예제 #1
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def open_channel(w3, account, contract, *args):
    transactor = contract.functions["openChannel"](args[0], args[1], args[2])
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
    result = wait_event(w3, contract, tx_hash, "ChannelOpened")
    return result[0]['args']['channel_identifier'], result[0]['args'][
        'participant1'], result[0]['args']['participant2'], result[0]['args'][
예제 #2
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def register_secret(w3, account, contract, *args):
    transactor = contract.functions["registerSecret"](args[0], args[1],
                                                      args[2], args[3])
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
    result = wait_event(w3, contract, tx_hash, "SecretRevealed")
    return result[0]['args']['secrethash'], result[0]['args'][
        'secret'], result[0]['args']['endTime']
예제 #3
def test_disable_transfers(contract, accounts, approvers, spenders):
    print('check that disabling transfers works correctly: ', end='')

    # non owner account should not be able to enable transfers
    owner = call_function(contract, 'owner')
    not_owners = [account for account in accounts if account != owner]
    for account in not_owners:
        assert reverts(transact_function, [account, contract, 'disableTransfers']), \
            'non owner account {} should not be able to disable transfers'.format(account)

    # owner should be able to enable transfers
    tx_hash = transact_function(owner, contract, 'disableTransfers')
    check_event(contract, tx_hash, 'TransfersDisabled')

    # check that transfer reverts
    senders = accounts[:2]
    receivers = accounts[1:3]
    for sender in senders:
        for receiver in receivers:
            assert reverts(transact_function, [sender, contract, 'transfer', [receiver, 1]]), \
                '{} should not be able to transfer when transferring is disabled'.format(sender)

    # check that transferFrom reverts
    for approver in approvers:
        for spender in spenders:
            receiver = accounts[3]
            assert reverts(
                [spender, contract, 'transferFrom', [approver, receiver, 1]])

    # check that triggering disableTransfers one more time fails
    assert reverts(transact_function, [owner, contract, 'disableTransfers']), \
        'owner should not be able to disable transfers when it is already disabled'

예제 #4
def test_enable_transfers(contract, accounts, approvers, spenders):
    print('check that enabling transfers works correctly: ', end='')

    # non owner account should not be able to enable transfers
    owner = call_function(contract, 'owner')
    not_owners = [account for account in accounts if account != owner]
    for account in not_owners:
        assert reverts(transact_function, [account, contract, 'enableTransfers']), \
            'non owner account {} should not be able to enable transfers'.format(account)

    # owner should be able to enable transfers
    tx_hash = transact_function(owner, contract, 'enableTransfers')
    check_event(contract, tx_hash, 'TransfersEnabled')

    # check that transfer works after enabling transfers
    senders = accounts[:2]
    receivers = accounts[1:3]
    for sender in senders:
        for receiver in receivers:
            check_transfer(contract, sender, receiver, 1)

    # check that transferFrom works after enabling transfers
    for approver in approvers:
        for spender in spenders:
            receiver = accounts[3]
            check_transfer_from(contract, approver, spender, receiver, 1)

    # check that triggering enableTransfers one more time fails
    assert reverts(transact_function, [owner, contract, 'enableTransfers']), \
        'owner should not be able to enable transfers when it is already enabled'

예제 #5
def check_transfer(contract, sender, receiver, amount):
    sender_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [sender])
    receiver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [receiver])

    tx_hash = transact_function(sender, contract, 'transfer',
                                [receiver, amount])

    new_sender_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [sender])
    new_receiver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [receiver])

    # check that balances are correct after transfer
    if sender != receiver:
        assert new_sender_balance == sender_balance - amount, \
            wrong('balance of sender {} after transfer', new_sender_balance, sender_balance - amount)

        assert new_receiver_balance == receiver_balance + amount, \
            wrong('balance of receiver {} after transfer'.format(receiver), new_receiver_balance,
                  receiver_balance + amount)
        assert sender_balance == new_sender_balance, \
            wrong('balance of address {} after transferring to itself'.format(sender), new_sender_balance,

    # check that Transfer event is emitted correctly
    check_event(contract, tx_hash, 'Transfer', {
        'from': sender,
        'to': receiver,
        'tokens': amount
예제 #6
def test_duplicate(w3, account, contract, items):
    print('RBT rejects duplicate values: {}: '.format(items), end='')

    tx_hashes = []
    for item in items:
        add_nonce = int(w3.txpool.status.pending, 16)
        tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, contract, 'insert', item,

    min_gas_used = 100000000000
    max_gas_used = -10000000000
    total_gas_used = 0
    for i in range(len(tx_hashes)):
        tx_receipt = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hashes[i])
        gas_used = tx_receipt['gasUsed']
        min_gas_used = min(gas_used, min_gas_used)
        max_gas_used = max(gas_used, max_gas_used)
        total_gas_used += gas_used

        assert tx_receipt[
            'status'] == 0, 'succeeded to insert duplicate element {} to RBT'.format(

    if len(items) > 1:
            'minimum gas: {}, maximum gas: {}, total gas: {}, average gas: {}: SUCCESS'
            .format(min_gas_used, max_gas_used, total_gas_used,
                    int(total_gas_used / len(tx_hashes))))
        print('gas used: {}: SUCCESS'.format(total_gas_used))
예제 #7
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def close_channel(w3, account, contract, *args):
    transactor = contract.functions["closeChannel"](args[0], args[1], args[2],
                                                    args[3], args[4], args[5],
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
    result = wait_event(w3, contract, tx_hash, "ChannelClosed")
    return result[0]['args']['channel_identifier'], result[0]['args'][
        'closing_participant'], result[0]['args']['nonce']
예제 #8
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def settle_channel(w3, account, contract, *args):
    transactor = contract.functions["settleChannel"](args[0], args[1], args[2],
                                                     args[3], args[4], args[5],
                                                     args[6], args[7], args[8])
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
    result = wait_event(w3, contract, tx_hash, "ChannelSettled")
    return result[0]['args']['channel_identifier'], result[0]['args'][
        'participant1_amount'], result[0]['args']['participant2_amount']
예제 #9
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def update_NonClosingBalanceProof(w3, account, contract, *args):
    transactor = contract.functions["updateNonClosingBalanceProof"](
        args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7])
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
    result = wait_event(w3, contract, tx_hash, "NonClosingBalanceProofUpdated")
    print("test", result)
    return result[0]['args']['channel_identifier'], result[0]['args'][
        'closing_participant'], result[0]['args']['nonce']
예제 #10
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def set_deposit(w3, account, contract, n1, n2, channel_identifier, deposit):
    transactor = contract.functions["setTotalDeposit"](channel_identifier, n1,
                                                       deposit, n2)
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
    temp = wait_event(w3, contract, tx_hash, "ChannelNewDeposit")
    result = temp[0]['args']['channel_identifier'], temp[0]['args'][
        'participant'], temp[0]['args']['total_deposit']

    return result
예제 #11
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def unlock(w3, account, contract, *args):
    transactor = contract.functions["unlock"](args[0], args[1], args[2],
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
    result = wait_event(w3, contract, tx_hash, "ChannelUnlocked")
    print("test : ", result)
    return result[0]['args']['channel_identifier'], result[0]['args']['participant'], result[0]['args']['partner']\
        , result[0]['args']['locksroot'], result[0]['args']['unlocked_amount'], result[0]['args']['unsettled_amount']\
        , result[0]['args']['unsettled_merkle_root'], result[0]['args']['unsettled_merkle_layer'], result[0]['args']['returned_tokens']
예제 #12
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def create_ERC20Token_network(w3, account, contract, *args):
    contract_interface = compile_contract('../contracts/TokenNetwork.sol',
    transactor = contract.functions["createERC20TokenNetwork"](args[0],
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
    result = wait_event(w3, contract, tx_hash, "TokenNetworkCreated")
    contract = get_contract(w3, result[0]['args']['token_network_address'],
    return contract
예제 #13
def set_frames_crowdsale(owner, royalty_crowdsale_contract, crowdsale):
    tx_hash = transact_function(owner, royalty_crowdsale_contract,
                                'setFrameCrowdsaleContract', [crowdsale])
    w3 = royalty_crowdsale_contract.web3
    tx_receipt = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
    assert tx_receipt['status'] == 1, 'transaction failed'
    set_crowdsale = call_function(royalty_crowdsale_contract,
    assert set_crowdsale == crowdsale, 'crowdsaleContract not set'
    print("SUCCESS: Frames Crowdsale set on Royalty Crowdsale: {}".format(
예제 #14
def check_approve(contract, approver, spender, amount):
    tx_hash = transact_function(approver, contract, 'approve',
                                [spender, amount])

    allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance', [approver, spender])
    assert allowance == amount, wrong(
        '{} allowance for {}'.format(approver, spender), allowance, amount)

    # check that Approval event is emitted correctly
    check_event(contract, tx_hash, 'Approval', {
        'tokenOwner': approver,
        'spender': spender,
        'tokens': amount
예제 #15
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def set_initial_deposit(w3, account, contract, channel, initial_deposit):
    k, result = 0, []
    for i in channel:
        for j in range(1, 3):
            if j == 1: k += 1
            transactor = contract.functions["setTotalDeposit"](
                channel[i][0], channel[i][j], initial_deposit[k],
                channel[i][3 - j])
            tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account[k], transactor)
            temp = wait_event(w3, contract, tx_hash, "ChannelNewDeposit")

    return result
예제 #16
def check_transfer_from(contract, approver, spender, receiver, amount):
    approver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [approver])
    receiver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [receiver])
    spender_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [spender])
    allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance', [approver, spender])

    tx_hash = transact_function(spender, contract, 'transferFrom',
                                [approver, receiver, amount])

    new_approver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [approver])
    new_receiver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [receiver])
    new_spender_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [spender])
    new_allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance', [approver, spender])

    assert new_allowance == allowance - amount, \
        wrong('{} allowance to {}'.format(approver, spender), new_allowance, allowance - amount)

    # check that balances are correct after transferFrom
    if approver != receiver:
        assert new_approver_balance == approver_balance - amount, \
            wrong('balance of approver {} after transfer', new_approver_balance, approver_balance - amount)

        assert new_receiver_balance == receiver_balance + amount, \
            wrong('balance of receiver {} after transfer'.format(receiver), new_receiver_balance,
                  receiver_balance + amount)
        assert new_approver_balance == approver_balance, \
            wrong('balance of approver {} after transfer to itself'.format(approver), new_approver_balance,

    if spender != receiver and spender != spender:
        assert new_spender_balance == spender_balance, \
            wrong('balance of spender {} after transfer', new_spender_balance, spender_balance)

    # check that Transfer event is emitted correctly
    check_event(contract, tx_hash, 'Transfer', {
        'from': approver,
        'to': receiver,
        'tokens': amount
예제 #17
def test_add_to_whitelist(w3, owner, whitelist_contract, addresses):
    print('add addresses: {}: to whitelist at address: {}: '
          .format(prettify_args(addresses), whitelist_contract.address), end='')

    tx_hash = transact_function(owner, whitelist_contract, 'add', [addresses])
    tx_receipt = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
    assert tx_receipt['status'] == 1, 'transaction failed'

    events = get_event(whitelist_contract, tx_hash, 'AccountListed')
    event_args = [events[i]['args'] for i in range(len(events))]

    accounts = [event_arg['account'] for event_arg in event_args]
    assert sorted(accounts) == sorted(addresses), \
        'wrong accounts listed in events, should be: {}, got: {}'.format(sorted(addresses), sorted(accounts))

    for event_arg in event_args:
        assert event_arg['status'] == True, 'wrong status, should be: {}, got: {}'.format(False, event_arg['status'])
        in_whitelist = call_function(whitelist_contract, 'isInWhiteList', [event_arg['account']])
        assert in_whitelist, 'address not added to whitelist: {}'.format(event_arg['account'])

    print('gas used: {}: SUCCESS'.format(tx_receipt['gasUsed']))
예제 #18
def check_adjust_approval(contract, approver, spender, amount):
    allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance', [approver, spender])

    if amount >= 0:
        function_name = 'increaseApproval'
        function_name = 'decreaseApproval'

    tx_hash = transact_function(approver, contract, function_name,
                                [spender, abs(amount)])

    new_allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance', [approver, spender])
    assert new_allowance == allowance + amount, wrong(
        '{} allowance for {}'.format(approver, spender), allowance, amount)

    # check that Approval event is emitted correctly
    check_event(contract, tx_hash, 'Approval', {
        'tokenOwner': approver,
        'spender': spender,
        'tokens': new_allowance
예제 #19
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def remove_from_list(w3, account, contract, addresses):
    return transact_function(w3, account, contract, 'remove', addresses)
예제 #20
def update_account(contract, account):
    tx_hash = transact_function(account, contract, 'updateAccount', [account])
    gas_used = wait_transaction(contract.web3, tx_hash)
    print("SUCCESS: Account Updated: {} Gas used: {}".format(
        short_address(account), gas_used))
예제 #21
def withdraw_dividends(contract, account):
    tx_hash = transact_function(account, contract, 'withdrawDividends')
    withdraw_event = wait_event(contract, tx_hash, 'WithdrawalDividends')

    print("SUCCESS: Withdrew Dividends: {} Event: {}".format(
        short_address(account), withdraw_event))
예제 #22
def delegate(w3, account, contract, to):
    transactor = contract.functions["delegate"](to)
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
예제 #23
def unlock_account(owner, contract, account):
    tx_hash = transact_function(owner, contract, 'unlockAccount', [account])
    gas_used = wait_transaction(contract.web3, tx_hash)
    print("SUCCESS: Account Unlocked: {} Gas used: {}".format(
        short_address(account), gas_used))
예제 #24
def giveRightToVote(w3, account, contract, voter):
    transactor = contract.functions["giveRightToVote"](voter)
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
예제 #25
def vote(w3, account, contract, proposal):
    transactor = contract.functions["vote"](proposal)
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
예제 #26
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def add_controller(w3, account, contract, address):
    return transact_function(w3, account, contract, 'addController', address)
예제 #27
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def ERC20_transfer(w3, account, contract, *args):
    transactor = contract.functions["transfer"](args[0], args[1])
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
    result = wait_event(w3, contract, tx_hash, "Transfer")
    return result[0]['args']['to'], result[0]['args']['value']
예제 #28
파일: contract.py 프로젝트: cnrlab341/payGo
def remove_controller(w3, account, contract, address):
    return transact_function(w3, account, contract, 'removeController',
예제 #29
def send(w3, account, contract, receiver, amount):
    transactor = contract.functions["send"](receiver, amount)
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)
    result = wait_event(w3, contract, tx_hash, "Sent")
    return result[0]['args']['from'], result[0]['args']['to'], result[0][
예제 #30
def mint(w3, account, contract, receiver, amount):
    transactor = contract.functions["mint"](receiver, amount)
    tx_hash = transact_function(w3, account, transactor)