def __init__(self, Generator, Discriminator, opt): self.Generator = Generator self.Discriminator = Discriminator self.opt = opt ### Set parameters for the training of the 0th layer self.Gs = [] # Generator list for each scale self.Zs = [] # Optimal noise list for each scale [z*, 0, 0, ..., 0] self.NoiseAmp = [ ] # Ratio of noise when merging with the output of the previous layer for each scale self.in_s = 0 # 0 Tensor with the downsampled dimensions of the input image for scale 0 ### Content image pyramid self.real_ = read_image(self.opt) self.style_ = read_image(self.opt, style=True) if self.style_.shape != self.real_.shape: self.style_ = imresize_to_shape( self.style_, [self.real_.shape[2], self.real_.shape[3]], opt) self.style_ = self.style_[:, :, :self.real_.shape[2], :self.real_. shape[3]] # "adjust_scales2image" also arranges network parameters according to input dimensions assert self.real_.shape == self.style_.shape self.real = adjust_scales2image(self.real_, self.opt) self.reals = create_reals_pyramid(self.real, self.opt) = imresize(self.style_, self.opt.scale1, self.opt) self.styles = create_reals_pyramid(, self.opt) # For visualization, let's just for now do maximal image dimensions self.opt.viswindows = [ ] # Windows in visdom that is updated during training G(z_opt) self.max_width = convert_image_np(self.real).shape[0] self.max_height = convert_image_np(self.real).shape[1] dir2save = generate_dir2save(self.opt) if (os.path.exists(dir2save)): print( "Would you look at that, the TrainedModel directory already exists!" ) else: try: os.makedirs(dir2save) except OSError: print("Making the directory really didn't work out, hyelp") # In case we're not training, load existing model if self.opt.mode != 'train': self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp = load_trained_pyramid( self.opt)
def train(self): """ Trains GAN for niter epochs over stop_scale number of scales. Main training loop that calls train_scale. Controls transition between layers. After training is done for a certain layer, freezes weights of the trained scale, and arranges computational graph by changing requires_grad parameters. """ scale_num = 0 nfc_prev = 0 ### Visualization # For visualization, let's just for now do maximal image dimensions self.opt.viswindows = [ ] # Windows in visdom that is updated during training G(z_opt) self.max_width = convert_image_np(self.real).shape[0] self.max_height = convert_image_np(self.real).shape[1] ### Load the VGG network vgg = VGG() vgg.load_state_dict( torch.load(self.opt.pretrained_VGG, map_location=self.opt.device)) self.vgg = # Make sure this network is frozen for parameter in self.vgg.parameters(): parameter.requires_grad_(False) # Training loop for each scale while scale_num < self.opt.stop_scale + 1: # Number of filters in D and G changes every 4th scale self.opt.nfc = min( self.opt.nfc_init * pow(2, math.floor(scale_num / 4)), 128) self.opt.min_nfc = min( self.opt.min_nfc_init * pow(2, math.floor(scale_num / 4)), 128) # Create output directory and save the downsampled image self.opt.out_ = generate_dir2save(self.opt) self.opt.outf = '%s/%d' % (self.opt.out_, scale_num) try: os.makedirs(self.opt.outf) except OSError: pass #plt.imsave('%s/in.png' % (self.opt.out_), convert_image_np(self.real), vmin=0, vmax=1) #plt.imsave('%s/original.png' % (self.opt.out_), convert_image_np(real_), vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.imsave('%s/real_scale.png' % (self.opt.outf), convert_image_np(self.reals[scale_num]), vmin=0, vmax=1) # Initialize D and G of the current scale. D and G will be initialized with the previous scale's weights if the dimensions match. D_curr, G_curr = self.init_models() if (nfc_prev == self.opt.nfc): G_curr.load_state_dict( torch.load('%s/%d/netG.pth' % (self.opt.out_, scale_num - 1))) D_curr.load_state_dict( torch.load('%s/%d/netD.pth' % (self.opt.out_, scale_num - 1))) # Training of single scale z_curr, G_curr = self.train_scale(G_curr, D_curr, self.opt) # Stop gradient calculation for G and D of current scale G_curr = reset_grads(G_curr, False) G_curr.eval() D_curr = reset_grads(D_curr, False) D_curr.eval() # Store the necessary variables of this scale self.Gs.append(G_curr) self.Zs.append(z_curr) self.NoiseAmp.append(self.opt.noise_amp) # Save the networks and important parameters, '%s/Zs.pth' % (self.opt.out_)), '%s/Gs.pth' % (self.opt.out_)), '%s/reals.pth' % (self.opt.out_)), '%s/styles.pth' % (self.opt.out_)), '%s/NoiseAmp.pth' % (self.opt.out_)) scale_num += 1 nfc_prev = self.opt.nfc # Update the number of filters del D_curr, G_curr # Generate with training variables SinGAN_generate(self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.opt)
def train_epoch(self, netG, netD, optimizerG, optimizerD, real, style, m_noise, m_image, epoch, z_opt, z_prev, opt): """ Trains network for one epoch. Arguments: epoch (int) : Current epoch. z_prev () : Can be None on the first epoch. opt (argparse.ArgumentParser) : Command line arguments. Returns: errG (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) : Error of generator errD (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) : Error of discriminator D_x (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) : Error of discriminator on original image D_G_z (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) : Error of discriminator on fake image rec_loss (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) : Reconstruction loss z_prev """ # Scale 0 if (self.Gs == []): # Generate optimal noise that will be kept fixed during training z_opt = generate_noise([1, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) z_opt = m_noise(z_opt.expand(1, 3, opt.nzx, opt.nzy)) noise_ = generate_noise([1, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) noise_ = m_noise(noise_.expand(1, 3, opt.nzx, opt.nzy)) else: noise_ = generate_noise([opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) noise_ = m_noise(noise_) ############################ # (2) Update G network: maximize D(G(z)) ########################### # Multiple steps for G for j in range(opt.Gsteps): netG.zero_grad() # Only in the very first step of the very first epoch for a layer if (j == 0) and (epoch == 0): # Scale 0 if (self.Gs == []): # Define image and noise from previous scales (Nothing for Scale 0) prev = torch.full([1, opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], 0, device=opt.device) self.in_s = prev prev = m_image(prev) z_prev = torch.full([1, opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], 0, device=opt.device) z_prev = m_noise(z_prev) opt.noise_amp = 1 # Remaining scales other than 0 else: # Calculate image and noise from previous scales with draw_concat function prev = draw_concat( self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rand', m_noise, m_image, opt) # Randomly generate image using previous scales z_prev = draw_concat( self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rec', m_noise, m_image, opt ) # Generate image with optimal noise using previous scales # Modified for new architecture, distance is calculated from styled content to original # criterion = nn.L1Loss() # weight_noise = criterion(real, prev) # noise amplitude for a certain layer is decided according to the performance of previous layers # opt.noise_amp = opt.noise_amp_init*weight_noise opt.noise_amp = opt.noise_amp_init z_prev = m_image(z_prev) prev = m_image(prev) # If not very first epoch, just generate previous image else: prev = draw_concat(self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rand', m_noise, m_image, opt) prev = m_image(prev) # Scale 0 if (self.Gs == []): noise = noise_ # Other scales else: noise = opt.noise_amp * noise_ + prev m_style = m_image(style) ### Generate image with G and calculate loss from fake image fake = netG(noise.detach(), prev, m_style.detach()) ### Reconstruction Loss content_loss = perceptual_loss(real, fake, self.vgg, opt.content_layers) ### Style loss, layers from AdaIN # Different weights on different scales scale_weight = [0.0005, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0] style_loss = adain_style_loss(style, fake, self.vgg, opt.style_layers) * opt.alpha total_loss = content_loss + style_loss total_loss.backward() optimizerG.step() if epoch % opt.niter_update == 0 or epoch == (opt.niter - 1): plt.imsave('%s/fake_training.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(fake.detach()), vmin=0, vmax=1) #plt.imsave('%s/G(z_opt).png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(netG(Z_opt.detach(), z_prev, m_real.detach()).detach()), vmin=0, vmax=1) # plt.imsave('%s/D_fake.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(D_fake_map)) # plt.imsave('%s/D_real.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(D_real_map)) # plt.imsave('%s/z_opt.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(z_opt.detach()), vmin=0, vmax=1) # plt.imsave('%s/prev.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(prev), vmin=0, vmax=1) # plt.imsave('%s/noise.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(noise), vmin=0, vmax=1) # plt.imsave('%s/z_prev.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(z_prev), vmin=0, vmax=1) if (self.Gs == []): noise_ = generate_noise([1, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) noise_ = m_noise(noise_.expand(1, 3, opt.nzx, opt.nzy)) prev = torch.full([1, opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], 0, device=opt.device) prev = m_image(prev) noise = noise_ else: noise_ = generate_noise([opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) noise_ = m_noise(noise_) prev = draw_concat(self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rand', m_noise, m_image, opt) prev = m_image(prev) noise = opt.noise_amp * noise_ + prev netG.eval() # Evaluation mode fake_sample = netG(noise.detach(), prev, m_style.detach()) plt.imsave('%s/fake_test.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(fake_sample.detach()), vmin=0, vmax=1) netG.train() # Training mode print("rec loss:", content_loss.item()) print("style loss: ", style_loss.item()) print("total loss: ", total_loss.item()) return content_loss.item(), style_loss.item(), total_loss.item( ), z_opt, z_prev
def train_scale(self, netG, netD, opt): """ Main training loop of a SINGLE scale. Trains the generator and discriminator of a single scale. Trains G and D separately and takes care of everything related to forward and backward pass. Includes also the training plots. Arguments: netD (nn.Module) : Discriminator of the current level netG (nn.Module) : Generator of the current level opt (argparse.ArgumentParser) : Command line arguments Returns: z_opt (torch.Tensor) : Optimal noise for current level netG (nn.Module) : Trained generator of current level Modifies input "opt" """ real = self.reals[len(self.Gs)] style = self.styles[len(self.Gs)] opt.nzx = real.shape[2] #+(opt.ker_size-1)*(opt.num_layer) opt.nzy = real.shape[3] #+(opt.ker_size-1)*(opt.num_layer) opt.receptive_field = opt.ker_size + ((opt.ker_size - 1) * (opt.num_layer - 1)) * opt.stride pad_noise = int(((opt.ker_size - 1) * opt.num_layer) / 2) pad_image = int(((opt.ker_size - 1) * opt.num_layer) / 2) # Pad the noise and image m_noise = nn.ZeroPad2d(int(pad_noise)) m_image = nn.ZeroPad2d(int(pad_image)) # Generate z_opt template fixed_noise = generate_noise([opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) z_opt = torch.full(fixed_noise.shape, 0, device=opt.device) z_opt = m_noise(z_opt) # Setup optimizer optimizerD = optim.Adam(netD.parameters(), lr=opt.lr_d, betas=(opt.beta1, 0.999)) optimizerG = optim.Adam(netG.parameters(), lr=opt.lr_g, betas=(opt.beta1, 0.999)) schedulerD = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(optimizer=optimizerD, milestones=[1600], gamma=opt.gamma) schedulerG = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(optimizer=optimizerG, milestones=[1600], gamma=opt.gamma) # Store plots errG2plot = [] errD2plot = [] D_real2plot = [] D_fake2plot = [] z_opt2plot = [] content_loss2plot = [] style_loss2plot = [] total_loss2plot = [] z_prev = None # Creating vis windows if (opt.vis != False): zopt_window = opt.vis.image( np.zeros_like(convert_image_np(real).transpose(2, 0, 1)), opts=dict(title='G(z_opt) on scale %d' % len(self.Gs), width=self.max_width, height=self.max_height)) real_window = opt.vis.image( convert_image_np(real).transpose(2, 0, 1), opts=dict(title='Real image on scale %d' % len(self.Gs), width=self.max_width, height=self.max_height)) opt.viswindows.append(zopt_window) # Training loop of a single scale for epoch in range(opt.niter): content_loss, style_loss, total_loss, z_opt, z_prev = self.train_epoch( netG, netD, optimizerG, optimizerD, real, style, m_noise, m_image, epoch, z_opt, z_prev, opt) content_loss2plot.append(content_loss) style_loss2plot.append(style_loss) total_loss2plot.append(total_loss) if epoch % opt.niter_print == 0 or epoch == (opt.niter - 1): print('Scale %d: Epoch [%d/%d]' % (len(self.Gs), epoch, opt.niter)), '%s/z_opt.pth' % (opt.outf)) # Scheduler steps schedulerG.step() ### Create and Store Plots plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) plt.plot(content_loss2plot, label='Reconstruction Loss') plt.plot(style_loss2plot, label='Style Loss') plt.plot(total_loss2plot, label='Total Loss') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.xlim(0, opt.niter) plt.legend() plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('%s/loss_plots.png' % (opt.outf), bbox_inches='tight'), '%s/netG.pth' % (opt.outf)), '%s/netD.pth' % (opt.outf)), '%s/z_opt.pth' % (opt.outf)) return z_opt, netG
def train_epoch(self, netG, netD, optimizerG, optimizerD, real, style, m_noise, m_image, epoch, z_opt, z_prev, opt): """ Trains network for one epoch. Arguments: epoch (int) : Current epoch. z_prev () : Can be None on the first epoch. opt (argparse.ArgumentParser) : Command line arguments. Returns: errG (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) : Error of generator errD (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) : Error of discriminator D_x (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) : Error of discriminator on original image D_G_z (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) : Error of discriminator on fake image rec_loss (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) : Reconstruction loss """ # Scale 0 if (self.Gs == []): # Generate optimal noise that will be kept fixed during training z_opt = generate_noise([1, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) z_opt = m_noise(z_opt.expand(1, 3, opt.nzx, opt.nzy)) noise_ = generate_noise([1, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) noise_ = m_noise(noise_.expand(1, 3, opt.nzx, opt.nzy)) else: noise_ = generate_noise([opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) noise_ = m_noise(noise_) m_real = m_image(real) m_style = m_image(style) ############################ # (1) Update D network: maximize D(x) + D(G(z)) ########################### # Multiple steps for D for j in range(opt.Dsteps): # TRAIN WITH REAL IMAGE netD.zero_grad() output = netD(real).to(opt.device) D_real_map = output.detach() errD_real = -output.mean() #-a errD_real.backward(retain_graph=True) D_x = -errD_real.item() # TRAIN WITH FAKE IMAGE # Only in the very first step of the very first epoch for a layer if (j == 0) and (epoch == 0): # Scale 0 if (self.Gs == []): # Define image and noise from previous scales (Nothing for Scale 0) prev = torch.full([1, opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], 0, device=opt.device) self.in_s = prev prev = m_image(prev) z_prev = torch.full([1, opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], 0, device=opt.device) z_prev = m_noise(z_prev) opt.noise_amp = 1 # Remaining scales other than 0 else: # Calculate image and noise from previous scales with draw_concat function prev = draw_concat( self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rand', m_noise, m_image, opt) # Randomly generate image using previous scales prev = m_image(prev) z_prev = draw_concat( self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rec', m_noise, m_image, opt ) # Generate image with optimal noise using previous scales criterion = nn.MSELoss() RMSE = torch.sqrt( criterion(real, z_prev) ) # noise amplitude for a certain layer is decided according to the performance of previous layers opt.noise_amp = opt.noise_amp_init * RMSE z_prev = m_image(z_prev) # If not very first epoch, just generate previous image else: prev = draw_concat(self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rand', m_noise, m_image, opt) prev = m_image(prev) # Scale 0 if (self.Gs == []): noise = noise_ # Other scales else: noise = opt.noise_amp * noise_ + prev # Generate image with G and calculate loss from fake image fake = netG(noise.detach(), prev, m_real) output = netD(fake.detach()) errD_fake = output.mean() errD_fake.backward(retain_graph=True) D_G_z = output.mean().item() # WGAN Loss with gradient penalty gradient_penalty = calc_gradient_penalty(netD, real, fake, opt.lambda_grad, opt.device) gradient_penalty.backward() errD = errD_real + errD_fake + gradient_penalty optimizerD.step() ############################ # (2) Update G network: maximize D(G(z)) ########################### # Multiple steps for G for j in range(opt.Gsteps): netG.zero_grad() ### Calculate Discriminator Loss # Only in the very first step of the very first epoch for a layer if (j == 0) and (epoch == 0): # Scale 0 if (self.Gs == []): # Define image and noise from previous scales (Nothing for Scale 0) prev = torch.full([1, opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], 0, device=opt.device) self.in_s = prev prev = m_image(prev) z_prev = torch.full([1, opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], 0, device=opt.device) z_prev = m_noise(z_prev) opt.noise_amp = 1 # Remaining scales other than 0 else: # Calculate image and noise from previous scales with draw_concat function prev = draw_concat( self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rand', m_noise, m_image, opt) # Randomly generate image using previous scales prev = m_image(prev) z_prev = draw_concat( self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rec', m_noise, m_image, opt ) # Generate image with optimal noise using previous scales criterion = nn.MSELoss() RMSE = torch.sqrt( criterion(real, z_prev) ) # noise amplitude for a certain layer is decided according to the performance of previous layers opt.noise_amp = opt.noise_amp_init * RMSE z_prev = m_image(z_prev) # If not very first epoch, just generate previous image else: prev = draw_concat(self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rand', m_noise, m_image, opt) prev = m_image(prev) # Scale 0 if (self.Gs == []): noise = noise_ # Other scales else: noise = opt.noise_amp * noise_ + prev # Generate image with G and calculate loss from fake image fake = netG(noise.detach(), prev, m_real) output = netD(fake) D_fake_map = output.detach() errG = -output.mean() errG.backward(retain_graph=True) scale_weight = [1.0, 0.95, 0.9, 0.8, 0.5, 0.1, 0.01, 0.0005] ### Reconstruction Loss if opt.rec_weight != 0: loss = nn.L1Loss() Z_opt = opt.noise_amp * z_opt + z_prev rec_loss = opt.rec_weight * scale_weight[len(self.Gs)] * loss( netG(noise.detach(), prev, m_real), real) rec_loss.backward(retain_graph=True) rec_loss = rec_loss.detach() else: Z_opt = z_opt rec_loss = 0 # Generate image with G and calculate loss from fake image fake_style = netG(noise.detach(), prev, m_style.detach()) ### Style loss, layers from AdaIN style_loss = opt.alpha * ( 1 - scale_weight[len(self.Gs)]) * adain_style_loss( style, fake_style, self.vgg, opt.style_layers) style_loss.backward() optimizerG.step() if epoch % opt.niter_update == 0 or epoch == (opt.niter - 1): plt.imsave('%s/fake_style_sample.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(fake_style.detach()), vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.imsave('%s/fake_real_sample.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(fake.detach()), vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.imsave('%s/G(z_opt).png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np( netG(Z_opt.detach(), z_prev, m_real).detach()), vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.imsave('%s/D_fake.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(D_fake_map)) plt.imsave('%s/D_real.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(D_real_map)) if (opt.vis != False): opt.vis.image( convert_image_np(netG(Z_opt.detach(), z_prev).detach()).transpose(2, 0, 1), win=opt.viswindows[-1], opts=dict(title='G(z_opt) on scale %d' % len(self.Gs), width=self.max_width, height=self.max_height)) # Temporarily plot errG in total loss plot return rec_loss.item(), style_loss.item(), errG.detach(), z_opt, z_prev
def train_epoch(self, netG, netD, optimizerG, optimizerD, real, style, m_noise, m_image, epoch, z_opt, z_prev, opt): """ Trains network for one epoch. Arguments: epoch (int) : Current epoch. z_prev () : Can be None on the first epoch. opt (argparse.ArgumentParser) : Command line arguments. Returns: TODO: Check if these are actually torch.cuda.Float types errG (torch.cuda.Float) : Error of generator errD (torch.cuda.Float) : Error of discriminator D_x (torch.cuda.Float) : Error of discriminator on original image D_G_z (torch.cuda.Float) : Error of discriminator on fake image rec_loss (torch.cuda.Float) : Reconstruction loss z_prev """ # Scale 0 if (self.Gs == []): # Generate optimal noise that will be kept fixed during training z_opt = generate_noise([1, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) z_opt = m_noise(z_opt.expand(1, 3, opt.nzx, opt.nzy)) noise_ = generate_noise([1, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) noise_ = m_noise(noise_.expand(1, 3, opt.nzx, opt.nzy)) else: noise_ = generate_noise([opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) noise_ = m_noise(noise_) ############################ # (1) Update D network: maximize D(x) + D(G(z)) ########################### # Multiple steps for D for j in range(opt.Dsteps): # TRAIN WITH REAL IMAGE netD.zero_grad() output = netD(style).to(opt.device) D_real_map = output.detach() errD_real = -output.mean() #-a errD_real.backward(retain_graph=True) D_x = -errD_real.item() # TRAIN WITH FAKE IMAGE # Only in the very first step of the very first epoch for a layer if (j == 0) and (epoch == 0): # Scale 0 if (self.Gs == []): # Define image and noise from previous scales (Nothing for Scale 0) prev = torch.full([1, opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], 0, device=opt.device) self.in_s = prev prev = m_image(prev) z_prev = torch.full([1, opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], 0, device=opt.device) z_prev = m_noise(z_prev) opt.noise_amp = 1 # Remaining scales other than 0 else: # Calculate image and noise from previous scales with draw_concat function prev = draw_concat( self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rand', m_noise, m_image, opt) # Randomly generate image using previous scales z_prev = draw_concat( self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rec', m_noise, m_image, opt ) # Generate image with optimal noise using previous scales # Modified for new architecture, distance is calculated from styled content to original # criterion = nn.L1Loss() # weight_noise = criterion(real, prev) # noise amplitude for a certain layer is decided according to the performance of previous layers # opt.noise_amp = opt.noise_amp_init*weight_noise opt.noise_amp = opt.noise_amp_init z_prev = m_image(z_prev) prev = m_image(prev) print("Noise Amp: ", opt.noise_amp) # If not very first epoch, just generate previous image else: prev = draw_concat(self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rand', m_noise, m_image, opt) prev = m_image(prev) # Scale 0 if (self.Gs == []): noise = noise_ # Other scales else: noise = opt.noise_amp * noise_ + prev m_style = m_image(style) # Generate image with G and calculate loss from fake image fake = netG(noise.detach(), prev, m_style.detach()) output = netD(fake.detach()) errD_fake = output.mean() errD_fake.backward(retain_graph=True) D_G_z = output.mean().item() # WGAN Loss with gradient penalty gradient_penalty = calc_gradient_penalty(netD, style, fake, opt.lambda_grad, opt.device) gradient_penalty.backward() errD = errD_real + errD_fake + gradient_penalty optimizerD.step() ############################ # (2) Update G network: maximize D(G(z)) ########################### # Multiple steps for G for j in range(opt.Gsteps): netG.zero_grad() # Calculate loss output = netD(fake) D_fake_map = output.detach() errG = -output.mean() errG.backward(retain_graph=True) # Reconstruction Loss m_real = m_image(real) if opt.alpha != 0: loss = nn.L1Loss() ### No painting in our version # if opt.mode == 'paint_train': # z_prev = functions.quant2centers(z_prev, centers) # plt.imsave('%s/z_prev.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(z_prev), vmin=0, vmax=1) Z_opt = opt.noise_amp * z_opt + z_prev # Modified to calculate distance to random generation rec_loss = opt.alpha * loss( netG(noise.detach(), prev, m_real.detach()), real) rec_loss.backward(retain_graph=True) rec_loss = rec_loss.detach() else: Z_opt = z_opt rec_loss = 0 optimizerG.step() if epoch % opt.niter_update == 0 or epoch == (opt.niter - 1): plt.imsave('%s/fake_training.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(fake.detach()), vmin=0, vmax=1) #plt.imsave('%s/G(z_opt).png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(netG(Z_opt.detach(), z_prev, m_real.detach()).detach()), vmin=0, vmax=1) # plt.imsave('%s/D_fake.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(D_fake_map)) # plt.imsave('%s/D_real.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(D_real_map)) # plt.imsave('%s/z_opt.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(z_opt.detach()), vmin=0, vmax=1) # plt.imsave('%s/prev.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(prev), vmin=0, vmax=1) # plt.imsave('%s/noise.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(noise), vmin=0, vmax=1) # plt.imsave('%s/z_prev.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(z_prev), vmin=0, vmax=1) if (self.Gs == []): noise_ = generate_noise([1, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) noise_ = m_noise(noise_.expand(1, 3, opt.nzx, opt.nzy)) prev = torch.full([1, opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], 0, device=opt.device) prev = m_image(prev) noise = noise_ else: noise_ = generate_noise([opt.nc_z, opt.nzx, opt.nzy], device=opt.device) noise_ = m_noise(noise_) prev = draw_concat(self.Gs, self.Zs, self.reals, self.styles, self.NoiseAmp, self.in_s, 'rand', m_noise, m_image, opt) prev = m_image(prev) noise = opt.noise_amp * noise_ + prev netG.eval() # Evaluation mode fake_sample = netG(noise.detach(), prev, m_style.detach()) plt.imsave('%s/fake_test.png' % (opt.outf), convert_image_np(fake_sample.detach()), vmin=0, vmax=1) netG.train() # Training mode print("errG:", errG) print("rec loss:", rec_loss) if (opt.vis != False): opt.vis.image( convert_image_np(netG(Z_opt.detach(), z_prev).detach()).transpose(2, 0, 1), win=opt.viswindows[-1], opts=dict(title='G(z_opt) on scale %d' % len(self.Gs), width=self.max_width, height=self.max_height)) return (errG.detach() + rec_loss), errD.detach(), D_x, D_G_z, rec_loss, z_opt, z_prev