예제 #1
    def get_dep_graph(self, maths, matching_method):
        input: file from math_new
            1. edges: {gumid1:[(gumid2, linktype)]} --> component list
            2. gumidmappings: {gmid:gumid}
        #useful utilities classes
        n_arxiv         = norm_arxiv()
        n_attribute     = norm_attribute()
        n_mrow          = norm_mrow(self.__dtd)
        n_outer_fence   = norm_outer_fence()
        n_tag           = norm_tag(self.__dtd)
        n_splitter      = norm_splitter(self.__dtd, self.__relation_fl)
        u               = utils()
        depgraph        = depgraph_heur(matching_method)

        #enumerate if there is no id in the <math> tag
        mts = OrderedDict()
        #for xhtml, enumerate mathtag; for xml, enumerate expressiontag; for math_new, enumerate the lines
        for gmid, mt in maths.iteritems():
            #replace <m:math> with <math>
            mt_string_initial = n_arxiv.remove_math_prefix(etree.tostring(mt))

            #remove annotation, attributes, and finally get rid the <math> tag
            mt_string_formatted = n_arxiv.remove_annotation(etree.parse(StringIO(self.__dtd + mt_string_initial)).getroot())
            mt_string_formatted = n_attribute.normalize(mt_string_formatted)

            #normalize mrow
            mt_string_formatted = n_mrow.normalize(mt_string_formatted) 

            #remove fences
            mt_string_formatted = etree.tostring(n_outer_fence.remove_outer_fence(etree.parse(StringIO(self.__dtd + mt_string_formatted)).getroot()))[6:-7]

            #expand maths (normalize tags and/or case)
            expanded = n_tag.normalize_tags('<math>%s</math>' % mt_string_formatted)

            if len(expanded) > 0:
                expanded[-1] = n_mrow.normalize('<math>%s</math>' % expanded[-1])[6:-7]
                expanded.extend([etree.tostring(n_outer_fence.remove_outer_fence(etree.parse(StringIO(self.__dtd + '<math>%s</math>' % exp)).getroot()))[6:-7] for exp in expanded])
                expanded = [mt_string_formatted]

            mts[gmid] = expanded

            #split around the equality and get the left side subexpressions
            left_subexp = n_splitter.split('<math>%s</math>' % expanded[-1])
            if left_subexp is None: continue

            left_subexp = n_mrow.normalize(left_subexp)[6:-7]
            if not u.is_empty_tag(left_subexp):
                expanded_left = n_tag.normalize_tags(left_subexp)
                expanded_left = [n_mrow.normalize('<math>%s</math>' % exp)[6:-7] for exp in expanded_left]


            mts[gmid] = list(set(mts[gmid]))
        edges = depgraph.create_edges(mts)
        return edges
예제 #2
if __name__ == 'app.Controllers.PlantController':
    from ..Handlers.ResponseHandler import ResponseHandler
    from ..Handlers.QueryHandler import QueryHandler
    from ..utilities.validate import Validate
    from ..utilities.utils import utils
    import sys
    from utilities.utils import utils
    from utilities.validate import Validate
    from Handlers.QueryHandler import QueryHandler
    from Handlers.ResponseHandler import ResponseHandler

responserHandler = ResponseHandler()
Utils = utils()

class Plant():
    def __init__(self):
        self.id = ''
        self.name = ''
        self.date = ''
        self.photo = ''
        self.idGreen = ''

    def createPlant(self, plant):
            validate = Validate()

            validatePlant = validate.validateForm(
                form=plant, param=['id-estufa', 'nome-planta'])
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, driver):
     super(basepage, self).__init__(driver)
     self.driver = driver
     self.util = utils()