예제 #1
def apply(state):
    editor = SoundEditor(state)
    for cur in editor:
        next = cur.next
        if next.value is None:

        x, y = cur.value, next.value
        if x in Sounds('ac'):
            cur.value, next.value = ac_sandhi(x, y)
        elif x in Sounds('hal'):
            cur.value, next.value = hal_sandhi(x, y)

    yield editor.join()
예제 #2
def asiddha_helper(state):
    """Chapter 8.2 of the Ashtadhyayi starts the 'asiddha' section of
    the text:

        8.2.1 pUrvatrAsiddham

    The asiddha section lasts until the end of the text, and for that
    reason, it is often called the tripAdI ("having three pAdas").

    The rules in the tripAdI are treated as not having taken effect
    ('asiddha') as far as the prior rules are concerned. This is an
    abstract notion, but practically it means that these are the last
    rules we apply in a derivation.

    :param state:

    had_rs = False

    editor = SoundEditor(state)
    for c in editor:
        p = c.prev
        n = c.next
        n2 = n.next

        w, x, y, z = (p.value, c.value, n.value, n2.value)

        # 8.2.29 skoH saMyogAdyor ante ca
        # TODO: pada end
        if x in 'sk' and y in Sounds('hal') and z in Sounds('Jal'):
            x = '_'

        if y in Sounds('Jal'):
            # 8.2.30 coH kuH
            cu = Sounds('cu')
            if x in cu and y in Sounds('Jal') and y not in cu:
                x = Sound(x).closest(Sounds('ku'))

            # 8.2.31 ho DhaH
            elif x == 'h':
                x = 'Q'

            # 8.2.36 vrazca-bhrasja-sRja-mRja-yaja-rAja-bhrAjacCazAM SaH
            roots = {'vraSc', 'Brasj', 'sfj', 'mfj', 'yaj', 'rAj', 'BrAj'}
            if c.last and (c.term.value in roots or c.term.antya in 'SC'):
                x = 'z'

        # 8.2.40 (TODO: not dhA)
        if w in Sounds('Jaz') and x in 'tT':
            x = 'D'
        elif x == 'D' and y in 'tT':

         # 8.2.41 SaDhoH kaH si
        elif x in 'zQ' and y == 's':
            x = 'k'

        # 8.2.41 SaDhoH kaH si
        if x in 'zQ' and y == 's':
            x = 'k'

        # 8.3.23 mo 'nusvAraH
        # elif x == 'm' and y in Sounds('hal'):
        #     x = 'M'

        # 8.3.24 naz cApadAntasya jhali
        elif x in 'mn' and y in Sounds('Jal'):
            x = 'M'

        # 8.3.59 AdezapratyayayoH
        if w in Sounds('iN ku'):
            if not c.last and x == 's' and (c.term.raw[0] == 'z'
                                            or 'pratyaya' in c.term.samjna):
                x = 'z'

        # 8.3.78 iNaH SIdhvaMluGliTAM dho 'GgAt
        # 8.3.79 vibhASeTaH
        # TODO: SIdhvam, luG
        if (x == 'D'
                and w in Pratyahara('iR', second_R=True)
                and c.first  # not triggered by iT
                and 'li~w' in c.term.lakshana):
            x = 'Q'

        # 8.4.1 raSAbhyAM no NaH samAnapade
        # 8.4.2 aTkupvAGnuMvyavAye 'pi
        # According to commentary, 8.4.1 also applies to 'f' and 'F'.
        # TODO: AG, num
        if x in 'rzfF':
            had_rs = True
        elif x == 'n' and had_rs and p.term.value != 'kzuB':
            x = 'R'
            had_rs = False
        elif x not in Sounds('aw ku pu'):
            had_rs = False

        stu = Sounds('s tu')
        if x in stu:

            # 8.4.40 stoH zcunA zcuH
            # 8.4.44 zAt (na)
            scu = Sounds('S cu')
            if w == 'S':
            elif w in scu or y in scu:
                x = Sound(x).closest(scu)

            # 8.4.41 STunA STuH
            zwu = Sounds('z wu')
            if w in zwu or y in zwu:
                x = Sound(x).closest(zwu)

        if x in Sounds('Jal'):
            x_ = x

            # 8.4.53 jhalAM jaz jhazi
            if y in Sounds('JaS'):
                x = Sound(x_).closest(Sounds('jaS'))

            # 8.4.54 abhyAse car ca
            if 'abhyasa' in c.term.samjna and c.first:
                x = Sound(x_).closest(Sounds('car jaS'))

            # 8.4.55 khari ca
            if y in Sounds('Kar'):
                x = Sound(x_).closest(Sounds('car'))

        # 8.4.58 anusvArasya yayi parasavarNaH
        if x == 'M' and y in Sounds('yay'):
            x = Sound(x).closest(Sound(y).savarna_set)

        c.value = x if x != '_' else ''

    yield editor.join()