예제 #1
    def make(self, assy, name, params, position=V(0, 0, 0), editCommand=None):

        height, width, bond_length, endings = params
        PROFILE = False
        if PROFILE:
            sw = Stopwatch()
        mol = Chunk(assy, name)
        atoms = mol.atoms
        z = 0.0
        self.populate(mol, height, width, z, bond_length, endings, position)

        if PROFILE:
            t = sw.now()
                greenmsg("%g seconds to build %d atoms" %
                         (t, len(atoms.values()))))
        return mol
예제 #2
    def build_struct(self, name, params, position):
        Build a graphene sheet from the parameters in the Property Manager.
        height, width, bond_length, endings = params
        PROFILE = False
        if PROFILE:
            sw = Stopwatch()
        mol = Chunk(self.win.assy, self.name)
        atoms = mol.atoms
        z = 0.0
        self.populate(mol, height, width, z, bond_length, endings, position)

        if PROFILE:
            t = sw.now()
            env.history.message(greenmsg("%g seconds to build %d atoms" %
                                         (t, len(atoms.values()))))
        return mol
예제 #3
    def build_struct(self,
        Build a nanotube from the parameters in the Property Manger dialog.

        length, n, m, bond_length, zdist, xydist, \
                twist, bend, members, endings, numwalls, spacing = params
        # This can take a few seconds. Inform the user.
        # 100 is a guess on my part. Mark 051103.
        if not createPrinted:
            # If it's a multi-wall tube, only print the "Creating" message once.
            if length > 100.0:
                env.history.message(self.cmd + "This may take a moment...")
        self.chirality = Chirality(n, m, bond_length)
        PROFILE = False
        if PROFILE:
            sw = Stopwatch()
        xyz = self.chirality.xyz
        if mol == None:
            mol = Chunk(self.win.assy, name)
        atoms = mol.atoms
        mlimits = self.chirality.mlimits
        # populate the tube with some extra carbons on the ends
        # so that we can trim them later
        self.chirality.populate(mol, length + 4 * self.chirality.maxlen,
                                members != 0)

        # Apply twist and distortions. Bends probably would come
        # after this point because they change the direction for the
        # length. I'm worried about Z distortion because it will work
        # OK for stretching, but with compression it can fail. BTW,
        # "Z distortion" is a misnomer, we're stretching in the Y
        # direction.
        for atm in atoms.values():
            # twist
            x, y, z = atm.posn()
            twistRadians = twist * z
            c, s = cos(twistRadians), sin(twistRadians)
            x, y = x * c + y * s, -x * s + y * c
            atm.setposn(V(x, y, z))
        for atm in atoms.values():
            # z distortion
            x, y, z = atm.posn()
            z *= (zdist + length) / length
            atm.setposn(V(x, y, z))
        length += zdist
        for atm in atoms.values():
            # xy distortion
            x, y, z = atm.posn()
            radius = self.chirality.R
            x *= (radius + 0.5 * xydist) / radius
            y *= (radius - 0.5 * xydist) / radius
            atm.setposn(V(x, y, z))

        # Judgement call: because we're discarding carbons with funky
        # valences, we will necessarily get slightly more ragged edges
        # on nanotubes. This is a parameter we can fiddle with to
        # adjust the length. My thought is that users would prefer a
        # little extra length, because it's fairly easy to trim the
        # ends, but much harder to add new atoms on the end.
        LENGTH_TWEAK = bond_length

        # trim all the carbons that fall outside our desired length
        # by doing this, we are introducing new singlets
        for atm in atoms.values():
            x, y, z = atm.posn()
            if (z > .5 * (length + LENGTH_TWEAK)
                    or z < -.5 * (length + LENGTH_TWEAK)):

        # Apply bend. Equations are anomalous for zero bend.
        if abs(bend) > pi / 360:
            R = length / bend
            for atm in atoms.values():
                x, y, z = atm.posn()
                theta = z / R
                x, z = R - (R - x) * cos(theta), (R - x) * sin(theta)
                atm.setposn(V(x, y, z))

        def trimCarbons():
            # trim all the carbons that only have one carbon neighbor
            for i in range(2):
                for atm in atoms.values():
                    if not atm.is_singlet() and len(atm.realNeighbors()) == 1:

        # if we're not picky about endings, we don't need to trim carbons
        if endings == "Capped":
            # buckyball endcaps
            addEndcap(mol, length, self.chirality.R)
        if endings == "Hydrogen":
            # hydrogen terminations
            for atm in atoms.values():
        elif endings == "Nitrogen":
            # nitrogen terminations
            dstElem = PeriodicTable.getElement('N')
            atomtype = dstElem.find_atomtype('sp2')
            for atm in atoms.values():
                if len(atm.realNeighbors()) == 2:
                    atm.Transmute(dstElem, force=True, atomtype=atomtype)

        # Translate structure to desired position
        for atm in atoms.values():
            v = atm.posn()
            atm.setposn(v + position)

        if PROFILE:
            t = sw.now()
                greenmsg("%g seconds to build %d atoms" %
                         (t, len(atoms.values()))))

        if numwalls > 1:
            n += int(spacing * 3 + 0.5)  # empirical tinkering
            params = (length, n, m, bond_length, zdist, xydist, twist, bend,
                      members, endings, numwalls - 1, spacing)

        return mol