def view_groups(user): print("-----------------Viewing Your Groups------------------") cursor.callproc("get_groups", [user]) for result in cursor.stored_results(): row = result.fetchone() if row is None: print("You are not a member of any groups") else: while row is not None: print("group-id: " + xstr(row[0])) print("group-name: " + row[1]) print("Description: " + row[2]) print("---------------------------------------------------") row = result.fetchone() print("You are not a member of any other groups") print("------------------------------------------------") break while True: print( "Options:\n1.Go back to home\n2.View group page\n3.Suggest groups\n4.Create a group" ) option = raw_input("Enter a number:\n") if option == '1': return elif option == '2': group_id = raw_input("What group's page do you want to view?\n") view_specific_group(user, group_id) elif option == '3': suggest_groups(user) elif option == '4': create_group(user) else: print("Invalid Option")
def data_to_tokens(data_x): X = [] maxlen_data = 0 for data in data_x: data_str = util.xstr(data) tokens = self.pp.get_tokens(data_str) map(self.indexer.add_word, tokens) X.append(tokens) maxlen_data = max(maxlen_data, len(tokens)) return (X, maxlen_data)
def view_specific_group(user, group): print("-----------------Viewing Group with group-id: " + group + "---------------") cursor.callproc("group_from_id", [group]) for result in cursor.stored_results(): row = result.fetchone() if row is None: print("Group does not exist") return else: print("group-id: " + xstr(row[0])) print("group-name: " + row[1]) print("Description: " + row[2]) print("---------------------------------------------------") break admin_args = cursor.callproc("check_admin", [user, group, False]) joined_args = cursor.callproc("check_member", [user, group, False]) if admin_args[2]: while True: admin_mode = raw_input("Enter admin mode for group (y/n)\n") if admin_mode == 'y': admin_group_page(user, group) break elif admin_mode == 'n': break else: print("Command not recognized, valid options are y or n") if joined_args[2]: while True: options = raw_input( "Options:\n1. Get Member information\n2. Back\n3. Leave group\n" ) if options == '1': get_group_members(group) elif options == '2': return elif options == '3': print("You have left the group") cursor.callproc("leave_group", [user, group]) cnx.commit() return else: while True: is_joining = raw_input( "Would you like to join this group? (y/n):\n") if is_joining == 'y': cursor.callproc("join_group", [user, group]) cnx.commit() print("You have joined the group") return if is_joining == 'n': print("Leaving group page, as no other options") return print("Not a recognized command, options are y or n")
def majors_and_minors(own, viewing): print("Add majors or Minors.") if own == viewing: while True: add_m = raw_input("Select:\n1. Add a Major\n2. Add a Minor\n3. View Majors/Minors\n4.Back\n") if add_m == '3': break elif add_m =='4': return elif add_m == '1': major = raw_input('Enter the name of the major:\n') cursor.callproc("add_major", [viewing, major]) cnx.commit() elif add_m == '2': minor = raw_input('Enter the name of the minor:\n') cursor.callproc("add_minor", [viewing, minor]) cnx.commit() else: print("Valid options are 1, 2, 3, 4") # Go through all Majors print("-----------Viewing Majors------------") cursor.callproc("get_major", [viewing]) for result in cursor.stored_results(): row = result.fetchone() if row is None: print("There are no majors for " + viewing + ".") return while row is not None: print(util.xstr(row[0])) # Delete major if own account if own == viewing: print("You can delete this major with 'delete', go to the 'next' major, or " " 'delete' it, go to the next co-op with 'next', or go 'back'") while True: option = raw_input("Enter a command") if option == 'back': return if option == 'next': break elif option == 'delete': cursor.callproc("del_major", [viewing, row[0]]) cnx.commit() break else: print("Command not recognized") row = result.fetchone() print("There are no other majors") break # Go through all Minors print("-----------Viewing Minors------------") cursor.callproc("get_minors", [viewing]) for result in cursor.stored_results(): row = result.fetchone() if row is None: print("There are no minors for " + viewing + ".") return while row is not None: print(util.xstr(row[0])) # Delete major if own account if own == viewing: print("You can delete this mino with 'delete', go to the 'next' major, or " " 'delete' it, go to the next co-op with 'next', or go 'back'") while True: option = raw_input("Enter a command") if option == 'back': return if option == 'next': break elif option == 'delete': cursor.callproc("del_minor", [viewing, row[0]]) cnx.commit() break else: print("Command not recognized") row = result.fetchone() print("There are no other minors") return
def main_profile(own, viewing): print("----------------Main profile-----------------") cursor.callproc("view_user", [viewing]) for result in cursor.stored_results(): row = result.fetchone() if row is None: print("Profile not found.") return while row is not None: print("Name: " + util.xstr(row[0]) + "\nDescription: " + util.xstr(row[1]) + "\nYear-of-Graduation: " + util.xstr(row[2]) + "\nEmail: " + util.xstr(row[3]) + "\nPhone: " + util.xstr(row[4])) row = result.fetchone() # Check for connection update? if own != viewing: is_found = False cursor.callproc("check_connection", [own, viewing, is_found]) if is_found: while True: connection_option = raw_input("Would you like to remove" + viewing + " as a connection? (y/n)\n") if connection_option == 'y': cursor.callproc("add_connection", [own, viewing]) cnx.commit() print("Connection removed") break elif connection_option == 'n': print("Connection not removed") break else: print("Command not recognized") else: while True: connection_option = raw_input("Would you like to add " + viewing + "as a connection? (y/n)\n") if connection_option == 'y': cursor.callproc("drop_connection", [own, viewing]) cnx.commit() print("Connection added") break elif connection_option == 'n': print("Connection not added") break else: print("Command not recognized") return # is the user's profile they can edit while True: print("Go back with 'back' or edit profile with" + " 'edit' and the field-name and value. For example edit year-of-graduation 2014") option = raw_input("Enter a command:\n") split = option.split(" ", 2) if option == "back": return elif split[0] == "edit": if split[2] == "": print("Need a new value") continue if split[1] == "name": cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET real_name=%s WHERE username=%s", (split[2], own)) elif split[1] == "description": cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET Description=%s WHERE username=%s", (split[2], own)) elif split[1] == "year-of-graduation": cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET gradYear=%s WHERE username=%s", (split[2], own)) elif split[1] == "email": cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET email=%s WHERE username=%s", (split[2], own)) elif split[1] == "phone": cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET phone=%s WHERE username=%s", (split[2], own)) else: print("Invalid field") continue cnx.commit() print("---------------------Updated-------------------") return main_profile(own, viewing) else: # Fix this in final version print("Invalid Command") # and 'view research'")
def research(own, viewing): print("---------------Research Experience-----------------") # Add a research if own == viewing: while True: add_research = raw_input("Add a Research Experience (y/n):\n") if add_research == 'n': break elif add_research == 'y': start = raw_input("Enter a start date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") end = raw_input("Enter an end date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") prof = raw_input("Enter a professor:\n") about = raw_input("Enter a description of the research:\n") cursor.callproc("add_research", [viewing, start, end, prof, about]) cnx.commit() else: print("Valid options are y or n") # Go through all co-ops print("-----------Viewing Research------------") cursor.callproc("get_research", [viewing]) for result in cursor.stored_results(): row = result.fetchone() if row is None: print("There are no research experiences for " + viewing + ".") return while row is not None: print("----------------Research------------------") print("start: " + util.xstr(row[0]) + "\nend: " + util.xstr(row[1]) + "\nprofessor: " + util.xstr(row[2]) + "\ndescription: " + util.xstr(row[3])) # Change a co-op if own account if own == viewing: print("You can edit this research with the name of the field multiple fields can be changed," " 'delete' it, go to the next co-op with 'next', or go 'back'") old_time = row[0] start = row[0] end = row[1] prof = row[2] desc = row[3] changed = False while True: option = raw_input("Enter a command") if (option == 'back') or (option == 'next'): if changed: cursor.callproc("del_research", [viewing, old_time]) cnx.commit() cursor.callproc("add_research", [viewing, start, end, prof, desc]) cnx.commit() if option == 'back': return break elif option == 'delete': cursor.callproc("del_research", [viewing, row[0]]) cnx.commit() break elif option == 'start': changed = True start = raw_input("Enter the new start date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") elif option == 'end': changed = True end = raw_input("Enter the new end date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") elif option == "professor": changed = True prof = raw_input("Enter the professor's name:\n") elif option == "dectription": changed = True desc = raw_input("Enter the description:\n") else: print("Command not recognized") row = result.fetchone() print("There are no other Research experiences.") return
def study_abroad(own, viewing): print("---------------Study Abroad-----------------") # Add a study abroad if own == viewing: while True: add_study_abroad = raw_input("Add a Study Abroad Experience? (y/n):\n") if add_study_abroad == 'n': break elif add_study_abroad == 'y': start = raw_input("Enter a start date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") end = raw_input("Enter an end date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") uni = raw_input("Enter the University:\n") loc = raw_input("Enter the country:\n") cursor.callproc("add_study_abroad", [viewing, start, end, uni, loc]) cnx.commit() else: print("Valid options are y or n") # Go through all co-ops print("-----------Viewing Study Abroad------------") cursor.callproc("get_study_abroad", [viewing]) for result in cursor.stored_results(): row = result.fetchone() if row is None: print("There are no study abroad experiences for " + viewing + ".") return while row is not None: print("----------------Study Abroad------------------") print("start: " + util.xstr(row[0]) + "\nend: " + util.xstr(row[1]) + "\nuniversity: " + util.xstr(row[2]) + "\ncountry: " + util.xstr(row[3])) # Change a co-op if own account if own == viewing: print("You can edit this study abroad with the name of the field multiple fields can be changed," " 'delete' it, go to the next co-op with 'next', or go 'back'") old_time = row[0] start = row[0] end = row[1] uni = row[2] loc = row[3] changed = False while True: option = raw_input("Enter a command") if (option == 'back') or (option == 'next'): if changed: cursor.callproc("del_study_abroad", [viewing, old_time]) cnx.commit() cursor.callproc("add_study_abroad", [viewing, start, end, uni, loc]) cnx.commit() if option == 'back': return break elif option == 'delete': cursor.callproc("del_study_abroad", [viewing, old_time]) cnx.commit() break elif option == 'start': changed = True start = raw_input("Enter the new start date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") elif option == 'end': changed = True end = raw_input("Enter the new end date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") elif option == "university": changed = True uni = raw_input("Enter the University:\n") elif option == "country": changed = True loc = raw_input("Enter the country:\n") else: print("Command not recognized") row = result.fetchone() print("There are no other Study Abroad experiences.") return
def courses(own, viewing): print("---------------Courses-----------------") # Add a course if own == viewing: while True: add_course = raw_input("Add a course? (y/n):\n") if add_course == 'n': break elif add_course == 'y': sem = raw_input("Enter a semester start date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") title = raw_input("Enter a course name:\n") prof = raw_input("Enter a professor's name:\n") cursor.callproc("add_course", [viewing, title, sem, prof]) cnx.commit() else: print("Valid options are y or n") # Go through all courses print("-----------Viewing Courses------------") cursor.callproc("get_courses", [viewing]) for result in cursor.stored_results(): row = result.fetchone() if row is None: print("There are no courses for " + viewing + ".") return while row is not None: print("----------------Course------------------") print("course-name: " + util.xstr(row[1]) + "\nprofessor: " + util.xstr(row[2]) + "\nsemester: " + util.xstr(row[3])) # Change a course if own account if own == viewing: print("You can edit this course with the name of the field multiple fields can be changed," " 'delete' it, go to the next course with 'next', or go 'back'") changed = False sem = row[3] name = row[1] prof = row[2] while True: option = raw_input("Enter a command") if (option == 'back') or (option == 'next'): if changed: cursor.callproc("del_courses", [row[0]]) cnx.commit() cursor.callproc("add_course", [viewing, name, sem, prof]) cnx.commit() if option == 'back': return break elif option == 'delete': cursor.callproc("del_courses", [row[0]]) cnx.commit() break elif option == 'semester': changed = True sem = raw_input("Enter the new semester start date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") elif option == "course-name": changed = True name = raw_input("Enter the course name:\n") elif option == "professor": changed = True prof = raw_input("Enter the professor's name:\n") else: print("Command not recognized") row = result.fetchone() print("There are no other courses") return
def co_ops(own, viewing): print("---------------Co-ops-----------------") # Add a co-op if own == viewing: while True: add_co_op = raw_input("Add a co-op (y/n):\n") if add_co_op == 'n': break elif add_co_op == 'y': start = raw_input("Enter a start date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") end = raw_input("Enter an end date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") comp = raw_input("Enter a company:\n") about = raw_input("Enter a descrpition of the co-op:\n") cursor.callproc("add_co_op", [viewing, start, end, comp, about]) cnx.commit() else: print("Valid options are y or n") # Go through all co-ops print("-----------Viewing Co-ops------------") cursor.callproc("get_co_ops", [viewing]) for result in cursor.stored_results(): row = result.fetchone() if row is None: print("There are no co-ops for " + viewing + ".") return while row is not None: print("----------------CO-OP------------------") print("start: " + util.xstr(row[0]) + "\nend: " + util.xstr(row[1]) + "\ncompany: " + util.xstr(row[2]) + "\ndescription: " + util.xstr(row[3])) # Change a co-op if own account if own == viewing: print("You can edit this co-op with the name of the field multiple fields can be changed," " 'delete' it, go to the next co-op with 'next', or go 'back'") old_time = row[0] start = row[0] end = row[1] company = row[2] desc = row[3] changed = False while True: option = raw_input("Enter a command") if (option == 'back') or (option == 'next'): if changed: cursor.callproc("del_co_op", [viewing, old_time]) cnx.commit() cursor.callproc("add_co_op", [viewing, start, end, company, desc]) cnx.commit() if option == 'back': return break elif option == 'delete': cursor.callproc("del_co_op", [viewing, old_time]) cnx.commit() break elif option == 'start': changed = True start = raw_input("Enter the new start date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") elif option == 'end': changed = True end = raw_input("Enter the new end date yyyy-mm-dd:\n") elif option == "company": changed = True company = raw_input("Enter the company name:\n") elif option == "description": changed = True desc = raw_input("Enter the description:\n") else: print("Command not recognized") row = result.fetchone() print("There are no other Co-ops") return