def get_messages(uid, token): #TODO: 现在只是获取第一页私信列表,并且是每个对话的最近一条(而且没判断是发送的还是接受的)。要改成获取每页私信(每个对话最近条即可)。 http = httphelper.HttpHelper() # set cookies and gsid http.add_cookie('_WEIBO_UID', uid, '') http.add_cookie('_T_WL', '1', '') http.add_cookie('gsid_CTandWM', token, '') try: #get all msgs html = http.get(config.URL_MSG) except: e = 'failed to GET msg', util.str_time() try: #parse statuses statuses = [] idx = 0 pa_status = re.compile(r'说:(.*?) <span class="ct">') pa_touid = re.compile(r'/im/callchat\?uid=(\d+)') for status in re.findall(pa_status, html): statuses.append(model.Status(content = status)) # statuses.append(status) for touid in re.findall(pa_touid, html): statuses[idx].uid = str(uid) #TODO 一下int64,一下string的...我已经搞不清楚了... statuses[idx].touid = touid idx += 1 except: e = 'failed to PARSE statuses', util.str_time() return statuses
def handle_status(uid, token, status): """处理微博并发送,处理多条发送""" http = httphelper.HttpHelper() # set cookies and gsid http.add_cookie('_WEIBO_UID', uid, '') http.add_cookie('_T_WL', '1', '') http.add_cookie('gsid_CTandWM', token, '') # logging.debug(http.cj) #make url_post try: html_main = http.get(config.URL_WEIBO) pa_st = re.compile(r'(.*?)st=(.*?)&') # 不知道为什么这里会匹配到st后面的信息.. m = pa_st.match(html_main) st = #/mblog/sendmblog?st=1ad7&st=1ad7&vt=4&gsid=3_58ac1a8401cf4825abacad4c983f2c5080b1e8 st = st[0:4] url_post = '%s?%s' % (config.URL_POST, httphelper._encode_params(gsid = token, st = st, vt = 4)) except: e = 'failed to MAKE url_post', util.str_time() maxlen = config.STATUS_MAXLEN * 3 if len(status) > maxlen: #分条发送 length = maxlen-3*5 n = len(status)/length + 1 for j in range(0, n): _post_status(http, url_post, '['+str(j+1)+'/'+str(n)+']' + status[j*length:j*length+length]) else: _post_status(http, url_post, status[0:420]) #3倍
def message_chat(uid, token, touid): # ?uid=1659177872 http = httphelper.HttpHelper() # set cookies and gsid http.add_cookie('_WEIBO_UID', uid, '') http.add_cookie('_T_WL', '1', '') http.add_cookie('gsid_CTandWM', token, '') html = None """ 与逆风soso的聊天记录 清空 我:试试8分钟前 转发 我:testlo12分钟前 转发 我:发送测试啦50分钟前 转发 我:给逆风啦10月16日 23:26 转发 我:test10月15日 16:18 转发 逆风soso:测试下啦啦啦啦03月31日 22:21 转发 """ try: #get chat msgs html = http.get(config.URL_MSG_Chat + '?type=record&uid=' + touid) except: e = 'get chat msgs', util.str_time() msgs = [] try: #parse msgs idx = 0 pa_msg = re.compile(r'<div class="c">我:(.*?)<span class="ct">|</a>:(.*?)<span class="ct">') # pa_msg_send = re.compile(r'<div class="c">我:(.*?)<span class="ct">') # pa_msg_receive = re.compile(r'</a>:(.*?)<span class="ct">') pa_msg_time = re.compile(r'<span class="ct">(.*?)</span> ') for msg in re.findall(pa_msg, html): type = 0 if msg[0] else 1 msgs.append(model.Message(uid = str(uid), touid = str(touid), content = msg[type], type=type)) for time in re.findall(pa_msg_time, html): msgs[idx].time = time idx += 1 except: e = 'failed to parse msgs', util.str_time() return msgs #TODO,正则获得私信列表
def train(): t1 = time.time() tf.reset_default_graph() with tf.variable_scope(name_or_scope='train', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): cls, (x, y), (w0, w1, w2, w3, w4) = gm.result() loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y, logits=cls, name='loss') loss_mean = tf.reduce_mean(loss, name='loss_mean') global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step') learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(constant.LEARNING_RATE, global_step, 1000, 0.96, staircase=True, name='learning_rate') optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, name='optimizer') train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss_mean, global_step=global_step, name='train_op') data_train = util.load_data(constant.DATA_TRAIN) data_test = util.load_data(constant.DATA_TEST) graph = tf.get_default_graph() # var_list = [i for i in tf.global_variables() if'/')[1] == 'result'] # saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=var_list, max_to_keep=5) # [print(i) for i in tf.global_variables()] # [print( for i in graph.get_operations()] saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=5) with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: idx_train = np.linspace(0, constant.TRAIN_TOTAL_SIZE - 1, constant.TRAIN_TOTAL_SIZE, dtype=np.int32) step = 0 accuracies_train = [] accuracies_test = [] losses = [] ws = (w0, w1, w2, w3, w4) wa = WeightAdjust() wa.init(len(ws)) for i in range(constant.EPOCH): np.random.shuffle(idx_train) for j in range(constant.TRAIN_TIMES_FOR_EPOCH): idx_j = np.linspace(j * constant.BATCH_SIZE, (j + 1) * constant.BATCH_SIZE - 1, constant.BATCH_SIZE, dtype=np.int32) idx_train_batch = idx_train[idx_j] _, labels_train, _, images_train = util.get_batch( data_train, idx_train_batch) feed_dict_train = {x: images_train, y: labels_train} cls_train, _loss, _ =[cls, loss_mean, train_op], feed_dict=feed_dict_train) arg_idx_train = np.argmax(cls_train, axis=1) accuracy_train = sum( labels_train == arg_idx_train) / constant.BATCH_SIZE # test idx_test_batch = np.random.randint(0, constant.TEST_TOTAL_SIZE, [constant.BATCH_SIZE]) _, labels_test, _, images_test = util.get_batch( data_test, idx_test_batch) feed_dict_test = {x: images_test, y: labels_test} cls_test =, feed_dict=feed_dict_test) arg_idx_test = np.argmax(cls_test, axis=1) accuracy_test = sum( labels_test == arg_idx_test) / constant.BATCH_SIZE step += 1 if step % constant.PRINT_EVERY_TIMES == 0: print( 'time:{},epoch:{},loss:{},accuracy_train:{:.2%},accuracy_test:{:.2%}' .format(util.cur_time(), step, _loss, accuracy_train, accuracy_test)) accuracies_train.append(accuracy_train) accuracies_test.append(accuracy_test) losses.append(_loss) times = int(constant.TRAIN_TIMES_FOR_EPOCH / constant.PRINT_EVERY_TIMES) train_mean = util.mean(accuracies_train[-times:]) test_mean = util.mean(accuracies_test[-times:]) print('save model,step: {},train_mean:{},test_mean:{}'.format( step, train_mean, test_mean)), save_path='./model/resnet/cifar-resnet.ckpt', global_step=step) wa.adjust(train_mean, test_mean, step) print(wa.action) if wa.action == 'adjust': print('本次迭代权重经过调整:{}'.format(wa.weights)) assigns = gm.assign_weight(wa, ws) elif wa.action == 'stop': break else: pass accuracy_map = { 'accuracies_train': accuracies_train, 'accuracies_test': accuracies_test, 'losses': losses, 'weights': wa } util.dump_data(accuracy_map, './accuracy_map.pkl') t2 = time.time() print('耗时:{}'.format(util.str_time(t2 - t1)))