def callback(final_solution_basename, vec): callback.call_count += 1 fwi_iteration = callback.call_count filename = "%s_%d.h5" % (final_solution_basename, fwi_iteration) with profiler.get_timer('io', 'write_progress'): to_hdf5(vec2mat(vec, model.shape), filename) print(profiler.summary())
def callback(progress_dir, intermediates_dir, model, exclude_boundaries, vec): global plot_model_to_file callback.call_count += 1 if not hasattr(callback, "obj_fn_history"): callback.obj_fn_history = [] callback.obj_fn_history.append(fwi_gradient.obj_fn_cache[vec.tobytes()]) fwi_iteration = callback.call_count filename = os.path.join(intermediates_dir, "solution%d.h5" % fwi_iteration) if exclude_boundaries: to_hdf5(vec2mat(vec, model.shape), filename) else: to_hdf5(vec2mat(vec, model.vp.shape), filename) progress_filename = os.path.join(progress_dir, "fwi-iter%d.pdf" % (fwi_iteration)) plot_model_to_file(solver.model, progress_filename)
def test_vec2mat(): shape = (2, 2, 2) vec = np.arange(8) mat = vec.reshape(shape) assert (np.array_equal(mat, vec2mat(vec, shape))) back = mat2vec(mat) assert (np.array_equal(back, vec))
def fwi_gradient(vp_in, model, geometry, nshots, client, solver_params): start_time = time.time() vp_in = vec2mat(vp_in, model.shape) f_vp_in = client.scatter(vp_in) # Dask enforces this for large arrays assert (model.shape == vp_in.shape) futures = [] for i in range(nshots): futures.append( client.submit( fwi_gradient_shot, f_vp_in, i, solver_params, resources={ 'tasks': 1 })) # Ensure one task per worker (to run two, tasks=0.5) shape = model.shape def reduction(*args): grad = np.zeros(shape) # Closured from above objective = 0. for a in args: o, g = a objective += o grad += g return objective, grad reduce_future = client.submit(reduction, *futures) wait(reduce_future) objective, grad = reduce_future.result() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print("Objective function evaluation completed in %f seconds" % elapsed_time) # Scipy LBFGS misbehaves if type is not float64 grad = mat2vec(np.array(grad)).astype(np.float64) return objective, grad
def fwi_gradient_local(vp_in, nshots, solver, shots_container): model = solver.model vp_in = np.array(vec2mat(vp_in, solver.model.vp.shape), dtype=solver.model.dtype) assert (model.vp.shape == vp_in.shape) solver.model.update("vp", vp_in) objective = 0. grad = np.zeros(model.vp.shape) for i in range(nshots): o, g = process_shot(i, solver, shots_container, exclude_boundaries=False) objective += o grad += g return objective, -mat2vec(grad).astype(np.float64)
def run(initial_model_filename, results_dir, tn, nshots, shots_container, so, nbl, kernel, scale_gradient, max_iter, checkpointing, n_checkpoints, compression, tolerance, reference_solution, dtype): if dtype == 'float32': dtype = np.float32 elif dtype == 'float64': dtype = np.float64 else: raise ValueError("Invalid dtype") water_depth = 20 # Number of points at the top of the domain that correspond to water exclude_boundaries = True # Exclude the boundary regions from the optimisation problem mute_water = True # Mute the gradient in the water region initial_model_filename, datakey = initial_model_filename model, geometry, bounds = initial_setup(initial_model_filename, tn, dtype, so, nbl, datakey=datakey, exclude_boundaries=exclude_boundaries, water_depth=water_depth) client = setup_dask() if not os.path.exists(results_dir): os.mkdir(results_dir) intermediates_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, "intermediates") if not os.path.exists(intermediates_dir): os.mkdir(intermediates_dir) progress_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, "progress") if not os.path.exists(progress_dir): os.mkdir(progress_dir) auth = default_auth() solver_params = {'h5_file': Blob("models", initial_model_filename, auth=auth), 'tn': tn, 'space_order': so, 'dtype': dtype, 'datakey': datakey, 'nbl': nbl, 'opt': ('noop', {'openmp': True, 'par-dynamic-work': 1000})} if kernel in ['OT2', 'OT4']: solver_params['kernel'] = kernel solver = overthrust_solver_iso(**solver_params) elif kernel == "rho": solver_params['water_depth'] = water_depth solver_params['calculate_density'] = False solver = overthrust_solver_density(**solver_params) solver._dt = 1.75 solver.geometry.resample(1.75) f_args = [nshots, client, solver, shots_container, auth, scale_gradient, mute_water, exclude_boundaries, water_depth] if checkpointing: f_args += [checkpointing, {'n_checkpoints': n_checkpoints, 'scheme': compression, 'tolerance': tolerance}] if exclude_boundaries: v0 = mat2vec(trim_boundary(model.vp, model.nbl)).astype(np.float64) else: v0 = mat2vec(model.vp).astype(np.float64) def callback(progress_dir, intermediates_dir, model, exclude_boundaries, vec): global plot_model_to_file callback.call_count += 1 if not hasattr(callback, "obj_fn_history"): callback.obj_fn_history = [] callback.obj_fn_history.append(fwi_gradient.obj_fn_cache[vec.tobytes()]) fwi_iteration = callback.call_count filename = os.path.join(intermediates_dir, "solution%d.h5" % fwi_iteration) if exclude_boundaries: to_hdf5(vec2mat(vec, model.shape), filename) else: to_hdf5(vec2mat(vec, model.vp.shape), filename) progress_filename = os.path.join(progress_dir, "fwi-iter%d.pdf" % (fwi_iteration)) plot_model_to_file(solver.model, progress_filename) callback.call_count = 0 partial_callback = partial(callback, progress_dir, intermediates_dir, model, exclude_boundaries) fwi_gradient.call_count = 0 fwd_op = solver.op_fwd(save=False) rev_op = solver.op_grad(save=False) fwd_op.ccode rev_op.ccode solution_object = minimize(fwi_gradient, v0, args=tuple(f_args), jac=True, method='L-BFGS-B', callback=partial_callback, bounds=bounds, options={'disp': True, 'maxiter': max_iter}) if exclude_boundaries: final_model = vec2mat(solution_object.x, model.shape) else: final_model = vec2mat(solution_object.x, model.vp.shape) solver.model.update("vp", final_model) # Save plot of final model final_plot_filename = os.path.join(results_dir, "final_model.pdf") plot_model_to_file(solver.model, final_plot_filename) # Save objective function values to CSV obj_fn_history = callback.obj_fn_history obj_fn_vals_filename = os.path.join(results_dir, "objective_function_values.csv") with open(obj_fn_vals_filename, "w") as vals_file: vals_writer = csv.writer(vals_file) for r in obj_fn_history: vals_writer.writerow([r]) # Plot objective function values plt.title("FWI convergence") plt.xlabel("Iteration number") plt.ylabel("Objective function value") obj_fun_plt_filename = os.path.join(results_dir, "convergence.tex") obj_fun_plt_pdf_filename = os.path.join(results_dir, "convergence.pdf") plt.clf() if reference_solution is None: plt.plot(obj_fn_history) else: # Load reference solution convergence history with open(reference_solution, 'r') as reference_file: vals_reader = csv.reader(reference_file) reference_solution_values = [] for r in vals_reader: reference_solution_values.append(float(r[0])) # Pad with 0s to ensure same size # Plot with legends plt.plot(obj_fn_history, label="Lossy FWI") plt.plot(reference_solution_values, label="Reference FWI") # Display legend plt.legend() plt.savefig(obj_fun_plt_pdf_filename) true_model = overthrust_model_iso("overthrust_3D_true_model_2D.h5", datakey="m", dtype=dtype, space_order=so, nbl=nbl) true_model_vp = trim_boundary(true_model.vp, true_model.nbl) error_norm = np.linalg.norm(true_model_vp - final_model) print("L2 norm of final solution vs true solution: %f" % error_norm) data = {'error_norm': error_norm, 'checkpointing': checkpointing, 'compression': compression, 'tolerance': tolerance, 'ncp': n_checkpoints} write_results(data, "fwi_experiment.csv") # Final solution final_solution_filename = os.path.join(results_dir, "final_solution.h5") to_hdf5(final_model, final_solution_filename)
def fwi_gradient(vp_in, nshots, client, solver, shots_container, auth, scale_gradient=None, mute_water=True, exclude_boundaries=True, water_depth=20, checkpointing=False, checkpoint_params=None): start_time = time.time() reset_cluster(client) if not hasattr(fwi_gradient, "obj_fn_cache"): fwi_gradient.obj_fn_cache = {} if exclude_boundaries: vp = np.array(vec2mat(vp_in, solver.model.shape), dtype=solver.model.dtype) else: vp = np.array(vec2mat(vp_in, solver.model.vp.shape), dtype=solver.model.dtype) solver.model.update("vp", vp) # Dask enforces this for large objects f_solver = client.scatter(solver, broadcast=True) futures = [] for i in range(nshots): if checkpointing: futures.append(client.submit(process_shot_checkpointed, i, f_solver, shots_container, auth, exclude_boundaries, checkpoint_params, resources={'tasks': 1})) else: futures.append(client.submit(process_shot, i, f_solver, shots_container, auth, exclude_boundaries, resources={'tasks': 1})) # Ensure one task per worker (to run two, tasks=0.5) if exclude_boundaries: gradient_shape = solver.model.shape else: gradient_shape = solver.model.vp.shape def reduction(*args): grad = np.zeros(gradient_shape) # Closured from above objective = 0. for a in args: o, g = a objective += o grad += g return objective, grad reduce_future = client.submit(reduction, *futures) wait(reduce_future) objective, grad = reduce_future.result() if mute_water: if exclude_boundaries: muted_depth = water_depth else: muted_depth = water_depth + solver.model.nbl grad[:, 0:muted_depth] = 0 # Scipy LBFGS misbehaves if type is not float64 grad = mat2vec(grad).astype(np.float64) if scale_gradient is not None: if scale_gradient == "W": if not hasattr(fwi_gradient, "gradient_scaling_factor"): fwi_gradient.gradient_scaling_factor = np.max(np.abs(grad)) grad /= fwi_gradient.gradient_scaling_factor elif scale_gradient == "L": grad /= np.max(np.abs(grad)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value %s for gradient scaling. Allowed: None, L, W" % scale_gradient) fwi_gradient.obj_fn_cache[vp_in.tobytes()] = objective elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time eprint("Objective function evaluation completed in %f seconds. F=%f" % (elapsed_time, objective)) return objective, -grad
def fwi_gradient_checkpointed(vp_in, model, geometry, nshots, client, solver_params, n_checkpoints=1000, compression_params=None): # Create symbols to hold the gradient and residual grad = Function(name="grad", grid=model.grid) vp = Function(name="vp", grid=model.grid) smooth_d = Receiver(name='rec', grid=model.grid, time_range=geometry.time_axis, coordinates=geometry.rec_positions) residual = Receiver(name='rec', grid=model.grid, time_range=geometry.time_axis, coordinates=geometry.rec_positions) objective = 0. time_order = 2 vp_in = vec2mat(vp_in, model.shape) assert (model.vp.shape == vp_in.shape)[:] = vp_in[:] filename = solver_params['filename'] solver = overthrust_solver_iso(filename, datakey="m0") dt = solver.dt nt =[0] - 2 u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=model.grid, time_order=time_order, space_order=4) v = TimeFunction(name='v', grid=model.grid, time_order=time_order, space_order=4) fwd_op = solver.op_fwd(save=False) rev_op = solver.op_grad(save=False) cp = DevitoCheckpoint([u]) for i in range(nshots): true_d, source_location = load_shot(i) # Update source location solver.geometry.src_positions[0, :] = source_location[:] # Compute smooth data and full forward wavefield u0[:] = 0.[:] = 0.[:] = 0.[:] = 0. wrap_fw = CheckpointOperator(fwd_op, src=solver.geometry.src, u=u, rec=smooth_d, vp=vp, dt=dt) wrap_rev = CheckpointOperator(rev_op, vp=vp, u=u, v=v, rec=residual, grad=grad, dt=dt) wrp = Revolver(cp, wrap_fw, wrap_rev, n_checkpoints, nt, compression_params=compression_params) wrp.apply_forward() # Compute gradient from data residual and update objective function[:] =[:] - true_d[:] objective += .5 * np.linalg.norm(**2 wrp.apply_reverse() print(wrp.profiler.summary()) return objective, -np.ravel(
def run(initial_model_filename, final_solution_basename, tn, nshots, shots_container, so, nbl, kernel, checkpointing, n_checkpoints, compression, tolerance): dtype = np.float32 model, geometry, bounds = initial_setup(initial_model_filename, tn, dtype, so, nbl) solver_params = { 'filename': initial_model_filename, 'tn': tn, 'space_order': so, 'dtype': dtype, 'datakey': 'm0', 'nbl': nbl, 'origin': model.origin, 'spacing': model.spacing, 'shots_container': shots_container } client = setup_dask() f_args = [model, geometry, nshots, client, solver_params] # if checkpointing: # f_g = fwi_gradient_checkpointed # compression_params = {'scheme': compression, 'tolerance': 10**(-tolerance)} # f_args.append(n_checkpoints) # f_args.append(compression_params) # else: f_g = fwi_gradient clipped_vp = mat2vec(clip_boundary_and_numpy(, model.nbl)) def callback(final_solution_basename, vec): callback.call_count += 1 fwi_iteration = callback.call_count filename = "%s_%d.h5" % (final_solution_basename, fwi_iteration) with profiler.get_timer('io', 'write_progress'): to_hdf5(vec2mat(vec, model.shape), filename) print(profiler.summary()) callback.call_count = 0 partial_callback = partial(callback, final_solution_basename) solution_object = minimize(f_g, clipped_vp, args=tuple(f_args), jac=True, method='L-BFGS-B', callback=partial_callback, bounds=bounds, options={ 'disp': True, 'maxiter': 60 }) final_model = vec2mat(solution_object.x, model.shape) true_model = overthrust_model_iso("overthrust_3D_true_model_2D.h5", datakey="m", dtype=dtype, space_order=so, nbl=nbl) true_model_vp = clip_boundary_and_numpy(, true_model.nbl) error_norm = np.linalg.norm(true_model_vp - final_model) print(error_norm) data = { 'error_norm': error_norm, 'checkpointing': checkpointing, 'compression': compression, 'tolerance': tolerance, 'ncp': n_checkpoints } write_results(data, "fwi_experiment.csv") to_hdf5(final_model, '%s_final.h5' % final_solution_basename)
def test_gradientFWI(self): r""" This test ensures that the FWI gradient computed with devito satisfies the Taylor expansion property: .. math:: \Phi(m0 + h dm) = \Phi(m0) + \O(h) \\ \Phi(m0 + h dm) = \Phi(m0) + h \nabla \Phi(m0) + \O(h^2) \\ \Phi(m0) = .5* || F(m0 + h dm) - D ||_2^2 where .. math:: \nabla \Phi(m0) = <J^T \delta d, dm> \\ \delta d = F(m0+ h dm) - D \\ with F the Forward modelling operator. """ initial_model_filename = "overthrust_3D_initial_model_2D.h5" true_model_filename = "overthrust_3D_true_model_2D.h5" tn = 4000 dtype = np.float32 so = 6 nbl = 40 shots_container = "shots-iso" shot_id = 10 ########## model0 = overthrust_model_iso(initial_model_filename, datakey="m0", dtype=dtype, space_order=so, nbl=nbl) model_t = overthrust_model_iso(true_model_filename, datakey="m", dtype=dtype, space_order=so, nbl=nbl) _, geometry, _ = initial_setup(initial_model_filename, tn, dtype, so, nbl, datakey="m0") # rec, source_location, old_dt = load_shot(shot_id, # container=shots_container) source_location = geometry.src_positions solver_params = { 'h5_file': initial_model_filename, 'tn': tn, 'space_order': so, 'dtype': dtype, 'datakey': 'm0', 'nbl': nbl, 'origin': model0.origin, 'spacing': model0.spacing, 'shots_container': shots_container, 'src_coordinates': source_location } solver = overthrust_solver_iso(**solver_params) true_solver_params = solver_params.copy() true_solver_params['h5_file'] = true_model_filename true_solver_params['datakey'] = "m" solver_true = overthrust_solver_iso(**true_solver_params) rec, _, _ = solver_true.forward() v0 = mat2vec(clip_boundary_and_numpy(, model0.nbl)) v_t = mat2vec(clip_boundary_and_numpy(, model_t.nbl)) dm = np.float64(v_t**(-2) - v0**(-2)) print("dm", np.linalg.norm(dm), dm.shape) F0, gradient = fwi_gradient_shot(vec2mat(v0, model0.shape), shot_id, solver_params, source_location) G =, dm.reshape(-1)) # FWI Gradient test H = [0.5, 0.25, .125, 0.0625, 0.0312, 0.015625, 0.0078125] error1 = np.zeros(7) error2 = np.zeros(7) for i in range(0, 7): # Add the perturbation to the model vloc = np.sqrt(v0**2 * v_t**2 / ((1 - H[i]) * v_t**2 + H[i] * v0**2)) m = Model(vp=vloc, nbl=nbl, space_order=so, dtype=dtype, shape=model0.shape, origin=model0.origin, spacing=model0.spacing, bcs="damp") # Data for the new model d = solver.forward(vp=m.vp)[0] # First order error Phi(m0+dm) - Phi(m0) F_i = .5 * linalg.norm(( -**2 error1[i] = np.absolute(F_i - F0) # Second order term r Phi(m0+dm) - Phi(m0) - <J(m0)^T \delta d, dm> error2[i] = np.absolute(F_i - F0 - H[i] * G) print(i, F0, F_i, H[i] * G) # Test slope of the tests p1 = np.polyfit(np.log10(H), np.log10(error1), 1) p2 = np.polyfit(np.log10(H), np.log10(error2), 1) info('1st order error, Phi(m0+dm)-Phi(m0): %s' % (p1)) info( r'2nd order error, Phi(m0+dm)-Phi(m0) - <J(m0)^T \delta d, dm>: %s' % (p2)) print("Error 1:") print(error1) print("***") print("Error 2:") print(error2) assert np.isclose(p1[0], 1.0, rtol=0.1) assert np.isclose(p2[0], 2.0, rtol=0.1)