예제 #1
    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Service a GET request to the '/map' URI.

        The 'bbox' parameter contains 4 coordinates "l" (w), "b" (s),
        "r" (e) and "t" (n).'''
        # Sanity check the input.
        bbox_arg = self.get_argument('bbox', None)
        if not bbox_arg:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)  # Bad Syntax
        bbox = bbox_arg.split(',')
        if len(bbox) != 4:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)
            w,s,e,n = map(float, bbox)
        except ValueError:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)

        # Check the "l,b,r,t" coordinates passed in for sanity.
        if w < C.LON_MIN or w > C.LON_MAX or \
           e < C.LON_MIN or e > C.LON_MAX or \
           s < C.LAT_MIN or s > C.LAT_MAX or \
           n < C.LAT_MIN or n > C.LAT_MAX or \
           n < s or e < w:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)

        nodelist, ways, relations = self.handle_map(bbox)
        response = self.build_bbox_response(nodelist, ways, relations, bbox)

        self.set_header(C.CONTENT_TYPE, C.TEXT_XML)
예제 #2
    def get(self):
        self.set_header(C.CONTENT_TYPE, C.TEXT_XML)

        def _get(name):
            return self.cfg.get(C.FRONT_END, name)

        osm = new_osm_response()

        api = ET.SubElement(osm, "api")
        version = ET.SubElement(api, "version")
        version.attrib['minimum'] = _get(C.API_VERSION_MINIMUM)
        version.attrib['maximum'] = _get(C.API_VERSION_MAXIMUM)
        area = ET.SubElement(api, "area")
        area.attrib['maximum'] = _get(C.AREA_MAX)

        tracepoints = ET.SubElement(api, "tracepoints")
        tracepoints.attrib['per_page'] = _get(C.TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE)

        waynodes = ET.SubElement(api, "waynodes")
        waynodes.attrib['maximum'] = _get(C.WAYNODES_MAX)

        changesets = ET.SubElement(api, "changesets")
        changesets.attrib['maximum_elements'] = _get(C.CHANGESETS_MAX)

        timeout = ET.SubElement(api, "timeout")
        timeout.attrib['seconds'] = _get(C.API_CALL_TIMEOUT)

예제 #3
    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Service a GET request to the '/map' URI.

        The 'bbox' parameter contains 4 coordinates "l" (w), "b" (s),
        "r" (e) and "t" (n).'''

        # Sanity check the input.
        bbox_arg = self.get_argument('bbox', None)
        if not bbox_arg:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)  # Bad Syntax
        bbox = bbox_arg.split(',')
        if len(bbox) != 4:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)
            w, s, e, n = map(float, bbox)
        except ValueError:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)

        # Check the "l,b,r,t" coordinates passed in for sanity.
        if w < C.LON_MIN or w > C.LON_MAX or \
           e < C.LON_MIN or e > C.LON_MAX or \
           s < C.LAT_MIN or s > C.LAT_MAX or \
           n < C.LAT_MIN or n > C.LAT_MAX or \
           n < s or e < w:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)

        nodelist, ways, relations = self.handle_map(bbox)
        response = self.build_bbox_response(nodelist, ways, relations, bbox)

        self.set_header(C.CONTENT_TYPE, C.TEXT_XML)
예제 #4
    def get(self, namespace, ident):
        self.set_header(C.CONTENT_TYPE, C.TEXT_XML)

        elem = self.datastore.fetch(namespace, ident)
        if elem is None:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)

예제 #5
    def get(self, nodeid):
        "Retrieve the ways associated with a node."

        elem = self.datastore.fetch(C.NODE, nodeid)
        if elem is None:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)

        osm = new_osm_response()

        wayset = filter_references(C.WAY, [elem])
        if len(wayset) > 0:
            ways = self.datastore.fetch_keys(C.WAY,
                                             [w for w in wayset])
            for (st,w) in ways:
                if st:

        self.set_header(C.CONTENT_TYPE, C.TEXT_XML)
예제 #6
    def get(self, element):
        """Retrieve multiple elements.

        The elements are specified by (nodes|ways|relations) parameter
        to the request, as a comma separated list of element IDs.

        if element not in [C.NODES, C.WAYS, C.RELATIONS]:
            # Programming error.
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(500)

        # Determine the name space to use.
        if element == C.NODES:
            namespace = C.NODE
        elif element == C.WAYS:
            namespace = C.WAY
        elif element == C.RELATIONS:
            namespace = C.RELATION
            assert False, "Unexpected element '%s'" % element

        # The name of the parameter (i.e., one of "nodes", "ways" or
        # "relations") match the last component of the URI.
        params = self.get_argument(element, None)
        if not params:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)

        # Create a new response.
        osm = new_osm_response()

        # Add elements to the response.
        for (st,r) in self.datastore.fetch_keys(namespace, params.split(",")):
            if st:

        # Send the XML representation back to the client.
        self.set_header(C.CONTENT_TYPE, C.TEXT_XML)
예제 #7
    def get(self, namespace, ident):
        """Retrieve relations for an element.

        The element can be a 'node' or 'way'.

        if namespace not in [C.NODE, C.WAY, C.RELATION]:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(500)

        elem = self.datastore.fetch(namespace, ident)

        osm = new_osm_response()

        if elem:
            relset = filter_references(C.RELATION, [elem])
            if len(relset) > 0:
                relations = self.datastore.fetch_keys(C.RELATION,
                                                      [r for r in relset])
                for (st,r) in relations:
                    if st:

        self.set_header(C.CONTENT_TYPE, C.TEXT_XML)
예제 #8
    def get(self, namespace, elemid):
        """Implement a 'GET' operation.

        For a way:
        - Return the way itself,
        - Return the full XML of all nodes referenced by the
        For a relation:
        - Return the relation itself,
        - All nodes and ways that are members of the relation.
        - All nodes referenced from the ways above.

        # Retrieve the element.
        element = self.datastore.fetch(namespace, elemid)
        if element is None:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)

        nodes = []
        ways = []
        relations = []

        if namespace == C.RELATION:
            # Retrieve nodes directly referenced by the relation.
            nodeset = element.get_member_ids(C.NODE)
            nodes.extend([z for (st,z) in
                          self.datastore.fetch_keys(C.NODE, [n for n in nodeset])
                          if st])
            # Retrieve way IDs directly referenced by the relation.
            wayset = element.get_member_ids(C.WAY)
            # Include the relation itself.
            nodeset = set()
            wayset = set([elemid])

        # Fetch all ways.
        if len(wayset) > 0:
            ways.extend([z for (st, z) in
                         self.datastore.fetch_keys(C.WAY, [w for w in wayset])
                         if st])

        # Fetch additional nodes referenced by the ways in the
        # way set.
        additional_nodes = set()
        for w in ways:

        additional_nodes = additional_nodes - nodeset
        nodes.extend([z for (st, z) in
                      self.datastore.fetch_keys(C.NODE, [n for n in additional_nodes])
                      if st])

        # Build and return a response.
        osm = new_osm_response()
        for n in nodes:
        for w in ways:
        for r in relations:

        self.set_header(C.CONTENT_TYPE, C.TEXT_XML)