예제 #1
def getAllMap(inclPostExpFIds, fIdsNotToBeIncl):
	os.system("cat " + util.allFPtsFile + " >> " + util.globAllFPtsFile)
	fIdsSeqToAllFIdsMap = {}
	allFIdsLines = util.readFromFile(util.globAllFPtsFile)

	psFIds = util.readFromFile(util.postSetupFIdsFile)

	for allFIdsLn in allFIdsLines:
		allFIdsLnParts = allFIdsLn.split(":")
		fIdsSeq = allFIdsLnParts[0]
		fIdsInExec = allFIdsLnParts[1]
		fIdsInExec = fIdsInExec.rstrip("\n")
		fIdsInExecParts = fIdsInExec.split(" ")
		#setOfFIdsInExec = set([])
		setOfFIdsInExec = []
		for fIdsInExecPart in fIdsInExecParts:
			isPSFId = (fIdsInExecPart in psFIds) 
			if(inclPostExpFIds or ((not inclPostExpFIds) and (not isPSFId))):
				if fIdsInExecPart not in fIdsNotToBeIncl:

		fIdsSeqToAllFIdsMap[fIdsSeq] = setOfFIdsInExec

	return fIdsSeqToAllFIdsMap	
예제 #2
    def test7_readFromFile( self ):

        # Read from non-existant file.
        self.failUnless(util.readFromFile(tempfile.mktemp()) == None)

        # Read file where we (hopefully) don't have permissions.
        self.failUnless(util.readFromFile("/etc/shadow") == None)
예제 #3
파일: ticket.py 프로젝트: 0xa-cc/pupy
def storeNewTicket( masterKey, ticket, bridge ):
    Store a new session ticket and the according master key for future use.

    This method is only called by clients.  The given data, `masterKey',
    `ticket' and `bridge', is YAMLed and stored in the global ticket
    dictionary.  If there already is a ticket for the given `bridge', it is

    assert len(masterKey) == const.MASTER_KEY_LENGTH
    assert len(ticket) == const.TICKET_LENGTH

    ticketFile = const.STATE_LOCATION + const.CLIENT_TICKET_FILE

    log.debug("Storing newly received ticket in `%s'." % ticketFile)

    # Add a new (key, ticket) tuple with the given bridge as hash key.
    tickets = dict()
    content = util.readFromFile(ticketFile)
    if (content is not None) and (len(content) > 0):
        tickets = yaml.safe_load(content)

    # We also store a timestamp so we later know if our ticket already expired.
    tickets[str(bridge)] = [int(time.time()), masterKey, ticket]
    util.writeToFile(yaml.dump(tickets), ticketFile)
예제 #4
def storeNewTicket(masterKey, ticket, bridge):
    Store a new session ticket and the according master key for future use.

    This method is only called by clients.  The given data, `masterKey',
    `ticket' and `bridge', is YAMLed and stored in the global ticket
    dictionary.  If there already is a ticket for the given `bridge', it is

    assert len(masterKey) == const.MASTER_KEY_LENGTH
    assert len(ticket) == const.TICKET_LENGTH

    ticketFile = const.STATE_LOCATION + const.CLIENT_TICKET_FILE

    log.debug("Storing newly received ticket in `%s'." % ticketFile)

    # Add a new (key, ticket) tuple with the given bridge as hash key.
    tickets = dict()
    content = util.readFromFile(ticketFile)
    if (content is not None) and (len(content) > 0):
        tickets = yaml.safe_load(content)

    # We also store a timestamp so we later know if our ticket already expired.
    tickets[str(bridge)] = [int(time.time()), masterKey, ticket]
    util.writeToFile(yaml.dump(tickets), ticketFile)
예제 #5
def BoilerData(downloadDate):
    ret = False
    read_directory = os.path.join(Constants.ROOT_FOLDER,Constants.DATA_DIR,downloadDate)
    write_directory = os.path.join(Constants.ROOT_FOLDER,Constants.BOILER_DATA_DIR,downloadDate)
    if not os.path.exists(read_directory):
        util.logger.error("Boilers data can't be run because folder isn't present = "+downloadDate)
        return ret
    if not os.path.exists(write_directory):
    onlyfiles = [ f for f in os.listdir(read_directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(read_directory,f)) ]  
    count = 0      
        for htmlFile in onlyfiles:
            htmlData = util.readFromFile(os.path.join(read_directory,htmlFile))
            html_filename = os.path.join(write_directory,htmlFile)
            if os.path.isfile(html_filename) is False:
                htmlText = remove_boiler(htmlData)
                result = util.writeToFile(htmlText, html_filename) 
                result = True
            if result == True:
                count = count + 1
            util.logger.info('Boilered data done for ='+html_filename+str(count))
    except Exception, e:
        util.logger.error("Exception at boiler for data : %s" % read_directory)
예제 #6
	def filterNoise(self, posExps, fInfos):
		fIdToFInfosMap = util.getFIdToInfoMap(fInfos)
		newPosExps = []

		failedSeqs = util.readFromFile(util.failedExpsFile)

		for posExp in posExps:
			posExp = posExp.rstrip("\n")

			isRpcNoise = False
			posExpFIds = posExp.split(" ")
			for fId in posExpFIds:
				fIdFInf = fIdToFInfosMap[fId]
				if util.isRpcNoise(fIdFInf):
					isRpcNoise = True
			if isRpcNoise:
				#print "yes...rpc noise...posExp is " + posExp

			l = len(posExpFIds)
			pfx = " ".join(posExpFIds[0:l-1])	
			if pfx not in failedSeqs:

		return newPosExps		
예제 #7
def alignFastaClustalw(input, path):
    input: string containing fasta formatted sequences to be aligned.
    path: working directory where fasta will be written and clustal will write output files.
    runs alignment program clustalw
    Returns: fasta-formatted aligned sequences
    clustalFastaPath = os.path.join(path, CLUSTAL_INPUT_FILENAME)
    clustalAlignmentPath = os.path.join(path, CLUSTAL_ALIGNMENT_FILENAME)
    util.writeToFile(input, clustalFastaPath)
        subprocess.check_call('clustalw -output=fasta -infile=%s -outfile=%s 2>&1 >/dev/null'%(clustalFastaPath, clustalAlignmentPath), shell=True)
    except Exception:
        logging.exception('runClustal Error:  clustalFastaPath data = %s'%open(clustalFastaPath).read())
    alignedFasta = util.readFromFile(clustalAlignmentPath)
    return alignedFasta
def alignFastaClustalw(input, path):
    input: string containing fasta formatted sequences to be aligned.
    path: working directory where fasta will be written and clustal will write output files.
    runs alignment program clustalw
    Returns: fasta-formatted aligned sequences
    clustalFastaPath = os.path.join(path, CLUSTAL_INPUT_FILENAME)
    clustalAlignmentPath = os.path.join(path, CLUSTAL_ALIGNMENT_FILENAME)
    util.writeToFile(input, clustalFastaPath)
        cmd = ['clustalw', '-output', 'fasta', '-infile', clustalFastaPath, '-outfile', clustalAlignmentPath]
        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
    except Exception:
        logging.exception('runClustal Error:  clustalFastaPath data = %s'%open(clustalFastaPath).read())
    alignedFasta = util.readFromFile(clustalAlignmentPath)
    return alignedFasta
예제 #9
def findStoredTicket(bridge):
    Retrieve a previously stored ticket from the ticket dictionary.

    The global ticket dictionary is loaded and the given `bridge' is used to
    look up the ticket and the master key.  If the ticket dictionary does not
    exist (yet) or the ticket data could not be found, `None' is returned.

    assert bridge

    ticketFile = const.STATE_LOCATION + const.CLIENT_TICKET_FILE

    log.debug("Attempting to read master key and ticket from file `%s'." %

    # Load the ticket hash table from file.
    yamlBlurb = util.readFromFile(ticketFile)
    if (yamlBlurb is None) or (len(yamlBlurb) == 0):
        return None
    tickets = yaml.safe_load(yamlBlurb)

        timestamp, masterKey, ticket = tickets[str(bridge)]
    except KeyError:
        log.info("Found no ticket for bridge `%s'." % str(bridge))
        return None

    # We can remove the ticket now since we are about to redeem it.
    log.debug("Deleting ticket since it is about to be redeemed.")
    del tickets[str(bridge)]
    util.writeToFile(yaml.dump(tickets), ticketFile)

    # If our ticket is expired, we can't redeem it.
    ticketAge = int(time.time()) - timestamp
    if ticketAge > const.SESSION_TICKET_LIFETIME:
            "We did have a ticket but it already expired %s ago." % str(
                datetime.timedelta(seconds=(ticketAge -
        return None

    return (masterKey, ticket)
예제 #10
파일: ticket.py 프로젝트: 0xa-cc/pupy
def findStoredTicket( bridge ):
    Retrieve a previously stored ticket from the ticket dictionary.

    The global ticket dictionary is loaded and the given `bridge' is used to
    look up the ticket and the master key.  If the ticket dictionary does not
    exist (yet) or the ticket data could not be found, `None' is returned.

    assert bridge

    ticketFile = const.STATE_LOCATION + const.CLIENT_TICKET_FILE

    log.debug("Attempting to read master key and ticket from file `%s'." %

    # Load the ticket hash table from file.
    yamlBlurb = util.readFromFile(ticketFile)
    if (yamlBlurb is None) or (len(yamlBlurb) == 0):
        return None
    tickets = yaml.safe_load(yamlBlurb)

        timestamp, masterKey, ticket = tickets[str(bridge)]
    except KeyError:
        log.info("Found no ticket for bridge `%s'." % str(bridge))
        return None

    # We can remove the ticket now since we are about to redeem it.
    log.debug("Deleting ticket since it is about to be redeemed.")
    del tickets[str(bridge)]
    util.writeToFile(yaml.dump(tickets), ticketFile)

    # If our ticket is expired, we can't redeem it.
    ticketAge = int(time.time()) - timestamp
    if ticketAge > const.SESSION_TICKET_LIFETIME:
        log.warning("We did have a ticket but it already expired %s ago." %
                        (ticketAge - const.SESSION_TICKET_LIFETIME))))
        return None

    return (masterKey, ticket)
예제 #11
def alignFastaClustalw(input, path):
    input: string containing fasta formatted sequences to be aligned.
    path: working directory where fasta will be written and clustal will write output files.
    runs alignment program clustalw
    Returns: fasta-formatted aligned sequences
    clustalFastaPath = os.path.join(path, CLUSTAL_INPUT_FILENAME)
    clustalAlignmentPath = os.path.join(path, CLUSTAL_ALIGNMENT_FILENAME)
    util.writeToFile(input, clustalFastaPath)
        cmd = [
            'clustalw', '-output', 'fasta', '-infile', clustalFastaPath,
            '-outfile', clustalAlignmentPath
        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
    except Exception:
        logging.exception('runClustal Error:  clustalFastaPath data = %s' %
    alignedFasta = util.readFromFile(clustalAlignmentPath)
    return alignedFasta
예제 #12
def BoilerNews(downloadDate):
    jsonData = readBoilerJson(downloadDate)
    if jsonData is None:
        return False
    result = False
    read_directory = os.path.join(Constants.ROOT_FOLDER,Constants.RECOMMENDATION_DIR,Constants.GOOGLE_NEWS_DIR,downloadDate)
    write_directory = os.path.join(Constants.ROOT_FOLDER,Constants.RECOMMENDATION_DIR,Constants.BOILER_GOOGLE_NEWS_DIR,downloadDate)
    if not os.path.exists(read_directory):
        util.logger.error("Boilers news can't be run because folder isn't present = "+downloadDate)
        return result
    if not os.path.exists(write_directory):
    onlyfiles = [ f for f in os.listdir(read_directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(read_directory,f)) ]  
    count = 0      
    for htmlFile in onlyfiles:    
            htmlData = util.readFromFile(os.path.join(read_directory,htmlFile))      
            if htmlData is not None:
                html_filename = os.path.join(write_directory,htmlFile)
                if os.path.isfile(html_filename) is False:
                    htmlText = remove_boiler(htmlData)
                    result = util.writeToFile(htmlText, html_filename) 
                    if result == True:
                        if htmlFile in jsonData:
                            jsonData[htmlFile]["content"] = htmlText
                    result = True
                if result == True:
                    count = count + 1
                    if htmlFile in jsonData:
                        del jsonData[htmlFile]
                print 'Boilered done for ='+html_filename+str(count)
        except Exception, e:
            util.logger.error( "Exception at boiler for google news : %s" % read_directory)
예제 #13
def BoilerData(downloadDate):
    ret = False
    read_directory = os.path.join(Constants.ROOT_FOLDER, Constants.DATA_DIR,
    write_directory = os.path.join(Constants.ROOT_FOLDER,
                                   Constants.BOILER_DATA_DIR, downloadDate)
    if not os.path.exists(read_directory):
            "Boilers data can't be run because folder isn't present = " +
        return ret
    if not os.path.exists(write_directory):

    onlyfiles = [
        f for f in os.listdir(read_directory)
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(read_directory, f))
    count = 0
    for htmlFile in onlyfiles:
            htmlData = util.readFromFile(os.path.join(read_directory,
            html_filename = os.path.join(write_directory, htmlFile)
            if os.path.isfile(html_filename) is False:
                htmlText = remove_boiler(htmlData)
                result = util.writeToFile(htmlText, html_filename)
                result = True
            if result == True:
                count = count + 1
            util.logger.info('Boilered data done for =' + html_filename +
        except Exception, e:
            util.logger.error("Exception at boiler for data : " +
                              read_directory + "/" + htmlFile)
예제 #14
def BoilerSuggNews(downloadDate):
    jsonData = readBoilerJson(downloadDate)
    if jsonData is None:
        return False
    result = False
    read_directory = os.path.join(Constants.ROOT_FOLDER,
                                  Constants.GOOGLE_NEWS_DIR, downloadDate,
    write_directory = os.path.join(Constants.ROOT_FOLDER,
                                   downloadDate, Constants.SUGG_GOOGLENEWS)

    if not os.path.exists(read_directory):
            "Boilers sugg news can't be run because folder isn't present = " +
        return result
    if not os.path.exists(write_directory):

    suggGoogle = jsonData['suggestGoogle']
    googleLinks = suggGoogle[Constants.GOOGLE]
    finalJson = {
        'GoogleNews': jsonData['GoogleNews'],
        'suggestGoogle': {
            Constants.GOOGLE: []
    count = 0
    for linkObj in googleLinks:
        download = linkObj['download']
        htmlFile = linkObj['id']
        if download == 'yes':
                htmlData = util.readFromFile(
                    os.path.join(read_directory, htmlFile))
                if htmlData is not None:
                    html_filename = os.path.join(write_directory, htmlFile)
                    if os.path.isfile(html_filename) is False:
                        htmlText = remove_boiler(htmlData)
                        result = util.writeToFile(htmlText, html_filename)
                        if result == True:
                            linkObj['content'] = htmlText
                        soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlData, 'html.parser')
                        if soup.title and soup.title.contents[0]:
                            title = soup.title.contents[0]
                            title = ""
                        linkObj['title'] = title
                        result = True
                    if result == True:
                        count = count + 1
                        util.logger.info('Boilered done for sugg_news =' +
                                         html_filename + str(count))
            except Exception, e:
                util.logger.error("Exception at boiler for google news : %s" %
예제 #15
import sys

import util
import fInfo
import runExp

stackDepth = 3
inclPostExpFIds = False

p = fInfo.Parser()
p.getFIdDescStrs("/tmp/fi/glob/failPts/fIdStrs", stackDepth)
fInfos = p.getFInfos()
fIdTofInfoMap = util.getFIdToInfoMap(fInfos) 

allFIdsLines = util.readFromFile("coverageInfoAllFsns")
psFIds = util.readFromFile(util.postSetupFIdsFile)

fIdsNotToBeIncl = runExp.getFIdsNotToBeIncluded(fInfos, False, None)

countUpBlk = 0
countAbBlk = 0
countRecBlk = 0
countExps = 0
numUpBlks = 0

for allFIdsLn in allFIdsLines:
	allFIdsLnParts = allFIdsLn.split(":")
	fIdsInj = allFIdsLnParts[0]
	fstFIdInj = (fIdsInj.split(" "))[0]
	fstFIdInj = fstFIdInj.rstrip("\n")