def teammateMinWeightedDistToBall():
   minDist = robot.FULL_FIELD_LENGTH
   ballPosAbs = blackboard.localisation.ballPos
   lostCount = blackboard.localisation.ballLostCount
   robotPos = blackboard.localisation.robotPos
   if lostCount < 100:
      robotObs = blackboard.localisation.robotObstacles
      for i in range(0,len(robotObs)):
         isFriend = isTeamMate(robotObs[i])
         # Find position of the robots in absolute terms and discard if near the end of field (false positive)
         robotObsAbs = MathUtil.rrToAbs(robotPos, robotObs[i].rr)
         if robotObsAbs[0] > 2800:
            isFriend = False
         if isFriend:
            dist = math.hypot(ballPosAbs.x - robotObsAbs[0], ballPosAbs.y - robotObsAbs[1])
            if dist < minDist:
               minDist = dist
   return minDist
예제 #2
def teammateMinWeightedDistToBall():
    minDist = robot.FULL_FIELD_LENGTH
    ballPosAbs = blackboard.localisation.ballPos
    lostCount = blackboard.localisation.ballLostCount
    robotPos = blackboard.localisation.robotPos
    if lostCount < 100:
        robotObs = blackboard.localisation.robotObstacles
        for i in range(0, len(robotObs)):
            isFriend = isTeamMate(robotObs[i])
            # Find position of the robots in absolute terms and discard if near the end of field (false positive)
            robotObsAbs = MathUtil.rrToAbs(robotPos, robotObs[i].rr)
            if robotObsAbs[0] > 2800:
                isFriend = False
            if isFriend:
                dist = math.hypot(ballPosAbs.x - robotObsAbs[0],
                                  ballPosAbs.y - robotObsAbs[1])
                if dist < minDist:
                    minDist = dist
    return minDist
예제 #3
def angleToGoalShot(ballPosAbs, robotPos, robotObstacles, commitToKick):

    goalRight = angleToGoalRight(ballPosAbs)
    goalLeft = angleToGoalLeft(ballPosAbs)
    pointsOfAim = [[angleToGoal(ballPosAbs), -1.0, Kick.MIDDLE],
                   [goalLeft - math.radians(10), -1.0, Kick.LEFT],
                   [goalRight + math.radians(10), -1.0, Kick.RIGHT]]

    # If we've committed to a kick already
    if Kick.MIDDLE <= commitToKick <= Kick.RIGHT:
        return pointsOfAim[commitToKick]

    # If goal angle is so fine that we can only kick for the middle anyway
    if pointsOfAim[Kick.LEFT][0] < pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE][0] or pointsOfAim[
            Kick.RIGHT][0] > pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE][0]:
        return pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE]

    nearestDist = 10000
    result = pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE]
    for i in range(0, len(robotObstacles)):
        # Find position of the robots in ball relative terms
        ball = (ballPosAbs.x, ballPosAbs.y, 0.0)
        rr = MathUtil.absToRr(ball,
                              MathUtil.rrToAbs(robotPos, robotObstacles[i].rr))
        dist = rr[0]
        heading = rr[1]
        if pointsOfAim[Kick.LEFT][0] > heading > pointsOfAim[Kick.RIGHT][0]:
            if dist < nearestDist:
                nearestDist = dist
                if heading > pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE][0]:
                    # Robot is to the left
                    #print "Aiming right"
                    result = pointsOfAim[Kick.RIGHT]
                    #print "Aiming left"
                    # Robot is to the right
                    result = pointsOfAim[Kick.LEFT]
    return result
def angleToGoalShot(ballPosAbs, robotPos, robotObstacles, commitToKick):

   goalRight = angleToGoalRight(ballPosAbs)
   goalLeft = angleToGoalLeft(ballPosAbs)
   pointsOfAim = [[angleToGoal(ballPosAbs), -1.0, Kick.MIDDLE],
                  [goalLeft - math.radians(10), -1.0, Kick.LEFT],
                  [goalRight + math.radians(10), -1.0, Kick.RIGHT]]

   # If we've committed to a kick already
   if Kick.MIDDLE <= commitToKick <= Kick.RIGHT:
      return pointsOfAim[commitToKick]

   # If goal angle is so fine that we can only kick for the middle anyway
   if pointsOfAim[Kick.LEFT][0] < pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE][0] or pointsOfAim[Kick.RIGHT][0] > pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE][0]:
      return pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE]

   nearestDist = 10000
   result = pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE]
   for i in range(0,len(robotObstacles)):
      # Find position of the robots in ball relative terms
      ball = (ballPosAbs.x, ballPosAbs.y, 0.0)
      rr = MathUtil.absToRr(ball, MathUtil.rrToAbs(robotPos, robotObstacles[i].rr))
      dist = rr[0]
      heading = rr[1]
      if pointsOfAim[Kick.LEFT][0] > heading > pointsOfAim[Kick.RIGHT][0]:
         if dist < nearestDist:
            nearestDist = dist
            if heading > pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE][0]:
               # Robot is to the left
               #print "Aiming right"
               result = pointsOfAim[Kick.RIGHT]
               #print "Aiming left"
               # Robot is to the right
               result = pointsOfAim[Kick.LEFT]
   return result