예제 #1
 def render_all(self, tilesetlist, status_callback):
     """Render all of the tilesets in the given
     tilesetlist. status_callback is called periodically to update
     status. The callback should take the following arguments:
     (phase, items_completed, total_items), where total_items may
     be none if there is no useful estimate.
     # TODO use status callback
     # setup tilesetlist
     # iterate through all possible phases
     num_phases = [tileset.get_num_phases() for tileset in tilesetlist]
     for phase in xrange(max(num_phases)):
         # construct a list of iterators to use for this phase
         work_iterators = []
         for i, tileset in enumerate(tilesetlist):
             if phase < num_phases[i]:
                 def make_work_iterator(tset, p):
                     return ((tset, workitem) for workitem in tset.iterate_work_items(p))
                 work_iterators.append(make_work_iterator(tileset, phase))
         # keep track of total jobs, and how many jobs are done
         total_jobs = 0
         for tileset, phases in zip(tilesetlist, num_phases):
             if phase < phases:
                 jobs_for_tileset = tileset.get_phase_length(phase)
                 # if one is unknown, the total is unknown
                 if jobs_for_tileset is None:
                     total_jobs = None
                     total_jobs += jobs_for_tileset
         finished_jobs = 0
         # do the first status update
         self._status_update(status_callback, phase, finished_jobs, total_jobs, force=True)
         # go through these iterators round-robin style
         for tileset, (workitem, deps) in util.roundrobin(work_iterators):
             self._pending_jobs.append((tileset, workitem, deps))
             finished_jobs += self._dispatch_jobs()
             self._status_update(status_callback, phase, finished_jobs, total_jobs)
         # after each phase, wait for the work to finish
         while len(self._pending_jobs) > 0 or len(self._running_jobs) > 0:
             finished_jobs += self._dispatch_jobs()
             self._status_update(status_callback, phase, finished_jobs, total_jobs)
예제 #2
    def render_all(self, tilesetlist, observer):
        """Render all of the tilesets in the given
        tilesetlist. status_callback is called periodically to update
        status. The callback should take the following arguments:
        (phase, items_completed, total_items), where total_items may
        be none if there is no useful estimate.
        # TODO use status callback

        # setup tilesetlist

        # iterate through all possible phases
        num_phases = [tileset.get_num_phases() for tileset in tilesetlist]
        for phase in xrange(max(num_phases)):
            # construct a list of iterators to use for this phase
            work_iterators = []
            for i, tileset in enumerate(tilesetlist):
                if phase < num_phases[i]:

                    def make_work_iterator(tset, p):
                        return ((tset, workitem)
                                for workitem in tset.iterate_work_items(p))

                    work_iterators.append(make_work_iterator(tileset, phase))

            # keep track of total jobs, and how many jobs are done
            total_jobs = 0
            for tileset, phases in zip(tilesetlist, num_phases):
                if phase < phases:
                    jobs_for_tileset = tileset.get_phase_length(phase)
                    # if one is unknown, the total is unknown
                    if jobs_for_tileset is None:
                        total_jobs = None
                        total_jobs += jobs_for_tileset

            # go through these iterators round-robin style
            for tileset, (workitem, deps) in util.roundrobin(work_iterators):
                self._pending_jobs.append((tileset, workitem, deps))

            # after each phase, wait for the work to finish
            while len(self._pending_jobs) > 0 or len(self._running_jobs) > 0:

예제 #3
 def __init__(self, components):
     self.params = pluck('params', components)
     self.storage = pluck('storage', components)
     program_parts = pluck('program', components)
     self.program = list(roundrobin(*program_parts))