예제 #1
def query_db ( connection, query ):
    Summary line.
    Connect to database and attempt to xecute a query from the users input. 

    query : sql query
    SQL query to attempt  
    cursor : method of a connection object:
    connection : MySqlConnection class.

    Description of return value
    The method fetches all (or all remaining) rows of a query result
    set and returns a list of tuples. If no more rows are available, 
    it returns an empty list
    # creates an arg variable, makes args attributes available within function.
    args = argparser.input_args ( )
        # Execute a query
        cursor = connection.cursor ( )
        # calls execute_query function
        cursor = execute_query ( query, cursor, connection )

        result = cursor.fetchall ( )
        return (result)
        if args.debug == True:
            print ( "Unable to execute the query" )
        return (1)
예제 #2
def main ():
    # gets user input paramaters 
    args = argparser.input_args ( )
    # prompt user to populate database or skip to query the database. 
    ask_populate = input ( "Do you want to initialize the database ? (yes/no)\n" )
    # depending upon response if yes, then being querying and populating database. 
    if ask_populate == 'yes':
        print ( "Populating the database. This operation may take a while." )
        # passes input paramter -f to populate function
        populate ( args.filename )
        print ( "Population complete" )
    # if no then skip popludating databae and allow user to query for ip information. 
        print ( "Skipping the population phase" )
    # pass along SQL query to db and return result.
    connection_db = query_db.connect_to_database ( )
    # monitor user input
    query_loop ( connection_db )
예제 #3
def main ():
    # creates an arg variable, makes args attributes available within function.
    args = argparser.input_args ( )
    # connects to database
    connection = connect_to_database ( )
    # asks user which table to query
    what_db = input ( "What table do you want to query ? (type geo_ip or rdap)\n" )
    # describe info about table
    describe_table = "DESCRIBE " + what_db + ";"
    # try to query table for info if not tell user unable 
        result = query_db ( connection, describe_table )
        print ( result )
        print ( "Could not execute the query, check the name of table" )
    query = input (
        "Type in the MySQL query (be careful to end the command with a ; which is mandatoty for MySQL syntax): \n" )
    # pass along the query and connection to database
    query_db ( connection, query )
    # close the connection
    connection.close ( )
예제 #4
def connect_to_database ( host='localhost', user='******', password='******', db='geordap' ):
    Summary line.
    Establish a connection to the sql database.   

    host : str
    SQL query to attempt sql injection. 
    user : str
    Which user to use in sql database.
    password : str
    Users's password to access sql database.
    db : str
    Which database to use.
    connection : MySQLCursor() object or System Exit Code 1
    Description of return value
    This is the connection to the sql database. 
    If not connection is made then, return a system exit code of 1. 

    # creates an arg variable, makes args attributes available within function.
    args = argparser.input_args ( )
    # try to connect to db
        connection = pymysql.connect ( host,
                                       charset = 'utf8mb4',
                                       cursorclass = pymysql.cursors.DictCursor )
        if args.debug == True:
            print ( "Successfuly connected to", db, "database" )
        return (connection)
    # if not able to connect, let the user now. 
    except pymysql.err.OperationalError:
        print ( "Unable to make a connection to the", db, "database, invalid credentials or server unreachable" )
        return (1)
예제 #5
def execute_query ( query, cursor, connection ):
    Summary line.
    Execute a query from the users input and pass
    it along to the database.    

    query : sql query
    SQL query to attempt. 
    cursor : method of a connection object:
    connection : MySqlConnection class.
    connection to the database
    cursor : mysql cursor or system exit code of 1. 
    Description of return value
    Create a new cursor to execute queries with.
    If no commit is made then, return a system exit code of 1. 
    # creates an arg variable, makes args attributes available within function.
    args = argparser.input_args ( )
    if args.debug == True:
        print ( "Execute query :", query )
    # try to execute query
        # Execute a query
        cursor.execute ( query )
        # Commit changes to stable storage.
        connection.commit ( )
        # return cursor as output from function. 
        return (cursor)
        if args.debug == True:
            print ( "Unable to execute the query, check syntax or your connection to the database" )
        return (1)
예제 #6
def populate ( file_name="list_of_ips.txt" ):
    Summary line.
    Populates the mysql database with queries returned from geo and rdap queries.

    Extended description of function.
    The first step is to fetch the IP addresses inside the file and store them in an array.
    The second step is to execute the lookups on each IP of the array. We also need to 
    connect to the database to insert the values as we perform the geo ip lookups

    file_name : str
    This is the filename of the text file.

    Description of return value
    # creates an arg variable, makes args attributes available within function.
    args = argparser.input_args ( )
    # get current working directory 
    current_dir = os.getcwd ( )
    # joins together string absolute path with string filename
    file_name = os.path.join ( current_dir, "data", file_name )
    # checks if debug is enabled. 
    if args.debug == True:
        print ( "Opening file [", file_name, "]" )
    # creates variable ip_text, holds data from input file
    ip_text = parsing.file_to_text ( file_name )
    # creates a list,list_of_ips, holds ip addresses.
    list_of_ips = parsing.parse ( ip_text )
    # makes a connection to the sql database
    connection_db = query_db.connect_to_database ( )
    # tells sql database to use geordap db.
    query_db.execute_query ( "USE geordap;", connection_db.cursor ( ), connection_db )
    # grabs length of list_of)ips
    len_of_list = len ( list_of_ips )
    # iterates through each ip address, gathering geo and rdap information for each ip address. 
    # Also shows the progress of the database being populated. 
    for i in tqdm ( range ( len_of_list ) ):
        ip = list_of_ips [ i ]
        # starts geo query for ip address
        geo_info = geo_ip_lookup.geo_ip_query ( ip )
        # inserts values into database, if geo query returns no results, populate with empty strings.
        if geo_info != None:
            geo_ip_insert_query = "INSERT INTO geo_ip(ip_address, country_code, country_name, region_code, region_name, city, zip_code, time_zone, latitude, longitude, metro_code) VALUES('" \
                                  + geo_info [ 'ip' ] + "', '" \
                                  + geo_info [ 'country_code' ] + "', '" \
                                  + geo_info [ 'country_name' ] + "', '" \
                                  + geo_info [ 'region_code' ] + "', '" \
                                  + geo_info [ 'region_name' ] + "', '" \
                                  + geo_info [ 'city' ] + "', '" \
                                  + geo_info [ 'zip_code' ] + "', '" \
                                  + geo_info [ 'time_zone' ] + "', '" \
                                  + str ( geo_info [ 'latitude' ] ) + "', '" \
                                  + str ( geo_info [ 'longitude' ] ) + "', '" \
                                  + str ( geo_info [ 'metro_code' ] ) + "');"
        # inserts values into database from geo ip query.
            geo_ip_insert_query = "INSERT INTO geo_ip(ip_address, country_code, country_name, region_code, region_name, city, zip_code, time_zone, latitude, longitude, metro_code) VALUES('" \
                                  + geo_info [ 'ip' ] + "','','','','','','','','','','' );"

        # init. and starts process of querying for geolocation of ip address.
        query_db.execute_query ( geo_ip_insert_query, connection_db.cursor ( ), connection_db )
        # starts rdap query for ip address
        rdap_info = rdap_lookup.rdap_query ( ip )
        # extracts selected attributes from query respsone
        rdap_extract = rdap_lookup.rdap_extract ( rdap_info )
        # inserts values into database, if rdap query returns no results, populate with empty strings.
        if rdap_extract != None:
            rdap_insert_query = "INSERT INTO rdap(ip_address, start_address, end_address, company_name, company_address) VALUES('" \
                                + ip + "', '" \
                                + rdap_extract [ 'startAddress' ] + "', '" \
                                + rdap_extract [ 'endAddress' ] + "', '" \
                                + rdap_extract [ 'company_name' ] + "', '" \
                                + rdap_extract [ 'company_address' ].replace ( "\n", " " ) + "');"
            # inserts values into database from rdap query.
            rdap_insert_query = "INSERT INTO rdap(ip_address, start_address, end_address, company_name, company_address) VALUES('" \
                                + ip + "','','','','');"

            # init. and starts process of querying for geolocation of ip address.
        query_db.execute_query ( rdap_insert_query, connection_db.cursor ( ), connection_db )
    # closes database connection
    connection_db.close ( )
def rdap_query ( ip_address ):
    Summary line.
    Gets rdap information about an ip address.
    by the user. 

    ip_address : str
    Ip address represented as a string. 

    query_response : dict 
    None : None 
    Description of return value
    Attempts to return quuery from https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/<ip address>.
    If query returns nothing, then returns none. 
    # creates an arg variable, makes args attributes available within function.
    args = argparser.input_args ( )
    # go to this url
    api_url = "https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/{}".format ( ip_address )
    # pass these headers 
    headers = {
        'accept': "application/json",
        'content-type': "application/json"}
    # response from server with url and headers 
    response = requests.get ( api_url, headers = headers )
    # below checks for varying responses from the server, to handle errors. 
    # More information is displayed if the flag -d is passed. 
    if response.status_code >= 500:
        if args.debug == True:
            print ( '[!] [{0}] Server Error'.format ( response.status_code ) )
        return None
    elif response.status_code >= 429:
        if args.debug == True:
            print ( '[!] [{0}] Too Many Requests'.format ( response.status_code ) )
            print ( "Using Alternative RDAP API Site" )
        alt_api_url = "https://www.rdap.net/ip/{}".format ( ip_address )
        alt_response = requests.get ( alt_api_url, headers = headers )
        rdap_query = json.loads ( response.content.decode ( 'utf-8' ) )
        return rdap_query
    elif response.status_code == 404:
        if args.debug == True:
            print ( '[!] [{0}] URL not found: [{1}]'.format ( response.status_code, api_url ) )
        return None
    elif response.status_code == 401:
        if args.debug == True:
            print ( '[!] [{0}] Authentication Failed'.format ( response.status_code ) )
        return None
    elif response.status_code >= 400:
        if args.debug == True:
            print ( '[!] [{0}] Bad Request'.format ( response.status_code ) )
        return None
    elif response.status_code >= 300:
        if args.debug == True:
            print ( '[!] [{0}] Unexpected redirect.'.format ( response.status_code ) )
        return None
    elif response.status_code == 200:
        rdap_query = json.loads ( response.content.decode ( 'utf-8' ) )
        return rdap_query
        if args.debug == True:
            print ( '[?] Unexpected Error: [HTTP {0}]: Content: {1}'.format ( response.status_code, response.content ) )
        return None