예제 #1
def treeCanopy():
        "Starting treeCanopy module ---------------------------------------------------------------"

    # per Chris P - remove pieces about DSCs/zoning as they were speculative and don't get used
    # replace 2007 veg with 2014 as we only need total canopy NOT broken out further by type
    # no longer need to use fishnetChop or createVegCombo

    util.log("Running zonal stats on canopy")
    treeCanopy_final = arcpy.gp.ZonalStatisticsAsTable_sa(
        config.subwatersheds, "WATERSHED", config.canopy_2014,
        config.temp_gdb + r"\treeCanopy_final", "DATA", "SUM")
    # note - result field is AREA
    # compare AREA to subwatersheds Shape_Area
    arcpy.JoinField_management(treeCanopy_final, "WATERSHED",
                               config.subwatersheds, "WATERSHED", "Shape_Area")

    # Calculate % canopy per subwatershed
    util.log("Calculating % canopy")
    rate_field = "Pcnt_canopy"
    arcpy.AddField_management(treeCanopy_final, rate_field, "Double")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(treeCanopy_final,
                               [rate_field, "AREA", "Shape_Area"]) as cursor:
        for row in cursor:
            row[0] = (row[1] / row[2]) * 100

    util.log("Calculating WHI score")
    score_field = "treeCanopy_score"
    arcpy.AddField_management(treeCanopy_final, score_field, "DOUBLE")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(treeCanopy_final,
                               [rate_field, score_field]) as cursor:
        for row in cursor:
            row[1] = calc.canopy_scores(row[0])

    # convert output to table if needed

    util.log("Cleaning up")

        "Module complete ---------------------------------------------------------------"
예제 #2
def riparianInt():
    # Find landcover breakdown for riparian buffer - sqft per subwatershed
        "Starting riparianInt module ---------------------------------------------------------------"

    streams = config.streams
    waterbodies = config.waterbodies
    subwatersheds = config.subwatersheds
    canopy_new = config.canopy_2014

    util.log("Step 1 of 12, Preparing streams")
    streams_sub = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(
        config.streams, "streams_sub", "LINE_TYPE = 'Open Channel'")
    streamBuffer = arcpy.Buffer_analysis(streams_sub,
                                         config.temp_gdb + r"\streams_buff",
                                         "300 Feet", "FULL", "ROUND", "NONE")

    util.log("Step 2 of 12, Preparing Hydro")
    waterbodyBuffer = arcpy.Buffer_analysis(waterbodies,
                                            config.temp_gdb + r"\hydro_buff",
                                            "300 Feet", "OUTSIDE_ONLY")

    util.log("Step 3 of 12, Erasing")
    streams_without_waterbody = arcpy.Erase_analysis(
        streamBuffer, waterbodyBuffer,
        config.temp_gdb + r"\streams_without_water")

    util.log("Step 4 of 12, Deleting unneeded fields")
    arcpy.DeleteField_management(streams_without_waterbody, [
        "LLID", "NAME", "LOC_NAME", "WB_TYPE", "MAJOR_WB", "SOURCE",
        "SOURCE_REF", "NHD_FCODE", "WS_ID", "HUC12", "HUC12_NAME", "MODIFIER",
        "REVIEW", "NOTES", "SUBAREA"
    arcpy.DeleteField_management(waterbodyBuffer, [
        'PERIOD', 'SOURCE', 'SOURCE_REF', 'NHD_FCODE', 'WS_ID', 'HUC12',
        'HUC12_Name', 'MODIFIER', 'MOD_NAME', 'MOD_DATE', 'CREATED_BY',

    util.log("Step 5 of 12, Merging")
    merged_water = arcpy.Merge_management(
        [waterbodyBuffer, streams_without_waterbody],
        config.temp_gdb + r"\merged_water")

    util.log("Step 6 of 12, Repairing Geometry")

    util.log("Step 7 of 12, Erasing")
    intersect = arcpy.Intersect_analysis([merged_water, subwatersheds],
                                         config.temp_gdb + r"\intersect")

    util.log("Step 8 of 12, Dissolving")
    final_water = arcpy.Dissolve_management(intersect,
                                            config.temp_gdb + r"\final_water",

    util.log("Step 9 of 12, Zonal Statistics")
    zone_table = arcpy.gp.ZonalStatisticsAsTable_sa(
        final_water, "WATERSHED", canopy_new,
        config.temp_gdb + r"\canopy_stats", "DATA", "SUM")

    util.log("Step 10 of 12, Adding Field")
    arcpy.AddField_management(final_water, "Pcnt_Canopy", "DOUBLE")

    Landcov_final = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(final_water,
    util.log("Step 11 of 12, Joining")
    arcpy.AddJoin_management(Landcov_final, "WATERSHED", zone_table,

    util.log("Step 12 of 12, Calculating Percent Canopy")
        Landcov_final, "Pcnt_Canopy",
        "([canopy_stats.AREA]/ [final_water.Shape_Area])*100", "VB")


    # Find count of stream/ street intersection per subwatershed

    # Subset and intersect the streams and roads - generate points from this
    util.log("Subsetting and intersecting streams/ roads")
    stream_subset = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(
        config.streams, "in_memory" + r"\stream_subset",
        "LINE_TYPE in ( 'Open Channel' , 'Stormwater Culvert' , 'Stormwater Pipe' , 'Water Body' )"
    streets_erase = arcpy.Clip_analysis(config.streets, config.city_bound,
                                        "in_memory" + r"\streets_erase")
    crossing_sect = arcpy.Intersect_analysis([stream_subset, streets_erase],
                                             "in_memory" + r"\crossing_sect",
                                             "NO_FID", "", "POINT")

    # Add Count field and populate with value = 1
    util.log("Adding and Populating Count field")
    arcpy.AddField_management(crossing_sect, "Sect_Count", "SHORT")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(crossing_sect, "Sect_Count") as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[0] = 1

    # Intersect crossings with subwatersheds, group by WATERSHED and get summed count of crossings
    groupby_list = ["WATERSHED"]
    sum_field = "Sect_Count SUM"
    crossing_sumBy = "in_memory" + r"\sect_sumBy"
    sumBy_select(crossing_sect, config.subwatersheds, groupby_list, sum_field,

    # Intersect streams with subwatersheds, group by WATERSHED and get summed area
        "Intersecting streams with subwtwatersheds and grouping length by subwatershed"
    groupby_list = ["WATERSHED"]
    sum_field = "Shape_Length SUM"
    stream_sumBy = config.temp_gdb + r"\riparianInt_final"
    sumBy_intersect(streams_sub, config.subwatersheds, groupby_list, sum_field,

    # Append information into one place
    util.log("Add crossing counts to stream length data")
    arcpy.JoinField_management(stream_sumBy, "WATERSHED", crossing_sumBy,
                               "WATERSHED", "SUM_Sect_Count")

    # Calculate # of crossings per kilometer of stream
    util.log("Calculating # of crossings per km of stream")
    rate_field2 = "Crossings_km"
    feet_perKm = 3280.1
    arcpy.AddField_management(stream_sumBy, rate_field2, "DOUBLE")
    cursor_fields = ["SUM_Sect_Count", "SUM_Shape_Length", rate_field2]
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(stream_sumBy, cursor_fields) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[2] = row[0] / (row[1] / feet_perKm)

    # Combine info from % canopy and # of crossings per kilometer into one place
    util.log("Add % canopy data to crossings per stream km info")
    arcpy.JoinField_management(stream_sumBy, "WATERSHED", Landcov_final,
                               "WATERSHED", "Pcnt_Canopy")

    # WHI score
    util.log("Calc WHI score")
    rate_field1 = "Pcnt_Canopy"
    score_field = "riparianInt_score"
    arcpy.AddField_management(stream_sumBy, score_field, "DOUBLE")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(
            stream_sumBy, [rate_field1, rate_field2, score_field]) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[2] = calc.ripIntegrity_score(row[0], row[1])

    # convert output to table if needed

    util.log("Cleaning up")

        "Module complete ---------------------------------------------------------------"
예제 #3
def streamAccess():

        "Starting streamAccess module ---------------------------------------------------------------"
    # note - module uses an altered version of the subwatershed geometry per Jen Antak
    # - this allows for capturing the full length of the stream whereas the confluences were being cut off previously

    # clip access polygons to subwatersheds
    util.log("Clipping access polygons to subwatersheds")
    accesspoly_clip = arcpy.Clip_analysis(
        config.stream_access_poly, config.subwatersheds_StreamAccess_alt,
        config.temp_gdb + r"\accesspoly_clip")

    # intersect city streams with subwatersheds
    util.log("Intersecting streams with subwatersheds")
    in_features = [config.streams, config.subwatersheds_StreamAccess_alt]
    streams_sect = arcpy.Intersect_analysis(in_features,
                                            config.temp_gdb + r"\streams_sect",

    # TODO: redundancy in this area here - stream_sect and accesspoly_sect are the same thing
    #intersect city streams with accessiblity polygons
    util.log("Intersecting city streams with accessibility polygons")
    in_features = [streams_sect, accesspoly_clip]
    accesspoly_sect = arcpy.Intersect_analysis(
        in_features, config.temp_gdb + r"\accesspoly_sect", "NO_FID", "#",

    # intersect accessible streams with subwatersheds
    util.log("Intersecting stream accessibility with subwatersheds")
    in_features = [accesspoly_sect, config.subwatersheds_StreamAccess_alt]
    access_sect = arcpy.Intersect_analysis(in_features,
                                           config.temp_gdb + r"\access_sect",

    # add field to define access values which more explicitly align with output
    util.log("Adding streamAccess_Status field")
    arcpy.AddField_management(access_sect, "streamAccess_Status", "TEXT", "",
                              "", 20)

    # populate streamAccess_Status field values
    util.log("Populating streamAccess_Status field")
    field_list = ["Curr_Acc", "Hist_Acc", "streamAccess_Status"]
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(access_sect, field_list) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            if row[0] is None and row[1] == "n":
                row[2] = "Hist_Innacessible"
            elif row[0] == "n" and row[1] == "n":
                row[2] = "Hist_Innacessible"
            elif row[0] == "n" and row[1] == "y":
                row[2] = "Hist_Accessible"
            elif row[0] == "p":
                row[2] = "Curr_Partial"
            elif row[0] == "y":
                row[2] = "Curr_Full"
                row[2] = "Unknown"

    #summarize data
    util.log("Creating summary table for all streams")
    streams_summary = arcpy.Statistics_analysis(
        streams_sect, config.temp_gdb + r"\streams_summary_table",
        "Shape_Length SUM", "WATERSHED")
    arcpy.AddField_management(streams_summary, "WSHED_TOTAL_LEN", "DOUBLE")

    input_fields = ["SUM_Shape_Length", "WSHED_TOTAL_LEN"]
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(streams_summary, input_fields) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[1] = row[0]

    util.log("Creating summary table for accessible streams")
    access_summary = arcpy.Statistics_analysis(
        access_sect, config.temp_gdb + r"\access_summary_table",
        "Shape_Length SUM", "WATERSHED;streamAccess_Status")

    # pivot info
    util.log("Creating pivot table")
    access_final = arcpy.PivotTable_management(
        access_summary, "WATERSHED", "streamAccess_Status", "SUM_Shape_Length",
        config.temp_gdb + r"\access_final")

    util.log("Adding Shape Length from city streams")
    arcpy.JoinField_management(access_final, "WATERSHED", streams_summary,
                               "WATERSHED", "WSHED_TOTAL_LEN")

    # calculate % values
    util.log("Calc % fully accessible")
    rate_field1 = "Pcnt_Full_Access"
    arcpy.AddField_management(access_final, rate_field1, "Double")
    cursor_fields = [
        "Curr_Full", "Curr_Partial", "WSHED_TOTAL_LEN", rate_field1
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(access_final, cursor_fields) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[3] = (row[0] / row[2]) * 100

    util.log("Calc % partially accessible")
    rate_field2 = "Pcnt_Partial_Access"
    arcpy.AddField_management(access_final, rate_field2, "Double")
    cursor_fields = [
        "Curr_Full", "Curr_Partial", "WSHED_TOTAL_LEN", rate_field2
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(access_final, cursor_fields) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[3] = (row[1] / row[2]) * 100

    # generate WHI scores
    util.log("Calc WHI full access score")
    score_field1 = "fully_accessible_score"
    arcpy.AddField_management(access_final, score_field1, "DOUBLE")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(access_final,
                               [rate_field1, score_field1]) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[1] = calc.streamAccess1_count(row[0])

    util.log("Calc WHI full and partial access score")
    score_field2 = "all_accessible_score"
    arcpy.AddField_management(access_final, score_field2, "DOUBLE")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(
            access_final, [rate_field1, rate_field2, score_field2]) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[2] = calc.streamAccess2_count(row[0], row[1])

    # convert output to table if needed

    util.log("Cleaning up")

        "Module complete ---------------------------------------------------------------"
예제 #4
def shallowWaterRef():
        "Starting shallowWaterRef module ---------------------------------------------------------------"

    #dissolve EDT reaches into 1 polygon
    reach_diss = arcpy.Dissolve_management(config.EDT_reaches,
                                           r"in_memory" + r"\reach_diss", "#",
                                           "#", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES")

    util.log("Clipping depth raster to EDT reach extent")
    depth_clip = arcpy.Clip_management(config.river_depth, "#",
                                       config.temp_gdb + r"\depth_clip",
                                       reach_diss, "-3.402823e+038",

        "Converting depth raster to positive values and adjusting to ordinary low water mark"
    depth_raster = arcpy.sa.Raster(depth_clip)
    lowWater_conversion = 15
    raster_adj = abs(depth_raster) - lowWater_conversion

    # get rid of negative values
    raster_noNeg = arcpy.sa.SetNull(raster_adj < 0, raster_adj)

    # reclassify to above and below 20'
    util.log("Reclassifying to above and below 20' depth")
    # 0-20' set to 0, > 20' set to 1
    reclass_mapping = "0 20 0;20 200 1"
    raster_reclass = arcpy.sa.Reclassify(raster_noNeg, "Value",
                                         reclass_mapping, "DATA")

    #convert to polygon
    util.log("Conveting raster to polygon")
    shallow_vect = arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(
        raster_reclass, config.temp_gdb + r"\shallow_vect")

    #summarize data
    util.log("Creating summary table")
    summary = arcpy.Statistics_analysis(
        shallow_vect, config.temp_gdb + r"\shallow_summary_table",
        "Shape_Area SUM", "gridcode")

    #pivot info
    util.log("Creating pivot table")
    arcpy.AddField_management(summary, "input_field", "SHORT")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(summary, "input_field") as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[0] = 100
    ShallowWater_final = arcpy.PivotTable_management(
        summary, "input_field", "gridcode", "SUM_Shape_Area",
        config.temp_gdb + r"\ShallowWater_final")

    # calculate # of total
    util.log("Calc % shallow water")
    rate_field = "Pcnt_Shallow"
    arcpy.AddField_management(ShallowWater_final, rate_field, "Double")
    cursor_fields = ["gridcode0", "gridcode1", rate_field]
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(ShallowWater_final, cursor_fields) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[2] = (row[0] / (row[0] + row[1])) * 100

    # WHI score
    util.log("Calc WHI score")
    score_field = "shallow_water_score"
    arcpy.AddField_management(ShallowWater_final, score_field, "DOUBLE")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(ShallowWater_final,
                               [rate_field, score_field]) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[1] = calc.shallowWater_score(row[0])

    # convert output to table if needed

    util.log("Cleaning up")

        "Module complete ---------------------------------------------------------------"
예제 #5
def floodplainCon():
    # Generates % canopy within the floodplain (combined 100/'96) per subwatershed
    # this module is dependent on the combined 100 year and 1996 floodplain to create config.floodplain_clip
    # if either of these sources were to change then the config.floodplain_clip source would need to be updated

        "Starting floodplainConn module ---------------------------------------------------------------"

    util.log("Removing water areas from subwatersheds"
             )  # Water is NOT included in final calculation
    subwshed_water_erase = arcpy.Erase_analysis(
        config.subwatersheds, config.waterbodies,
        config.temp_gdb + r"\subwshed_water_erase")

    util.log("Clipping subwatersheds to floodplain areas")
    subwshed_floodplain_clip = arcpy.Clip_analysis(
        subwshed_water_erase, config.floodplain_clip,
        config.temp_gdb + r"\subwshed_floodplain_clip")

        "Running zonal stats on canopy against subwatershed floodplain areas")
    floodplainConn_final = arcpy.gp.ZonalStatisticsAsTable_sa(
        subwshed_floodplain_clip, "WATERSHED", config.canopy_2014,
        config.temp_gdb + r"\floodplainConn_final", "DATA", "SUM")

    util.log("Attaching floodplain subwatershed areas to canopy zonal table")
    arcpy.JoinField_management(floodplainConn_final, "WATERSHED",
                               subwshed_floodplain_clip, "WATERSHED",

    # % veg = sqft floodplain canopy / total subwatershed floodplain area
    util.log("Calc % vegetation")
    rate_field = "Pcnt_canopy"
    arcpy.AddField_management(floodplainConn_final, rate_field, "Double")
    cursor_fields = [
        "AREA", "Shape_Area", rate_field
    ]  # AREA = floodplain canopy square footage/subwshed, Shape_Area = total floodplain/ subwshed area
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(floodplainConn_final, cursor_fields) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[2] = (row[0] / row[1]) * 100

    util.log("Calc WHI score")
    score_field = "floodplainConn_score"
    arcpy.AddField_management(floodplainConn_final, score_field, "DOUBLE")

    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(floodplainConn_final,
                               [rate_field, score_field]) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[1] = calc.fpCon_score(row[0])

    # convert output to table if needed

    util.log("Cleaning up")

        "Module complete ---------------------------------------------------------------"
예제 #6
def streamConn():
    # FOR OPERATOR ---
    # compare total stream lengths to previous years total lengths - see #1.b in documentation
    # contact watershed group managers to update natural bottom culvert list - see #3 in documentation

        "Starting streamConn module ---------------------------------------------------------------"

    # subset streams to piped only
    streams_sub = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(
        config.streams, "streams_sub",
        "LINE_TYPE in ('Stormwater Pipe','Stormwater Culvert','Combined Stormwater/Sewer Pipe')"

    # intersect and group stream subset by subwatershed
    util.log("Prepping stream subset")
    groupby_list = ["WATERSHED"]
    sum_field = "Shape_Length SUM"
    piped_byWshed = config.temp_gdb + r"\streamConn_final"
    sumBy_intersect(streams_sub, config.subwatersheds, groupby_list, sum_field,

    # intersect and group full set
    util.log("Prepping full stream set")
    groupby_list = ["WATERSHED"]
    sum_field = "Shape_Length SUM"
    fullpipe = "in_memory" + r"\fullpiped_byWshed"
    # remove Routing Connections
    streams_noRC = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(
        config.streams, "streams_sub", "LINE_TYPE <> 'Routing Connection'")
    sumBy_intersect(streams_noRC, config.subwatersheds, groupby_list,
                    sum_field, fullpipe)
    old = "SUM_Shape_Length"
    new = 'Full_Length'
    old_new = {old: new}
    fulltemp = config.temp_gdb + r"\fullstreamstemp"
    rename_fields(fullpipe, fulltemp, old_new)

    # append full set stream length to subset
    arcpy.JoinField_management(piped_byWshed, "WATERSHED", fulltemp,
                               "WATERSHED", "Full_Length")

    util.log("Accounting for retrofitted pipes")
    # add and populate field "Piped_minus_Retrofitted"
    arcpy.AddField_management(piped_byWshed, "Piped_minus_Retrofitted",

    # get values for reduction of length piped from xls
    retrofitted_dict = util.get_wshed_vals_from_xls(config.culvert_retrofit)

    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(
        ["WATERSHED", "SUM_Shape_Length", "Piped_minus_Retrofitted"
         ]) as cursor:
        for row in cursor:
            row[2] = row[1] - retrofitted_dict[row[0]]

    # create and populate % piped field
    util.log("Adding/ calculating Pcnt piped/ subwatershed")
    arcpy.AddField_management(piped_byWshed, "Pcnt_piped", "DOUBLE")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(
        ["Pcnt_piped", "Piped_minus_Retrofitted", "Full_Length"]) as cursor:
        for row in cursor:
            row[0] = (row[1] / row[2]) * 100

    # convert values in Pcnt piped field to WHI codes (new field)
    util.log("Adding/ calculating WHI scores")
    arcpy.AddField_management(piped_byWshed, "streamConn_score", "DOUBLE")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(piped_byWshed,
                               ["Pcnt_piped", "streamConn_score"]) as cursor:
        for row in cursor:
            row[1] = calc.streamCon_score(row[0])


    util.log("Cleaning up")

        "Module complete ---------------------------------------------------------------"
예제 #7
def EIA():
    # Effective Impervious Area

    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

        "Starting EIA module ---------------------------------------------------------------"

    #subset inputs
    gs_layer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(config.collection_lines,
                                                 "UNITTYPE = 'CHGRSTFAC'")
    green_streets_copy = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(
        gs_layer, config.temp_gdb + r"\green_streets_copy")
    ponds_swales = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(
        config.BMP_drainage, "ponds_swales",
        "Gen_Type in ( 'CHANNEL - WATER QUALITY SWALE' , 'Detention Pond - Dry' , 'Detention Pond - Wet' , 'POND' , 'Swale' )"
    sumps = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(config.BES_UIC, "sumps",
                                              "opsStatus = 'AC'")
    private_SMF = arcpy.Copy_management(config.privateSMF,
                                        config.temp_gdb + r"\private_SMF")

    # create mapped ImpA by subwatershed
    util.log("Creating mapped ImpA")
    # intersect bonks on multipart
    util.log("...converting multipart ImpA to singlepart")
    ImpA_single = arcpy.MultipartToSinglepart_management(
        config.ImpA, "in_memory\ImpA_single")
    util.log("...clipping ImpA to city boundary")
    ImpA_cityclip = arcpy.Clip_analysis(ImpA_single, config.city_bound,
                                        config.temp_gdb + r"\ImpA_cityclip")
    ImpA_output = config.temp_gdb + r"\ImpA_diss"
    groupby_list = ["WATERSHED"]
    sum_field = "Shape_Area SUM"
    sumBy_intersect(ImpA_cityclip, config.subwatersheds, groupby_list,
                    sum_field, ImpA_output)

    MIA_old = "SUM_Shape_Area"
    MIA_new = 'MIA_Area'
    old_new = {MIA_old: MIA_new}
    MIA_output_new = config.temp_gdb + r"\MIA"
    rename_fields(ImpA_output, MIA_output_new, old_new)

    # create managed ImpA by subwatershed - for each input
    util.log("Creating managed ImpA ...")

    util.log("... green street piece")
    # uses global, assumed  value of 3500 sqft
    aa_field = "assumed_area"
    arcpy.AddField_management(green_streets_copy, aa_field, "LONG")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(green_streets_copy, aa_field) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            row[0] = 3500
    groupby_list = ["WATERSHED"]
    sum_field = "assumed_area SUM"
    gs_output = config.temp_gdb + r"\gs_diss"
    sumBy_select(green_streets_copy, config.subwatersheds, groupby_list,
                 sum_field, gs_output)
    greenstreet_old = "SUM_assumed_area"
    greenstreet_new = 'GreenStreet_Area'
    old_new = {greenstreet_old: greenstreet_new}
    gs_output_new = config.temp_gdb + r"\greenstreets"
    rename_fields(gs_output, gs_output_new, old_new)

    util.log("... BMP managed ImpA piece")
    # TODO: update BMP inventory and associated drainage areas (DCA - 20190822)
    # clip delineations to the mapped impervious area (which is already clipped to the city boundary)
    util.log("clipping BMP basins to ImpA bounds")
    BMP_ImpAclip = arcpy.Clip_analysis(ponds_swales, ImpA_cityclip,
                                       "in_memory" + r"\BMP_ImpAclip")

    BMP_output = "in_memory" + r"\bmp_diss"
    groupby_list = ["WATERSHED"]
    sum_field = "Shape_Area SUM"
    sumBy_intersect(BMP_ImpAclip, config.subwatersheds, groupby_list,
                    sum_field, BMP_output)

    util.log("... renaming field")
    BMP_old = "SUM_Shape_Area"
    BMP_new = 'BMP_Area'
    old_new = {BMP_old: BMP_new}
    BMP_output_new = config.temp_gdb + r"\BMP"
    rename_fields(BMP_output, BMP_output_new, old_new)

    util.log("... sumped area piece")
    # clip delineations to the mapped impervious area (which is already clipped to the city boundary)
    util.log("clipping sump basins to ImpA bounds")
    sump_clip = arcpy.Clip_analysis(config.sump_delin, ImpA_cityclip,
                                    "in_memory" + r"\sump_ImpAclip")

    sump_output = "in_memory" + r"\sump_diss"
    groupby_list = ["WATERSHED"]
    sum_field = "Shape_Area SUM"
    sumBy_intersect(sump_clip, config.subwatersheds, groupby_list, sum_field,
    sumps_old = "SUM_Shape_Area"
    sumps_new = 'Sump_Area'
    old_new = {sumps_old: sumps_new}
    sump_output_new = config.temp_gdb + r"\sumps"
    rename_fields(sump_output, sump_output_new, old_new)

    util.log("... ecoroofs piece")
    roof_output = "in_memory" + r"\roof_diss"
    groupby_list = ["WATERSHED"]
    sum_field = "SQ_FOOT SUM"
    sumBy_select(config.ecoroof_pnt, config.subwatersheds, groupby_list,
                 sum_field, roof_output)
    ecoroof_old = "SUM_SQ_FOOT"
    ecoroof_new = 'Ecoroof_Area'
    old_new = {ecoroof_old: ecoroof_new}
    roof_output_new = config.temp_gdb + r"\ecoroof"
    rename_fields(roof_output, roof_output_new, old_new)

    util.log("... private SMF piece")

    # pulls sqft value from dictionary and assigns based on facility type
    smf_field = "assumed_value"
    arcpy.AddField_management(private_SMF, smf_field, "DOUBLE")
    keylist = []
    for key, value in config.smf_dict.iteritems():
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(private_SMF, ["Code", smf_field]) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            if str(row[0]).strip() in keylist:
                row[1] = config.smf_dict[str(row[0]).strip()]

    # remove records where the Code field did not match a key from config.smf_dict ie excludes any types we don't include in the dict
    util.log("Cleaning up Code field")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(private_SMF, smf_field) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            if row[0] is None:

    util.log("Renaming fields")
    # rename sum field and set result fc = to EIA_final - all other values will be appended to this fc
    smf_output = config.temp_gdb + r"\smf_diss"
    groupby_list = ["WATERSHED"]
    sum_field = "assumed_value SUM"
    sumBy_intersect(private_SMF, config.subwatersheds, groupby_list, sum_field,

    SMF_old = "SUM_assumed_value"
    SMF_new = 'SMF_Area'
    old_new = {SMF_old: SMF_new}
    EIA_final = config.temp_gdb + r"\EIA_final"
    rename_fields(smf_output, EIA_final, old_new)

    sum_field = 'Shape_Area'
    subwshed_new = 'Subwshed_Area'
    old_new = {sum_field: subwshed_new}
    new_subwsheds = config.temp_gdb + r"\subwatersheds"
    rename_fields(config.subwatersheds, new_subwsheds, old_new)

    # combine area fields into one location for calculation
        "Adding area fields to the private SMF output (ie the final output because it becomes that)"
    join_field = "WATERSHED"
    arcpy.JoinField_management(EIA_final, join_field, gs_output_new,
                               join_field, greenstreet_new)
    arcpy.JoinField_management(EIA_final, join_field, BMP_output_new,
                               join_field, BMP_new)
    arcpy.JoinField_management(EIA_final, join_field, sump_output_new,
                               join_field, sumps_new)
    arcpy.JoinField_management(EIA_final, join_field, roof_output_new,
                               join_field, ecoroof_new)
    arcpy.JoinField_management(EIA_final, join_field, MIA_output_new,
                               join_field, MIA_new)
    arcpy.JoinField_management(EIA_final, join_field, new_subwsheds,
                               join_field, subwshed_new)

    # calc all numeric field Null values to 0 so that fields calculate correctly (calcs bonk with Nulls)
    util.log("Finding and calculating all Null values to 0")

    # sum the managed ImpA, subtract from the mapped ImpA then find the % effective ImpA by subwatershed area
    util.log("Adding/ calculating Pcnt EIA/ subwatershed")
    arcpy.AddField_management(EIA_final, "Pcnt_EIA", "DOUBLE")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(EIA_final, [
            "Pcnt_EIA", greenstreet_new, BMP_new, sumps_new, ecoroof_new,
            SMF_new, MIA_new, subwshed_new
    ]) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            if row[7] != 0:
                if row[7] is not None:
                    row[0] = (row[6] - (row[1] + row[2] + row[3] + row[4] +
                                        row[5])) / row[7] * 100

    # convert values in Pcnt EIA field to WHI codes (new field)
    util.log("Adding/ calculating WHI scores")
    arcpy.AddField_management(EIA_final, "EIA_score", "DOUBLE")
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(EIA_final, ["Pcnt_EIA", "EIA_score"]) as rows:
        for row in rows:
            if row[0] != 0:
                if row[0] is not None:
                    row[1] = calc.EIA_score(row[0])

    # convert output to table

    util.log("Cleaning up")

        "Module complete ---------------------------------------------------------------"