def runMainTest(param) : # SQL connection parameters for the test and result databases resultDBParam = {'dbname' : param.get('resultdbname'), 'host' : param.get('resulthost'), 'port' : param.get('resultport'),'user' : param.get('resultuser') \ 'password' : param.get('resultuserpassword')} testDBParam = {'dbname' : param.get('testdbname'), 'host' : param.get('testhost'), 'port' : param.get('testport'),'user' : param.get('testuser') \ 'password' : param.get('testuserpassword')} script = tests.formulateTestQuery(param['testtype']) if param['testtype'] != 'custom' else param.get('customfile') resultDBParam.update( 'dbname' : 'postgres' ) resultDBExists = sql.queryDB (resultDBParam,uf.checkDBExist(param.get('resultdbname')) ,'read')[0][1] if resultDBExists != param.get('resultdbname') : sql.queryDB (resultDBParam,uf.createDBText(param.get('resultdbname')) ,'write') resultDBParam.update( 'dbname' : param.get('resultdbname') ) result = sql.queryDB (resultDBParam,init.getInitdbText() ,'write')[0][1] if result != 0 : print ('Could not create resultdb objects') sys.exit(0) else : resultDBParam.update( 'dbname' : param.get('resultdbname') ) # obtain disk mount points devices = param.get('tablespaces') for tblspace in devices : testDBParam.update( 'dbname' : 'postgres' ) sql.queryDB (testDBParam,uf.dropDBText(param.get('testdbname')) ,'write') sql.queryDB (testDBParam,uf.dropTableSpaceText() ,'write') sql.queryDB (testDBParam,uf.createTableSpaceText(tblspace) ,'write') sql.queryDB (testDBParam,uf.createDBText(param.get('testdbname')) + ' TABLESPACE ' + tblspace ,'write') testDBParam.update( 'dbname' : param.get('testdbname') ) pgversion = uf.getDBVersion(testDBParam) dataDirLocation = tblspace if tblspace == 'pg_default' : dataDirLocation = uf.getCurrentDBSetting(testDBParam,'data_directory') # create the main test entry sysinfo = sql.queryDB (testDBParam,uf.getSysInfo(pgversion),'read') testset = sql.queryDB (resultDBParam,uf.insertNewTest(pgversion,sysinfo,dataDirLocation),'read') # if a custom script is used, set scale to 1 scales = uf.getLevelScale( param.get('testtype') ) for key in scales.keys() : if param.get('initdb') == 0 : sql.queryDB (testDBParam,uf.droppgBenchTables(),'write') sql.queryDB (testDBParam,'VACUUM FULL','write') print ('Creating new pgbench tables') if pgversion >= 9.4 : subprocess.check_output(uf.utilfunc('testdb','pgbench',param) + ['-i','-s',str(scales.get(key)),'--foreign-keys']) else : subprocess.check_output(uf.utilfunc('testdb','pgbench',param) + ['-i','-s',str(scales.get(key))]) # running the main test if pgversion >= 8.4 : runtime = param.get('runtime') if trans != None : for trans in param.get('transactions') : testComponents(param.get('repeattime'), param.get('clients') , testset,scales.get(key),script,param,dataDirLocation,trans,runtime) else : testComponents(param.get('repeattime'), param.get('clients') , testset,scales.get(key),script,param,dataDirLocation,runtime) else : print ("PostgreSQL version number not supported .... \n supported version >=8.4") sys.exit(0) tests.deleteFiles(param['testtype'] + '.sql') tests.deleteFiles('timing.csv') tests.deleteFiles('result.txt') tests.deleteFiles('*_log*') tests.deleteFiles('load.csv') tests.deleteFiles('disk_io_count.csv')
def runBenchwarmer (testset,repeat,scale,client,script,param,datadir,trans=None,runtime) : # pgbench -t 1000 -T 6000 -M simple -l -j 4 -c 50 dbname queryMode = param.get('querymode') thread = param.get('threadcount') db = param.get('testdbname') # this will throw a huge error if thread is not a multiple of client, so we try to normilize that if int(client) % int(thread) != 0 : client = str( int(thread) * ( int(client) / int(thread) ) ) out = '' start_time = str( # might be a few milli or micro sec off, but it won't influence the results. end_time = '' # start saving the cpu load and the I/O count cpu_load = subprocess.Popen( [ cpu.(5,str(testset),str(repeat),str(scale)) ] , stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) io_count = subprocess.Popen( [ io.getIOCount(5, datadir, str(testset), str(repeat), str(scale)) ] , stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) if trans == None : out = subprocess.check_output( uf.utilfunc('testdb','pgbench',param) + ['-M',queryMode,'-f',script,'-T',runtime,'-j',\ thread,'-c',client,'-l','-s',str(scale),db] ) end_time = str( elif : out = subprocess.check_output( uf.utilfunc('testdb','pgbench',param) + ['-M',queryMode,'-f',script,'-t',trans,'-j',\ thread,'-c',client,'-l','-s',str(scale),db] ) end_time = str( else : print ("Either the runtime or transaction/client must be specified ...") cpu_load.stdout.close() cpu_load.terminate() io_count.stdout.close() io_count.terminate() sys.exit(1) cpu_load.stdout.close() cpu_load.terminate() io_count.stdout.close() io_count.terminate() f = open('result.txt','wb') f.write(out) f.close() print (out) r = open('result.txt','r') trans = '' tps = '' for lines in r : if lines.startswith('number of transactions actually processed:') == True : trans = lines.split()[-1] elif lines.endswith('(including connections establishing)\n') == True : tps = lines.split()[2] r.close() test = subprocess.check_output(uf.utilfunc('resultdb','psql',param) + ['-tAc',\ uf.insertTestResult( script,client,thread,scale,param.get('testdbname'),start_time.rstrip(),end_time.rstrip(),tps,trans )] ) for f in glob.glob('*_log*') : uf.writeCSV(f,test.split("\n")[0])