예제 #1
def test_null_char_in_blob(cql, table1):
    p = random_string()
    v = random_bytes() + bytes([0]) + random_bytes()
    # sanity check: verify that Python actually put the null in the blob...
    assert 0 in v
    stmt = cql.prepare(f'INSERT INTO {table1} (p, b) VALUES (?, ?)')
    cql.execute(stmt, [p, v])
    assert v == cql.execute(f"SELECT b FROM {table1} WHERE p='{p}'").one().b
예제 #2
def encryption_oracle(msg_b):
    msg_b = (util.random_bytes(random.randrange(5,11))
             + msg_b
             + util.random_bytes(random.randrange(5, 11)))

    key_b = util.random_bytes(16)
    if random.getrandbits(1):
        # use ecb
        return (util.aes_ecb_enc(util.pkcs7pad(msg_b, 16), key_b), True)
        # use cbc
        return (util.cbc_enc(msg_b, key_b, iv=util.random_bytes(16)), False)
예제 #3
def test_scan_paging_bytes(test_table_b):
    # We will not Scan the entire table - we have no idea what it contains.
    # But we don't need to scan the entire table - we just need the table
    # to contain at least two items, and then Scan it with Limit=1 and stop
    # after one page. Before #7768 was fixed, the test failed when the
    # LastEvaluatedKey in the response could not be parsed.
    items = [{'p': random_bytes()}, {'p': random_bytes()}]
    with test_table_b.batch_writer() as batch:
        for item in items:
    response = test_table_b.scan(ConsistentRead=True, Limit=1)
    assert 'LastEvaluatedKey' in response
예제 #4
파일: test_item.py 프로젝트: dekimir/scylla
def test_null_in_bytes(test_table_b):
    p = random_bytes() + bytes([0]) + random_bytes()
    val = random_bytes() + bytes([0]) + random_bytes()
    # sanity check: varify that Python actually put the null in the bytes...
    assert 0 in p
    assert 0 in val
    test_table_b.put_item(Item={'p': p, 'val': val})
    assert test_table_b.get_item(Key={'p': p},
                                 ConsistentRead=True)['Item'] == {
                                     'p': p,
                                     'val': val
예제 #5
def encryption_oracle(plaintext: bytes):
    key = random_AES_key()

    pre = random_bytes(random.randint(5, 10))
    post = random_bytes(random.randint(5, 10))

    text = pre + plaintext + post
    padded = pkcs7_padding(text, 16)

    if random.random() < 0.5:
        return cbc_encrypt(key, padded)
        return ecb_encrypt(key, padded)
예제 #6
def host():
    email, A = yield []
    password = USERS[email]

    salt = random_bytes(16)
    x = hash_to_int(salt + password)
    v = mod(G, x)

    b = dh_secret(P)
    B = mod(G, b)
    u = random_int_from_n_bytes(128 // 8)

    user_mac, *_ = yield [salt, B, u]

    S = mod(A * mod(v, u), b)
    key = hashlib.sha256(int_to_bytes(S)).digest()
    host_mac = hmac_sha256(key, salt)

    print("=" * 80)
    print("{} trying to log in".format(email.decode()))
    print("host: A:", A)
    print("host: B:", B)
    print("host: salt:", bytes_to_int(salt))
    print("host: u", u)
    print("host: x:", x)
    print("host: S:", S)
    print("host: key:", binascii.hexlify(key))

    yield ["OK" if user_mac == host_mac else "NO"]
예제 #7
def host():
    email, A = yield []

    password = USERS[email]

    salt = random_bytes(16)
    x = hash_to_int(salt + password)
    print("s: x:", x)
    v = mod(G, x)

    b = dh_secret(P)
    B = K * v + mod(G, b)

    print("{} trying to log in".format(email.decode()))
    u = hash_to_int(int_to_bytes(A) + int_to_bytes(B))

    print("host: A:", A)
    print("host: B:", B)
    print("host: salt:", bytes_to_int(salt))
    print("host: u", u)
    print("host: x:", x)

    user_mac, *_ = yield [salt, B]

    t0 = A * mod(v, u)
    S = mod(t0, b)

    print("host: S:", S)

    key = hashlib.sha256(int_to_bytes(S)).digest()
    print("host: key:", binascii.hexlify(key))

    host_mac = hmac_sha256(key, salt)
    yield ["OK" if user_mac == host_mac else "NO"]
예제 #8
파일: test_item.py 프로젝트: dekimir/scylla
def test_large_blob_hash_key(test_table_b):
    b = random_bytes(2048)
    test_table_b.put_item(Item={'p': b})
    assert test_table_b.get_item(Key={'p': b},
                                 ConsistentRead=True)['Item'] == {
                                     'p': b
예제 #9
파일: test_item.py 프로젝트: dekimir/scylla
def test_put_item_wrong_key_type(test_table):
    b = random_bytes()
    s = random_string()
    n = Decimal("3.14")
    # Should succeed (correct key types)
    test_table.put_item(Item={'p': s, 'c': s})
    assert test_table.get_item(Key={
        'p': s,
        'c': s
    }, ConsistentRead=True)['Item'] == {
        'p': s,
        'c': s
    # Should fail (incorrect hash key types)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.put_item(Item={'p': b, 'c': s})
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.put_item(Item={'p': n, 'c': s})
    # Should fail (incorrect sort key types)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.put_item(Item={'p': s, 'c': b})
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.put_item(Item={'p': s, 'c': n})
    # Should fail (missing hash key)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.put_item(Item={'c': s})
    # Should fail (missing sort key)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.put_item(Item={'p': s})
예제 #10
파일: test_item.py 프로젝트: dekimir/scylla
def test_update_item_wrong_key_type(test_table, test_table_s):
    b = random_bytes()
    s = random_string()
    n = Decimal("3.14")
    # Should succeed (correct key types)
    test_table.update_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': s}, AttributeUpdates={})
    assert test_table.get_item(Key={
        'p': s,
        'c': s
    }, ConsistentRead=True)['Item'] == {
        'p': s,
        'c': s
    # Should fail (incorrect hash key types)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.update_item(Key={'p': b, 'c': s}, AttributeUpdates={})
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.update_item(Key={'p': n, 'c': s}, AttributeUpdates={})
    # Should fail (incorrect sort key types)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.update_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': b}, AttributeUpdates={})
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.update_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': n}, AttributeUpdates={})
    # Should fail (missing hash key)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.update_item(Key={'c': s}, AttributeUpdates={})
    # Should fail (missing sort key)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.update_item(Key={'p': s}, AttributeUpdates={})
    # Should fail (spurious key columns)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.get_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': s, 'spurious': s})
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table_s.get_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': s})
예제 #11
def test_put_broken():
    Test: Error returns of broken CAS PUTs
    fp = random_fp()
    data = random_bytes(100)

    meta = {
        "fp_algo": "test",
        "lib": "veintidos_unittests",
        "compression": "no",

    flattened_meta = [{"key": k, "val": v} for k, v in meta.iteritems()]

    assert_raises(Error, ioctx.execute,
                  fp, "cas", "put", json.dumps({"meta": flattened_meta}))
    assert_raises(Error, ioctx.execute,
                  fp, "cas", "put",
                  json.dumps({"data": base64.b64encode(data)}))
    assert_raises(Error, ioctx.execute, fp, "cas", "put",
                  json.dumps({"data": binascii.b2a_hex(data)}))
    assert_raises(Error, ioctx.execute, fp, "cas", "put", "")
    assert_raises(Error, ioctx.execute, fp, "cas", "put", "{}")
    assert_raises(Error, ioctx.execute, fp, "cas", "put", "[]")
예제 #12
파일: test_item.py 프로젝트: dekimir/scylla
def test_get_item_wrong_key_type(test_table, test_table_s):
    b = random_bytes()
    s = random_string()
    n = Decimal("3.14")
    # Should succeed (correct key types) but have empty result
    assert not "Item" in test_table.get_item(Key={
        'p': s,
        'c': s
    # Should fail (incorrect hash key types)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.get_item(Key={'p': b, 'c': s})
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.get_item(Key={'p': n, 'c': s})
    # Should fail (incorrect sort key types)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.get_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': b})
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.get_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': n})
    # Should fail (missing hash key)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.get_item(Key={'c': s})
    # Should fail (missing sort key)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.get_item(Key={'p': s})
    # Should fail (spurious key columns)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.get_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': s, 'spurious': s})
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table_s.get_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': s})
예제 #13
def test_key_conditions_hash_only_b(test_table_b):
    p = random_bytes()
    item = {'p': p, 'val': 'hello'}
    got_items = full_query(test_table_b, KeyConditions={
        'p' : {'AttributeValueList': [p], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'}})
    assert(got_items == [item])
예제 #14
파일: test_item.py 프로젝트: dekimir/scylla
def test_delete_item_wrong_key_type(test_table, test_table_s):
    b = random_bytes()
    s = random_string()
    n = Decimal("3.14")
    # Should succeed (correct key types)
    test_table.delete_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': s})
    # Should fail (incorrect hash key types)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.delete_item(Key={'p': b, 'c': s})
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.delete_item(Key={'p': n, 'c': s})
    # Should fail (incorrect sort key types)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.delete_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': b})
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.delete_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': n})
    # Should fail (missing hash key)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.delete_item(Key={'c': s})
    # Should fail (missing sort key)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.delete_item(Key={'p': s})
    # Should fail (spurious key columns)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table.delete_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': s, 'spurious': s})
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException'):
        test_table_s.delete_item(Key={'p': s, 'c': s})
예제 #15
def test_bytes_hash_key(test_table_b):
    # Bytes values are passed using base64 encoding, which has weird cases
    # depending on len%3 and len%4. So let's try various lengths.
    for len in range(10,18):
        p = random_bytes(len)
        val = random_string()
        test_table_b.put_item(Item={'p': p, 'attribute': val})
        assert test_table_b.get_item(Key={'p': p}, ConsistentRead=True)['Item'] == {'p': p, 'attribute': val}
예제 #16
파일: test_cas.py 프로젝트: irq0/veintidos
def test_cas_put_get():
    Test: `get(put(x)) == x` with random buffer content
    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)

    data_in = random_bytes(99)

    obj_name = cas.put(data_in)
    eq_buffer(data_in, cas.get(obj_name))
예제 #17
def test_cas_put_get():
    Test: `get(put(x)) == x` with random buffer content
    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)

    data_in = random_bytes(99)

    obj_name = cas.put(data_in)
    eq_buffer(data_in, cas.get(obj_name))
예제 #18
파일: test_item.py 프로젝트: dekimir/scylla
def test_large_blob_sort_key(test_table_sb):
    s = random_string()
    b = random_bytes(1024)
    test_table_sb.put_item(Item={'p': s, 'c': b})
    assert test_table_sb.get_item(Key={
        'p': s,
        'c': b
    }, ConsistentRead=True)['Item'] == {
        'p': s,
        'c': b
예제 #19
def test_query_paging_bytes(test_table_sb):
    p = random_string()
    items = [{'p': p, 'c': random_bytes()} for i in range(10)]
    with test_table_sb.batch_writer() as batch:
        for item in items:
    # Deliberately pass Limit=1 to enforce paging even though we have
    # just 10 items in the partition.
    got_items = full_query(test_table_sb, Limit=1,
        KeyConditions={'p': {'AttributeValueList': [p], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'}})
    got_sort_keys = [x['c'] for x in got_items]
    expected_sort_keys = sorted(x['c'] for x in items)
    assert got_sort_keys == expected_sort_keys
예제 #20
파일: test_item.py 프로젝트: dekimir/scylla
def test_large_blob_attribute(test_table):
    p = random_string()
    c = random_string()
    b = random_bytes(409500)  # a bit less than 400KB
    test_table.put_item(Item={'p': p, 'c': c, 'attribute': b})
    assert test_table.get_item(Key={
        'p': p,
        'c': c
    }, ConsistentRead=True)['Item'] == {
        'p': p,
        'c': c,
        'attribute': b
예제 #21
파일: test_item.py 프로젝트: dekimir/scylla
def test_bytes_sort_key(test_table_sb):
    p = random_string()
    c = random_bytes()
    val = random_string()
    test_table_sb.put_item(Item={'p': p, 'c': c, 'attribute': val})
    assert test_table_sb.get_item(Key={
        'p': p,
        'c': c
    }, ConsistentRead=True)['Item'] == {
        'p': p,
        'c': c,
        'attribute': val
예제 #22
def test_chunker_put_get_single():
    Test: read(write(x)) = x for x filling only a single chunk
    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)
    chunker = Chunker(cas, ioctx_index)

    data_in = StringIO(random_bytes(42))
    obj_name = random_id()

    version = chunker.write_full(obj_name, data_in)

    data_out = StringIO()
    chunker.read_full(obj_name, data_out, version)

    eq_buffer(data_in.getvalue(), data_out.getvalue())
예제 #23
def encrypt(who: bytes, key: bytes, msg: bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
    iv = random_bytes(16)
    padded = pkcs7_padding(msg, 16)
    ct = cbc_encrypt(key, padded, iv)
    print(b" ".join([
        who + b":",
    return ct, iv
예제 #24
def test_chunker_put_get_multiple_fraction():
    Test: read(write(x)) = x for x spread over multiple chunks. With partially filled chunks
    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)
    chunker = Chunker(cas, ioctx_index)

    data_in = StringIO(random_bytes(int(chunker.chunk_size * 1.5)))
    obj_name = random_id()

    version = chunker.write_full(obj_name, data_in)

    data_out = StringIO()
    chunker.read_full(obj_name, data_out, version)

    eq_buffer(data_in.getvalue(), data_out.getvalue())
예제 #25
def test_chunker_versions():
    Test: versions / head_version returns version of last write_full. Single write_full
    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)
    chunker = Chunker(cas, ioctx_index)

    data_in = StringIO(random_bytes(10 * 1024**1))
    obj_name = random_id()

    version = chunker.write_full(obj_name, data_in)

    eq(len(chunker.versions(obj_name)), 1)

    eq(version, chunker.head_version(obj_name))
    eq(version, chunker.versions(obj_name)[0])
예제 #26
파일: test_cas.py 프로젝트: irq0/veintidos
def test_chunker_put_get_single():
    Test: read(write(x)) = x for x filling only a single chunk
    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)
    chunker = Chunker(cas, ioctx_index)

    data_in = StringIO(random_bytes(42))
    obj_name = random_id()

    version = chunker.write_full(obj_name, data_in)

    data_out = StringIO()
    chunker.read_full(obj_name, data_out, version)

    eq_buffer(data_in.getvalue(), data_out.getvalue())
예제 #27
파일: test_cas.py 프로젝트: irq0/veintidos
def test_chunker_put_get_multiple_fraction():
    Test: read(write(x)) = x for x spread over multiple chunks. With partially filled chunks
    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)
    chunker = Chunker(cas, ioctx_index)

    data_in = StringIO(random_bytes(int(chunker.chunk_size*1.5)))
    obj_name = random_id()

    version = chunker.write_full(obj_name, data_in)

    data_out = StringIO()
    chunker.read_full(obj_name, data_out, version)

    eq_buffer(data_in.getvalue(), data_out.getvalue())
예제 #28
파일: test_cas.py 프로젝트: irq0/veintidos
def test_chunker_versions():
    Test: versions / head_version returns version of last write_full. Single write_full
    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)
    chunker = Chunker(cas, ioctx_index)

    data_in = StringIO(random_bytes(10*1024**1))
    obj_name = random_id()

    version = chunker.write_full(obj_name, data_in)

    eq(len(chunker.versions(obj_name)), 1)

    eq(version, chunker.head_version(obj_name))
    eq(version, chunker.versions(obj_name)[0])
예제 #29
def test_query_sort_order_bytes(test_table_sb):
    # Insert a lot of random items in one new partition:
    # We arbitrarily use random_bytes with a random length.
    p = random_string()
    items = [{'p': p, 'c': random_bytes(10)} for i in range(128)]
    with test_table_sb.batch_writer() as batch:
        for item in items:
    got_items = full_query(test_table_sb, KeyConditions={'p': {'AttributeValueList': [p], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'}})
    assert len(items) == len(got_items)
    sort_keys = [x['c'] for x in items]
    got_sort_keys = [x['c'] for x in got_items]
    # Boto3's "Binary" objects are sorted as if bytes are signed integers.
    # This isn't the order that DynamoDB itself uses (byte 0 should be first,
    # not byte -128). Sorting the byte array ".value" works.
    assert sorted(got_sort_keys, key=lambda x: x.value) == got_sort_keys
    assert sorted(sort_keys) == got_sort_keys
예제 #30
def test_up_down():
    Test: UP/DOWN, check reference counts
    fp = random_fp()
    data = random_bytes(100)

    meta = {
        "fp_algo": "test",
        "lib": "veintidos_unittests",
        "compression": "no",

    args = {
        "data": base64.b64encode(data),
        "meta": [{"key": k, "val": v} for k, v in meta.iteritems()],

    jargs = json.dumps(args)

    # refcount = 1
    ret, _ = ioctx.execute(fp, "cas", "put", jargs)
    eq(ret, 0)

    # refcount = 2
    ret, foo = ioctx.execute(fp, "cas", "up", "")
    eq(ret, 0)

    # refcount = 3
    ret, _ = ioctx.execute(fp, "cas", "up", "")
    eq(ret, 0)

    # refcount = 2
    ret, _ = ioctx.execute(fp, "cas", "down", "")
    eq(ret, 0)

    # refcount = 1
    ret, _ = ioctx.execute(fp, "cas", "down", "")
    eq(ret, 0)

    # refcount = 0 => obj gone
    ret, _ = ioctx.execute(fp, "cas", "down", "")
    eq(ret, 0)

    assert_raises(Error, ioctx.execute, fp, "cas", "down", "")
예제 #31
def compressed_cas_put_get(cas):
    Test Utility: `get(put(x)) == x` for given `cas` and x in `{random, 1s, 0s}`
    data_in = random_bytes(8 * 1024**2)
    obj_name = cas.put(data_in)
    eq_buffer(data_in, cas.get(obj_name, size=8 * 1024**2))

    data_in = "\xFF" * 11 * 1024**2
    obj_name = cas.put(data_in)
    eq_buffer(data_in, cas.get(obj_name, size=11 * 1024**2))

    data_in = "\x00" * 42
    obj_name = cas.put(data_in)
    eq_buffer(data_in, cas.get(obj_name))
예제 #32
파일: test_cas.py 프로젝트: irq0/veintidos
def compressed_cas_put_get(cas):
    Test Utility: `get(put(x)) == x` for given `cas` and x in `{random, 1s, 0s}`
    data_in = random_bytes(8*1024**2)
    obj_name = cas.put(data_in)
    eq_buffer(data_in, cas.get(obj_name, size=8*1024**2))

    data_in = "\xFF" * 11*1024**2
    obj_name = cas.put(data_in)
    eq_buffer(data_in, cas.get(obj_name, size=11*1024**2))

    data_in = "\x00" * 42
    obj_name = cas.put(data_in)
    eq_buffer(data_in, cas.get(obj_name))
예제 #33
def test_chunker_multiple_versions():
    Test: versions / head_version return version of last write_full. Multiple write_full
    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)
    chunker = Chunker(cas, ioctx_index)

    data_in = random_bytes(42)
    obj_name = random_id()

    versions = (
        chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in)),
        chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in)),
        chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in)),
        chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in)),
        chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in)),

    eq(len(versions), len(chunker.versions(obj_name)))

    eq(versions[-1], chunker.head_version(obj_name))
    eq(versions[0], chunker.versions(obj_name)[0])
예제 #34
def test_chunker_no_litter():
    Test: Write and immediate remove should not leave any object behind

    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)
    chunker = Chunker(cas, ioctx_index)

    data_in = StringIO(random_bytes(chunker.chunk_size * 4))
    obj_name = random_id()

    chunker.write_full(obj_name, data_in)

    cas_objs = [x.key for x in ioctx_cas.list_objects()]
    index_objs = [x.key for x in ioctx_index.list_objects()]

    print "CAS objects left:", cas_objs
    print "Index objects left:", index_objs

    eq(len(cas_objs), 0)
    eq(len(index_objs), 0)
예제 #35
파일: test_cas.py 프로젝트: irq0/veintidos
def test_chunker_multiple_versions():
    Test: versions / head_version return version of last write_full. Multiple write_full
    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)
    chunker = Chunker(cas, ioctx_index)

    data_in = random_bytes(42)
    obj_name = random_id()

    versions = (
        chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in)),
        chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in)),
        chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in)),
        chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in)),
        chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in)),

    eq(len(versions), len(chunker.versions(obj_name)))

    eq(versions[-1], chunker.head_version(obj_name))
    eq(versions[0], chunker.versions(obj_name)[0])
예제 #36
파일: test_cas.py 프로젝트: irq0/veintidos
def test_chunker_no_litter():
    Test: Write and immediate remove should not leave any object behind

    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)
    chunker = Chunker(cas, ioctx_index)

    data_in = StringIO(random_bytes(chunker.chunk_size*4))
    obj_name = random_id()

    chunker.write_full(obj_name, data_in)

    cas_objs = [x.key for x in ioctx_cas.list_objects()]
    index_objs = [x.key for x in ioctx_index.list_objects()]

    print "CAS objects left:", cas_objs
    print "Index objects left:", index_objs

    eq(len(cas_objs), 0)
    eq(len(index_objs), 0)
예제 #37
def test_put_correct():
    Test: Regular CAS PUT
    fp = random_fp()
    data = random_bytes(100)

    meta = {
        "fp_algo": "test",
        "lib": "veintidos_unittests",
        "compression": "no",

    args = {
        "data": base64.b64encode(data),
        "meta": [{"key": k, "val": v} for k, v in meta.iteritems()],

    jargs = json.dumps(args)

    ret, _ = ioctx.execute(fp, "cas", "put", jargs)

    eq(ret, 0)
예제 #38
파일: test_cas.py 프로젝트: irq0/veintidos
def test_chunker_remove():
    Test: remove actually removes

    - `remove_version(write_full)`: No versions, but index object
    - `write_full, write_full, remove_all_versions`: Index object gone

    cas = CAS(ioctx_cas)
    chunker = Chunker(cas, ioctx_index)

    data_in = random_bytes(42)
    obj_name = random_id()

    version = chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in))
    chunker.remove_version(obj_name, version)

    eq(chunker.head_version(obj_name), None)

    chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in))
    chunker.write_full(obj_name, StringIO(data_in))

    assert_raises(ObjectNotFound, chunker.head_version, obj_name)
예제 #39
import base64

import util

mystery_b = base64.b64decode("""

key_b = util.random_bytes(16)

def oracle(msg_b):
    return util.aes_ecb_enc(util.pkcs7pad(msg_b + mystery_b, 16), key_b)

# step 1: discover the block size
start_len = len(oracle(bytes()))
acc_bytes = b'a'
while True:
    new_len = len(oracle(acc_bytes))
    if new_len != start_len:
        blocksize = new_len - start_len
        acc_bytes += b'a'
print('Detected block size {}'.format(blocksize))

# step 2: detect that the function is using ECB
test_str = util.random_bytes(blocksize)
예제 #40
def oracle(msg_b):
    random_prefix = util.random_bytes(random.randrange(16))
    return util.aes_ecb_enc(util.pkcs7pad(
        random_prefix + msg_b + mystery_b, 16), key_b)
예제 #41
import util

key_b = util.random_bytes(16)

PREFIX = b'comment1=cooking%20MCs;userdata=' 
SUFFIX = b';comment2=%20like%20a%20pound%20of%20bacon'
GOAL = b';admin=true;'

def f1(msg_b):
    b = PREFIX + msg_b + SUFFIX

    return util.cbc_enc(util.pkcs7pad(b, 16), key_b)

def has_admin(enc_b):
    msg_b = util.cbc_dec(enc_b, key_b)
    return GOAL in msg_b

normal = f1(b'')
switch = util.xor_bytestring(GOAL, (PREFIX + SUFFIX)[16:])
switch = util.xor_bytestring(normal[:16], switch)
print(has_admin(switch + normal[len(switch):]))