def set_request_checkedin(request): assert request.state == 'accepted' push = request.push assert push request.state = 'checkedin' request.put() push.bust_requests_cache() util.send_mail( to=[, config.mail_to], subject='Re: %s: %s' % (request.owner.nickname(), request.subject), body='Changes are checked in.\n' + config.url(push.uri)) im_fields = dict( ) util.send_im(, message='Changes for <a href="%(request_uri)s">%(request_subject)s</a> are checked into <a href="%(push_uri)s">%(push_name)s</a>.', request_uri=config.url(request.uri), request_subject=request.subject, or 'the push', push_uri=config.url(push.uri), ) return request
def send_email(env_status, file=[], admin_list=[]): header = "<head><style> table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 5px; } " \ "th { font-weight: bold; text-align: left; background-color: #c8cbd1; } " \ "th, td { padding: 10px; }</style></head>" table = '<table><thead><tr><th>Environment</th><th>Status</th></tr></thead><tbody>' for env, status in env_status.items(): table = table + '<tr><td>' + env + '</td><td>' table = table + ('<b style="color:Red">' + status + '</b>') if status in ('Down', 'Old Data') else table + status table = table + '</td></tr>' table = table + '</table>' msg = "Good Morning,<br><br>" msg = msg + "Below is the status of all Stingray environments: <br><br>" + table msg = msg + "<br><br>Thank you,<br>Stingray IT" email = header + msg util.send_mail( config.get('email', 'smtp_host'), config.get('email', 'smtp_user'), config.get('email', 'smtp_pwd'), from_address, to_list, admin_list, "Stingray Daily Environment Check for " + t.strftime("%m/%d"), email, file, 'html') return True
def reject_request(request, rejector, reason=None): push = request.push request.push = None request.state = 'rejected' if reason: request.reject_reason = reason request.put() query.bust_request_caches() if push is not None: push.bust_requests_cache() util.send_im(, message='<a href="mailto:%(rejector_email)s">%(rejector_name)s</a> rejected your request <a href="%(request_uri)s">%(request_subject)s</a>: %(reason)s',, rejector_name=user_info(rejector).full_name, request_subject=request.subject, request_uri=config.url(request.uri), reason=reason, ) util.send_mail( to=[, config.mail_to, config.mail_request], subject='Re: %s: %s' % (request.owner.nickname(), request.subject), body="""This request was rejected.\n\n%s\n\n%s""" % (reason, config.url(request.uri)), ) return request
def run(self, verbose=False): """ Main entry point. """ warnings, criticals = self.check_limits(verbose=verbose) # output if len(warnings) > 0: print("\nWARNING:\n") for w in warnings: print(w) if len(criticals) > 0: print("\nCRITICAL:\n") for c in criticals: print(c) # alerts if len(warnings) > 0: body = '\n'.join(warnings) send_mail(EMAIL_SUBJECT_WARNING, body, [EMAIL_TO_WARNING]) if len(criticals) > 0: body = '\n'.join(criticals) send_mail(EMAIL_SUBJECT_CRITICAL, body, [EMAIL_TO_CRITICAL]) # summary if len(warnings) > 0 or len(criticals) > 0: print( "\n{c} limit(s) above CRITICAL threshold; {w} limit(s) above " "WARNING threshold".format(c=len(criticals), w=len(warnings))) else: print("All limits are within thresholds.")
def send_status_email(running_tasks, failed_tasks): header = "<head><style> table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 5px; } " \ "th { font-weight: bold; text-align: left; background-color: #c8cbd1; } " \ "th, td { padding: 10px; }</style></head>" running_table = '<table><thead><tr><th>Task</th><th>Status</th></tr></thead><tbody>' for task, status in running_tasks.items(): running_table = running_table + '<tr><td>' + task + '</td><td>' + status + '</td></tr>' running_table = running_table + '</table>' failed_table = '<table><thead><tr><th>Task</th><th>Status</th></tr></thead><tbody>' for task, status in failed_tasks.items(): failed_table = failed_table + '<tr><td>' + task + '</td><td>' + '<b style="color:Red">' + status + '</b></td></tr>' failed_table = failed_table + '</table>' msg = "Good Morning,<br><br>" msg = msg + "Below is the list of tasks still running in Stingray production:<br><br>" + running_table if len(failed_tasks) != 0: msg = msg + "<br><br>Below is the list of tasks that failed in Stingray production:<br><br>" + failed_table msg = msg + "<br><br>Thank you,<br>Stingray IT" email = header + msg util.send_mail( config.get('email', 'smtp_host'), config.get('email', 'smtp_user'), config.get('email', 'smtp_pwd'), from_address, to_list, cc_list, "Stingray Daily Production Check for " + t.strftime("%m/%d"), email, [], 'html')
def send_request_mail(request): body = [request.message or request.subject] body.append(config.url(request.uri)) util.send_mail( to=[, config.mail_to, config.mail_request], subject='%s: %s' % (request.owner.nickname(), request.subject), body='\n'.join(body))
def remail(gifter, contactsfile, cyclefile): 'Remail a specific gifter their gift recipient' contacts = util.parse_contacts(contactsfile) cycle = util.parse_cycle(cyclefile) cycle_dict = util.cycle_as_dict(cycle) gifter_info = contacts[gifter] recipient_info = contacts[cycle_dict[gifter]] util.send_mail(gifter_info, recipient_info) print('Mailed to', gifter)
def mail(contactsfile, cyclefile): 'Mail all participants in cyclefile using their email in contactsfile' contacts = util.parse_contacts(contactsfile) cycle = util.parse_cycle(cyclefile) for gifter, gift_recipient in util.cycle_as_dict(cycle).items(): gifter_info = contacts[gifter] recipient_info = contacts[gift_recipient] util.send_mail(gifter_info, recipient_info) print('Mailed to', gifter)
def send_failure_email(file=[]): util.send_mail(smtp_host, smtp_user, smtp_pwd, from_address, dev_list, [], "Production check failed", "Good morning,\n\n" \ + "Note: Production check failed. Please check the attached log file and take action if needed " \ + "The process will check in 60 mins and send a status if successful \n\n" \ + "Thank you, Stingray IT", file )
def send_failure_email(file=[]): util.send_mail(config.get('email', 'smtp_host'), config.get('email', 'smtp_user'), config.get('email', 'smtp_pwd'), from_address, dev_list, [], "Stingray Daily Environment Check failed", "Good morning,\n\n" \ + "Note: Stingray Daily environment check failed. Please check the attached log file and take action if needed " \ + "The process will try in 60 mins and send a status if successful \n\n" \ + "Thank you, Stingray IT", file )
def send_report_email(file): subject_suffix = ( - timedelta(1)).strftime("%m/%d/%Y") util.send_mail(smtp_host, smtp_user, smtp_pwd, from_address, to_list, cc_list, "Stingray Daily Claims report - " + subject_suffix, "Good morning,\n\n" \ + "Please find attached daily open/closed/reopen claims report from Stingray for " \ + subject_suffix + ".\n\nThank you, Stingray IT", [file] )
def send_email_dwh_not_current(file=None): util.send_mail(smtp_host, smtp_user, smtp_pwd, from_address, dev_list, [], "DWH is not current to send Daily Claims Report", "Good morning,\n\n" \ + "Note: DWH is not current with latest data to send daily claims report. " \ + "The process will check in 60 mins and send the report if the DB is refreshed\n\n" \ + "Thank you, Stingray IT", [file] )
def send_alert(self, alert): """ This will take the alert and mail it """ send_alert_result = util.send_mail(self.settings.smtp_server, self.settings.smtp_user, self.settings.smtp_password, self.settings.smtp_port, [self.settings.alert_to], self.settings.alert_from, alert["subject"], alert["body_text"], alert["body_html"], []) if send_alert_result: log('Alert email sent! (Subj: %s)' % alert['subject']) return send_alert_result
def create(self, validated_data): user = User(**validated_data) user.is_groomer = True user.is_active = True user.set_password(validated_data['password']) user.generate_activation_key() # create user token for rest authentication Token.objects.create(user=user) # send email send_mail("Welcome to Appetments!", "Thank you for signing up to Appetments! Follow the <a href='http://" "localhost:8000/verify-email?token={}'>link</a> to verify your account". format(user.activation_key), return user
def send_alert(self, alert): """ This will take the alert and mail it """ send_alert_result = util.send_mail( self.settings.smtp_server, self.settings.smtp_user, self.settings.smtp_password, self.settings.smtp_port, [self.settings.alert_to], self.settings.alert_from, alert["subject"], alert["body_text"], alert["body_html"], []) if send_alert_result: log('Alert email sent! (Subj: %s)' % alert['subject']) return send_alert_result
def withdraw_request(request): assert request.state in ('accepted', 'checkedin', 'onstage', 'tested') push = request.push assert push assert request.push.state in ('accepting', 'onstage') push_owner_email = request.push = None request.state = 'requested' request.put() query.bust_request_caches() push.bust_requests_cache() util.send_mail( to=[push_owner_email, config.mail_to, config.mail_request], subject='Re: %s: %s' % (request.owner.nickname(), request.subject), body='I withdrew my request.\n' + config.url(request.uri)) return request
def set_request_tested(request, bust_caches=True): assert request.state == 'onstage' push = request.push assert push request.state = 'tested' request.put() if bust_caches: push.bust_requests_cache() push_owner_email = util.send_mail( to=[push_owner_email, config.mail_to], subject='Re: %s: %s' % (request.owner.nickname(), request.subject), body='Looks good to me.\n' + config.url(push.uri)) if all(request.state == 'tested' for request in query.push_requests(push)): util.send_im(push_owner_email, 'All changes for <a href="%s">the push</a> are verified on stage.' % config.url(push.uri)) return request
def send_to_stage(push, stage): assert push.state in ('accepting', 'onstage') assert stage in model.Push.all_stages checkedin_requests = query.push_requests(push, state='checkedin') if checkedin_requests: if push.state != 'onstage' or push.stage != stage: push.state = 'onstage' push.stage = stage push.put() query.bust_push_caches() for request in checkedin_requests: request.state = 'onstage' owner_email = util.send_mail( to=[owner_email, config.mail_to], subject='Re: %s: %s' % (request.owner.nickname(), request.subject), body=('Please verify your changes on %s.\n%s' % (push.stage, config.url(push.uri))) ) util.send_im( to=owner_email, message='<a href="mailto:%(pushmaster_email)s">%(pushmaster_name)s</a> requests that you verify your changes on %(stage)s for <a href="%(push_uri)s">%(request_subject)s</a>.',, pushmaster_name=user_info(push.owner).full_name, request_subject=request.subject, push_uri=config.url(push.uri), stage=push.stage, ) request.put() push.bust_requests_cache() return push
def post(self): email_user = cgi.escape(self.request.get('email_from')) email_subject = cgi.escape(self.request.get('email_subject')) email_message = cgi.escape(self.request.get('email_message')) message = util.send_mail(email_user, email_subject, email_message) self.generate('contact.html', {'message': message})
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def send_daily_push_report_mail(report): util.send_mail( to=['*****@*****.**'], subject='Daily Push Report Mail for %s' % util.tznow().date().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), body='\n'.join(report))
def send_log(self): if self.debug_mode is False: send_mail(email=self.gmail_username, password=self.gmail_pw, message=self.TEXT_LOG) else: print(self.TEXT_LOG) self.clear_log()
excel_obj.write_cell_value( int(test_step_row[test_case_id_col_no].value) + 1, test_case_result_col_no, "") excel_obj.set_sheet_by_name( test_step_row[test_case_sheet_name].value) test_step_rows = excel_obj.get_rows_object()[1:] for test_step_row in test_step_rows: if test_step_row[test_step_id_col_no].value is None: continue excel_obj.write_cell_value( int(test_step_row[test_step_id_col_no].value) + 1, test_step_result_col_no, "") excel_obj.write_cell_value( int(test_step_row[test_step_id_col_no].value) + 1, test_step_error_info_col_no, "") excel_obj.write_cell_value( int(test_step_row[test_step_id_col_no].value) + 1, test_step_capture_pic_path_col_no, "") if __name__ == "__main__": # 24.遍历执行所有测试用例 test_data_excel_file_path = ProjDirPath + "\\test_data\\testdata.xlsx" for test_case_sheet in get_test_case_sheet(test_data_excel_file_path): execute(test_data_excel_file_path, test_case_sheet[0], test_case_sheet[1]) # clear_test_data_file_info(test_data_excel_file_path) from util.send_mail import * send_mail()
trainer = pl.Trainer( gpus=opt[GPU], distributed_backend='dp', # auto_select_gpus=True, max_epochs=opt[NUM_EPOCH], logger=mylogger, callbacks=[checkpoint_callback], precision=opt[RUNTIME_PRECISION], check_val_every_n_epoch=opt[VALID_EVERY]) # training loop global OPT OPT = copy.deepcopy(opt), trainloader, val_dataloaders=valid_loader) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() import pprint content = pprint.pformat(OPT, indent=4) send_mail(f'[ DONE ] Training finished: {OPT[NAME]}', f'[ ARGS ] \n{content}') except Exception as e: console.print_exception() # server_chan_send('[Exception] Training stop.', str(e)) send_mail('[ ERR ] Training stop by exception.', str(traceback.format_exc()))
def main(): table = "video_advertiser" domain_table = "domain_master" url_table = "url_master" total_links = 0 total_urls = 0 display = None driver = None cursor = None #main code starts starttime = 'Start Time : %s' % ( print starttime s1time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") try: from pyvirtualdisplay import Display display = Display(visible=0, size=(1000, 900)) display.start() except: print 'No Xvfb!' driver = webdriver.Chrome() inttime = int( stime = 'Start Time : %s' % ( sql = """SELECT a.urlid,a.domainid,a.url,b.domain FROM %s as a join %s as b using (domainid)""" % (url_table, domain_table) if not cursor: cursor = util.cursor_define() cursor.execute(sql) urls = cursor.fetchall() total_urls += len(urls) num_urls_processed = "Total number of urls to be processed %s" % len(urls) print num_urls_processed for ( domainid, urlid, url_link, domain, ) in urls: total_links = video_crawl(driver, domainid, urlid, url_link, domain, inttime, table, total_links) print "Fetching Completed" endtime = 'End Time : %s' % ( e1time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") d1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(s1time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') d2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(e1time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ttime = "Total time to crawl:%s" % str(d2 - d1) print endtime total_num_urls_processed = "Total number of links processed %s" % total_links #set filename for csv filename = './csv_folder/video_advertiser_%s.csv' % (str("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S"))) sql = """select a.domain as src_domain,c.advertiser as advertiser_domain,count(c.advertiser) as advertiser_per_domain from domain_master a,url_master b,%s c where a.domainid=b.domainid and b.domainid=c.domainid and c.datetime_run=%s and c.advertiser is not null group by a.domain, c.advertiser""" % (table, inttime) util.create_csvfile(sql, filename, cursor) util.send_mail("Video Advertisers", total_num_urls_processed, starttime, endtime, ttime, filename) try: if cursor: cursor.close() except: pass # Browser close. if driver: driver.quit() if display: display.stop() try: cmd = """ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep 'screen 0 %sx%sx24' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9""" % (1000, 900) os.system(cmd) except: traceback.print_exc()
sb["data"])["data"]["uri"] email_str = util.html_format( time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(time.time()))), "签到和表单提交成功", share_url, json.loads(reason)["Address"]) util.log( time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(time.time()))) + " 签到和表单提交成功 url: " + share_url + "\n") util.send_mail(email_str) elif sb["code"] == 0 and night_s["code"] != 0: print("表单提交成功!但是签到没成功") share_url = yiban.getShareUrl( sb["data"])["data"]["uri"] email_str = util.html_format( time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(time.time()))), "表单提交成功!但是签到没成功!", share_url, "签到没成功") util.log( time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(time.time()))) +
'In order to stay up-to-date with the latest club news, ' \ 'we recommend you either subscribe to our email newsletter, RSS feed, or follow us on Twitter.</p>' \ '<table>' \ '<tr>' \ '<td>Email Newsletter:</td>' \ '<td><a href="">subscribe</a></td>' \ '</tr>' \ '<tr>' \ '<td>RSS:</td>' \ '<td><a href="">subscribe</a></td>' \ '</tr>' \ '<tr>' \ '<td>Twitter:</td>' \ '<td><a href=""></a></td>' \ '</tr>' \ '</table>' util.send_mail(fromAddr,, '[UBC Badm] Welcome ' + member.firstName + '!', msgBody) application = webapp.WSGIApplication( [('/member', MemberView)], debug=True) def main(): run_wsgi_app(application) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
def email_user(self, subject, message, from_email=None, **kwargs): """ Sends an email to this User. """ send_mail(subject=subject, message=message,