예제 #1
파일: am.py 프로젝트: dgilman/atom_maker
def create_atom(feed):
   """Validates the generator output and creates the ATOM feed"""
   root = etree.Element("feed", attrib={"xmlns": "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"})

   esc = cgi.escape

   ts = rfc3339(now)

   if not isinstance(feed, dict):
      err("Your generator forgot to return a dict.")
   if not "title" in feed:
      err("The feed lacks a title.")
   if not "id" in feed:
      err("The feed lacks a UUID.")
   if not "updated" in feed:
      feed["updated"] = ts
   if not "entries" in feed:
      err("The feed lacks entries.")

   if 'lang' in feed:
      root.set(etree.QName("{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang"), feed["lang"])

   child_tag(root, "title", text=feed["title"])
   child_tag(root, "id", text=feed["id"])
   child_tag(root, "updated", text=feed["updated"])
   if "author" in feed:
      author = child_tag(root, "author")
      child_tag(author, "name", text=feed["author"])
      if "author_uri" in feed:
         child_tag(author, "uri", feed["author_uri"])
   if "subtitle" in feed:
      child_tag(root, "subtitle", text=feed["subtitle"])
   if "link" in feed:
      child_tag(root, "link", attrib={'href': feed["link"]})
   child_tag(root, "generator", attrib={"uri": "https://github.com/dgilman/atom_maker", "version": str(VERSION)}, text="atom_maker")
   child_tag(root, "link", attrib={"rel": "self", "href": self_url()})

   #validate individual entries.

   check_for_authors = False
   if not "author" in feed:
      check_for_authors = True

   for entry in feed["entries"]:
      if check_for_authors and not "author" in entry:
         err("One of the feed entries lacks an author.  If there is no global author set each feed needs its own author.")
      if not "id" in entry:
         err("An entry lacks a UUID.")
      if not "title" in entry:
         err("An entry lacks a title.")
      if not "content" in entry:
         err("An entry lacks content.")
      if not "content_type" in entry:
         err("All entries need a content_type.")
      if entry["content_type"] not in ["html", "text", "xhtml"]:
         err("content_type must be one of html, text, or html.")
      if not "updated" in entry:
         entry["updated"] = ts

      e = child_tag(root, "entry")
      if "lang" in entry:
         e.set(etree.QName("{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang"), feed["lang"])
      child_tag(e, "id", text=entry["id"])
      child_tag(e, "title", text=entry["title"])
      child_tag(e, "content", attrib={"type": entry["content_type"]}, text=entry["content"])
      child_tag(e, "updated", text=entry["updated"])

      if "author" in entry:
         author = child_tag(e, "author")
         child_tag(author, "name", text=entry["author"])
         if "author_uri" in entry:
            child_tag(author, "uri", text=entry["author_uri"])
      if "published" in entry:
         child_tag(e, "published", text=entry["published"])
      if "link" in entry:
         child_tag(e, "link", attrib={"href": entry["link"]})
   rval = cStringIO.StringIO()
   tree = etree.ElementTree(element=root)
   if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
      tree.write(rval, encoding="UTF-8")
      tree.write(rval, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True)
   return rval.getvalue()
예제 #2
파일: am.py 프로젝트: dgilman/atom_maker
def cli():
   if len(sys.argv) < 2:
      print "Give the name of a feed to generate"

   # hack to support old-style from cmd line
   if "&" not in sys.argv[1]:
      sys.argv[1] = "feed=%s" % sys.argv[1]

   os.environ['SERVER_NAME'] = "cli/"
   os.environ['REQUEST_URI'] = sys.argv[1]
   os.environ['QUERY_STRING'] = sys.argv[1]

   args = cgi.parse()

   feed = feed_cache(args, flush=True)

   if not lxml:
      print feed
      feed = etree.tostring(etree.fromstring(feed), pretty_print = True, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True)
      print feed

      import feedvalidator
      from feedvalidator.formatter.text_plain import Formatter
      from feedvalidator import compatibility
      from feedvalidator.logging import ValidValue
      events = (x for x in feedvalidator.validateString(feed, firstOccurrenceOnly=True, base=self_url())['loggedEvents'] if not isinstance(x, ValidValue))
      print "\n".join(Formatter(events)).encode("UTF-8")
   except ImportError: