async def test_subscribe_glob_filter(): """ Ensure that globs only match matching files. """ with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: expect = None count = 0 async def on_changed(changes: {str: [str]}): # Sort all files in the changes list for stability. changes = {k: list(sorted(v)) for k, v in changes.items()} nonlocal count assert expect is not None assert expect == (count, changes) count += 1 for name in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'aa']: await tree.create_file("/", name) await tree.watch_matching_files("/?", on_changed) expect = (0, {"foo": ["/a"]}) await tree.set_file("/a", "foo") await tree.set_file("/aa", "foo") expect = (1, {"bar": ["/b"]}) await tree.set_file("/b", "bar") await tree.set_file("/aa", "bar") expect = (2, {"baz": ["/c"]}) await tree.set_file("/c", "baz") await tree.set_file("/aa", "baz")
async def test_subscribe_glob_multi(): """ Ensure that globs return all matching path events in a single message. """ with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: expect = None count = 0 async def on_changed(changes): # Sort all files in the changes list for stability. changes = {k: list(sorted(v)) for k, v in changes.items()} nonlocal count assert expect is not None assert expect == (count, changes) count += 1 for a in ['a', 'b', 'c']: await tree.create_directory("/", a) for b in ['a', 'b', 'c']: await tree.create_directory("/{}".format(a), b) for c in ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']: await tree.create_file("/{}/{}".format(a, b), c) await tree.watch_matching_files("/a/**/foo", on_changed) expect = (0, {"a": ["/a/a/foo"]}) await tree.set_file("/a/a/foo", "a") expect = (1, {"b": ["/a/a/foo"]}) await tree.set_matching_files("/a/a/*", "b") await tree.set_matching_files("/**/bar", "c") expect = (2, {"c": ["/a/a/foo", "/a/b/foo", "/a/c/foo"]}) await tree.set_matching_files("/**/foo", "c")
async def test_remove_errors(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: for exc_type, chars in InvalidChars.items(): for c in chars: with pytest.raises(exc_type): await tree.remove_node("/", "a" + c + "b") if c != '/': with pytest.raises(exc_type): await tree.remove_node("/a" + c + "b", "foo") for exc_type, names in InvalidNames.items(): for name in names: with pytest.raises(exc_type): await tree.remove_node("/", name) with pytest.raises(exc_type): await tree.remove_node("/" + name, "foo") for exc_type, names in EmptyComponentPaths.items(): for name in names: with pytest.raises(exc_type): await tree.remove_node(name, "foo") with pytest.raises(db.NoSuchNode): await tree.remove_node("/", "a") await tree.create_directory("/", "a") await tree.create_directory("/a", "b") with pytest.raises(db.DirectoryNotEmpty): await tree.remove_node("/", "a") await tree.remove_node("/a", "b")
async def test_create_errors(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: await tree.create_directory("/", "dir") await tree.create_file("/", "file") for path in ("/", "/dir"): for ty in NodeTypes: for exc_type, chars in InvalidChars.items(): for c in chars: with pytest.raises(exc_type): await create_node(tree, ty, path, "a" + c + "b") if c != '/': with pytest.raises(exc_type): await create_node(tree, ty, "/a" + c + "b", "foo") for exc_type, names in InvalidNames.items(): for name in names: with pytest.raises(exc_type): await create_node(tree, ty, path, name) with pytest.raises(exc_type): await create_node(tree, ty, "/" + name, "foo") for exc_type, names in EmptyComponentPaths.items(): for name in names: with pytest.raises(exc_type): await create_node(tree, ty, name, "foo") with pytest.raises(db.NoSuchNode): await create_node(tree, ty, "/b", "a") with pytest.raises(db.NodeAlreadyExists): await create_node(tree, ty, "/", "dir") with pytest.raises(db.NotDirectory): await create_node(tree, ty, "/file", 'foo')
async def test_initial_tree(): """ Ensure that the tree starts empty. """ with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: assert await tree.list_directory("/") == []
async def test_basic_formula_input(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: await tree.create_file("/", "a0") await tree.set_file("/a0", "Hello, World!") await tree.create_formula("/", "result", {'a0': '/a0'}, 'a0') data = await tree.get_file("/result") assert data == "Hello, World!"
async def test_watch_errors(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: async def target(**_): pass with pytest.raises(db.Dotfile): await tree.watch_matching_files("/../../usr/lib/", target)
async def test_data_errors(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: with pytest.raises(db.Dotfile): await tree.set_file("/.", "") with pytest.raises(db.Dotfile): await tree.get_file("/.") with pytest.raises(db.NonAbsolutePath): await tree.set_file("a/b", "") with pytest.raises(db.NonAbsolutePath): await tree.get_file("a/b")
async def test_data(): """ Check that basic create/get/set/remove works as expected. """ with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: await tree.create_file("/", "a") await tree.set_file("/a", "flinfniffle") data = await tree.get_file("/a") assert data == "flinfniffle" await tree.remove_node("/", "a")
async def test_set_glob_basic(): """ Ensure that globs only match matching files. """ with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: for name in "abcd": await tree.create_file("/", name) await tree.set_matching_files("/*", "hello") data = await tree.get_matching_files("/*") for name in "abcd": assert data["/" + name] == "hello"
async def test_subscribe_same_client_data(): """ Ensure that subscriptions to data work and that we can: * make multiple subscriptions to the same path on a single client. * touch a subpath without being notified in the parent * remove one subscription of multiple """ with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: count1 = 0 notify1 = asyncio.Future() async def on_child_changed1(changes): assert changes == {"foo": ["/a"]} nonlocal count1, notify1 count1 += 1 notify1.set_result(...) count2 = 0 notify2 = asyncio.Future() async def on_child_changed2(changes): assert changes == {"foo": ["/a"]} nonlocal count2, notify2 count2 += 1 notify2.set_result(...) # Create and subscribe to data node. await tree.create_file("/", "a") await tree.create_file("/", "b") subid1 = await tree.watch_matching_files("/a", on_child_changed1) subid2 = await tree.watch_matching_files("/a", on_child_changed2) # Check that we get messages when we change the data, but not when we set siblings, or query it. await tree.set_file("/a", "foo") await tree.set_file("/b", "foo") data = await tree.get_file("/a") assert data == "foo" await asyncio.gather(notify1, notify2) assert count1 == 1 assert count2 == 1 # Reset notifications; unsubscribe #1, then check that we only get the notice on 2. notify1 = asyncio.Future() notify2 = asyncio.Future() await tree.unwatch(subid1) await tree.set_file("/a", "foo") await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # we don't expect a response from 1, but give it some time to be more sure. await notify2 assert count1 == 1 assert count2 == 2
async def test_subscribe_glob_basic_file(): """ Ensure that subscribing to a glob works properly. """ with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: expect = None count = 0 async def on_foo_changed(changes: {str: [str]}): # Sort all files in the changes list for stability. changes = {k: list(sorted(v)) for k, v in changes.items()} nonlocal count assert expect is not None assert expect == (count, changes) count += 1 sid = await tree.watch_matching_files("/{a,b}-foo", on_foo_changed) # We should be able to create a new path and have the glob pick it up. await tree.create_file("/", "a-foo") # Try setting file contents. expect = (0, {"0": ["/a-foo"]}) await tree.set_file("/a-foo", "0") expect = (1, {"": ["/a-foo"]}) await tree.set_file("/a-foo", "") expect = None # We should not get a notification on removing the watched node. await tree.remove_node("/", "a-foo") # We should not get a notification for inserting into a non-matching directory. await tree.create_file("/", "a-bar") await tree.set_file("/a-bar", "test") await tree.remove_node("/", "a-bar") # Check for multiple matches with overlapping. await tree.create_file("/", "a-foo") await tree.create_file("/", "b-foo") await tree.create_file("/", "c-foo") expect = (2, {"2": ["/a-foo"]}) await tree.set_matching_files("/{a,c}-foo", "2") expect = (3, {"3": ["/b-foo"]}) await tree.set_matching_files("/{b,c}-foo", "3") expect = (4, {"4": ["/a-foo", "/b-foo"]}) await tree.set_matching_files("/{a,b,c}-foo", "4") expect = None
async def test_formula_subscription_all(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: await tree.create_file("/", "a0") await tree.set_file("/a0", "Hello, World!") await tree.create_formula("/", "result", {'a0': '/a0'}, 'a0') count = 0 expect = None async def on_result_changed(changes): nonlocal count assert expect == (count, changes) count += 1 await tree.watch_matching_files("/*", on_result_changed) expect = (0, {"foobar": ["/a0", "/result"]}) await tree.set_file("/a0", "foobar") assert count == 1
async def test_formula_nested(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: expect = None count = 0 async def on_result_changed(changes): nonlocal count assert expect == (count, changes) count += 1 await tree.create_file("/", "a") await tree.create_formula("/", "b", {"a": "/a"}, "a") await tree.create_formula("/", "c", {"b": "/b"}, "b") await tree.watch_matching_files("/{a,c}", on_result_changed) expect = (0, {"foobar": ["/a", "/c"]}) await tree.set_file("/a", "foobar") assert count == 1 assert await tree.get_file("/c") == "foobar"
async def test_formula_multi_input(): """ Use a formula to ensure that the basic use works. """ with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: expect = None count = 0 async def on_result_changed(changes): nonlocal count assert expect == (count, changes) count += 1 await tree.create_formula("/", "result", {'a0': "/arg0", 'a1': "/arg1"}, '(join "" a0 a1)') with pytest.raises(db.FormulaInputNotFound): await tree.get_file("/result") await tree.watch_matching_files("/*", on_result_changed) await tree.create_file("/", "arg0") with pytest.raises(db.FormulaInputNotFound): await tree.get_file("/result") await tree.create_file("/", "arg1") await tree.get_file("/result") expect = (0, {"foo": ["/arg0", "/result"]}) await tree.set_file("/arg0", "foo") assert await tree.get_file("/result") == "foo" expect = (1, {"bar": ["/arg1"], "foobar": ["/result"]}) await tree.set_file("/arg1", "bar") assert await tree.get_file("/result") == "foobar" expect = (2, {"baz": ["/arg0"], "bazbar": ["/result"]}) await tree.set_file("/arg0", "baz") assert await tree.get_file("/result") == "bazbar"
async def test_tree_sync(): """ Create a large tree using the sync API and verify the content and layout. """ with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: for a in "abcd": await tree.create_directory("/", a) for b in "efgh": await tree.create_directory("/{}".format(a), b) for c in "ijkl": await tree.create_directory("/{}/{}".format(a, b), c) for d in "mnop": await tree.create_directory("/{}/{}/{}".format(a, b, c), d) path = "/" assert "".join(sorted(await tree.list_directory(path))) == "abcd" for a in await tree.list_directory(path): a_path = path + a assert "".join(sorted(await tree.list_directory(a_path))) == "efgh" for b in await tree.list_directory(a_path): b_path = a_path + "/" + b assert "".join(sorted(await tree.list_directory(b_path))) == "ijkl" for c in await tree.list_directory(b_path): c_path = b_path + "/" + c assert "".join(sorted(await tree.list_directory(c_path))) == "mnop" for d in await tree.list_directory(c_path): d_path = c_path + "/" + d assert "".join(sorted(await tree.list_directory(d_path))) == "" path = "/" for a in await tree.list_directory(path): for b in await tree.list_directory("/{}".format(a)): for c in await tree.list_directory("/{}/{}".format(a, b)): for d in await tree.list_directory("/{}/{}/{}".format(a, b, c)): await tree.remove_node("/{}/{}/{}".format(a, b, c), d) await tree.remove_node("/{}/{}".format(a, b), c) await tree.remove_node("/{}".format(a), b) await tree.remove_node("/", a)
async def test_tree_async(): """ Do a large amount of work using async calls. """ with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: futures = [] children = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" for i, a in enumerate(children): if i % 2 == 0: futures.append(await tree.create_directory_async("/", a)) else: # Note that this is safe because we're using TCP under the hood. If we ever do anything non-serial, # this test will need to change pretty dramatically. futures.append(await tree.create_file_async("/", a)) futures.append(await tree.set_file_async("/" + a, a)) await asyncio.gather(*futures) future = await tree.list_directory_async("/") result = await future assert "".join(sorted(result.children)) == children futures = [] for i, a in enumerate(children): if i % 2 == 1: futures.append(await tree.get_file_async("/" + a)) results = await asyncio.gather(*futures) assert "".join(sorted([ for rv in results])) == children[1::2] futures = [] vowels = "aeiou" for a in vowels: futures.append(await tree.remove_node_async("/", a)) await asyncio.gather(*futures) future = await tree.list_directory_async("/") result = await future assert "".join(sorted(result.children)) == \ "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"
async def test_subscribe_multiple_clients(): """ Ensure that causing an event on one client reports that event on a different client. """ with run_server(): async with make_connection() as treeA: async with make_connection() as treeB: count = 0 notify = asyncio.Future() async def on_child_changed1(changes): nonlocal count count += 1 if 'bar' in changes: notify.set_result(...) await treeA.create_file("/", "a") await treeA.watch_matching_files("/a", on_child_changed1) await treeB.set_file("/a", "foo") await treeB.set_file("/a", "bar") await notify assert count == 2
#!/usr/bin/env python import os from util import pushd, run_server, run, example_root with pushd(example_root): with pushd('gender'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'gender.json'): with pushd('cpp'): run('make') run('./gender') with pushd('malware_classification'): pass with pushd('movielens'): with run_server('jubarecommender', '-f', 'config.json'): with pushd('cpp'): run('python', 'waf', 'configure') run('python', 'waf') run('./build/ml_update') run('./build/ml_analysis')
async def test_basic_formula_get(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: await tree.create_formula("/", "result", {}, '"Hello, World!"') data = await tree.get_file("/result") assert data == 'Hello, World!'
#!/usr/bin/env python from util import pushd, run_server, run, example_root with pushd(example_root): with pushd('shogun'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'shogun.json'): run('python', 'python/') with pushd('gender'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'gender.json'): run('python', 'python/') with pushd('twitter_streaming_lang'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'twitter_streaming_lang.json'): pass with pushd('twitter_streaming_location'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'twitter_streaming_location.json'): pass with pushd('movielens'): with run_server('jubarecommender', '-f', 'config.json'): with pushd('python'): run('python', '') run('python', '') with pushd('npb_similar_player'): with run_server('jubarecommender', '-f', 'npb_similar_player.json'): run('python', '')
async def test_basic_formula_types(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: await tree.create_formula("/", "result", {}, '42') with pytest.raises(db.FormulaTypeError): await tree.get_file("/result")
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2007-2009 The PyAMF Project. # See LICENSE.txt for details. """ Echo test server. You can use this example with the echo_test.swf client on the U{EchoTest<>} wiki page. @since: 0.1.0 """ import sys import echo from util import parse_args, run_server options = parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) services = { options[0].service: echo.echo, 'Red5Echo': echo } try: run_server('Echo Test', options[0], services) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
#!/usr/bin/env python from util import pushd, run_server, run, example_root with pushd(example_root): with pushd('shogun'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'shogun.json'): with pushd('python'): run('python', '') with pushd('gender'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'gender.json'): with pushd('python'): run('python', '') with pushd('twitter_streaming_lang'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'twitter_streaming_lang.json'): pass with pushd('twitter_streaming_location'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'twitter_streaming_location.json'): pass with pushd('movielens'): with run_server('jubarecommender', '-f', 'config.json'): with pushd('python'): run('python', '') run('python', '')
async def test_basic_formula_stmt(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: await tree.create_formula("/", "result", {}, '(format "~s" 42)') data = await tree.get_file("/result") assert data == '42'
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Being in the sandbox, this file requires that the echo example dir is in the path """ import sys from util import parse_args, run_server import acpb options = parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) services = {'acpb':acpb.acpb} run_server('ArrayCollection Test', options[0], services)
#!/usr/bin/env python from util import pushd, run_server, run, example_root with pushd(example_root): with pushd('shogun'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'shogun.json'): with pushd('java'): run('mvn', 'clean') run('sh', '') with pushd('gender'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'gender.json'): with pushd('java'): run('mvn', 'clean') run('sh', '') with pushd('twitter_streaming_location'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'twitter_streaming_location.json'): pass with pushd('movielens'): with run_server('jubarecommender', '-f', 'config.json'): with pushd('java'): run('mvn', 'clean') run('sh', '') run('sh', '')
async def test_basic_formula_missing_input(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: await tree.create_formula("/", "result", {'a0': '/a0'}, 'a0') with pytest.raises(db.FormulaInputNotFound): await tree.get_file("/result")
async def test_unwatch_errors(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: with pytest.raises(db.NoSuchSubscription): await tree.unwatch(10)
async def test_basic_formula_no_assign(): with run_server(): async with make_connection() as tree: await tree.create_formula("/", "result", {}, '"foo"') with pytest.raises(db.NotFile): await tree.set_file("/result", "anything")
#!/usr/bin/env python from util import pushd, run_server, run, example_root with pushd(example_root): with pushd('shogun'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'shogun.json'): run('ruby', 'ruby/shogun.rb') with pushd('gender'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'gender.json'): run('ruby', 'ruby/gender.rb') with pushd('movielens'): with run_server('jubarecommender', '-f', 'config.json'): with pushd('ruby'): run('ruby', 'ml_update.rb') run('ruby', 'ml_analysis.rb') with pushd('npb_similar_player'): with run_server('jubarecommender', '-f', 'npb_similar_player.json'): run('ruby', 'update.rb') run('ruby', 'analyze.rb') with pushd('rent'): with run_server('jubaregression', '-f', 'rent.json'): run('ruby', 'ruby/train.rb', 'dat/rent-data.csv') run('ruby', 'ruby/test.rb', input='19.9\n2\n22\n4\nW\n') with pushd('language_detection'):
#!/usr/bin/env python from util import pushd, run_server, run, example_root with pushd(example_root): with pushd('shogun'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'shogun.json'): with pushd('ruby'): run('ruby', 'shogun.rb') with pushd('gender'): with run_server('jubaclassifier', '-f', 'gender.json'): with pushd('ruby'): run('ruby', 'gender.rb') with pushd('movielens'): with run_server('jubarecommender', '-f', 'config.json'): with pushd('ruby'): run('ruby', 'ml_update.rb') run('ruby', 'ml_analysis.rb') with pushd('npb_similar_player'): with run_server('jubarecommender', '-f', 'npb_similar_player.json'): with pushd('ruby'): run('ruby', 'update.rb') run('ruby', 'analyze.rb') with pushd('rent'): with run_server('jubaregression', '-f', 'rent.json'): with pushd('ruby'):