예제 #1
    def load_to_sql(self, tables_to_load, table_location):
        """ The main function that processes and loads the auxiliary data into
        the database. For each table listed in the tables_to_load list, their
        CSV file is loaded and the data moved into the SQL database. If the
        table is for indices, the CSV data is passed to the find_symbol_id
        function, where the ticker is replaced with it's respective symbol_id.

        :param tables_to_load: List of strings
        :param table_location: String of the directory for the load tables
        :return: Nothing. Data is just loaded into the SQL database.

        start_time = time.time()
        for table, query in tables.items():
            if table in tables_to_load:
                    file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(table_location,
                                                        table + '.csv'))
                    table_df = pd.read_csv(file, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
                except Exception as e:
                    print('Unable to load the %s csv load file. Skipping it' %

                if table == 'indices' or table == 'tickers':
                    # ToDo: Re-implement these tables; need symbol_id
                    print('Unable to process indices and tickers table '
                          'since there is no system to create a unique '
                          'symbol_id for each item.')
                    # # Removes the column that has the company's name
                    # table_df.drop('ticker_name', 1, inplace=True)
                    # # Finds the tsid for each ticker
                    # table_df = self.find_tsid(table_df)

                    # if table == 'tickers':
                    #     table_df.to_csv('load_tables/tickers_df.csv',
                    #                     index=False)

                # Retrieve any existing values for this table
                existing_df = query_load_table(
                    database=self.database, user=self.user,
                    password=self.password, host=self.host, port=self.port,

                # Find the values that are different between the two DataFrames
                altered_df = self.altered_values(
                    existing_df=existing_df, new_df=table_df)

                altered_df.insert(len(altered_df.columns), 'created_date',
                altered_df.insert(len(altered_df.columns), 'updated_date',

                # Get the id column for the current table (first column)
                id_col_name = list(altered_df.columns.values)[0]

                # Separate out the new and updated values from the altered_df
                new_df = (altered_df[~altered_df[id_col_name].
                updated_df = (altered_df[altered_df[id_col_name].

                # Update all modified values within the database
                update_load_table(database=self.database, user=self.user,
                                  password=self.password, host=self.host,
                                  port=self.port, values_df=updated_df,

                # Append all new values to the database
                df_to_sql(database=self.database, user=self.user,
                          password=self.password, host=self.host,
                          port=self.port, df=new_df, sql_table=table,
                          exists='append', item=table)

                print('Loaded %s into the %s database' %
                      (table, self.database))

        load_tables_excluded = [table for table in tables_to_load
                                if table not in tables.keys()]
        if load_tables_excluded:
            print('Unable to load the following tables: %s' %
                  (", ".join(load_tables_excluded)))
            print("If the CSV file exists, make sure it's name matches the "
                  "name in the tables dictionary.")

        print('Finished loading all selected tables taking %0.1f seconds'
              % (time.time() - start_time))
예제 #2
def create_symbology(database, user, password, host, port, source_list):
    Create the symbology table. Use the CSI numbers as the unique symbol
    identifiers. See if they already exist within the symbology table, and if
    not, add them. For the source, use either 'csi_data' or the data vendor ID.
    For the source_id, use the actual CSI number.

    After the initial unique symbols are created, map the Quandl codes to their
    respective symbol ID. This can be done using the ticker and exchange
    combination, as it will always be unique (for active tickers...). For
    Quandl codes that don't have a match, create a unique symbol ID for them
    in a seperate number range (1M - 2M; B#). Use this same matching structure
    for mapping basket items.

    1. Download the CSI stockfacts data and store in database
    2. Add the CSI data's number ID to the symbology table if it hasn't been
        done yet
    3. Map Quandl codes to a unique ID

    :param database: String of the database name
    :param user: String of the username used to login to the database
    :param password: String of the password used to login to the database
    :param host: String of the database address (localhost, url, ip, etc.)
    :param port: Integer of the database port number (5432)
    :param source_list: List of strings with the symbology sources to use

    exch_df = query_exchanges(database=database, user=user, password=password,
                              host=host, port=port)

    # ToDo: Add economic_events codes

    for source in source_list:
        source_start = time.time()

        # Retrieve any existing ID values from the symbology table
        existing_symbology_df = query_existing_sid(database=database, user=user,
                                                   password=password, host=host,
                                                   port=port, source=source)

        if source == 'csi_data':
            csi_stock_df = query_csi_stocks(database=database, user=user,
                                            password=password, host=host,
                                            port=port, query='all')

            # csi_data is unique where the sid (csi_num) is the source_id
            csi_stock_df['ticker'] = csi_stock_df['sid']

            # Find the values that are different between the two DataFrames
            altered_values_df = altered_values(
                existing_df=existing_symbology_df, new_df=csi_stock_df)

            # Prepare a new DataFrame with all relevant data for these values
            altered_df = pd.DataFrame()
            altered_df.insert(0, 'symbol_id', altered_values_df['sid'])
            altered_df.insert(1, 'source', source)
            altered_df.insert(2, 'source_id', altered_values_df['sid'])
            altered_df.insert(3, 'type', 'stock')
            altered_df.insert(len(altered_df.columns), 'created_date',
            altered_df.insert(len(altered_df.columns), 'updated_date',

        elif source in ['tsid', 'quandl_wiki', 'quandl_goog', 'seeking_alpha',
            # These sources have a similar symbology creation process

            if source == 'quandl_wiki':
                # I don't trust that Quandl provides all available WIKI codes
                #   in the downloadable tables, thus I imply plausible WIKI
                #   codes: NYSE and NASDAQ that are active or recently delisted.

                # DataFrame of main US active tickers, their exchanges and
                #   child exchanges
                csi_stock_df = query_csi_stocks(database=database, user=user,
                                                password=password, host=host,
                                                port=port, query='main_us')

                # If a ticker has a ". + -", change it to an underscore
                csi_stock_df['ticker'].replace(regex=True, inplace=True,
                                               to_replace=r'[.+-]', value=r'_')

                # Need to add 'WIKI/' before every ticker to make it
                #   compatible with the Quandl WIKI code structure
                csi_stock_df['ticker'] = csi_stock_df['ticker'].\
                    apply(lambda x: 'WIKI/' + x)

            elif source == 'quandl_goog':
                # Imply plausible Quandl codes for their GOOG database. Only
                #   codes for American, Canadian and London exchanges
                csi_stock_df = query_csi_stocks(database=database, user=user,
                                                password=password, host=host,

                # If a ticker has a ". + -", change it to an underscore
                csi_stock_df['ticker'].replace(regex=True, inplace=True,
                                               to_replace=r'[.+-]', value=r'_')

                def csi_to_quandl_goog(row):
                    # Create the Quandl GOOG symbol combination of
                    #   GOOG/<goog exchange symbol>_<ticker>
                    ticker = row['ticker']
                    exchange = row['exchange']
                    child_exchange = row['child_exchange']

                    if child_exchange == 'NYSE ARCA':
                        # NYSE ARCA is a special situation where the child
                        #   exchange matches the csi_symbol
                        goog_exch = (exch_df.loc[exch_df['csi_symbol'] ==
                                     child_exchange, 'goog_symbol'].values)
                        if goog_exch:
                            return 'GOOG/' + goog_exch[0] + '_' + ticker
                            print('Unable to find the goog exchange symbol for '
                                  'the child exchange %s in csi_to_quandl_goog'
                                  % child_exchange)
                        # For all non NYSE ARCA exchanges, see if there is a
                        #   child exchange and if so, try matching that to the
                        #   csi_symbol (first) or name (second). If no child
                        #   exchange, try matching to the csi_symbol.

                        if child_exchange:
                            # (exch: AMEX | chld_exch: NYSE)
                            goog_exch = (exch_df.loc[exch_df['csi_symbol'] ==
                                         child_exchange, 'goog_symbol'].values)
                            if goog_exch:
                                return 'GOOG/' + goog_exch[0] + '_' + ticker
                                # (exch: NYSE | chld_exch: OTC Markets QX)
                                # (exch: AMEX | chld_exch: BATS Global Markets)
                                goog_exch = (exch_df.loc[exch_df['name'] ==
                                             child_exchange, 'goog_symbol'].
                                if goog_exch:
                                    return 'GOOG/' + goog_exch[0] + '_' + ticker
                                    print('Unable to find the goog exchange '
                                          'symbol for the child exchange %s in '
                                          'csi_to_quandl_goog. Will try to '
                                          'find a match for the exchange now.'
                                          % child_exchange)
                                    # If there is an exchange, try to match that

                        if exchange:
                            # Either no child exchange or the child exchange
                            #   never found a match
                            goog_exch = (exch_df.loc[exch_df['csi_symbol'] ==
                                         exchange, 'goog_symbol'].values)
                            if goog_exch:
                                return 'GOOG/' + goog_exch[0] + '_' + ticker
                                print('Unable to find the goog exchange symbol '
                                      'for the exchange %s in '
                                      'csi_to_quandl_goog' % exchange)
                            print('Unable to find the goog exchange symbol for '
                                  'either the exchange or child exchange for '
                                  '%s:%s' % (exchange, child_exchange))

                csi_stock_df['ticker'] = csi_stock_df.apply(csi_to_quandl_goog,

            elif source == 'seeking_alpha':
                # Use main US tickers that should have Seeking Alpha articles
                csi_stock_df = query_csi_stocks(database=database, user=user,
                                                password=password, host=host,
                                                port=port, query='main_us')

                # If a ticker has a ". + -", change it to an underscore
                csi_stock_df['ticker'].replace(regex=True, inplace=True,
                                               to_replace=r'[.+-]', value=r'_')

            elif source == 'tsid':
                # Build tsid codes (<ticker>.<exchange>.<position>), albeit
                #   only for American, Canadian and London exchanges.
                csi_stock_df = query_csi_stocks(database=database, user=user,
                                                password=password, host=host,

                # If a ticker has a ". + -", change it to an underscore
                csi_stock_df['ticker'].replace(regex=True, inplace=True,
                                               to_replace=r'[.+-]', value=r'_')

                def csi_to_tsid(row):
                    # Create the tsid symbol combination of:
                    #   <ticker>.<tsid exchange symbol>.<count>
                    ticker = row['ticker']
                    exchange = row['exchange']
                    child_exchange = row['child_exchange']

                    if child_exchange == 'NYSE ARCA':
                        # NYSE ARCA is a special situation where the child
                        #   exchange matches the csi_symbol
                        tsid_exch = (exch_df.loc[exch_df['csi_symbol'] ==
                                     child_exchange, 'tsid_symbol'].values)
                        if tsid_exch:
                            return ticker + '.' + tsid_exch[0] + '.0'
                            print('Unable to find the tsid exchange symbol for '
                                  'the child exchange %s in csi_to_tsid' %

                        # For all non NYSE ARCA exchanges, see if there is a
                        #   child exchange and if so, try matching that to the
                        #   csi_symbol (first) or name (second). If no child
                        #   exchange, try matching to the csi_symbol.
                        if child_exchange:
                            # (exch: AMEX | chld_exch: NYSE)
                            tsid_exch = (exch_df.loc[exch_df['csi_symbol'] ==
                                         child_exchange, 'tsid_symbol'].values)
                            if tsid_exch:
                                return ticker + '.' + tsid_exch[0] + '.0'
                                # (exch: NYSE | chld_exch: OTC Markets QX)
                                # (exch: AMEX | chld_exch: BATS Global Markets)
                                tsid_exch = (exch_df.loc[exch_df['name'] ==
                                             child_exchange, 'tsid_symbol'].
                                if tsid_exch:
                                    return ticker + '.' + tsid_exch[0] + '.0'
                                    print('Unable to find the tsid exchange'
                                          'symbol for the child exchange %s in '
                                          'csi_to_tsid. Will try to '
                                          'find a match for the exchange now.'
                                          % child_exchange)
                                    # If there is an exchange, try to match that
                        if exchange:
                            # Either no child exchange or the child exchange
                            #   never found a match
                            tsid_exch = (exch_df.loc[exch_df['csi_symbol'] ==
                                         exchange, 'tsid_symbol'].values)
                            if tsid_exch:
                                return ticker + '.' + tsid_exch[0] + '.0'
                                print('Unable to find the tsid exchange symbol '
                                      'for the exchange %s in csi_to_tsid' %
                            print('Unable to find the tsid exchange symbol for '
                                  'either the exchange or child exchange for '
                                  '%s:%s' % (exchange, child_exchange))

                csi_stock_df['ticker'] = csi_stock_df.apply(csi_to_tsid, axis=1)

            elif source == 'yahoo':
                # Imply plausible Yahoo codes, albeit only for American,
                #   Canadian and London exchanges.
                csi_stock_df = query_csi_stocks(database=database, user=user,
                                                password=password, host=host,

                # If a ticker has a ". + -", change it to an underscore
                csi_stock_df['ticker'].replace(regex=True, inplace=True,
                                               to_replace=r'[.+-]', value=r'_')

                def csi_to_yahoo(row):
                    # Create the Yahoo symbol combination of <ticker>.<exchange>

                    ticker = row['ticker']
                    exchange = row['exchange']
                    child_exchange = row['child_exchange']
                    us_exchanges = ['AMEX', 'BATS Global Markets',
                                    'Nasdaq Capital Market',
                                    'Nasdaq Global Market',
                                    'Nasdaq Global Select',
                                    'NYSE', 'NYSE ARCA']

                    if exchange in ['AMEX', 'NYSE'] \
                            or child_exchange in us_exchanges:
                        return ticker           # US ticker; no exchange needed
                    elif exchange == 'LSE':
                        return ticker + '.L'    # LSE -> L
                    elif exchange == 'TSX':
                        return ticker + '.TO'   # TSX -> TO
                    elif exchange == 'VSE':
                        return ticker + '.V'    # VSE -> V
                    elif child_exchange == 'OTC Markets Pink Sheets':
                        return ticker + '.PK'   # OTC Pinks -> PK
                        print('csi_to_yahoo did not find a match for %s with an'
                              'exchange of %s and a child exchange of %s' %
                              (ticker, exchange, child_exchange))

                csi_stock_df['ticker'] = csi_stock_df.apply(csi_to_yahoo,

                return NotImplementedError('%s is not implemented in the '
                                           'create_symbology function of '
                                           'build_symbology.py' % source)

            # Remove post processed duplicates to prevent database FK errors
            csi_stock_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['ticker'], inplace=True)

            # Find the values that are different between the two DataFrames
            altered_values_df = altered_values(
                existing_df=existing_symbology_df, new_df=csi_stock_df)

            # Prepare a new DataFrame with all relevant data for these values
            altered_df = pd.DataFrame()
            altered_df.insert(0, 'symbol_id', altered_values_df['sid'])
            altered_df.insert(1, 'source', source)
            altered_df.insert(2, 'source_id', altered_values_df['ticker'])
            altered_df.insert(3, 'type', 'stock')
            altered_df.insert(len(altered_df.columns), 'created_date',
            altered_df.insert(len(altered_df.columns), 'updated_date',

            return NotImplementedError('%s is not implemented in the '
                                       'create_symbology function of '
                                       'build_symbology.py' % source)

        # Separate out the updated values from the altered_df
        updated_symbols_df = (altered_df[altered_df['symbol_id'].
        # Update all modified symbology values in the database
        update_symbology_values(database=database, user=user, password=password,
                                host=host, port=port,

        # Separate out the new values from the altered_df
        new_symbols_df = (altered_df[~altered_df['symbol_id'].
        # Append the new symbol values to the existing database table
        df_to_sql(database=database, user=user, password=password, host=host,
                  port=port, df=new_symbols_df, sql_table='symbology',
                  exists='append', item=source)

        print('Finished processing the symbology IDs for %s taking '
              '%0.2f seconds' % (source, (time.time() - source_start)))

    print('Added all %i sources to the symbology table.' % (len(source_list),))
예제 #3
    def validator(self, tsid):

        tsid_start = time.time()

        # DataFrame of all stored prices for this ticker and interval. This is
        #   a multi-index DataFrame, with date and data_vendor_id in the index.
        tsid_prices_df = query_all_tsid_prices(
            database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password,
            host=self.host, port=self.port, table=self.table, tsid=tsid)

        unique_sources = tsid_prices_df.index.\
        unique_dates = tsid_prices_df.index.get_level_values('date').unique()

        # If a period is provided, limit the unique_dates list to only those
        #   within the past n period days.
        if self.period:
            beg_date = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=self.period)
            unique_dates = unique_dates[unique_dates > beg_date]

        # The consensus_price_df contains the prices from weighted consensus
        if self.table == 'daily_prices':
            consensus_price_df = pd.DataFrame(
                columns=['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume',
                         'ex_dividend', 'split_ratio'])
        elif self.table == 'minute_prices':
            consensus_price_df = pd.DataFrame(
                columns=['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'])
            raise NotImplementedError('Table %s is not implemented within '
                                      'CrossValidate.validator' % self.table)

        # Set the date as the index
        consensus_price_df.set_index(['date'], inplace=True)

        # Cycle through each period, comparing each data source's prices
        for date in unique_dates:

            # Either add each field's consensus price to a dictionary,
            #   which is entered into the consensus_price_df upon all fields
            #   being processed, or enter each field's consensus price directly
            #   into the consensus_price_df. Right now, this is doing the later.
            # consensus_prices = {}

                # Create a DataFrame for the current period, with the source_ids
                #   as the index and the data_columns as the column headers
                period_df = tsid_prices_df.xs(date, level='date')
            except KeyError:
                # Should never happen
                print('Unable to extract the %s period\'s prices from '
                      'the tsid_prices_df for %s' % (date, tsid))
                # Transpose the period_df DataFrame so the source_ids are
                #   columns and the price fields are the rows
                period_df = period_df.transpose()

                # Cycle through each price field for this period's values
                for field_index, field_data in period_df.iterrows():
                    # field_index: string of the index name
                    # field_data: Pandas Series (always??) of the field data

                    # Reset the field consensus for every field processed
                    field_consensus = {}

                    # Cycle through each source's values that are in the
                    #   field_data Series.
                    for source_data in field_data.iteritems():
                        # source_data is a tuple, with the first item is being
                        #   the data_vendor_id and the second being the value.

                        # If the source_data's id is in the exclude list, don't
                        #   use its price when calculating the field consensus.
                        if source_data[0] not in self.source_id_exclude_list:

                            # Only process the source value if it is not None
                            if source_data[1] is not None:

                                # Retrieve weighted consensus for this source
                                source_weight = self.source_weights_df.loc[
                                    self.source_weights_df['data_vendor_id'] ==
                                    source_data[0], 'consensus_weight']

                                    if field_consensus:
                                        # There's already a value for this field
                                        if source_data[1] in field_consensus:
                                            # This source's value has a match in
                                            #   the current consensus. Increase
                                            #   weight for this price.
                                            field_consensus[source_data[1]] += \
                                            # Data value from the source does
                                            #   not match this field's consensus
                                            field_consensus[source_data[1]] = \

                                        # Add first price to the field_consensus
                                        #   dictionary, using price as the key
                                        #   and the source's weight as the item.
                                        field_consensus[source_data[1]] = \
                                except IndexError:
                                    # No source_weight was found, prob because
                                    #   there was no data_vendor_id for value

                    # Insert the highest consensus value for this period into
                    #   the consensus_price_df (the dictionary key (price) with
                    #   the largest value (consensus sum).
                        consensus_value = max(field_consensus.items(),
                    except ValueError:
                        # None of the sources had any values, thus use -1
                        consensus_value = -1
                    consensus_price_df.ix[date, field_index] = consensus_value

        # Make the date index into a normal column
        # Convert the datetime object to an ISO date
        consensus_price_df['date'] = consensus_price_df['date'].\
            apply(lambda x: x.isoformat())

        # Add the vendor id of the pySecMaster_Consensus as a column
        validator_id = query_data_vendor_id(
            database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password,
            host=self.host, port=self.port, name='pySecMaster_Consensus')

        consensus_price_df.insert(0, 'data_vendor_id', validator_id)
        consensus_price_df.insert(1, 'source', 'tsid')
        consensus_price_df.insert(2, 'source_id', tsid)

        # Add the current date to the last column
                                  'updated_date', datetime.now().isoformat())

        if validator_id in unique_sources:
            delete_start = time.time()

            # Data from the cross validation process has already been saved
            #   to the database before, thus it must be removed before adding
            #   the new calculated values.

            if self.period:
                # Only delete prior consensus values for this tsid that are
                #   newer than the beg_date (current date - replace period).
                delete_query = ("""DELETE FROM %s
                                   WHERE source_id='%s'
                                   AND data_vendor_id='%s'
                                   AND date>'%s'""" %
                                (self.table, tsid, validator_id,
                # Delete all existing consensus values for this tsid.
                delete_query = ("""DELETE FROM %s
                                   WHERE source_id='%s'
                                   AND data_vendor_id='%s'""" %
                                (self.table, tsid, validator_id))

            retry_count = 5
            while retry_count > 0:
                retry_count -= 1

                delete_status = delete_sql_table_rows(
                    database=self.database, user=self.user,
                    password=self.password, host=self.host, port=self.port,
                    query=delete_query, table=self.table, item=tsid)
                if delete_status == 'success':
                    # Add the validated values to the relevant price table AFTER
                    #   ensuring that the duplicates were deleted successfully
                    df_to_sql(database=self.database, user=self.user,
                              password=self.password, host=self.host,
                              port=self.port, df=consensus_price_df,
                              sql_table=self.table, exists='append', item=tsid)

            # print('Data table replacement took %0.2f' %
            #       (time.time() - delete_start))

            # Add the validated values to the relevant price table
            df_to_sql(database=self.database, user=self.user,
                      password=self.password, host=self.host, port=self.port,
                      df=consensus_price_df, sql_table=self.table,
                      exists='append', item=tsid)

        # For period updates, slow down the process to allow postgre to catch up
        if self.period:

        if self.verbose:
            print('%s data cross-validation took %0.2f seconds to complete.' %
                  (tsid, time.time() - tsid_start))
예제 #4
    def load_to_sql(self, tables_to_load, table_location):
        """ The main function that processes and loads the auxiliary data into
        the database. For each table listed in the tables_to_load list, their
        CSV file is loaded and the data moved into the SQL database. If the
        table is for indices, the CSV data is passed to the find_symbol_id
        function, where the ticker is replaced with it's respective symbol_id.

        :param tables_to_load: List of strings
        :param table_location: String of the directory for the load tables
        :return: Nothing. Data is just loaded into the SQL database.

        start_time = time.time()
        for table, query in tables.items():
            if table in tables_to_load:
                    file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(table_location,
                                                        table + '.csv'))
                    table_df = pd.read_csv(file, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
                except Exception as e:
                    print('Unable to load the %s csv load file. Skipping it' %

                if table == 'indices' or table == 'tickers':
                    # ToDo: Re-implement these tables; need symbol_id
                    print('Unable to process indices and tickers table '
                          'since there is no system to create a unique '
                          'symbol_id for each item.')
                    # # Removes the column that has the company's name
                    # table_df.drop('ticker_name', 1, inplace=True)
                    # # Finds the tsid for each ticker
                    # table_df = self.find_tsid(table_df)

                    # if table == 'tickers':
                    #     table_df.to_csv('load_tables/tickers_df.csv',
                    #                     index=False)

                # Retrieve any existing values for this table
                existing_df = query_load_table(
                    database=self.database, user=self.user,
                    password=self.password, host=self.host, port=self.port,

                # Find the values that are different between the two DataFrames
                altered_df = self.altered_values(
                    existing_df=existing_df, new_df=table_df)

                altered_df.insert(len(altered_df.columns), 'created_date',
                altered_df.insert(len(altered_df.columns), 'updated_date',

                # Get the id column for the current table (first column)
                id_col_name = list(altered_df.columns.values)[0]

                # Separate out the new and updated values from the altered_df
                new_df = (altered_df[~altered_df[id_col_name].
                updated_df = (altered_df[altered_df[id_col_name].

                # Update all modified values within the database
                update_load_table(database=self.database, user=self.user,
                                  password=self.password, host=self.host,
                                  port=self.port, values_df=updated_df,

                # Append all new values to the database
                df_to_sql(database=self.database, user=self.user,
                          password=self.password, host=self.host,
                          port=self.port, df=new_df, sql_table=table,
                          exists='append', item=table)

                print('Loaded %s into the %s database' %
                      (table, self.database))

        load_tables_excluded = [table for table in tables_to_load
                                if table not in tables.keys()]
        if load_tables_excluded:
            print('Unable to load the following tables: %s' %
                  (", ".join(load_tables_excluded)))
            print("If the CSV file exists, make sure it's name matches the "
                  "name in the tables dictionary.")

        print('Finished loading all selected tables taking %0.1f seconds'
              % (time.time() - start_time))