def test_SimpleTeamSoccerGame(): game = SimpleTeamSoccerGame.SimpleTeamSoccerGame() agents = [SimpleTeamSoccerGame.DumbAgent()] * 4 result = GameLoop.play_game(game, agents) print "result =\n{}\n".format(result)
def train(game_type, agent_type, annealer=None): sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False)) agent = agent_type(sess) agents = [agent] * game_type.get_num_agents() # hyperparameters gamma = 0.98 gae_lambda = 0.95 learning_rate = 0.0003 #learning_rate = 0.03 #learning_rate = 0.001 minibatch_size = 32 # experiences in each training batch #minibatch_size = 1000 # experiences in each training batch #value_loss_coef = 0.3 value_loss_coef = 1.0 hyper_string = "a2c_lr{}_vc{}_mb{}".format(learning_rate, value_loss_coef, minibatch_size) # set up the training operations in tensorflow # train policy by gradient descent on -[(log prob chosen action) * (advantage)] log_p_chosen_action_op = agent.get_log_p_chosen_action_op() advantage_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='advantage') # shape: (batch size,) policy_loss = tf.constant(-1.0) * tf.reduce_sum(advantage_ph * log_p_chosen_action_op) # train value function by gradient descent on [(value est) - (cum future reward)] ** 2 reward_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='reward') # shape: (batch size,) value_op = agent.get_value_op() value_sq_err = tf.square(reward_ph - value_op) value_mse_sum = tf.summary.scalar("value_mse", tf.reduce_mean(value_sq_err)) value_loss = tf.reduce_sum(value_sq_err) # train on a combined loss total_loss = policy_loss + value_loss_coef * value_loss learning_rate_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate_ph).minimize(total_loss) #train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate_ph).minimize(total_loss) exp_buf = [] rew_buf = [] adv_buf = [] prr = PeriodicReplayWriter(game_type=game_type, agents=agents, period=50, outdir="/home/greg/coding/ML/rlgames/replays") merged_sum_op = tf.summary.merge_all() log_dir = os.path.join("/home/greg/coding/ML/rl/logs","%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + "_" + hyper_string) sum_wri = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir, graph=sess.graph, flush_secs=5) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.trainable_variables(), max_to_keep=5, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=0.5) ckpt_dir = os.path.join("/home/greg/coding/ML/rl", "checkpoints") frames_between_ckpts = 5000 #train_frames = Checkpoint.optionally_restore_from_checkpoint(sess, saver, ckpt_dir) train_frames = 0 last_ckpt_frame = train_frames print "WARNING: only training on 0th agent's experiences" ep_num = 0 while True: if annealer: annealer.frame(train_frames) prr.maybe_write(ep_num) # play a game and remember the experiences and rewards # If there's more than one player, the same agent is used for all of them # so the agent had better not be something with state like an RNN. Then # the experiences of all players are used for training. game = game_type() result = GameLoop.play_game(game, agents) #print "len(result.episodes) = {}".format(len(result.episodes)) for ep in result.episodes[:1]: exp_buf.extend(ep.experiences) ep_rewards = ep.compute_cum_discounted_future_rewards(gamma=gamma) ep_undisc_rewards = ep.compute_cum_discounted_future_rewards(gamma=1.0) ep_advs = ep.compute_generalized_advantage_ests(gamma, gae_lambda) rew_buf.extend(ep_rewards) adv_buf.extend(ep_advs) #print "ep_rewards =\n{}".format(ep_rewards) #print "ep_advs =\n{}".format(ep_advs) #print "exp_buf =\n{}".format(exp_buf) #print "rew_buf =\n{}".format(rew_buf) #print "adv_buf =\n{}".format(adv_buf) sum_wri.add_summary(make_summary("disc_rew", ep_rewards[0]), global_step=train_frames) sum_wri.add_summary(make_summary("undisc_rew", ep_undisc_rewards[0]), global_step=train_frames) sum_wri.add_summary(make_summary("init_value_est", ep.experiences[0].value_est), global_step=train_frames) sum_wri.add_summary(make_summary("init_value_mse", (ep.experiences[0].value_est - ep_rewards[0])**2), global_step=train_frames) sum_wri.add_summary(make_summary("game_length", len(result.episodes[0].experiences)), global_step=train_frames) sum_wri.add_summary(make_summary("total_undisc_rew", sum(sum(exp.reward for exp in ep.experiences) for ep in result.episodes)), global_step=train_frames) # train: while len(exp_buf) >= minibatch_size: # all this slicing is slow, but whatever batch_exps = exp_buf[:minibatch_size] batch_rews = rew_buf[:minibatch_size] batch_advs = adv_buf[:minibatch_size] #print "batch_exps =\n{}".format(batch_exps) #print "batch_rews =\n{}".format(batch_rews) #print "batch_advs =\n{}".format(batch_advs) # create a feed dict that will plug the state and chosen action # into the agent's network feed_dict = { reward_ph: batch_rews, advantage_ph: batch_advs, learning_rate_ph: learning_rate, } feed_dict.update(agent.make_train_feed_dict(batch_exps)) exp_buf = exp_buf[minibatch_size:] # discard the experiences we used rew_buf = rew_buf[minibatch_size:] adv_buf = adv_buf[minibatch_size:] # do a step of gradient descent #print "debug before train:" #agent.print_debug_info() #print "train feed dict:\n{}".format(feed_dict) [_, sums] =[train_op, merged_sum_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) train_frames += minibatch_size sum_wri.add_summary(sums, global_step=train_frames) #print "debug after train:" #agent.print_debug_info() if train_frames - last_ckpt_frame >= frames_between_ckpts:, os.path.join(ckpt_dir, "model.ckpt"), global_step=train_frames) last_ckpt_frame = train_frames ep_num += 1
def test_ShootGame(): game = ShootGame.ShootGame() agent = ShootGame.DumbAgent() result = GameLoop.play_game(game, [agent]) print "result =\n{}\n".format(result)
def test_NPlaceGame(): game = NPlaceGame.NPlaceGame() agent = NPlaceGame.DumbAgent() result = GameLoop.play_game(game, [agent]) print "result =\n{}\n".format(result)
def test_DumbGame(): game = DumbGame.DumbGame() agent = DumbGame.DumbAgent() result = GameLoop.play_game(game, [agent]) print result
def train(game_type, agent_type, annealer=None): sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False)) agent = agent_type(sess) agents = [agent] * game_type.get_num_agents() # hyperparameters gamma = 0.99 gae_lambda = 0.95 learning_rate = 0.0003 # learning_rate = 0.0001 epsilon = 0.1 # ppo parameter TODO: fiddle with me value_loss_coef = 0.3 examples_per_iteration = 1000 minibatch_size = 100 # experiences in each training batch epochs = 3 hyper_string = "ppo_lr{}_ep{}_vc{}_eit{}_mb{}_ep{}".format( learning_rate, epsilon, value_loss_coef, examples_per_iteration, minibatch_size, epochs) # set up the training operations in tensorflow advantage_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='advantage') # shape: (batch size,) old_log_p_chosen_action_ph = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=[None], name='old_log_p_chosen_action') # shape: (batch size,) log_p_chosen_action_op = agent.get_log_p_chosen_action_op() p_ratio = tf.exp(log_p_chosen_action_op - old_log_p_chosen_action_ph) clipped_p_ratio = tf.clip_by_value(p_ratio, 1.0 - epsilon, 1.0 + epsilon) policy_loss = -tf.reduce_sum( tf.minimum(advantage_ph * p_ratio, advantage_ph * clipped_p_ratio)) # train value function by gradient descent on [(value est) - (cum future reward)] ** 2 reward_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='reward') # shape: (batch size,) value_op = agent.get_value_op() value_mse = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(reward_ph - value_op)) value_mse_sum = tf.summary.scalar( "value_mse", tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(reward_ph - value_op))) # put policy and value loss together to get total loss total_loss = policy_loss + value_loss_coef * value_mse # could optionally add an entropy loss to encourage exploration learning_rate_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="learning_rate") train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate_ph).minimize(total_loss) exp_buf = [] rew_buf = [] adv_buf = [] prr = PeriodicReplayWriter(game_type=game_type, agents=agents, period=10, outdir="/home/greg/coding/ML/rlgames/replays") merged_sum_op = tf.summary.merge_all() log_dir = os.path.join( "/home/greg/coding/ML/rlgames/logs","%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + "_" + hyper_string) sum_wri = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir, graph=sess.graph, flush_secs=5) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.trainable_variables(), max_to_keep=5, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=0.5) ckpt_dir = os.path.join("/home/greg/coding/ML/rlgames", "checkpoints") steps_between_ckpts = 5000 step = Checkpoint.optionally_restore_from_checkpoint(sess, saver, ckpt_dir) last_ckpt_step = step game_frames = 0 train_frames = 0 time_tracker = TimeTracker() iteration = 0 while True: if annealer: annealer.frame(step) time_tracker.start("prr") prr.maybe_write(iteration) time_tracker.end("prr") sampler = Sampler() # stores the examples we'll use in this iteration # play games until we have enough examples to do a round of optimization print "iteration {}: playing games...".format(iteration) while sampler.num_examples < examples_per_iteration: # play a game and remember the experiences and rewards # If there's more than one player, the same agent is used for all of them # so the agent had better not be something with state like an RNN. Then # the experiences of all players are used for training. time_tracker.start("game") game = game_type() result = GameLoop.play_game(game, agents) time_tracker.end("game") game_frames += len(result.episodes[0].experiences) #print result.episodes[0] for ep in result.episodes: # remember each frame as an example to train on later ep_rewards = ep.compute_cum_discounted_future_rewards( gamma=gamma) ep_advs = ep.compute_generalized_advantage_ests( gamma, gae_lambda) ep_log_p_actions = np.array( [exp.log_p_action for exp in ep.experiences]) ep_feed_dict = { reward_ph: ep_rewards, advantage_ph: ep_advs, old_log_p_chosen_action_ph: ep_log_p_actions } ep_feed_dict.update(agent.make_train_feed_dict(ep.experiences)) sampler.add_examples(ep_feed_dict) # record some stats ep_undisc_rewards = ep.compute_cum_discounted_future_rewards( gamma=1.0) sum_wri.add_summary(make_summary("disc_rew", ep_rewards[0]), global_step=step) sum_wri.add_summary(make_summary("undisc_rew", ep_undisc_rewards[0]), global_step=step) sum_wri.add_summary(make_summary("init_value_est", ep.experiences[0].value_est), global_step=step) sum_wri.add_summary(make_summary("init_value_mse", (ep.experiences[0].value_est - ep_rewards[0])**2), global_step=step) sum_wri.add_summary(make_summary( "game_length", len(result.episodes[0].experiences)), global_step=step) sum_wri.add_summary(make_summary( "total_undisc_rew", sum( sum(exp.reward for exp in ep.experiences) for ep in result.episodes)), global_step=step) # do a few epochs of optimization on the examples print "iteration {}: starting training...".format(iteration) time_tracker.start("train") for epoch in range(epochs): for mb_i, minibatch_fd in enumerate( sampler.get_minibatches(minibatch_size)): #print "begin iteration {} epoch {} minibatch {}".format(iteration, epoch, mb_i) minibatch_fd[learning_rate_ph] = learning_rate #print "minibatch_fd =\n{}".format(minibatch_fd) #print "debug before train step:" #agent.print_debug_info() [_, sums] =[train_op, merged_sum_op], feed_dict=minibatch_fd) #print "debug after train step:" #agent.print_debug_info() sum_wri.add_summary(sums, global_step=step) step += minibatch_size train_frames += minibatch_size time_tracker.end("train") iteration += 1 cur_time = time.time() print "iteration {}: finished training.".format(iteration) game_seconds = time_tracker.part_seconds["game"] train_seconds = time_tracker.part_seconds["train"] prr_seconds = time_tracker.part_seconds["prr"] total_seconds = time_tracker.get_total_seconds() other_seconds = total_seconds - train_seconds - game_seconds - prr_seconds print "game frames = {} game seconds = {:.1f}s game frames per second = {:.1f}".format( game_frames, game_seconds, game_frames / game_seconds) print "train frames = {} train seconds = {:.1f}s train frames per second = {:.1f}".format( train_frames, train_seconds, train_frames / train_seconds) print "total time = {:.1f}s game {:.1f}% train {:.1f}% prr {:.1f}% other {:.1f}%".format( total_seconds, 100 * game_seconds / total_seconds, 100 * train_seconds / total_seconds, 100 * prr_seconds / total_seconds, 100 * other_seconds / total_seconds) if step - last_ckpt_step >= steps_between_ckpts:, os.path.join(ckpt_dir, "model.ckpt"), global_step=step) last_ckpt_step = step
def play_and_write(self, out_fn): GameLoop.play_game(self.game_type(), self.agents).save(out_fn) print "saved {}".format(out_fn)