def delete_nodes(client, kind, count): print('Deleting %d %s server node(s) to cluster...' % (count, kind)) prev_count = util.get_previous_count(client, kind) if prev_count < count: print('There are only %d %s server node(s)' % (prev_count, kind)) return pods = client.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, label_selector='role=' + kind).items pods_to_delete = pods[:count] deleted_pod_ips = [] for pod in pods_to_delete: deleted_pod_ips.append(pod.status.pod_ip) podname = client.delete_namespaced_pod(name=podname, namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=k8s.client.V1DeleteOptions()) client.delete_node(name=hostname, body=k8s.client.V1DeleteOptions()) util.run_process(['./', ntype, str(prev_count - count)], 'kops') # Notify routers about deleted key nodes if kind == 'keynode': deregister(client, deleted_pod_ips)
def build_kraken_bracken_db(subgroup_dict, kraken_file_path, kraken_fasta_file_path, quiet): for index, subgroups in subgroup_dict.items(): for subgroup in subgroups: proc = run_process( "kraken-build --db {0} --add-to-library {1}/{2}.fasta;\n". format(kraken_file_path, kraken_fasta_file_path, subgroup[0]), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process("kraken-build --db {0} --build --threads 8;\n".format( kraken_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "bracken-build -k 31 -d {0} -x /jc/bin/kraken/ -t 8;\n".format( kraken_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip())
def make_gene_profile(df_sample_info, gene_profile_file_path, tmp_file_path, quiet): for sample in df_sample_info.index.tolist(): if not os.path.isfile("{0}/{1}.txt".format(gene_profile_file_path, sample)): proc = run_process("mmseqs createdb {0} {1}/{2} --dbtype 2".format( df_sample_info.loc[sample, 'cds_file'], gene_profile_file_path, sample), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "mmseqs search {0}/{1} {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_specific {0}/{1}_aln {2} --min-seq-id 0.9 -c 0.9 --threads 8 --search-type 3" .format(gene_profile_file_path, sample, tmp_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "mmseqs createtsv {0}/{1} {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_specific {0}/{1}_aln {0}/{1}.txt --threads 8" .format(gene_profile_file_path, sample), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip())
def debug(): config = updated_config('physics_settings/') rescaled_outfile = config['rescaled_outfiled'] print("Debugging:") print(config['catalog_file']) # jedisim_out/out0/scaled_disk/trial1_catalog.txt print(config['dislist_file']) # jedisim_out/out0/scaled_disk/trial1_dislist.txt run_process("jeditransform", ['./executables/jeditransform', config['catalog_file'], config['dislist_file'] ])
def lsst_monochromatic(config): """Convolve lsst chromatic with psf_mono.fits and get monochromatic image. :Output: jedisim_out/out0/lsst_mono.fits """ # Add noise to monochromatic image and choose this as lsst_mono final output. run_process("jedinoise", [ './executables/jedinoise', config['90_rescaled_outfilem'], config['exp_time'], config['noise_mean'], config["90_lsst_mono"] ])
def remove_node(ip, ntype): client, _ = util.init_k8s() pod = util.get_pod_from_ip(client, ip) hostname = 'ip-%s.ec2.internal' % (ip.replace('.', '-')) podname = client.delete_namespaced_pod(name=podname, namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=k8s.client.V1DeleteOptions()) client.delete_node(name=hostname, body=k8s.client.V1DeleteOptions()) prev_count = util.get_previous_count(client, ntype) util.run_process(['./', ntype, str(prev_count - 1)])
def jedimaster(): # Using run_process run_process("Replace output dirs.", ['python', ""]) run_process("Create 3 catalogs.", ['python', ""]) run_process("Run the simulation for normal case.", ['python', ""]) run_process("Run the simulation for rotated case.", ['python', ""])
def clang(self, req, filename, call_id): cmd = None sys.stdout.flush() if util.is_unit(filename): cmd = self.clang_base_cmd() + [filename] util.send_sexp( req, [key(":clear-file-notes"), [filename]]) elif util.is_header(filename): self.__nuke_all_precompiled_headers() util.send_sexp( req, [key(":clear-all-notes"), True]) dg = depgraph.DepGraph(self.source_roots, self.compile_include_dirs) invalidated = dg.files_including(filename) units = [f for f in invalidated if util.is_unit(f)] # print "Clearing errors in " + str(len(units)) + " files." # util.send_sexp( # req, [key(":clear-file-notes"), list(invalidated)]) # print "Recompiling " + str(len(units)) + " dependent units." cmd = self.clang_base_cmd() + units sys.stdout.flush() else: assert False, "WTF. Not header OR source unit?" clang_output = util.run_process(" ".join(cmd)) self.receive_syntax_checker_output(req, clang_output) util.send_sexp(req, util.return_ok(True, call_id))
def make_GST_profile(df_sample_info, gst_profile_file_path, kraken_database_path, quiet): for sample in df_sample_info.index.tolist(): if not os.path.isfile("{0}/{1}.txt".format(gst_profile_file_path, sample)): proc = run_process("kraken --db {0} --threads 8 --preload --paired {1} {2} > {3}/{4}.kraken".format(kraken_database_path, df_sample_info.loc[sample, 'read_file1'], df_sample_info.loc[sample, 'read_file2'], gst_profile_file_path, sample), print_only = False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process("kraken-report --db {0} {1}/{2}.kraken > {1}/{2}.kreport".format(kraken_database_path, gst_profile_file_path, sample), print_only = False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process("bracken -d {0} -i {1}/{2}.kreport -o {1}/{2}.bracken".format(kraken_database_path, gst_profile_file_path, sample), print_only = False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip())
def jedimaster(): # Using run_process run_process("Replace output dirs for both 0 & 90 deg", ['python', ""]) run_process("Create 3 catalogs for both 0 & 90 deg", ['python', ""]) run_process("Run the simulation for normal case.", ['python', ""]) run_process("Run the simulation for rotated case.", ['python', ""])
def run_jedimaster(start, end): # Jedisim Outfolders config = config_dict(config_path) z = config['fixed_redshift'] outfolder = 'jedisim_output/jout_z{}_2017'.format(z) + time.strftime( "_%b_%d_%H_%M/") if not os.path.exists(outfolder): os.makedirs(outfolder) # For output names in Dropbox computer = 'pisces' odir = '/Users/poudel/Dropbox/jedisim_output_texts' tm = time.strftime("_%b_%d_%H_%M") if not os.path.isdir(odir): os.makedirs(odir) otxt = '{}/{}_jout_z{}_2017{}.txt'.format(odir, computer, z, tm) # Run jedimaster in a loop for i in range(start, end + 1): print('{} {} {}'.format('Running jedimaster loop :', i, '')) run_process("", ['python', ""]) # Copy final output files infile1 = r'jedisim_out/out0/trial1_LSST_averaged_noised.fits' outfile1 = outfolder + 'lsst_{:d}_z{}.fits'.format(i, z) infile2 = r'jedisim_out/out90/90_trial1_LSST_averaged_noised.fits' outfile2 = outfolder + 'lsst_90_{:d}_z{}.fits'.format(i, z) infile3 = r'jedisim_out/rescaled_lsst/rescaled_noised_lsst_10.fits' outfile3 = outfolder + 'monochromatic_{:d}z_{}.fits'.format(i, z) infile4 = r'jedisim_out/rescaled_lsst90/rescaled_noised_lsst90_10.fits' outfile4 = outfolder + 'monochromatic_90_{:d}z_{}.fits'.format(i, z) shutil.copyfile(infile1, outfile1) shutil.copyfile(infile2, outfile2) shutil.copyfile(infile3, outfile3) shutil.copyfile(infile4, outfile4) # Append output names in Dropbox with open(otxt, 'a') as fo: fo.write(outfile1 + '\n')
def prepare_reuteri_specific_db(pangenome_file_path, gene_profile_file_path, quiet): proc = run_process( "mmseqs createdb {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_specific.fasta {1}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_specific --dbtype 2" .format(pangenome_file_path, gene_profile_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip())
def lsst_chromatic(configb, configd, configm): """Combine lsst_bulge and lsst_disk and take this as chromatic. :Output: jedisim_out/out0/lsst.fits """ # Combine lsst_bulge with lsst_disk and call it lsst_unnoised.fits dat = fits.getdata(configb['90_rescaled_outfileb']) + fits.getdata( configd['90_rescaled_outfiled']) fits.writeto(configm["90_lsst_unnoised"], dat, header=fits.getheader(configb['90_rescaled_outfileb']), overwrite=True) # Add noise to chromatic image and choose this as lsst final output. run_process("jedinoise", [ './executables/jedinoise', configm['90_lsst_unnoised'], configm['exp_time'], configm['noise_mean'], configm["90_lsst"] ])
def clang_analyze_file(self, req, filename, call_id): cmd = self.analyzer_base_cmd() + [filename] clang_output = util.run_process(" ".join(cmd)) util.send_sexp( req, [key(":clear-all-notes"), True]) self.receive_syntax_checker_output(req, clang_output) util.send_sexp(req, util.return_ok(True, call_id))
def generate_ml_tree(suffix, core_gene_file_path, quiet): if not os.path.isfile("{1}/reuteri_core{0}.nwk".format( "" if suffix is None else ("_" + suffix), core_gene_file_path)): proc = run_process( "raxmlHPC-PTHREADS -s {0}/all_align_core.fasta -n reuteri_core{1} -T 8 -m GTRCAT -p 123" .format(core_gene_file_path, "" if suffix is None else ("_" + suffix)), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if line.strip() and not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) run_process( "mv RAxML_bestTree.reuteri_core{0} {1}/reuteri_core{0}.nwk".format( "" if suffix is None else ("_" + suffix), core_gene_file_path)) run_process( "rm RAxML_*.reuteri_core{0}*".format("" if suffix is None else ( "_" + suffix))) return Tree("{1}/reuteri_core{0}.nwk".format( "" if suffix is None else ("_" + suffix), core_gene_file_path))
def extract_core_gene(df_genome_info, output_dir, core_gene_file_path, quiet): df_complete = df_genome_info[df_genome_info['type'] == 'complete'] for i in range(df_complete.index.size): genome_id = df_complete.index.tolist()[i] proc = run_process( "prokka {0} --outdir {1}/gff --prefix {2} --force".format( df_complete.loc[genome_id, 'genome_file'], output_dir, i + 1), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "roary {0}/gff/*.gff -f {0}/roary_output -p 8 -e".format(output_dir), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) core_gene_name_list = write_core_gene_file( "{0}/roary_output".format(output_dir), core_gene_file_path, df_complete) return core_gene_name_list
def clang_analyze_all(self, req, call_id): cmd = self.analyzer_base_cmd() for s in self.all_units(): cmd.append(s) clang_output = util.run_process(" ".join(cmd)) util.send_sexp( req, [key(":clear-all-notes"), True]) self.receive_syntax_checker_output(req, clang_output) util.send_sexp(req, util.return_ok(True, call_id)) util.send_sexp( req, [key(":full-check-finished"), True])
def clang_completions(self, req, filename, line, col, prefix, call_id): cmd = self.clang_completions_base_cmd(filename, line, col) print cmd sys.stdout.flush() clang_output = util.run_process(" ".join(cmd)) candidates = [] for line in clang_output: print line m = self.RE_COMPLETION.match(line) if m: name = tpe = if name.find(prefix) == 0: candidates.append( [key(":name"),, key(":type-sig"),, key(":is-callable"),False, ]) util.send_sexp(req, util.return_ok(candidates, call_id))
def main(): """Run main function.""" # Before running jedimaster, create config files z = 0.7 run_process( "Create configs", ['python', " -z ", str(z)]) # physics_settings/,, run_process("Interpolate sed", ['python', " -z ", str(z)]) run_process("Create jedicolor_args.txt", ['python', " -z ", str(z)]) # Now run the loop # start, end inclusive # no. of loop = end - start + 1 start, end = 0, 1 run_jedimaster(start, end)
def run_jedimaster(start, end): # create outfolders and get their names. jouts = jedisim_outfolders() # Write output names in dropbox textfile. computer = 'simplici' odir = '/Users/poudel/Dropbox/jout' tm = time.strftime("_%b_%d_%H_%M") if not os.path.isdir(odir): os.makedirs(odir) otxt = '{}/jout_{}_z{}_2017{}.txt'.format(odir, computer, z, tm) # Create empty textfile in dropbox to be added later. print('Creating: {}'.format(otxt)) with open(otxt, 'w') as fo: fo.write("") # Run jedimaster in a loop for i in range(start, end + 1): # Indivisual times loop_start_time = time.time() print('{} {} {}'.format('Running jedimaster loop :', i, '')) run_process("", ['python', ""]) # Copy lsst file infile = r'jedisim_out/out0/scaled_bulge_disk/trial1_lsst.fits' outfile = jouts['lsst'] + 'lsst_z{}_{}.fits'.format(z, i) shutil.copyfile(infile, outfile) print('From and To for Loop {}: \n{}'.format(i, infile)) print('{}\n'.format(outfile)) # Copy lsst_mono file infile = r'jedisim_out/out0/scaled_bulge_disk/trial1_lsst_mono.fits' outfile = jouts['lsst_mono'] + 'lsst_mono_z{}_{}.fits'.format(z, i) shutil.copyfile(infile, outfile) print('From and To for Loop {}: \n{}'.format(i, infile)) print('{}\n'.format(outfile)) # Copy gcsb infile = r'jedisim_out/out0/scaled_bulge/lsst_bulge.fits' outfile = jouts['gcsb'] + 'gcsb_z{}_{}.fits'.format(z, i) shutil.copyfile(infile, outfile) print('From and To for Loop {}: \n{}'.format(i, infile)) print('{}\n'.format(outfile)) # Copy gcsd infile = r'jedisim_out/out0/scaled_disk/lsst_disk.fits' outfile = jouts['gcsd'] + 'gscd_z{}_{}.fits'.format(z, i) shutil.copyfile(infile, outfile) print('From and To for Loop {}: \n{}'.format(i, infile)) print('{}\n'.format(outfile)) # Copy gcsm infile = r'jedisim_out/out0/scaled_bulge_disk/lsst_bulge_disk.fits' outfile = jouts['gcsm'] + 'gscm_z{}_{}.fits'.format(z, i) shutil.copyfile(infile, outfile) print('From and To for Loop {}: \n{}'.format(i, infile)) print('{}\n'.format(outfile)) # Copy psfb infile = r'psf/psfb.fits' outfile = jouts['psfb'] + 'psfb_z{}_{}.fits'.format(z, i) shutil.copyfile(infile, outfile) print('From and To for Loop {}: \n{}'.format(i, infile)) print('{}\n'.format(outfile)) # Copy psfd infile = r'psfd.fits' outfile = jouts['psfd'] + 'psfd_z{}_{}.fits'.format(z, i) shutil.copyfile(infile, outfile) print('From and To for Loop {}: \n{}'.format(i, infile)) print('{}\n'.format(outfile)) # Copy psfm infile = r'psfm.fits' outfile = jouts['psfm'] + 'psfm_z{}_{}.fits'.format(z, i) shutil.copyfile(infile, outfile) print('From and To for Loop {}: \n{}'.format(i, infile)) print('{}\n'.format(outfile)) # Append output names in Dropbox hostname = 'simplici' loop_end_time = time.time() loop_time = loop_end_time - loop_start_time loop_mins = loop_time / 60 date = time.ctime() with open(otxt, 'a') as fo: fo.write( '{} {}: Runtime {:.0f} mins and EndDate: {}\n{}\n\n'.format( hostname, i, loop_mins, date, outfile1))
def add_nodes(client, apps_client, cfile, kinds, counts, management_ip, aws_key_id=None, aws_key=None, create=False, prefix=None): for i in range(len(kinds)): print('Adding %d %s server node(s) to cluster...' % (counts[i], kinds[i])) prev_count = util.get_previous_count(client, kinds[i]) util.run_process( ['./', kinds[i], str(counts[i] + prev_count)]) util.run_process(['./']) replica_str = ' '.join(util.get_node_ips(client, 'role=aft')) # Create should only be true when the DaemonSet is being created for the # first time -- i.e., when this is called from create_cluster. After that, # we can basically ignore this because the DaemonSet will take care of # adding pods to created nodes. if create: for i in range(len(kinds)): kind = kinds[i] fname = 'yaml/ds/%s-ds.yml' % kind yml = util.load_yaml(fname, prefix) for container in yml['spec']['template']['spec']['containers']: env = container['env'] util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'REPLICA_IPS', replica_str) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'MANAGER', management_ip) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', aws_key_id) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', aws_key) apps_client.create_namespaced_daemon_set(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=yml) # Wait until all pods of this kind are running res = [] while len(res) != counts[i]: res = util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=' + kind, is_running=True) created_pods = [] pods = client.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, label_selector='role=' + kind).items # Generate list of all recently created pods. for pod in pods: pname = for container in pod.spec.containers: cname = created_pods.append((pname, cname)) pod.metadata.labels['aftReady'] = 'isready' client.patch_namespaced_pod(, util.NAMESPACE, pod) # Copy the KVS config into all recently created pods. os.system('cp %s ./aft-config.yml' % cfile) for pname, cname in created_pods: util.copy_file_to_pod( client, 'aft-config.yml', pname, '/go/src/', cname) os.system('rm ./aft-config.yml')
def add_nodes(client, apps_client, cfile, kinds, counts, create=False): for i in range(len(kinds)): print('Adding %d %s server node(s) to cluster...' % (counts[i], kinds[i])) # get the previous number of nodes of type kind that are running prev_count = util.get_previous_count(client, kinds[i]) # we only add new nodes if we didn't pass in a node IP util.run_process(['./', kinds[i], str(counts[i] + prev_count)]) util.run_process(['./']) kops_ip = util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=kops')[0] route_ips = util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=routing') if len(route_ips) > 0: seed_ip = random.choice(route_ips) else: seed_ip = '' mon_str = ' '.join(util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=monitoring')) route_str = ' '.join(route_ips) sched_str = ' '.join(util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=scheduler')) route_addr = util.get_service_address(client, 'routing-service') function_addr = util.get_service_address(client, 'function-service') # create should only be true when the DaemonSet is being created for the # first time -- i.e., when this is called from create_cluster if create: for i in range(len(kinds)): kind = kinds[i] fname = 'yaml/ds/%s-ds.yml' % kind yml = util.load_yaml(fname) for container in yml['spec']['template']['spec']['containers']: env = container['env'] util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'ROUTING_IPS', route_str) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'ROUTE_ADDR', route_addr) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'SCHED_IPS', sched_str) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'FUNCTION_ADDR', function_addr) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'MON_IPS', mon_str) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'MGMT_IP', kops_ip) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'SEED_IP', seed_ip) apps_client.create_namespaced_daemon_set(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=yml) # wait until all pods of this kind are running res = [] while len(res) != counts[i]: res = util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role='+kind, is_running=True) created_pods = [] pods = client.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, label_selector='role=' + kind).items for pod in pods: pname = for container in pod.spec.containers: cname = created_pods.append((pname, cname)) os.system('cp %s ./kvs-config.yml' % cfile) for pname, cname in created_pods: util.copy_file_to_pod(client, 'kvs-config.yml', pname, '/fluent/conf/', cname) os.system('rm ./kvs-config.yml')
def create_cluster(replica_count, gc_count, lb_count, bench_count, cfile, ssh_key, cluster_name, kops_bucket, aws_key_id, aws_key): prefix = './' util.run_process(['./', kops_bucket, ssh_key]) client, apps_client = util.init_k8s() print('Creating management pod') # management_spec = util.load_yaml('yaml/pods/management-pod.yml') # env = management_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['env'] # util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', aws_key_id) # util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', aws_key) # # client.create_namespaced_pod(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, # body=management_spec) # management_ip = util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=management', # is_running=True)[0] management_ip = "" print('Creating standby replicas...') util.run_process(['./', 'standby', '1']) util.run_process(['./']) print('Creating %d load balancer, %d GC replicas...' % (lb_count, gc_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, cfile, ['lb', 'gc'], [lb_count, gc_count], management_ip, aws_key_id, aws_key, True, prefix) lb_pods = client.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, label_selector="role=lb").items kubecfg = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.kube/config') for pod in lb_pods: util.copy_file_to_pod(client, kubecfg,, '/root/.kube', 'lb-container') replica_ips = util.get_node_ips(client, 'role=gc', 'ExternalIP') with open('gcs.txt', 'w') as f: for ip in replica_ips: f.write(ip + '\n') # Wait until the monitoring pod is finished creating to get its IP address # and then copy KVS config into the monitoring pod. print('Creating %d Aft replicas...' % (replica_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, cfile, ['aft'], [replica_count], management_ip, aws_key_id, aws_key, True, prefix) util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=aft') replica_ips = util.get_node_ips(client, 'role=aft', 'ExternalIP') with open('replicas.txt', 'w') as f: for ip in replica_ips: f.write(ip + '\n') os.system('cp %s aft-config.yml' % cfile) management_pname = management_spec['metadata']['name'] management_cname = management_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['name'] util.copy_file_to_pod(client, 'aft-config.yml', management_pname, '/go/src/', management_cname) util.copy_file_to_pod(client, 'replicas.txt', management_pname, '/go/src/', management_cname) util.copy_file_to_pod(client, 'gcs.txt', management_pname, '/go/src/', management_cname) util.copy_file_to_pod(client, kubecfg, management_pname, '/root/.kube/', management_cname) os.system('rm aft-config.yml') os.system('rm gcs.txt') # Copy replicas.txt to all Aft pods. aft_pod_list = client.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, label_selector="role=aft").items aft_pod_list = list(map(lambda pod:, aft_pod_list)) for pname in aft_pod_list: util.copy_file_to_pod(client, 'replicas.txt', pname, '/go/src/', 'aft-container') gc_pod_list = client.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, label_selector="role=gc").items gc_pod_list = list(map(lambda pod:, gc_pod_list)) for pname in gc_pod_list: util.copy_file_to_pod(client, 'replicas.txt', pname, '/go/src/', 'gc-container') os.system('rm replicas.txt') print('Adding %d benchmark nodes...' % (bench_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, cfile, ['benchmark'], [bench_count], management_ip, aws_key_id, aws_key, True, prefix) print('Finished creating all pods...') print('Creating Aft service...') service_spec = util.load_yaml('yaml/services/aft.yml', prefix) client.create_namespaced_service(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=service_spec) sg_name = 'nodes.' + cluster_name sg = ec2_client.describe_security_groups(Filters=[{ 'Name': 'group-name', 'Values': [sg_name] }])['SecurityGroups'][0] print('Authorizing ports for Aft replicas...') permission = [{ 'FromPort': 7654, 'IpProtocol': 'tcp', 'ToPort': 7656, 'IpRanges': [{ 'CidrIp': '' }] }, { 'FromPort': 7777, 'IpProtocol': 'tcp', 'ToPort': 7782, 'IpRanges': [{ 'CidrIp': '' }] }, { 'FromPort': 8000, 'IpProtocol': 'tcp', 'ToPort': 8003, 'IpRanges': [{ 'CidrIp': '' }] }] ec2_client.authorize_security_group_ingress(GroupId=sg['GroupId'], IpPermissions=permission) print('Finished!')
def run_jedicatalog(config_path): # Make the catalog of galaxies (three text files) run_process("jedicatalog", ["./executables/jedicatalog", config_path])
def search_core_gene(df_genome_info, genome_id, core_gene_file_path, delta_output_path, snp_output_path, quiet): if not os.path.isfile("{0}/{1}.delta".format(delta_output_path, genome_id)): proc = run_process( "nucmer {0}/core_gene_ref.fasta {1} -p {2}/{3}".format( core_gene_file_path, df_genome_info.loc[genome_id, 'genome_file'], delta_output_path, genome_id), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) if not os.path.isfile("{0}/{1}".format( delta_output_path, genome_id)): proc = run_process( "delta-filter -r -q {0}/{1}.delta > {0}/{1}".format( delta_output_path, genome_id), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) core_block_dict = dict() core_len_dict = dict() with open("{0}/{1}".format(delta_output_path, genome_id)) as delta_file: line = delta_file.readline() while line != "": line = line.rstrip() if line[0] == '>': info = line[1:].split(' ') core, ref_len = info[0], int(info[2]) core_len_dict[core] = ref_len if core not in core_block_dict.keys(): core_block_dict[core] = [] elif len(line.split(' ')) == 7: core_block_dict[core].append( (int(line.split(' ')[0]), int(line.split(' ')[1]))) line = delta_file.readline() core_gene_list = sorted(core_len_dict.keys()) core_empty_block_dict = dict() for core in core_block_dict.keys(): block_list = sorted(core_block_dict[core], key=lambda block: block[0]) length = core_len_dict[core] curr_start = 1 for start, end in block_list: if start - 1 >= curr_start: if core not in core_empty_block_dict.keys(): core_empty_block_dict[core] = [] core_empty_block_dict[core].append((curr_start, start - 1)) if curr_start <= end: curr_start = end + 1 if length >= curr_start: if core not in core_empty_block_dict.keys(): core_empty_block_dict[core] = [] core_empty_block_dict[core].append((curr_start, length)) core_gap_dict = dict() core_var_dict = dict() if not os.path.isfile("{0}/{1}.snp".format(snp_output_path, genome_id)): with open("{0}/{1}.snp".format(snp_output_path, genome_id), 'w') as snp_file: proc = run_process("show-snps -H -T {0}/{1}".format( delta_output_path, genome_id), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): line = line.decode('utf-8').rstrip() if not quiet: print(line) snp_file.write(line + '\n') with open("{0}/{1}.snp".format(snp_output_path, genome_id)) as snp_file: line = snp_file.readline() while line != "": line = line.rstrip() info = line.split('\t') pos = int(info[0]) ref_char = '-' if info[1] == '.' else info[1] query_char = '-' if info[2] == '.' else info[2] core = info[10] if ref_char == '-': if pos in core_gap_dict.keys(): if core not in core_gap_dict.keys(): core_gap_dict[core] = dict() core_gap_dict[core][pos].append(query_char) else: if core not in core_gap_dict.keys(): core_gap_dict[core] = dict() core_gap_dict[core][pos] = [query_char] else: if core not in core_var_dict.keys(): core_var_dict[core] = dict() core_var_dict[core][pos] = (ref_char, query_char) line = snp_file.readline() return core_gene_list, core_empty_block_dict, core_gap_dict, core_var_dict
def create_cluster(txn_count, keynode_count, rtr_count, worker_count, lb_count, benchmark_count, config_file, branch_name, ssh_key, cluster_name, kops_bucket, aws_key_id, aws_key, anna_config_file): prefix = './' util.run_process(['./', kops_bucket, ssh_key], 'kops') client, apps_client = util.init_k8s() print('Creating Monitor Node...') add_nodes(client, apps_client, config_file, "monitor", 1, aws_key_id, aws_key, True, prefix, branch_name) print('Creating %d Anna Routing Nodes...' % (rtr_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, anna_config_file, "routing", rtr_count, aws_key_id, aws_key, True, prefix, branch_name) print('Creating routing service...') service_spec = util.load_yaml('yaml/services/routing.yml', prefix) client.create_namespaced_service(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=service_spec) util.get_service_address(client, 'routing-service') print('Creating %d Key Nodes...' % (keynode_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, config_file, "keynode", keynode_count, aws_key_id, aws_key, True, prefix, branch_name) print('Creating %d Worker Nodes...' % (worker_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, config_file, "worker", worker_count, aws_key_id, aws_key, True, prefix, branch_name) print('Creating Worker Service...') service_spec = util.load_yaml('yaml/services/worker.yml', prefix) client.create_namespaced_service(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=service_spec) util.get_service_address(client, 'worker-service') print('Creating %d TASC nodes...' % (txn_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, config_file, 'tasc', txn_count, aws_key_id, aws_key, True, prefix, branch_name) print('Creating %d Load Balancers...' % (lb_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, config_file, 'lb', lb_count, aws_key_id, aws_key, True, prefix, branch_name) print('Creating TASC Load Balancing service...') service_spec = util.load_yaml('yaml/services/tasc.yml', prefix) client.create_namespaced_service(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=service_spec) print('Creating %d Benchmark nodes...' % (benchmark_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, config_file, 'benchmark', benchmark_count, aws_key_id, aws_key, True, prefix, branch_name) benchmark_ips = util.get_node_ips(client, 'role=benchmark', 'ExternalIP') with open('../cmd/benchmark/benchmarks.txt', 'w+') as f: for ip in benchmark_ips: f.write(ip + '\n') print('Finished creating all pods...') sg_name = 'nodes.' + cluster_name sg = ec2_client.describe_security_groups(Filters=[{ 'Name': 'group-name', 'Values': [sg_name] }])['SecurityGroups'][0] print("Authorizing Ports for TASC...") permission = [{ 'FromPort': 0, 'IpProtocol': 'tcp', 'ToPort': 65535, 'IpRanges': [{ 'CidrIp': '' }] }] ec2_client.authorize_security_group_ingress(GroupId=sg['GroupId'], IpPermissions=permission) print('Registering Key Nodes...') keynode_pod_ips = util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=keynode', is_running=True) register(client, keynode_pod_ips) print("\nThe TASC ELB Endpoint: " + util.get_service_address(client, "tasc-service") + "\n") print('Finished!')
def create_cluster(mem_count, ebs_count, func_count, sched_count, route_count, bench_count, cfile, ssh_key, cluster_name, kops_bucket, aws_key_id, aws_key): # create the cluster object with kops util.run_process( ['./', cluster_name, kops_bucket, ssh_key]) client, apps_client = util.init_k8s() # create the kops pod print('Creating management pods...') kops_spec = util.load_yaml('yaml/pods/kops-pod.yml') env = kops_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['env'] util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', aws_key_id) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', aws_key) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'KOPS_STATE_STORE', kops_bucket) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'FLUENT_CLUSTER_NAME', cluster_name) client.create_namespaced_pod(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=kops_spec) # wait for the kops pod to start kops_ip = util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=kops', is_running=True)[0] # copy kube config file to kops pod, so it can execute kubectl commands kops_podname = kops_spec['metadata']['name'] kcname = kops_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['name'] os.system('cp %s kvs-config.yml' % cfile) util.copy_file_to_pod(client, '/home/ubuntu/.kube/config', kops_podname, '/root/.kube/', kcname) util.copy_file_to_pod(client, ssh_key, kops_podname, '/root/.ssh/', kcname) util.copy_file_to_pod(client, ssh_key + '.pub', kops_podname, '/root/.ssh/', kcname) util.copy_file_to_pod(client, 'kvs-config.yml', kops_podname, '/fluent/conf/', kcname) # start the monitoring pod mon_spec = util.load_yaml('yaml/pods/monitoring-pod.yml') util.replace_yaml_val(mon_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['env'], 'MGMT_IP', kops_ip) client.create_namespaced_pod(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=mon_spec) util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=monitoring') # copy config file into monitoring pod -- wait till we create routing pods, # so we're sure that the monitoring nodes are up and running util.copy_file_to_pod(client, 'kvs-config.yml', mon_spec['metadata']['name'], '/fluent/conf/', mon_spec['spec']['containers'][0]['name']) os.system('rm kvs-config.yml') print('Creating %d routing nodes...' % (route_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, cfile, ['routing'], [route_count], True) util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=routing') print('Creating %d memory, %d ebs node(s)...' % (mem_count, ebs_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, cfile, ['memory', 'ebs'], [mem_count, ebs_count], True) print('Creating routing service...') service_spec = util.load_yaml('yaml/services/routing.yml') client.create_namespaced_service(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=service_spec) print('Adding %d scheduler nodes...' % (sched_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, cfile, ['scheduler'], [sched_count], True) util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=scheduler') print('Adding %d function serving nodes...' % (func_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, cfile, ['function'], [func_count], True) print('Creating function service...') service_spec = util.load_yaml('yaml/services/function.yml') client.create_namespaced_service(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=service_spec) print('Adding %d benchmark nodes...' % (bench_count)) add_nodes(client, apps_client, cfile, ['benchmark'], [bench_count], True) print('Finished creating all pods...') os.system('touch setup_complete') util.copy_file_to_pod(client, 'setup_complete', kops_podname, '/fluent', kcname) os.system('rm setup_complete') sg_name = 'nodes.' + cluster_name sg = ec2_client.describe_security_groups(Filters=[{ 'Name': 'group-name', 'Values': [sg_name] }])['SecurityGroups'][0] print('Authorizing ports for routing service...') permission = [{ 'FromPort': 6200, 'IpProtocol': 'tcp', 'ToPort': 6203, 'IpRanges': [{ 'CidrIp': '' }] }] ec2_client.authorize_security_group_ingress(GroupId=sg['GroupId'], IpPermissions=permission) routing_svc_addr = util.get_service_address(client, 'routing-service') function_svc_addr = util.get_service_address(client, 'function-service') print('The routing service can be accessed here: \n\t%s' % (routing_svc_addr)) print('The function service can be accessed here: \n\t%s' % (function_svc_addr))
def lsst_TDCR(config, psf_name, rescaled_outfile90): """Create a single lsst_bulge or lsst_disk or lsst_bulge_disk image images after running 6 programs. We will add noise to this later. Args: config_path (str): input physics config file. e.g. physics_settings/ e.g. physics_settings/ psf_names (str): input psf file for scaled_bulge or unscaled_disk e.g. config['psfb'] = psf/psfb.fits e.g. config['psfd'] = psf/psfd.fits rescaled_outfile (str): output after running 6 programs. This is the final output of program jedirescale. e.g. config['rescaled_outfileb'] = lsst_bulge.fits e.g. config['rescaled_outfiled'] = lsst_disk.fits e.g. config['rescaled_outfilebd'] = lsst_bulge_disk.fits :Outputs: The outputs are following: jedisim_out/out0/lsst_bulge.fits jedisim_out/out0/lsst_disk.fits jedisim_out/out0/lsst_bulge_disk.fits Note that we combine these two files and call it chromatic lsst.fits. We convolve this image with monochromatic psf and call that lsst_mono.fits. The keys that has 90 prefix on them are following :: keys = ['catalog_file', 'dislist_file', 'distortedlist_file', 'convolvedlist_file', 'HST_image', 'HST_convolved_image', 'rescaled_outfileb', 'rescaled_outfiled', 'rescaled_outfilem', 'lsst_unnoised', 'lsst', 'lsst_mono' ] :Runtime: 5 min 44 sec for 201 scaled bulge galaxies. """ # Transform scaled_bulge or scaled_disk fitsfiles according to: # jedisim_out/out0/scaled_bulge/trial1_catalog.txt. # # jeditransform will create 12420 .gz fitsfiles. For example: # jedisim_out/out0/scaled_bulge/stamp_0/stamp_0_to_999.fits.gz (for stamps 0 to 12 ) # # It also creates dislist for the jedidistort,viz., # jedisim_out/out0/scaled_bulge/trial1_dislist.txt run_process("jeditransform", [ './executables/jeditransform', config['90_catalog_file'], config['90_dislist_file'] ]) # This program distorts the 12420 galaxies from jedisim_out/out0/stamp_/ # according to dislist.txt and lens.txt and write distorted # galaxies inside 13 folders jedisim_out/out0/distorted_/ # # In the end we get unzipped distorted images in 13 folders. # jedisim_out/out0/distorted_0/distorted_0.fits 1000*12+ 420 fitsfiles. run_process("jedidistort", [ './executables/jedidistort', config['nx'], config['ny'], config['90_dislist_file'], config['lens_file'], config['pix_scale'], config['lens_z'] ]) # This program combines 12,420 distorted fits files inside the # jedisim_out/out0/distorted_/distorted_fits/ # into a single large embedded image: jedisim_out/out0/HST.fits. run_process("jedipaste", [ './executables/jedipaste', config['nx'], config['ny'], config['90_distortedlist_file'], config['90_HST_image'] ]) # Convolve the given single fitsfile with given PSF and write 6 bands # of convolved images. # E.g. convolve HST.fits with psfb.fits to get 6 bands of convolved images. run_process("jediconvolve", [ './executables/jediconvolve', config['90_HST_image'], psf_name, config['90_output_folder'] + 'convolved/' ]) # Combine 6 convolved bands into one HST_convolved image. run_process("jedipaste", [ './executables/jedipaste', config['nx'], config['ny'], config['90_convolvedlist_file'], config['90_HST_convolved_image'] ]) # Change the PIXSCALE of the input fitsfile into another one. # e.g. HST has pixscale 0.06 and we change it to LSST pixscale = 0.2 run_process("jedirescale", [ './executables/jedirescale', config['90_HST_convolved_image'], config['pix_scale'], config['final_pix_scale'], config['x_trim'], config['y_trim'], rescaled_outfile90 ])
def generate_reuteri_pangenome(df_genome_info, pangenome_file_path, tmp_file_path, quiet): records = [] for genome_id in [ gn for gn in df_genome_info.index.tolist() if df_genome_info.loc[gn, 'type'] not in 'genus' ]: records = records + list( SeqIO.to_dict( SeqIO.parse( "{0}".format(df_genome_info.loc[genome_id, 'cds_file']), 'fasta')).values()) SeqIO.write( records, "{0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_raw.fasta".format(pangenome_file_path), "fasta") proc = run_process( "mmseqs createdb {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_raw.fasta {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_raw --dbtype 2;\n" .format(pangenome_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "mmseqs linclust {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_raw {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_clu {1} --min-seq-id 0.9 -c 0.9 --kmer-per-seq 200 --adjust-kmer-len;\n" .format(pangenome_file_path, tmp_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "mmseqs result2repseq {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_raw {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_clu {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_rep;\n" .format(pangenome_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "mmseqs createsubdb {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_rep {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_raw_h {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_rep_h;\n" .format(pangenome_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "mmseqs result2flat {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_raw {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_raw {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_rep {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri.fasta;\n" .format(pangenome_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "mmseqs createtsv {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_raw {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_raw {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri_clu {0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri.tsv;\n" .format(pangenome_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip())
def add_nodes(client, apps_client, cfile, kind, count, aws_key_id=None, aws_key=None, create=False, prefix=None, branch="master"): print('Adding %d %s server node(s) to cluster...' % (count, kind)) prev_count = util.get_previous_count(client, kind) util.run_process(['./', kind, str(count + prev_count)], 'kops') util.run_process(['./'], 'kops') if create: fname = 'yaml/ds/%s-ds.yml' % kind yml = util.load_yaml(fname, prefix) for container in yml['spec']['template']['spec']['containers']: env = container['env'] util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'BRANCH', branch) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', aws_key_id) util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', aws_key) if kind == "tasc": routing_svc = util.get_service_address(client, 'routing-service') util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'ROUTING_ILB', routing_svc) monitor_ip = util.get_node_ips(client, 'role=monitor', 'ExternalIP')[0] util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'MONITOR', monitor_ip) worker_svc = util.get_service_address(client, 'worker-service') util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'WORKER_ILB', worker_svc) if kind == "keynode": monitor_ip = util.get_node_ips(client, 'role=monitor', 'ExternalIP')[0] util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'MONITOR', monitor_ip) if kind == 'worker': monitor_ip = util.get_node_ips(client, 'role=monitor', 'ExternalIP')[0] util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'MONITOR', monitor_ip) routing_svc = util.get_service_address(client, 'routing-service') util.replace_yaml_val(env, 'ROUTING_ILB', routing_svc) apps_client.create_namespaced_daemon_set(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, body=yml) # Wait until all pods of this kind are running res = [] while len(res) != count: res = util.get_pod_ips(client, 'role=' + kind, is_running=True) created_pods = [] pods = client.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=util.NAMESPACE, label_selector='role=' + kind).items # Send kube config to lb if kind == 'lb': kubecfg = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.kube/config') for pod in pods: cname = pod.spec.containers[0].name util.copy_file_to_pod(client, kubecfg,, '/root/.kube', cname) # Generate list of all recently created pods. created_pod_ips = [] for pod in pods: created_pod_ips.append(pod.status.pod_ip) pname = for container in pod.spec.containers: cname = created_pods.append((pname, cname)) # Copy the KVS config into all recently created pods. cfile_name = './tasc-config.yml' if kind != 'routing' else './anna-config.yml' cfile_dir = '/go/src/' if kind != 'routing' else 'hydro/anna/conf' os.system(str('cp %s ' + cfile_name) % cfile) for pname, cname in created_pods: util.copy_file_to_pod(client, cfile_name[2:], pname, cfile_dir, cname) os.system('rm ' + cfile_name)
def generate_lactobacillus_pangenome(df_genome_info, pangenome_file_path, tmp_file_path, quiet): records = list( SeqIO.to_dict( SeqIO.parse( "{0}/Lactobacillus_reuteri.fasta".format(pangenome_file_path), 'fasta')).values()) for genome_id in df_genome_info[df_genome_info['type'] == 'genus'].index.tolist(): count = 0 for seq_id, rec in SeqIO.to_dict( SeqIO.parse( "{0}".format(df_genome_info.loc[genome_id, 'cds_file']), 'fasta')).items(): count += 1 = + "|{0}".format(count) records.append(rec) SeqIO.write(records, "{0}/Lactobacillus_raw.fasta".format(pangenome_file_path), "fasta") proc = run_process( "mmseqs createdb {0}/Lactobacillus_raw.fasta {0}/Lactobacillus_raw --dbtype 2;\n" .format(pangenome_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "mmseqs linclust {0}/Lactobacillus_raw {0}/Lactobacillus_clu {1} --min-seq-id 0.9 -c 0.9 --kmer-per-seq 200 --adjust-kmer-len;\n" .format(pangenome_file_path, tmp_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "mmseqs result2repseq {0}/Lactobacillus_raw {0}/Lactobacillus_clu {0}/Lactobacillus_rep;\n" .format(pangenome_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "mmseqs createsubdb {0}/Lactobacillus_rep {0}/Lactobacillus_raw_h {0}/Lactobacillus_rep_h;\n" .format(pangenome_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "mmseqs result2flat {0}/Lactobacillus_raw {0}/Lactobacillus_raw {0}/Lactobacillus_rep {0}/Lactobacillus.fasta;\n" .format(pangenome_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) proc = run_process( "mmseqs createtsv {0}/Lactobacillus_raw {0}/Lactobacillus_raw {0}/Lactobacillus_clu {0}/Lactobacillus.tsv;\n" .format(pangenome_file_path), print_only=False) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): if not quiet: print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip())