def test_formatDate_Error(dateStr): """ Test DateUtil.formatDate() bad dates """ # Call init fixture initEnv() with pytest.raises(ValueError): DateUtil.formatDate(dateStr)
def main(): try: # 创建对象 realtimehot = Top() # 进行查询 realtimehot.get_top( "" % DateUtil.getNowTimeMillisecond()) print("yidian hot search start at time:%s" % DateUtil.nowSplit()) except Exception as e: print(e)
def get_top(self, url): # 进行http请求,获取response r = requests.get(url) # 获取response的返回值 html = r.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') # print(soup.prettify()) # 定义一个返回值 resultList = [] # 循环处理 for child in soup.tbody.children: # 定义一个map,存放地址,名称和数量 tmp = {} if isinstance(child, bs4.element.Tag): if child.span and child.a: if'a["href_to"]'): tmp["url"] = "" + child.a["href_to"] else: tmp["url"] = "" + child.a["href"] tmp["title"] = child.a.text.strip() tmp["count"] = child.span.string tmp["createTime"] = DateUtil.nowSplit() tmp["source"] = "weibo" tmp["category"] = "hot_search" # 加入list resultList.append(tmp) # 插入mongo库 MongoUtil.saveMongoForHotSearch(resultList)
def get_top(self, url): # 进行http请求,获取response response = requests.get(url) # 获取response的返回值 dataJson = json.loads(response.text) code = dataJson.get("code") if 0 == code: keywords = dataJson.get("keywords") # 定义一个返回值 resultList = [] # keywords结果为json,进行json处理 count = 100 for item in keywords: tmp = {} tmp["url"] = "" tmp["title"] = item.get("name") tmp["count"] = count count = count - 1 tmp["createTime"] = DateUtil.nowSplit() tmp["source"] = "yidian" tmp["category"] = "hot_search" # 加入list resultList.append(tmp) # 插入mongo库 MongoUtil.saveMongoForHotSearch(resultList)
def test_formatDate_OK(dateStr): """ Test DateUtil.formatDate() with correct dates no modification must appear """ # Call init fixture initEnv() dateFormated = DateUtil.formatDate(dateStr) assert dateStr == dateFormated
def sendMessage(self, user): try: _r2 = '--------order:%s---%s(%s)负责今天(%s)早会------------' % ( str(user.order),, user.account, DateUtil.getCurrentDate()) eReceivers = [] tReceivers = [] if user: eReceivers.append( tReceivers.append( try: content = + '(' + user.account + ')' + '负责今天(' + getCurrentDate( ) + ')早会' EmailUtil.sendEmail(eReceivers, u'主持早会', content.encode("utf-8")) except Exception as e: self._logger.error("邮件失败," + str(e)) pass try: msg = "【主持早会】" + + '(' + user.account + ')' + '负责今天(' + getCurrentDate( ) + ')早会' SMSUtil.sendSMS(tReceivers, msg.encode("utf-8")) except Exception as e: self._logger.error("短信失败," + str(e)) pass except Exception as e: print(e)
def get_top(self, url, category): # 进行http请求,获取response r = requests.get(url) r.encoding = 'gb18030' # 获取response的返回值 html = r.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') # print(soup.prettify()) # 定义一个返回值 resultList = [] # 循环处理 for child in soup.table.children: # 定义一个map,存放地址,名称和数量 tmp = {} if isinstance(child, bs4.element.Tag): if child.span and child.a: if'a["class~=list-title"]'): tmp["url"] = child.a["href"] tmp["title"] = child.a.text.strip() if'span["class^=icon-"]'): span ='span["class^=icon-"]')[0].string tmp["count"] ="(\d+)", span).group(0) tmp["createTime"] = DateUtil.nowSplit() tmp["source"] = "baidu" tmp["category"] = category # 加入list resultList.append(tmp) # 插入mongo库 MongoUtil.saveMongoForHotSearch(resultList)
def updateCurrentSystemImage(request): #获取前端上传的图片 file = request.FILES.getlist('files') product_id = _post(request, "id") file_name1 = "" #判断是否为空,默认 if len(file) == 0: return; for f in file: name = file_name = name.split(".")[0] + "_"+ DateUtil.time_stamp() +"."+ name.split(".")[1] img_path = os.path.join(Resp.IMAGEUPLOAD, file_name) file_name1+="/images/currentsystem_images/" + file_name+"," #写入到文件中 with open(img_path,'wb') as ff: for item in f.chunks(): ff.write(item) saveImageRow = CurrentSystemService.updateCurrentSystemImage(file_name1, product_id) #路径保存到数据库 respJson = {} if saveImageRow > 0: respJson["product_id"] = saveImageRow else: respJson["ERROR"] = Resp.ERROR return HttpResponse(toJson(respJson));
def get_top(self, url): headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'} # 进行http请求,获取response r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) # 获取response的返回值 resJson = r.text data = json.loads(resJson) searchJson = data.get('data') searchData = json.loads(searchJson) # 创建list[{}] resultList = [] # 定义一个总量 totalCount = 100 # 循环处理 for word in searchData.get('search_words'): tmp = {} tmp["url"] = word.get("link") tmp["title"] = word.get("q") totalCount = totalCount - 1 tmp["count"] = totalCount tmp["createTime"] = DateUtil.nowSplit() tmp["source"] = "toutiao" tmp["category"] = "hot_search" # 加入列表 resultList.append(tmp) # 插入mongo库 MongoUtil.saveMongoForHotSearch(resultList)
def test_formatDate_convert_OK(dateStr, formatStr): """ Test DateUtil.formatDate() date reformatting """ # Call init fixture initEnv() dateFormated = DateUtil.formatDate(dateStr) assert dateStr != dateFormated assert datetime.datetime.strptime(dateStr, formatStr) == \ datetime.datetime.strptime(dateFormated, '%Y/%m/%d')
def main(): try: # 创建对象 realtimehot = Top() # 进行查询 realtimehot.get_top("") print("xigua hot search start at time:%s" % DateUtil.nowSplit()) except Exception as e: print(e)
def main(): try: # 创建对象 realtimehot = Top() # 进行查询 realtimehot.get_top("") print("weibo hot search start at time:%s" % DateUtil.nowSplit()) except Exception as e: print(e)
def main(): try: # 创建对象 realtimehot = Top() # 进行查询 realtimehot.get_top( "*2340&dpi=480&update_version_code=70515&_rticket=1546829616083&plugin=26958&fp=crT_cW4_FrGtFlwOLlU1F2KIFzKe&format=json" ) print("toutiao hot search start at time:%s" % DateUtil.nowSplit()) except Exception as e: print(e)
def validate(self): """ Check Data entered by user if OK return True """ isOK = False try: if self.nameVar.get() == "": raise ValueError(_("Please give a portion name")) if self.dateVar.get() == "": raise ValueError(_("Please give a date")) DateUtil.formatDate(self.dateVar.get()) if self.patientCodeCombobox.get() == "": raise ValueError(_("Please give a patient code")) if self.portionTypeVar.get() == "": raise ValueError(_("Please give a portion type")) if self.periodCombobox.get() == "": raise ValueError(_("Please give a period")) # Ask if portion exists code, portionExists = self.database.getPortionCode( self.nameVar.get(), self.dateVar.get(), self.patientCodeCombobox.get()) if portionExists: isMofificationOk = messagebox.askyesno(_("Add or modify Portion in database"), _("Do you really want to modify this existing portion in database ?") + \ "\n" + _("Portion code") + " : " + str(code) + \ "\n" + _("Portion name") + " : " + self.nameVar.get() + \ "\n" + _("Date") + " : " + self.dateVar.get() + \ "\n" + _("Patient code") + " : " + self.patientCodeCombobox.get(), icon='warning') if not isMofificationOk: raise ValueError(_("Please modify portion identificators")) isOK = True except ValueError as exc: self.bell() messagebox.showwarning(_("Bad input"), message=_("Error") + " : " + str(exc) + " !") return isOK
def clicExistingPortion(self, dummy): """ Update portion input field with chosen listbox item """ # Get selection selectedExistingPortion = list(self.portionListBox.curselection()) if len(selectedExistingPortion) > 0: nameDate = self.portionListBox.get( selectedExistingPortion[0]).split(" / ") self.nameVar.set(nameDate[0]) dateRead = nameDate[1] try: DateUtil.formatDate(dateRead) except ValueError as exc: self.bell() messagebox.showwarning( _("Loading values"), str(exc) + "\n" + _("Please correct the date displayed") + " !") self.dateVar.set(dateRead) self.patientCodeCombobox.set(nameDate[2]) self.portionTypeVar.set(nameDate[3]) self.periodCombobox.set(nameDate[4])
def downloadAndSaveFile(filmId, pageCount, filename): for i in range(1, pageCount + 1): print("%s,page=%d" % (dateUtil.timeToStr(time.localtime()), i)) url = '' + filmId + '.json?_v_=yes&offset=' + str( i) html = getPage(url) data = parsePage(html) for item in data: with open(filename + '.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: # f.write(item['date'] + ','+item['nickname'] + ',' + item['city'] + ',' + str(item['rate']) + ',' + item['conment']+'\n') f.write(json.dumps(item, ensure_ascii=False) + '\n') #time.sleep(random.randint(1,100)/20) time.sleep(2)
def get_hour_index(date, freq=FREQUENCY.FREQ_1_HOUR, market=MARKET_TYPE.STOCK_CN): """获取不同市场股票小时线的index """ # 参数校验 if market not in MARKET_TYPE.TUPLE_MARKET_TYPE or freq not in FREQUENCY.TUPLE_FREQ_HOUR \ or not DateUtil.is_valid_date(date): return None if market == MARKET_TYPE.STOCK_CN: return __get_market_cn_index(date, freq) elif market == MARKET_TYPE.STOCK_HK: return __get_market_hk_index(date, freq) else: return None
def get_min_index(date, freq=FREQUENCY.FREQ_1_MIN, market=MARKET_TYPE.STOCK_CN): """获取不同市场股票分钟线的index """ # 参数校验 if market not in MARKET_TYPE.TUPLE_MARKET_TYPE or freq not in FREQUENCY.TUPLE_FREQ_MIN \ or not DateUtil.is_valid_date(date): return None # if QA_util_if_trade(day) is True: if market == MARKET_TYPE.STOCK_CN: return __get_market_cn_index(date, freq) elif market == MARKET_TYPE.STOCK_HK: return __get_market_hk_index(date, freq) else: return None
def main(): try: # 创建对象 realtimehot = Top() # 实时热点 realtimehot.get_top("", "hot_realtime") # 今日热点 realtimehot.get_top( "", "hot_today") # 民生热点 realtimehot.get_top( "", "hot_livelihood") # 娱乐热点 realtimehot.get_top( "", "hot_entertainment") print("baidu hot search start at time:%s" % DateUtil.nowSplit()) except Exception as e: print(e)
def catch(source_url): curr_url, html = loadPage(source_url) # 解析 # 判断内容解析方式 content_item = parseContent(curr_url, html) content_item_common = CommonParse.parse(html) or {} content_item = content_item or {} title = content_item.get(u'title') or content_item_common.get( u'title') or u'' post_date = content_item.get(u'post_date') or content_item_common.get( u'post_date') or u'' content_html = content_item.get( u'content_html') or content_item_common.get(u'content_html') or u'' if not title and not post_date and not content_html: return -100, u'没有抓取到相关内容', None else: # 得到最终的结果 styles = u'' if content_html: # styles = operateCss(content_item, content_item_common, html) content_html = downLoadImg(source_url, content_html) # 去除 image 的 alt title content_html = clearAltTitleHref(content_html) # 去除不要的标签内容 clear_paths_in = content_item.get( u'clear_paths_in') or content_item_common.get( u'clear_paths_in') or [] clearPaths = [u'//script'] + clear_paths_in content_html = clearDOM(content_html, clearPaths) # 处理时间 post_date = DateUtil.dateFormat(dateStr=post_date) return upload_result(title, post_date, content_html, styles)
se.export() sc = StockCleaner(stock_code, end_date) sc.clean() else: logger.warn("No data found for stock code: " + stock_code) if __name__ == '__main__': try:"Downloading full stock list....") sbd = StockBasicData() sbd.download_stock_list()"Download completed") now = today = du.convertDateToString(now, '%Y-%m-%d') #today = "1999-12-31" logger.debug("Today is: " + today) stock_list = sbd.get_stock_list(today) pool = mp.Pool(processes=1) #for stock in stock_list[:5]: for stock in stock_list: stock_code = stock[0] last_updated_date = du.convertDateToString(stock[1], '%Y-%m-%d') pool.apply_async(create_process, (stock_code, last_updated_date, today)) pool.close() pool.join()"All stocks information is downloaded") except Exception, e:
def POST(self): args = web.input()'入参:%s' %args) userCode = args.get('usercode') result = {} try: self.db.execute('SELECT flag FROM %s WHERE usercode = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_PAYMENT_USER, (userCode,)) userInfo = self.db.fetchone() dbFlag = userInfo['flag'] if dbFlag == 1: dbFlag = 0 result['busStatus'] = '一直可以缴费' else: dbFlag = 1 result['busStatus'] = '缴费成功后无欠费' self.db.execute('UPDATE %s SET flag = ?, queryresultcode = ?, updatetime = ? WHERE usercode = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_PAYMENT_USER, (dbFlag, '0000000', DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), userCode)) self.conn.commit() result['status'] = 'SUCCESS' result['msg'] = '修改成功' except Exception, e: logger.error(u'切换状态失败') result['msg'] = u'修改失败'
def POST(self): args = web.input()'入参:%s' %args) amount = args.get('amount') result = {} if not amount or len(amount) == 0: result['status'] = 'FAIL' return try: addbalance = float(amount) if addbalance <=0: result['status'] = 'FAIL' return self.db.execute('SELECT balance FROM %s WHERE merchantkey = ? ORDER BY updatetime desc limit 1' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_BALANCE, (Global.GLOBAL_MERCHANTS.get('lencee'),)) querybalance = self.db.fetchone() balance = querybalance['balance'] balance = float(format(balance + addbalance, '.2f')) self.db.execute('UPDATE %s SET balance = ?, updatetime = ? WHERE merchantkey = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_BALANCE, (balance, DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), Global.GLOBAL_MERCHANTS.get('lencee'))) self.conn.commit() result['status'] = 'SUCCESS' result['balance'] = balance except Exception, err: result['status'] = 'ABNORMAL' logger.error(u'增加商户预存款异常:%s' %err)
def getresult(self, money, flagNum=0): result = {} if flagNum: num = flagNum else: num = random.randint(1,2) self.db.execute('SELECT balance FROM %s WHERE merchantkey = ? ORDER BY updatetime desc limit 1' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_BALANCE, (Global.GLOBAL_MERCHANTS.get('lencee'),)) querybalance = self.db.fetchone() if not querybalance: # 商户预存款未找到 pass balance = querybalance['balance'] if num == 1: result['status'] = 'SUCCESS' result['resultCode'] = '0000000' balance = float(format(balance - float(money), '.2f')) self.db.execute('UPDATE %s SET balance = ?, updatetime = ? WHERE merchantkey = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_BALANCE, (balance, DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), Global.GLOBAL_MERCHANTS.get('lencee'))) self.conn.commit() else: result['status'] = 'FAIL' result['resultCode'] = '0000106' result['balance'] = balance return result
def POST(self): args = web.input()'入参:%s' %args) userCode = args.get('usercode') channelCode = args.get('channelcode') result = {} try: # 修改欠费明细滞纳金 self.db.execute('UPDATE %s SET breach = ?, updatetime = ? WHERE channelcode = ? AND usercode = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_USER_ARREARS, ('0.0', DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), channelCode, userCode)) self.conn.commit() # 查询用户总欠费、滞纳金 self.db.execute('SELECT sum(itemmoney) paymentmoney, sum(breach) breach FROM %s WHERE usercode = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_USER_ARREARS, (userCode, )) newInfo = self.db.fetchone() # 返回结果 result['status'] = 'SUCCESS' result['breach'] = '0.0' result['totalmoney'] = float(format(newInfo['paymentmoney'], '.2f')) result['totalbreach'] = float(format(newInfo['breach'], '.2f')) result['msg'] = '修改成功' except Exception, e: logger.error(u'清空滞纳金失败') result['msg'] = u'修改失败'
def execute(self): self.db.execute('SELECT * FROM easylife_payment_order WHERE status=? AND iskeephangup=?', ('PROCESSING', 0)) procs = self.db.fetchall() account = {} for info in procs: self.db.execute('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE usercode = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_PAYMENT_USER, (info['usercode'],)) account = self.db.fetchone() flagNum = 0 if account['rechangeStatus']: if account['rechangeStatus'] == 'SUCCESS': flagNum = 1 else: flagNum = 2 res = self.getresult(info['paymentAmount'], flagNum) self.db.execute('UPDATE easylife_payment_order SET status = ?, resultcode = ?, updatetime = ? WHERE easylifeorderno = ?', (res.get('status'), res.get('resultCode'), DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), info['easyLifeOrderNo'])) self.conn.commit() # 如果用户表flag=1,更新用户查询结果码为:0000121 if account['flag'] == 1: self.db.execute('UPDATE %s SET queryresultcode = ? WHERE usercode = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_PAYMENT_USER, ('0000121', info['usercode'])) self.conn.commit()'更新用户%s查询结果码:%s' %(info['usercode'], '0000121'))'修改订单:%s状态为%s,剩余备付金:%s' %(info['easyLifeOrderNo'], res.get('status'), res.get('balance')))
sql = "UPDATE tj_news_clob SET news_group=" + str( group) + " WHERE news_id='" + newsid + "'" cursor.execute(sql) if y_pred[i] in countdict.keys(): countdict[y_pred[i]] = countdict[y_pred[i]] + 1 else: countdict[y_pred[i]] = 1 print('修改新闻类别成功') print('km.cluster_centers_.shape[0]:', km.cluster_centers_.shape[0]) for k in range(km.cluster_centers_.shape[0]): sql1 = "INSERT INTO tj_cluster_centers (group_id, wv,count) VALUES (" + str( k) + ", '" + str(km.cluster_centers_[k]) + "'," + str( countdict[k]) + ")" cursor.execute(sql1) db.close() print("修改类别成功") np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.NaN) start = DateUtil.nowToStrNormal() print(start) c = Cluster(stopword_path='hlt_stop_words.txt') #分词 # c.wordcut() #词向量 newsids, tdm = c.wordvector(sql=False) print('tdm:', tdm.shape) #kmeans c.dokmeans(newsids, tdm, 200, 400) print("start:", start, " end:", DateUtil.nowToStrNormal())
zsz = trContent[6].find_all("td")[1].text[3:][:-1] ltsz = trContent[7].find_all("td")[1].text[3:][:-1] print "jlv" + trContent[4].find_all("td")[1].text[4:] # 获得解禁时间 jjSql = "select min(jjsj) jjsj from stock_jjsj where stockno='" + stockno + "' and jjsj>='" + importdate + "'" cursor.execute(jjSql) jjRow = cursor.fetchone() print jjRow if jjRow[0] == None: jjsj = "" else: jjsj = jjRow[0] # 获得上月收盘价 # 获得本日收盘价 # 获得上个月 pre_month = dateutil.get_pre_month() print pre_month syspjSQL = ( "select * from stock_day_data where date=(select max(date) from stock_day_data where code='" + stockno + "' and left(date,7)='" + pre_month + "') and code='" + stockno + "' " ) brspjSQL = "select * from stock_day_data where date like'" + importdate + "%' and code='" + stockno + "'" cursor.execute(syspjSQL) syspjRow = cursor.fetchone() print syspjRow if syspjRow == None:
def init(): conn = SQLite.conn() conn.text_factory = str cursor = conn.cursor() # 创建缴费信息表 cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(easylifeorderno text, outbizno text, status text, paymenttype text, usercode text, resultcode text, paymentamount real, iskeephangup integer, addtime datetime, updatetime datetime)''' %(Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_PAYMENT)) # 创建商户预存款表 cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(merchantkey text, balance real, addtime datetime, updatetime datetime)''' %(Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_BALANCE)) # 创建缴费用户信息表 cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(usercode text, username text, querystatus text, queryresultcode text, address text, memo text, flag INTEGER, paymentstatus text, paymenttype text, paymentresultcode text, ishangup int, rechangestatus text, addtime datetime, updatetime datetime)''' %(Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_PAYMENT_USER)) # 创建用户欠费信息表 cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(channelcode test, usercode text, count real, startcount real, endcount real, price real, breach text, itemmoney real, month text, addtime datetime, updatetime datetime)''' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_USER_ARREARS) # 增加商户预存款信息 for mer in Global.GLOBAL_MERCHANTS: cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE merchantkey = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_BALANCE, (Global.GLOBAL_MERCHANTS.get(mer),)) if cursor.fetchone(): continue cursor.execute('INSERT INTO %s(merchantkey, balance, addtime, updatetime) VALUES("%s", %.2f, "%s", "%s")' %(Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_BALANCE, Global.GLOBAL_MERCHANTS.get(mer), 10000, DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM %s' %(Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_PAYMENT_USER)) if not cursor.fetchone(): for user in Global.GLOBAL_ACCOUNT: # 设置用户缴费后是否没有欠费信息标识 flag = 0 if user.get('flag'): flag = 1 # 添加用户数据 userCode = user.get('userCode') cursor.execute('INSERT INTO %s(usercode, username, querystatus, queryresultcode, address, memo, flag, paymentstatus, paymenttype, paymentresultcode, ishangup, rechangestatus, addtime, updatetime) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_PAYMENT_USER, (userCode, user.get('userName'), user.get('queryStatus'), user.get('queryResultCode'), user.get('address'), user.get('memo'), flag, user.get('paymentStatus'), user.get('paymentType'), user.get('paymentResultCode'), user.get('isHangup'), user.get('rechangeStatus'), DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) conn.commit() # 增加用户欠费信息 userArrears = Global.GLOBAL_ACCOUNT_ARREARS.get(userCode) index = 0 if userArrears: for arrear in userArrears: itemMoney = float(format((arrear.get('count') * arrear.get('price')), '.2f')) cursor.execute('INSERT INTO easylife_user_arrears(channelcode, usercode, count, startcount, endcount, price, breach, itemmoney, month, addtime, updatetime) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' %Global.GLOBAL_ACCOUNT_ARREARS, (RandomUtil.random9Str(), userCode, arrear.get('count'), arrear.get('startCount'), (arrear.get('count') + arrear.get('startCount')), arrear.get('price'), str(arrear.get('breach')), itemMoney, DateUtil.getCutDate(month=index), DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) conn.commit() index = index + 1 SQLite.close(conn)
def applyBill(self, args): self.db.execute('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE usercode = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_PAYMENT_USER, (args.get('userCode'),)) resultInfo = self.db.fetchone() if resultInfo == None: return None # 查询用户欠费信息 self.db.execute('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE usercode = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_USER_ARREARS, (args.get('userCode'), )) userArrears = self.db.fetchall() paymentResultInfos = [] for arrear in userArrears: channelCode = arrear['channelcode'] itemOutSerialNo = '' for paymentItem in json.loads(args.get('paymentOrderItemList')): if str(channelCode) == str(paymentItem.get('channelCode')): itemOutSerialNo = paymentItem.get('itemOutSerialNo') info = { 'itemOutSerialNo': itemOutSerialNo, 'agencyCode': args.get('agencyCode'), 'userCode': args.get('userCode'), 'charge': arrear['breach'], 'itemNo': RandomUtil.random20Str(), 'money': arrear['itemmoney'], 'month': arrear['month'], 'count': str(arrear['count']), 'startCount': str(arrear['startcount']), 'endCount': str(arrear['endcount']), 'status': resultInfo['querystatus'], 'type': resultInfo['paymentType'], 'memo': resultInfo['memo'], 'address': resultInfo['address'], #'price': resultInfo['price'], 'username': resultInfo['username']} paymentResultInfos.append(info) easyLifeOrderNo = RandomUtil.random32Str() self.db.execute('SELECT balance FROM %s WHERE merchantkey = ? ORDER BY updatetime desc limit 1' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_BALANCE, (Global.GLOBAL_MERCHANTS.get('lencee'),)) querybalance = self.db.fetchone() if not querybalance: # 商户预存款未找到 pass balance = querybalance['balance'] if resultInfo['paymentstatus'] == 'SUCCESS': orderStatus = 'SUCCESS' resultCode = '0000000' # 修改商户预存款 balance = float(format(balance - float(args.get('paymentAmount')), '.2f')) self.db.execute('UPDATE %s SET balance = ?, updatetime = ? WHERE merchantkey = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_BALANCE, (balance, DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), Global.GLOBAL_MERCHANTS.get('lencee'))) self.conn.commit() elif resultInfo['paymentstatus'] == 'FAIL': orderStatus = 'FAIL' resultCode = resultInfo['paymentresultcode'] elif resultInfo['paymentstatus'] == 'HANGUP': orderStatus = 'PROCESSING' resultCode = '0000107' # 是否保持挂起状态 if resultInfo['ishangup']: iskeephangup = 1 else: iskeephangup = 0 self.db.execute('INSERT INTO easylife_payment_order(easylifeorderno, outbizno, status, paymenttype, usercode, resultcode, paymentamount, iskeephangup, addtime, updatetime) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (easyLifeOrderNo, args.get('outBizNo'), orderStatus, resultInfo['paymenttype'], args.get('userCode'), resultCode, float(args.get('paymentAmount')), iskeephangup, DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), DateUtil.getDate(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) self.conn.commit() # 如果用户表flag=1,更新用户查询结果码为:0000121 if resultInfo['flag'] == 1: self.db.execute('UPDATE %s SET queryresultcode = ? WHERE usercode = ?' %Global.GLOBAL_TABLE_PAYMENT_USER, ('0000121', args.get('userCode'),)) self.conn.commit()'更新用户%s查询结果码:%s' %(args.get('userCode'), '0000121')) result = { 'success': 'T', 'signType': 'MD5', 'outBizNo': args.get('outBizNo'), 'orderStatus': orderStatus, 'orderNo': args.get('orderNo'), 'easyLifeOrderNo': easyLifeOrderNo, 'channelId': RandomUtil.random6Str(), 'balance': balance, 'resultCode': resultInfo['paymentresultcode'], 'paymentResultInfos': '%s' %json.dumps(paymentResultInfos, ensure_ascii=False) } from operator import itemgetter import urllib sortList = sorted(result.iteritems(), key=lambda d:d[0]) sign = '&'.join(['%s=%s' %(k,v) for k,v in sortList]) sign += Global.GLOBAL_MERCHANTS.get('lencee') result['sign'] = MD5Util.md5(sign) return result