예제 #1
파일: sdp.py 프로젝트: larsimmisch/aculab
 def intersect(self, other):
     """See RFC 3264."""
     map1 = self.rtpmap
     d1 = {}
     for code,(e,fmt) in map1.items():
         d1[rtpmap2canonical(code,e)] = e
     map2 = other.rtpmap
     outmap = OrderedDict()
     # XXX quadratic - make rtpmap an ordereddict
     for code, (e, fmt) in map2.items():
         canon = rtpmap2canonical(code,e)
         if d1.has_key(canon):
             outmap[code] = (e, fmt)
     self.rtpmap = outmap
     self.formats = [ str(x) for x in self.rtpmap.keys() ]
     self._a['rtpmap'] = OrderedDict([ (code,e) for
                                       (code, (e, fmt)) in outmap.items() ])
예제 #2
def dump_supported_features():
    import drivers
    features = OrderedDict()
    for nbr, driver_features in enumerate([drivers.DriverBase, drivers.pysqlite2, 
               drivers.MySQLdb, drivers.psycopg2, drivers.ibm_db, 
               drivers.cx_Oracle, drivers.ceODBC]):
        for feature in dir(driver_features):
            if (feature[:1] == '_' or 
                feature == 'typemap' or 
                hasattr(getattr(driver_features, feature), '__call__')):
                continue   # Skip private attributes & methods

            value = getattr(driver_features, feature)
            (doc, supports) = features.get(feature, ['', []])
            if not doc:
                doc = getattr(value, '__doc__')

            features[feature] = (doc, supports)

    #Output the summary & introduction section
    print """#summary Comparison of core features provided by several DB-API implementations. \
Covers features that are universal to all DB-API implementations; features that are specific \
to a particular driver are not covered. \

= Introduction =
Comparison of core features provided by several DB-API implementations.  \
Covers features that are universal to all DB-API implementations ; features that are specific \
to a particular driver are not covered. 
    #Output the table headers
    print ("|| Feature || Feature Description || Default Value || pysqlite2 || MySQLdb "
           "|| psycopg2 || ibmdb || ceODBC || cx_Oracle")

    #Output the table details
    for (feature, (doc, supports)) in features.items():
        print '||', feature, ' || ', doc, ' || ',
        for support in supports:
            print support, ' ||',
예제 #3
def dump_testcase_reports():
    qualfiles = glob.glob("reports/*")
    files = [qualfile[qualfile.find('/')+1:] for qualfile in qualfiles]
    print '|| Test Name ||','||'.join(files),'||'

    tests = OrderedDict()
    for qualfile in qualfiles:
      # Add each test to "tests" dict
      for test_result in open(qualfile, 'r').readlines():
          break_loc = test_result.find('...')
          test, result = None, None

          test = test_result[:break_loc - 1]
          result = test_result[break_loc + 4:-1]

          if (not break_loc) or test.startswith('----') or test.startswith('Ran '):

          if result == "ok":
              result = "Pass"
          if result == "(Unsupported) ok":
              result = "Fail"
          if result == "(Skipped) ok":
              result = "N/A"

          # Append this test result to list of all results for this test
          results = tests.get(test, [])
          tests[test] = results
          ##print '||', test, '||', result

    for (key, value) in tests.items():
        if key.strip()=='O' or value == ['N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A']:
        print '||', key, '||', ' || '.join(value), '||'