - 1] cr = ev / port_val[0] - 1 #portval.length? adr = daily_rets.mean() #check that avg. daily return is correct sddr = daily_rets.std() sr_annualized = math.sqrt(sf) sr = sr_annualized * (adr - rfr) / (sddr - rfr) # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # add code to plot here #plot_data( normed, title="Normalized Stock Prices", ylabel="Normalized price") #df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) df_temp = pd.concat([port_val / sv, normed_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) #df_temp = pd.concat([normed_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) #df_temp = pd.concat([port_val], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) #plot_data([port_val, prices_SPY], title="Daily portfolio value and SPY", ylabel="Normalized price") plot_data(df_temp, title='Daily portfolio value and SPY', ylabel='Normalized price') pass # Add code here to properly compute end value return cr, adr, sddr, sr, ev
def test_run(): # Read data dates = pd.date_range('2009-01-01', '2012-12-31') symbols = ['SPY'] df = get_data(symbols, dates) plot_data(df) # Compute daily returns daily_returns = compute_daily_returns(df) plot_data(daily_returns, title="Daily returns", ylabel="Daily returns") # Plot a histogram daily_returns.hist(bins=20) # changing # of bins to 20 # Get mean and standard deviation mean = daily_returns['SPY'].mean() print "mean =", mean std = daily_returns['SPY'].std() print "std =", std plt.axvline(mean,color='w',linestyle='dashed',linewidth=2) plt.axvline(std,color='r',linestyle='dashed',linewidth=2) plt.axvline(-std,color='r',linestyle='dashed',linewidth=2) # Compute kurtosis print daily_returns.kurtosis()
def SMA(self, sd, ed, stock, SMA_Nday): dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices1 = ut.get_data([stock], dates) nsd = sd - dt.timedelta(days=100) ndates = pd.date_range(nsd, ed) prices = ut.get_data([stock], ndates) prices_apple = prices[[stock]] # plot_data(prices) SMA_apple = pd.rolling_mean(prices_apple, SMA_Nday, min_periods=1, center=False) price_SMA = prices_apple / SMA_apple price_SMA_norm = (price_SMA - price_SMA.mean()) / price_SMA.std() # price_SMA = price_SMA/price_SMA.ix[SMA_Nday] if False: SMA_apple = SMA_apple / prices_apple.ix[0] prices_n = prices_apple / prices_apple.ix[0] SMA_all = pd.concat([prices_n, SMA_apple, price_SMA], keys=['Price', 'SMA', 'Price/SMA'], axis=1) ut.plot_data(SMA_all, title='Technical indicator: SMA', ylabel='Relative Value') return pd.DataFrame(price_SMA_norm, index=prices1.index).fillna(0)
def test_run(): # Read data dates = pd.date_range('2009-01-01', '2012-12-31') symbols = ['SPY'] df = get_data(symbols, dates) plot_data(df) # Compute daily returns daily_returns = compute_daily_returns(df) plot_data(daily_returns, title="Daily returns", ylabel="Daily returns") # Plot a histogram daily_returns.hist(bins=20) # changing # of bins to 20 # Get mean and standard deviation mean = daily_returns['SPY'].mean() print "mean =", mean std = daily_returns['SPY'].std() print "std =", std plt.axvline(mean, color='w', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) plt.axvline(std, color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) plt.axvline(-std, color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) # Compute kurtosis print daily_returns.kurtosis()
def assess_portfolio(sd = dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed = dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms = ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], \ allocs=[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4], \ sv=1000000, rfr=0.0, sf=252.0, \ gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later prices_SPY = (prices_SPY/prices_SPY.iloc[0])*sv # Get daily portfolio value port_val = get_portfolio_value(prices, allocs, sv) # Get portfolio statistics (note: std_daily_ret = volatility) cr, adr, sddr, sr = get_portfolio_stats(port_val, rfr, sf) # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # Plot normalized portfolio value. df_temp = pd.concat([port_val/sv, prices_SPY/sv], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp, title="Daily portfolio value and SPY", ylabel="Normalized price") # Compute end value ev = port_val[-1] return cr, adr, sddr, sr, ev
def assess_portfolio(portfolio=None,sd = dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed = dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms = ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], \ allocs=[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4], \ sv=1000000, rfr=0.0, sf=252.0,precios=0, \ gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) if(type(portfolio)==type(None)): prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later else: #pdb.set_trace() prices_all = get_data(syms,dates) prices = portfolio# pd.concat([portfolio,prices_all[syms]],axis=1) prices_SPY = prices_all[syms] # Get daily portfolio value if( (isinstance(precios,pd.core.series.Series))): pdb.set_trace() precios = precios.to_frame() normalized_values = normalize_data(precios) else: normalized_values = normalize_data(prices) alloced_values = normalized_values*allocs pos_val = alloced_values*sv port_val = pos_val.sum(axis=1) # add code here to compute daily portfolio values d_returns = daily_returns(port_val) cr = port_val.iloc[-1]/port_val.iloc[0] -1 adr = d_returns.mean() sddr = d_returns.std() sr = (adr/sddr)*np.sqrt(252) prices_SPY = normalize_data(prices_SPY) port_val = normalize_data(port_val) port_val = pd.DataFrame(data=port_val,index=port_val.index,columns=['Portfolio']) # Get portfolio statistics (note: std_daily_ret = volatility) #cr, adr, sddr, sr = [0.25, 0.001, 0.0005, 2.1] # add code here to compute stats # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # add code to plot here if(type(portfolio)==type(None)): df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) else: #pdb.set_trace() df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, prices_SPY], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp) # Add code here to properly compute end value ev = sv return(cr, adr, sddr, sr, ev)
def RSI(self, sd, ed, stock, SMA_Nday): dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices1 = ut.get_data([stock], dates) nsd = sd - dt.timedelta(days=100) ndates = pd.date_range(nsd, ed) prices = ut.get_data([stock], ndates) prices_apple = prices[[stock]] price_delta = prices_apple.diff() dUp = price_delta.copy() dDown = price_delta.copy() dUp[dUp < 0] = 0 dDown[dDown > 0] = 0 rUp = pd.rolling_mean(dDown, SMA_Nday, min_periods=1, center=False).abs() rDown = pd.rolling_mean(dUp, SMA_Nday, min_periods=1, center=False).abs() RS = rUp / rDown RSI = 100 - 100 / (1 + RS) RSI_norm = (RSI - RSI.mean()) / RSI.std() if False: prices_1 = prices_apple / prices_apple.ix[0] RSI_1 = RSI / RSI.ix[SMA_Nday] RSI_all = pd.concat([prices_1, RSI_1], keys=['Price', 'RSI'], axis=1) plt.figure(3) ut.plot_data(RSI, title='Technical indicator: Relative Strength Index', ylabel='RSI') return pd.DataFrame(RSI_norm, index=prices1.index).fillna(0)
def optimize_portfolio(sd=dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed=dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms=['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # find the allocations for the optimal portfolio # note that the values here ARE NOT meant to be correct for a test case # add code here to find the allocations x0 = np.random.random(len(syms)) x0 /= x0.sum() # x0=np.asarray([0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0]) fun = lambda x: -sharp_ratio(prices.values,x) cons = ({ 'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda inputs: 1 - np.sum(inputs) }) bnds = tuple((0,None) for i in range(len(syms))) res = minimize(fun, x0 , method='SLSQP', bounds=bnds, constraints=cons) allocs = res.x cr, adr, sddr, sr = [0.25, 0.001, 0.0005, 2.1] # add code here to compute stats priceSPY=prices_SPY.values priceSPY /= priceSPY[0] price_stocks = prices.values price_stocks /= price_stocks[0] price_stocks *= allocs port_val = pd.DataFrame(price_stocks.sum(axis=1),index=prices.index) prices_SPY = pd.DataFrame(priceSPY,index=prices.index) # Get daily portfolio value # port_val = prices_SPY # add code here to compute daily portfolio values cr = port_val.values[-1] -1 dr = port_val.values drShift = np.vstack([dr[0],dr[0:(len(dr)-1)]]) dr = dr/drShift -1 adr = dr.mean() sddr=dr.std() k = math.sqrt(252) sr = k*np.mean(dr)/np.std(dr) # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # add code to plot here df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) df_temp.columns=df_temp.columns.get_level_values(0) plot_data(df_temp, "Daily portfolio value and SPY", "Date", "Normalized prices") return allocs, cr, adr, sddr, sr
def assess_portfolio(sd = dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed = dt.datetime(2009,1,1), syms = ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], allocs=[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4], sv=1000000, rfr=0.0, sf=252.0, gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Get portfolio statistics (note: std_daily_ret = volatility) port_val = get_portfolio_value(prices, allocs, sv) cr, adr, sddr, sr = compute_portfolio_stats(port_val, rfr, sf) # add code here to compute stats # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # add code to plot here port_val_norm = port_val / port_val.iloc[0] prices_SPY_norm = prices_SPY / prices_SPY.iloc[0] df_temp = pd.concat([port_val_norm, prices_SPY_norm], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp) pass # Add code here to properly compute end value ev = port_val[-1] return cr, adr, sddr, sr, ev
def optimize_portfolio(sd=dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed=dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms=['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later normed_SPY = prices_SPY/prices_SPY.ix[0] # find the allocations for the optimal portfolio # note that the values here ARE NOT meant to be correct for a test case noa = len(syms) noa = (noa * [1. / noa,]) cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1}) bnds = tuple((0,1) for x in range(len(syms))) min = co.minimize(negative_sharpe, noa, args=(prices,), method='SLSQP', bounds=bnds, constraints=cons) allocs = np.asarray(min.x) cr, adr, sddr, sr, normed_daily_portfolio = assess_portfolio(sd,ed,syms, allocs.tolist()) # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: df_temp = pd.concat([normed_daily_portfolio, normed_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp, title="Daily Portfolio Value and SPY", ylabel="Price") pass return allocs, cr, adr, sddr, sr
def optimize_portfolio(sd = dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), ed = dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1), \ syms=['GOOG', 'AAPL', 'GLD', 'XOM'], gen_plot = False): startValue = 1000000 tradeFrequency = 252.0 # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY # Fill in missing data prices_all.fillna(method="ffill") prices_all.fillna(method="bfill") prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Find the allocations for the optimal portfolio # Initialize allocations array with same allocation for each stock (initial guess) & normalize prices to first entries allocs = np.asarray([(1.0 / len(syms)) for i in range(len(syms))]) normalized = prices / prices.values[0] # Optimize allocation to minimize negative of Sharpe ratio equation (maximize Sharpe ratio) bounds = [(0.0, 1.0) for i in range(len(syms))] constraints = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda inputs: 1.0 - np.sum(inputs)}) minimized = opt.minimize(negSharpe, allocs, args=(normalized, startValue), method='SLSQP', constraints=constraints, bounds=bounds, options={'disp': True}) # Calculate portfolio value to use in calculation of return values new_allocs = minimized.x new_sddr = allocations = normalized.multiply(new_allocs) position_vals = allocations.multiply(startValue) portfolio_val = position_vals.sum(axis=1) # Get daily portfolio values, cumulative value, and Sharpe ratio daily = (portfolio_val / portfolio_val.shift(1)) - 1 cumulative = (portfolio_val[-1] / portfolio_val[0]) - 1 sharpe = np.sqrt(tradeFrequency) * daily.mean() / new_sddr # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: portfolio_val /= portfolio_val[0] prices_SPY /= prices_SPY[0] df_temp = pd.concat([portfolio_val, prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp, title="Optimal Portfolio vs. SPY Daily Comparison", ylabel="Normalized Price") plt.savefig('plot.png') pass return new_allocs, cumulative, daily.mean(), new_sddr, sharpe
def test_run(): # Get initial data start_date = '2004-08-31' end_date = '2016-01-01' dates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date) symbols = ['SPY', 'VOO', 'GLD', 'XOM', 'AAPL'] original_allocation = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2] start_val = 20000 # one million dollars!!! # plot the original data original_data = util.portfolio_daily_values(start_val, dates, symbols, original_allocation) util.plot_data(original_data, "Original", label='Original') # Plot the new data new_allocation = fit_line(original_data, negative_sharpe, start_val, dates, symbols, original_allocation) new_data = util.portfolio_daily_values(start_val, dates, symbols, new_allocation) util.plot_data(new_data, "Optimized", label='Optimized') plt.legend(loc='upper right') print("Original Allocation=", original_allocation) print("New allocation=", new_allocation)
def test_run(): symbols = ['SPY', 'XOM', 'GOOG', 'GLD'] dates = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', '2010-12-31') df = get_data(symbols, dates) plot_data(df) #plot_selected(df, ['SPY', 'GOOG', 'IBM', 'GLD'], '2010-03-01', '2010-04-01') print(df.mean())
def test_run(): # Read data dates = pd.date_range('2009-01-01', '2012-12-31') symbols = ['SPY', 'XOM'] df = get_data(symbols, dates) plot_data(df) """ Two separate histograms ===========""" # Compute daily returns daily_returns = compute_daily_returns(df) plot_data(daily_returns, title="Daily returns", ylabel="Daily returns") # Plot a histogram daily_returns.hist(bins=20) """ Histograms on the same graph ======""" # Compute daily returns daily_returns = compute_daily_returns(df) # Compute and plot both histograms on the same chart daily_returns['SPY'].hist(bins=20, label="SPY") daily_returns['XOM'].hist(bins=20, label="XOM") plt.legend(loc='upper right')
def generateMACDChart(price, a, b, c): #emas with price macd_line, signal_line, macd_histogram, ema_upper, ema_lower = macd( price, a, b, c) macd_data = pd.merge(price, ema_upper, left_index=True, right_index=True) macd_data = pd.merge(macd_data, ema_lower, left_index=True, right_index=True) macd_data = macd_data.ix[20:] macd_data = macd_data / macd_data.ix[0] macd_data.columns = [ 'Price Normalized', '26 Day EMA Normalized Price', '12 Day EMA Normalized Price' ] #macd indicators macd_line = pd.merge(macd_line, signal_line, left_index=True, right_index=True) #macd_line=pd.merge(macd_line, macd_histogram, left_index=True,right_index=True) macd_line.columns = ['Signal Line', 'MACD Line'] plot_data(macd_data, title="EMA Prices Over Time", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Price") plot_data(macd_line, title="MACD and Signal Line Over Time", xlabel="Date", ylabel="MACD or Signal Value")
def test_run(): # Read Data dates = pd.date_range('2009-01-01', '2012-12-31') symbols = ['SPY'] df = get_data(symbols, dates) plot_data(df) # Compute Daily Returns daily_return = compute_daily_returns(df) plot_data(daily_returns) # Plot a histogram daily_returns.hist() # Default number of bins is 10 daily_returns.hist(bins=20) # 20 bins # Computing Histogram Statistics mean = daily_returns['SPY'].mean() std = daily_returns['SPY'].std() plt.axvline(mean) plt.axvline(std) plt.axvline(-std) print daily_returns['SPY'].kurtosis()
def assess_portfolio(sd = dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed = dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms = ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], \ allocs=[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4], \ sv=1000000, rfr=0.0, sf=252.0, \ gen_plot=True): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Get daily portfolio value alloc_val = (prices/prices.iloc[0])*allocs*sv port_val = alloc_val.sum(1) # Get portfolio statistics (note: std_daily_ret = volatility) cr = (port_val[-1]-port_val[0])/port_val[0] adr = cr/sf sddr = np.std(port_val/port_val[0]) sr = (cr-rfr)/sddr# add code here to compute stats # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot norm_SPY = (prices_SPY/prices_SPY.iloc[0])*sv if gen_plot: df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, norm_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp) pass # Add code here to properly compute end value ev = port_val[-1] return cr, adr, sddr, sr, ev
def test_run(): # Read data dates = pd.date_range('2009-01-01', '2012-12-31') # one month only symbols = ['SPY','XOM','GLD'] df = get_data(symbols, dates) plot_data(df) # Compute daily returns daily_returns = compute_daily_returns(df) #plot_data(daily_returns, title="Daily returns", ylabel="Daily returns") # Scatterplot SPY vs XOM daily_returns.plot(kind='scatter',x='SPY',y='XOM') beta_XOM,alpha_XOM=np.polyfit(daily_returns['SPY'],daily_returns['XOM'],1) print "beta_XOM= ",beta_XOM print "alpha_XOM= ",alpha_XOM plt.plot(daily_returns['SPY'],beta_XOM*daily_returns['SPY']+alpha_XOM,'-',color='r') plt.grid() # Scatterplot SPY vs GLD daily_returns.plot(kind='scatter',x='SPY',y='GLD') beta_GLD,alpha_GLD=np.polyfit(daily_returns['SPY'],daily_returns['GLD'],1) print "beta_GLD= ",beta_GLD print "alpha_GLD= ",alpha_GLD plt.plot(daily_returns['SPY'],beta_GLD*daily_returns['SPY']+alpha_GLD,'-',color='r') plt.grid() # Calculate correlation coefficient print daily_returns.corr(method='pearson')
def save_plot_and_model(self, benchmark_values, portfolio_value, trades, save_plot=False): """ save trained model and plot result if save_plot set to True """ # save transaction and portfolio image and training records benchmark_values = benchmark_values.rename( columns={'SPY': "benchmark"}) portfolio_value = portfolio_value.rename( columns={'SPY': "q-learn-trader"}) if save_plot: p_value_all = portfolio_value.join(benchmark_values) ut.plot_data(trades, title="transactions_train", ylabel="amount", save_image=True, save_dir=self.current_working_dir) ut.plot_data(p_value_all, title="portfolio value_train", ylabel="USD", save_image=True, save_dir=self.current_working_dir) self.learner.save_model(table_name=self.current_working_dir + dyna_q_trader_model_save_name)
def calculateMetrics(data): #accuracy = Mean Absolute % Error MAPE #efficiency = time taken for training #25 training data sets eff = np.zeros([25,2]) accu = np.zeros([25,2]) curr = 0 #set 1-5 : split 90:10 , shuffle 4 times RunMetric(data,0.9,0,eff,accu) # set 6-10 : split 80:20 , shuffle 4 times RunMetric(data, 0.8, 5, eff, accu) # set 11-15 : split 70:30 , shuffle 4 times RunMetric(data, 0.7, 10, eff, accu) # set 16-20 : split 60:40 , shuffle 4 times RunMetric(data, 0.6, 15, eff, accu) # set 21-25 : split 50:50 , shuffle 4 times RunMetric(data, 0.8, 20, eff, accu) dfeff = pd.DataFrame(eff, columns=['DTLearner', 'RTLearner'], index=range(1,26)) print (dfeff) util.plot_data(dfeff, title="Train Time - DTLearner vs RTLearner", xlabel="Training sets", ylabel="Time Taken in sec") dfacc = pd.DataFrame(accu, columns=['DTLearner', 'RTLearner'], index=range(1, 26)) print (dfacc) util.plot_data(dfacc, title="MAPE - DTLearner vs RTLearner", xlabel="Training sets", ylabel="MAPE")
def assess_portfolio(sd = dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed = dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms = ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], \ allocs=[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4], \ sv=1000000, rfr=0.0, sf=252.0, \ gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Get daily portfolio value #port_val = prices_SPY # add code here to compute daily portfolio values priceSPY=prices_SPY.values priceSPY /= priceSPY[0] price_stocks = prices.values price_stocks /= price_stocks[0] price_stocks *= allocs port_val = pd.DataFrame(price_stocks.sum(axis=1),index=prices.index) prices_SPY = pd.DataFrame(priceSPY,index=prices.index) # Get portfolio statistics (note: std_daily_ret = volatility) cr, adr, sddr, sr = [0.25, 0.001, 0.0005, 2.1] # add code here to compute stats cr = port_val.values[-1] -1 dr = port_val.values drShift = np.vstack([dr[0],dr[0:(len(dr)-1)]]) dr = dr/drShift -1 adr = dr.mean() sddr=dr.std() k = math.sqrt(sf) sr = k*np.mean(dr-rfr)/np.std(dr-rfr) # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # add code to plot here df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) df_temp.columns=df_temp.columns.get_level_values(0) plot_data(df_temp, "Daily portfolio value and SPY", "Date", "Normalized prices") # Add code here to properly compute end value ev = sv*port_val.values[-1] return cr, adr, sddr, sr, ev
def plot_normalized_data(df, title="Normalized prices", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Normalized price"): """Normalize given stock prices and plot for comparison. Parameters ---------- df: DataFrame containing stock prices to plot (non-normalized) title: plot title xlabel: X-axis label ylabel: Y-axis label """ normdf = df.divide(df.ix[0]) plot_data(normdf, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel)
def plot_normalized_data(df, title="Normalized prices", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Normalized price"): """Normalize given stock prices and plot for comparison. Parameters ---------- df: DataFrame containing stock prices to plot (non-normalized) title: plot title xlabel: X-axis label ylabel: Y-axis label """ #TODO: Your code here plot_data((df / df.ix[0,:]), title, xlabel,ylabel)
def main(): dates = pd.date_range('2009-01-01', '2012-12-31') symbols = ['SPY', 'XOM', 'GLD'] df = get_data(symbols, dates) plot_data(df) daily_returns = compute_daily_returns(df) daily_returns.plot(kind='scatter', x='SPY', y='XOM') beta_XOM, alpha_XOM = np.polyfit(daily_returns['SPY'], daily_returns['XOM'], 1) daily_returns.plot(kind='scatter', x='SPY', y='GLD')
def plot_normalized_data(df, title="Normalized prices", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Normalized price"): """Normalize given stock prices and plot for comparison. Parameters ---------- df: DataFrame containing stock prices to plot (non-normalized) title: plot title xlabel: X-axis label ylabel: Y-axis label """ #TODO: Your code here # Normalise the data frame df_temp = df / df.iloc[0] # plot the normalized data plot_data(df_temp)
def test_code(): # this is a helper function you can use to test your code # note that during autograding his function will not be called. # Define input parameters of = "./orders/orders.csv" sv = 10000 # Process orders portvals = compute_portvals(orders_file=of, start_val=sv) if isinstance(portvals, pd.DataFrame): portvals = portvals[portvals.columns[0]] # just get the first column else: "warning, code did not return a DataFrame" # Get portfolio stats # Here we just fake the data. you should use your code from previous assignments. #start_dates = dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1) #end_dates = dt.datetime(2008, 6, 1) #cum_ret, avg_daily_ret, std_daily_ret, sharpe_ratio = [0.2, 0.01, 0.02, 1.5] #cum_ret_SPY, avg_daily_ret_SPY, std_daily_ret_SPY, sharpe_ratio_SPY = [0.2, 0.01, 0.02, 1.5] cum_ret, avg_daily_ret, std_daily_ret, sharpe_ratio, portfolio_value, start_dates, end_dates = compute_portfolio_stats(portvals) cum_ret_SPY, avg_daily_ret_SPY, std_daily_ret_SPY, sharpe_ratio_SPY, spy_value, start_dates, end_dates = compute_portfolio_stats(get_data(['$SPX'], dates = pd.date_range(start_dates, end_dates))) portfolio_value = portfolio_value.to_frame() portfolio_value.columns=[['Portfolio']] vals = pd.concat([portfolio_value/portfolio_value.iloc[0], spy_value/spy_value.iloc[0]], axis = 1) plot_data(vals) # Compare portfolio against $SPX print print "Date Range: {} to {}".format(start_dates, end_dates) print print "Sharpe Ratio of Fund: {}".format(sharpe_ratio) print "Sharpe Ratio of $SPX : {}".format(sharpe_ratio_SPY) print print "Cumulative Return of Fund: {}".format(cum_ret) print "Cumulative Return of $SPX : {}".format(cum_ret_SPY) print print "Standard Deviation of Fund: {}".format(std_daily_ret) print "Standard Deviation of $SPX : {}".format(std_daily_ret_SPY) print print "Average Daily Return of Fund: {}".format(avg_daily_ret) print "Average Daily Return of $SPX : {}".format(avg_daily_ret_SPY) print print "Final Portfolio Value: {}".format(portvals[-1])
def test_run(): # Read data dates = pd.date_range('2009-01-01', '2012-12-31') symbols = ['SPY', 'XOM'] df = get_data(symbols, dates) plot_data(df) # Compute daily returns daily_returns = compute_daily_returns(df) plot_data(daily_returns, title="Daily returns", ylabel="Daily returns") # Plot histogram directly from dataframe daily_returns['SPY'].hist(bins=20, label="SPY") daily_returns['XOM'].hist(bins=20, label="XOM") plt.legend(loc='upper right')
def test_run(): #Testing testing_set = data_set.ix[test_dates] testX = testing_set.iloc[:, 1:4].as_matrix() testY = testing_set['Prediction'].as_matrix() predY = learner.query( testX ) # get the predictions #Build dataframe to show results results = pd.DataFrame( predY, columns = ['PredictedY'], index = test_dates ) results['RealizedY'] = testY results['Error'] = (testY - predY) rmse = np.sqrt(((testY - predY) ** 2).sum()/testY.shape[0]) plot_data(results[ ['PredictedY', 'RealizedY'] ] , title="Realized vs Predicted", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Price", filename=None) plot_data( results['Error'], title="Prediction error", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Error", filename=None) print rmse
def assess_portfolio(sd = dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed = dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms = ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], \ allocs=[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4], \ sv=1000000, rfr=0.0, sf=252.0, \ gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Get daily portfolio value #port_val = prices_SPY # add code here to compute daily portfolio values norm=prices/prices.ix[0,:] norm_allocation=allocs*norm actual_val=sv*norm_allocation port_val=actual_val.sum(axis=1) # Get portfolio statistics (note: std_daily_ret = volatility) #cr, adr, sddr, sr = [0.25, 0.001, 0.0005, 2.1] # add code here to compute stats daily_returns = (port_val / port_val.shift(1)) - 1 adr = daily_returns.mean() cr = (port_val[-1]/port_val[0]) - 1 sddr = daily_returns.std() k = np.sqrt(sf) sr = k * np.mean(adr - rfr)/sddr # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # add code to plot here df_temp = pd.concat([port_val, prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp, title="Daily portfolio value and SPY", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Normalized price") pass # Add code here to properly compute end value ev = port_val[ed] return cr, adr, sddr, sr, ev
def assess_portfolio(sd = dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed = dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms = ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], \ allocs=[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4], \ sv=1000000, rfr=0.0, sf=252.0, \ gen_plot=False): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols, date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Get portfolio statistics (note: std_daily_ret = volatility) cr, adr, sddr, sr, port_val = compute_portfolio_stats(prices, sv, allocs, rfr, sf) # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: # add code to plot here df_temp = pd.concat([port_val/port_val[0], prices_SPY/prices_SPY[0]], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp, ylabel = "Normalized Price") pass return cr, adr, sddr, sr, sv
def assess_portfolio(sd = dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed = dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ syms = ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM'], \ allocs = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4], \ sv = 1000000, rfr = 0.0, sf = 252.0, \ gen_plot = True): # Read in adjusted closing prices for given symbols + date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Get daily portfolio value prices_SPY = prices_SPY / prices_SPY[0] normed_prices = prices / prices.ix[0] alloced = normed_prices * allocs # allocating weights accordingly print "Allocation to each stock in portfolio over each day is:" print (alloced) init_port_distrib = sv * alloced port_vals = init_port_distrib.sum(axis=1) # Get portfolio statistics cr, adr, sddr, sr = compute_portfolio_stats(prices, allocs, rfr, sf) # Compare daily portfolio value with SPY using a normalized plot if gen_plot: df_temp = pd.concat([port_vals/sv, prices_SPY], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp, ylabel="Normalized Price") pass # Compute end value ev = sv * (cr + 1) return cr, adr, sddr, sr, ev
rmse = math.sqrt(((testY - testPredY) ** 2).sum() / testY.shape[0]) print print "Out of sample results" print "RMSE: ", rmse c = np.corrcoef(testPredY, y=testY) print "corr: ", c[0,1] testPredY_pd = pd.DataFrame(data = testPredY, index=testY_pd.index, columns=[symbol]) plotTestY =testPredY_pd*testPrices_pd + testPrices_pd plotTestPredY = testPredY_pd*testPrices_pd + testPrices_pd testorders, testlong_orders, testshort_orders, testexit_orders = find_orders(testPredY_pd, 0.025) testportval = compute_portvals(testorders, start_val=10000) print "Returns: ", testportval.iloc[-1]/testportval.iloc[0] plotTestPredData = pd.concat([testPrices_pd, plotTrainY, plotTrainPredY], axis=1) plotTestPredData.columns = ['Training Prices', 'TrainY', 'PredY'] #TODO If you want to plot... # plot_data_2axes(plotTrainPredData, ['Predicted Y', 'Training Y']) plot_data(plotTrainPredData, title='Training Y/Price/Predicted Y:') #Prediction Plot # plot_data(plotTestPredData) # plot_corr(testY, testPredY) plot_orders(trainPrices_pd, trainlong_orders, trainshort_orders, trainexit_orders, title='In Sample Trading Data') #Entries/Exits In-Sample plot_orders(trainportval/trainportval[0], trainlong_orders, trainshort_orders, trainexit_orders, title='In Sample Backtest', ylabel="Cumulative Return") #In Sample Backtest plot_orders(testPrices_pd, testlong_orders, testshort_orders, testexit_orders, title='Out of Sample Trading Data') #Entries/Exits Out-Of-Sample plot_orders(testportval/testportval[0], testlong_orders, testshort_orders, testexit_orders, title='Out of Sample Backtest', ylabel="Cumulative Return") #Out of Sample Backtest print 'Debug Here'
def test_run(): """Driver function.""" # Define input parameters start_date = "2007-12-31" end_date = "2015-12-31" # Get quotations stock_symbol = ["IBM"] dates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date) stock_prices = get_data(stock_symbol, dates, addSPY=False) stock_prices.dropna(inplace=True) # Learning and test set dates # Get only valid dates with non NaN values n_dates = stock_prices.shape[0] learning_dates = stock_prices.index.values[0 : int(n_dates * 0.60)] test_dates = stock_prices.index.values[int(n_dates * 0.60) :] # print stock_prices.ix[learning_dates,] print "Learning set from ", learning_dates[0], " to ", learning_dates[-1] print "Test set from ", test_dates[0], " to ", test_dates[-1] # Get indicators bollinger_ind = Bollinger.Bollinger() momentum_ind = Momentum.Momentum() volatility_ind = Volatility.Volatility() bollinger_ind.addPriceSeries(stock_prices) momentum_ind.addPriceSeries(stock_prices) volatility_ind.addPriceSeries(stock_prices) # Get data to be predicted future_return = stock_prices / stock_prices.shift(5) - 1 future_return.columns = ["Prediction"] # Merge in a dataframe, combining the three predictors data_set = future_return.join(bollinger_ind.getIndicator(), how="inner") data_set = data_set.join(momentum_ind.getIndicator(), how="inner") data_set = data_set.join(volatility_ind.getIndicator(), how="inner") data_set.dropna(inplace=True) # print learning_set # Learning learner = BagLearner.BagLearner() learning_set = data_set.ix[learning_dates] trainX = learning_set.iloc[:, 1:4].as_matrix() trainY = learning_set["Prediction"].as_matrix() learner.addEvidence(trainX, trainY) # Testing testing_set = data_set.ix[test_dates] testX = testing_set.iloc[:, 1:4].as_matrix() testY = testing_set["Prediction"].as_matrix() predY = learner.query(testX) # get the predictions # Build dataframe to show results results = pd.DataFrame(predY, columns=["PredictedY"], index=test_dates) results["RealizedY"] = testY results["Error"] = testY - predY rmse = np.sqrt(((testY - predY) ** 2).sum() / testY.shape[0]) plot_data( results[["PredictedY", "RealizedY"]], title="Realized vs Predicted", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Price", filename=None, ) plot_data(results["Error"], title="Prediction error", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Error", filename=None) print rmse
def plot_normalized_data(df, title="Daily portfolio value and SPY", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Normalized price"): """Plot stock prices with a custom title and meaningful axis labels.""" df_temp = pd.concat([df, prices_SPY/sv], keys=['Portfolio', 'SPY'], axis=1) plot_data(df_temp, title, xlabel, ylabel)
def test_run(): # Read data and plot dates = pd.date_range('2009-01-01', '2012-12-31') symbols = ['SPY', 'XOM', 'GLD', 'GOOG'] initialize = 'n' # toggles whether or not to initialize with SPY data (must be 'n' if SPY is in symbols) df = get_data(symbols, dates, initialize) plot_data(df) # Compute daily returns daily_returns = compute_daily_returns(df) plot_data(daily_returns, title='Daily Returns', xlabel='Date', ylabel='Daily Returns') # Plot a histogram daily_returns.hist(bins=20) # Get mean and stdev mean = daily_returns['SPY'].mean() print 'mean=', mean std = daily_returns['SPY'].std() print 'stdev=', std # Scatterplot SPY vs GOOG daily_returns.plot(kind='scatter', title='Correlation SPY vs GOOG', x='SPY', y='GOOG') # beta is the slope of the line in the scatterplot, and alpha is the intercept beta_GOOG, alpha_GOOG = np.polyfit(daily_returns['SPY'], daily_returns['GOOG'], 1) # this returns the alpha and beta for GOOG # below '-' indicates a line should be drawn plt.plot(daily_returns['SPY'], beta_GOOG*daily_returns['SPY'] + alpha_GOOG, '-', color='r') # plots a regression curve using y = mx + b print '\nGOOG beta = ', beta_GOOG print 'GOOG alpha = ', alpha_GOOG # higher alpha would mean the stock performed better than the SPY # Scatterplot SPY vs XOM daily_returns.plot(kind='scatter', title='Correlation SPY vs XOM', x='SPY', y='XOM') # beta is the slope of the line in the scatterplot, and alpha is the intercept beta_XOM, alpha_XOM = np.polyfit(daily_returns['SPY'], daily_returns['XOM'], 1) # this returns the alpha and beta for XOM # below '-' indicates a line should be drawn plt.plot(daily_returns['SPY'], beta_GOOG*daily_returns['SPY'] + alpha_XOM, '-', color='r') # plots a regression curve using y = mx + b print '\nXOM beta = ', beta_XOM print 'XOM alpha = ', alpha_XOM # higher alpha would mean the stock performed better than the SPY # Calculate Correlation Coefficient # this uses pearson correlation coeff method to estimate how closely the data points fit the regression line print '\nCorrelation Coefficients:\n', daily_returns.corr(method='pearson') # plot separate plots for each stock plt.axvline(mean, color='w', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) # adds vertical dashed line at the mean plt.axvline(std, color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) plt.axvline(-std, color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) # plot overlayed plots daily_returns['SPY'].hist(bins=20, label='SPY') daily_returns['XOM'].hist(bins=20, label='XOM') daily_returns['GLD'].hist(bins=20, label='GLD') plt.legend(loc='upper right') # Compute kurtosis # This is how closely a dataset fits a gaussian normal distribution +num has longer tails, -num shorter tails print '\nKurtosis:\n', daily_returns.kurtosis()