예제 #1
    def split_words_for_index(self, title):
        """docstring for split_words_for_index"""

        words = split_words(title)
        if util.pinyin_match:
            words += split_pinyin(title)

        return words
예제 #2
    def split_words_for_index(self, title):
        """docstring for split_words_for_index"""

        words = split_words(title)
        if util.pinyin_match:
            words += split_pinyin(title)
        return words
예제 #3
def query(name, text, offset=0, limit=10, sort_field='id', conditions=None):
    """docstring for query"""

    conditions = conditions if isinstance(conditions, dict) and conditions else {}

    tm = time.time()
    result = []

    # 如果搜索文本和查询条件均没有,那就直接返回 []
    if not text.strip() and not conditions:
        return result

    text = utf8(text.strip())
    splited_words = split_words(text)

    words = [mk_sets_key(name, word) for word in splited_words]

    if conditions:
        condition_keys = [mk_condition_key(name, c, utf8(conditions[c]))
                          for c in conditions]
        # 将条件的 key 放入关键词搜索集合内,用于 sinterstore 搜索
        words += condition_keys
        condition_keys = []

    if not words:
        return result

    temp_store_key = "tmpinterstore:%s" % "+".join(words)

    if len(words) > 1:
        if not util.redis.exists(temp_store_key):
            # 将多个词语组合对比,得到交集,并存入临时区域
            util.redis.sinterstore(temp_store_key, words)
            # 将临时搜索设为1天后自动清除
            util.redis.expire(temp_store_key, 86400)
        # 拼音搜索
        if util.pinyin_match:
            splited_pinyin_words = split_pinyin(text)

            pinyin_words = [mk_sets_key(name, w) for w in splited_pinyin_words]
            pinyin_words += condition_keys
            temp_sunion_key = "tmpsunionstore:%s" % "+".join(words)
            temp_pinyin_store_key = "tmpinterstore:%s" % "+".join(pinyin_words)
            # 找出拼音的交集
            util.redis.sinterstore(temp_pinyin_store_key, pinyin_words)
            # 合并中文和拼音的搜索结果
            util.redis.sunionstore(temp_sunion_key, [temp_store_key, temp_pinyin_store_key])
            # 将临时搜索设为1天后自动清除
            util.redis.expire(temp_pinyin_store_key, 86400)
            util.redis.expire(temp_sunion_key, 86400)
            temp_store_key = temp_sunion_key
        temp_store_key = words[0]

    # 根据需要的数量取出 ids
    ids = util.redis.sort(temp_store_key,
                          by=mk_score_key(name, "*"),
    result = hmget(name, ids, sort_field=sort_field)
    logging.debug("{}:\"{}\" | Time spend:{}s".format(name, text, time.time()-tm))
    return result
예제 #4
def query(name, text, offset=0, limit=10, sort_field='id', conditions=None):
    """docstring for query"""

    conditions = conditions if isinstance(conditions, dict) and conditions else {}

    tm = time.time()
    result = []

    # 如果搜索文本和查询条件均没有,那就直接返回 []
    if not text.strip() and not conditions:
        return result

    text = utf8(text.strip())
    splited_words = split_words(text)

    words = []
    for word in splited_words:
        words.append(mk_sets_key(name, word))

    condition_keys = []
    if conditions:
        for c in conditions:
            condition_keys.append(mk_condition_key(name, c, utf8(conditions[c])))
        # 将条件的 key 放入关键词搜索集合内,用于 sinterstore 搜索
        words += condition_keys
    if not words:
        return result

    temp_store_key = "tmpinterstore:%s" % "+".join(words)
    if len(words) > 1:
        if not util.redis.exists(temp_store_key):
            # 将多个词语组合对比,得到交集,并存入临时区域
            util.redis.sinterstore(temp_store_key, words)
            # 将临时搜索设为1天后自动清除
            util.redis.expire(temp_store_key, 86400)
        # 拼音搜索
        if util.pinyin_match:
            splited_pinyin_words = split_pinyin(text)

            pinyin_words = []
            for w in splited_pinyin_words:
                pinyin_words.append(mk_sets_key(name, w))
            pinyin_words += condition_keys
            temp_sunion_key = "tmpsunionstore:%s" % "+".join(words)
            temp_pinyin_store_key = "tmpinterstore:%s" % "+".join(pinyin_words)
            # 找出拼音的
            util.redis.sinterstore(temp_pinyin_store_key, pinyin_words)
            # 合并中文和拼音的搜索结果
            util.redis.sunionstore(temp_sunion_key, [temp_store_key, temp_pinyin_store_key])
            # 将临时搜索设为1天后自动清除
            util.redis.expire(temp_pinyin_store_key, 86400)
            util.redis.expire(temp_sunion_key, 86400)
            temp_store_key = temp_sunion_key
        temp_store_key = words[0]

    # 根据需要的数量取出 ids
    ids = util.redis.sort(temp_store_key,
                    start = offset,
                    num = limit,
                    by = mk_score_key(name, "*"),
                    desc = True)

    result = util.hmget(name, ids, sort_field=sort_field)
    logging.debug("%s:\"%s\" | Time spend:%ss" % (name, text, time.time()-tm))
    return result