예제 #1
    def plot_distribution(self, model, resolution, title, parameter_type, ghost_model=None):
        values = utilities.get(model, parameter_type)
        minimum = min(values)
        maximum = max(values)

        ghost_hist = None
        # If ghost_model is present, plot it along with the original.
        if ghost_model is not None:
            original_values = utilities.get(ghost_model, parameter_type)
            original_minimum = min(original_values)
            original_maximum = max(original_values)
            minimum = min(minimum, original_minimum)
            maximum = min(maximum, original_maximum)
            ghost_hist, _ = np.histogram(original_values, density=True, bins=resolution)
        hist, edges = np.histogram(values, density=True, bins=resolution)
        x = np.linspace(minimum, maximum, resolution)

        color = "orangered"
        if parameter_type is "weight":
            color = "steelblue"
        elif parameter_type is "alpha":
            color = "darkorange"
        elif parameter_type is "bias":
            color = "silver"

        plot = self.make_plot(title + " - " + parameter_type, hist, edges, x, parameter_type, "frequency", color, ghost_hist=ghost_hist)
        if parameter_type not in self.plots.keys():
            self.plots[parameter_type] = []
예제 #2
async def send_message(outgoing: OutgoingMessage,
                       current_user: UserPydantic = Depends(get_current_user),
                       db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    sender_id = get(current_user.username, db).id
    recipient = get(outgoing.recipient, db)
    if not recipient:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="recipient name not found")
    message_request = MessageRequest(sender_id=sender_id,
    create_message(message_request, db)
def retrieve_search_result_list(user, query):

    movies_page = memcache.get("movies" + query.lower())
    if movies_page is None:
        movies_page = get(BASE_URL_MYAPIFILMS + 'imdb?title=' + query + '&format=JSON&aka=0&business=0&seasons=0&seasonYear=0&technical=0&filter=M&exactFilter=0&limit=5&lang=it-it&actors=N&biography=0&trailer=0&uniqueName=0&filmography=0&bornDied=0&starSign=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&movieTrivia=0&awards=0&moviePhotos=N&movieVideos=N&token=307cccfe-d20b-4b69-b976-d6a024538864').encode('utf-8')
        memcache.add("movies" + query.lower(), movies_page)

    artists_page = memcache.get("artists" + query.lower())
    if artists_page is None:
        artists_page = get(BASE_URL_MYAPIFILMS + 'imdb?name=' + query + '&format=JSON&filmography=0&limit=5&lang=it-it&exactFilter=0&bornDied=0&starSign=0&uniqueName=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&actorPhotos=N&actorVideos=N&salary=0&spouses=0&tradeMark=0&personalQuotes=0&token=307cccfe-d20b-4b69-b976-d6a024538864').encode('utf-8')
        memcache.add("artists" + query, artists_page)

    movies = []
    artists = []
    genres = []

        json_data = json.loads(movies_page)
        print json_data
        if type(json_data) is list:  # If it is not a list there is a problem

            for elem in json_data:
                idIMDB = elem['idIMDB']
                taste_movie = TasteMovie.get_by_id(idIMDB + user.key.id())  # Get taste
                movies.append({"title": elem['title'].encode('utf-8') if elem['title'] != "" else elem['originalTitle'].encode('utf-8'),
                               "originalTitle": elem['originalTitle'].encode('utf-8') if elem['originalTitle'] != "" else elem['title'].encode('utf-8'),
                               "idIMDB": idIMDB,
                               "poster": clear_url(elem['urlPoster']) if ('urlPoster' in elem and elem['urlPoster'] != "") else None,
                               "year": str(elem['year']),
                               "tasted": 1 if (taste_movie is not None and taste_movie.added) else 0})
    except ValueError:

        json_data = json.loads(artists_page)
        print json_data
        if type(json_data) is list:  # If it is not a list there is a problem

            for elem in json_data:
                idIMDB = elem['idIMDB']
                taste_artist = TasteArtist.get_by_id(idIMDB + user.key.id())
                artists.append({"name": elem['name'].encode('utf-8') if elem['name'] != "" else None,
                                "idIMDB": idIMDB,
                                "photo": clear_url(elem['urlPhoto']) if ('urlPhoto' in elem and elem['urlPhoto'] != "") else None,
                                "tasted": 1 if (taste_artist is not None and taste_artist.added) else 0})
    except ValueError:

    [genres.append({"name": genre, "tasted": 1 if (TasteGenre.get_by_id(genre + user.key.id()) is not None and (TasteGenre.get_by_id(genre + user.key.id())).added) else 0}) for genre in GENRES if genre.lower().startswith(query)]

    return {"query": query, "movies": movies, "artists": artists, "genres": genres}
def search_artist_from_name(artist_name, movie=None, director_name=None):
    Retrieve artist info from IMDB by name of artist.
    :param artist_name: name of the actor to retrieve info
    :type artist_name: string
    :return: Actor's key
    :rtype: ndb.Key
    :raise RetrieverError: if there is an error from MYAPIFILMS

    url = BASE_URL_MYAPIFILMS + 'imdb?name=' + artist_name + '&format=JSON&filmography=0&limit=1&lang=en-us&exactFilter=0&bornDied=0&starSign=0&uniqueName=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&token=307cccfe-d20b-4b69-b976-d6a024538864'
    json_page = get(url).encode('utf-8')
    json_data = json.loads(json_page)
    if type(json_data) is not list:  # If it is not a list there is a problem
        raise RetrieverError(json_data['code'], json_data['message'])

        photo = clear_url(json_data[0]['urlPhoto'])
    except Exception:
        logging.info("Photo not found")
        photo = "None"

    artist = Artist(id=json_data[0]['idIMDB'],

    if movie is not None:
        if director_name is not None:

    return artist.put()
예제 #5
async def playRPS(move_request: RPS.Move_Request,
                  current_user: UserPydantic = Depends(get_current_user),
                  db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    if not move_request:
        return {
            "code": "error",
            "message": f"something went wrong creating the move request"
    move_request.user_id = get(current_user.username, db).id
    rps = RPS.commit_move(move_request, db)
    if rps:
        print("preparing prod")
        for p in rps.players:
            if p.user.username != current_user.username:
                opp = p.user.username
                print("opponent: " + opp)
        opp_response = RPS.make_response_from_db(game=rps, my_name=opp)
        await manager.send_rps(opp_response, opp)
        # return {
        #     "code": "success",
        #     "message": f"committed move {move_request.move} for RPS game#{rps.id} for  {current_user.username}"
        # }
        return RPS.make_response_from_db(game=rps,
        return {
            "code": "error",
            "message": f"something went wrong. likely the game is finished"
def retrieve_movie_from_id(movie_id):
    Retrieve movie info from IMDB by movie id.
    :param movie_id: original title of the film to retrieve info
    :type movie_id: string
    :return: Movie's key
    :rtype: ndb.Key
    :raise RetrieverError: if there is an error from MYAPIFILMS
    logging.info('Retrieving %s', movie_id)

    url = BASE_URL_MYAPIFILMS + 'imdb?idIMDB=' + movie_id + '&format=JSON&aka=1&business=0&seasons=0&seasonYear=0&technical=0&filter=N&exactFilter=0&limit=1&lang=en-us&actors=S&biography=0&trailer=1&uniqueName=0&filmography=0&bornDied=0&starSign=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&movieTrivia=0&awards=0&token=307cccfe-d20b-4b69-b976-d6a024538864'

    json_page = get(url).encode('utf-8')
    json_data = json.loads(json_page)

    movie = Movie(id=json_data['idIMDB'],
                  poster=clear_url(json_data['urlPoster']) if ('urlPoster' in json_data and json_data['urlPoster'] != "") else None,

        trailer_url = json_data['trailer']['videoURL']
        movie.trailer = trailer_url
    except KeyError:
        movie.trailer = None

    movie.original_title = json_data['title']

    akas = json_data['akas']
    for aka in akas:
        if aka['country'] == 'Italy':
            movie.title = aka['title']

    run_times = json_data['runtime']
    if len(run_times) == 0:
        movie.run_times = None
        movie.run_times = run_times[0]

    year = json_data['year']
    if len(year) > 4:
        year = year[-4:]

    movie.year = year
    key = movie.put()
    actors_list = json_data['actors']
    directors_list = json_data['directors']
    writers_list = json_data['writers']

    retrieve_artists(movie, actors_list, directors_list, writers_list)

    logging.info('Retrieved %s', movie_id)
    return key
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, model, parameter_type, n):
     super().__init__(model, parameter_type, n)
     values = utilities.get(self.model, self.parameter_type)
     min_value = min(values)
     max_value = max(values)
     negative_gap = min_value / self.elements_per_side
     positive_gap = max_value / self.elements_per_side
     for i in range(1, self.elements_per_side + 1):
         self.quantizationDomain.append(i * negative_gap)
         self.quantizationDomain.append(i * positive_gap)
예제 #8
 def __init__(self, model, parameter_type, n):
     super().__init__(model, parameter_type, n)
     values = utilities.get(self.model, self.parameter_type)
     min_value = min(values)
     max_value = max(values)
     maximum = max(abs(min_value), abs(max_value))
     gap = maximum / self.elements_per_side
     for i in range(1, self.elements_per_side + 1):
         self.quantizationDomain.append(i * gap)
         self.quantizationDomain.append(-i * gap)
예제 #9
async def recent_incoming(
    limit: int = 5,
    current_user: UserPydantic = Depends(get_current_user),
    db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    me_db = get(current_user.username, db)
    all_queryset = db.query(MessageDB).filter(MessageDB.recipient == me_db)
    ordered_list = all_queryset.order_by(
    recents_pyd = [
        make_message_response_from_db(msg_db) for msg_db in ordered_list
    return recents_pyd
def retrieve_suggest_list(user, query):

    json_page = memcache.get(query.lower())
    if json_page is None:
        url = 'http://sg.media-imdb.com/suggests/' + query[0] + '/' + query + '.json'
        json_page = get(url).encode('utf-8')
        memcache.add(query, json_page)

    value = 'imdb$' + query

    movies = []
    artists = []
    genres = []

        json_data = json.loads(json_page[len(value)+1:-1])

        data = json_data['d']

        for elem in data:
            if not elem['id'].startswith('http://'):
                if 'q' in elem:
                    if elem['q'] == "feature":
                            idIMDB = elem['id']
                            taste_movie = TasteMovie.get_by_id(idIMDB + user.key.id())  # Get taste
                            movies.append({"originalTitle": elem['l'].encode('utf-8') if elem['l'] is not None else None,
                                           "title": None,
                                           "idIMDB": idIMDB,
                                           "poster": clear_url(elem['i'][0]) if 'i' in elem else 'null',
                                           "year": str(elem['y']),
                                           "tasted": 1 if (taste_movie is not None and taste_movie.added) else 0})
                        except KeyError as err:
                            logging.error("Error in the JSON: %s", err)
                        idIMDB = elem['id']
                        taste_artist = TasteArtist.get_by_id(idIMDB + user.key.id())
                        artists.append({"name": elem['l'].encode('utf-8') if elem['l'] is not None else None,
                                        "idIMDB": elem['id'],
                                        "photo": clear_url(elem['i'][0]) if 'i' in elem else 'null',
                                        "tasted": 1 if (taste_artist is not None and taste_artist.added) else 0})
                    except KeyError as err:
                        logging.error("Error in the JSON: %s", err)
                logging.info("Error the element is a link: %s", elem['id'])
    except ValueError:

    [genres.append({"name": genre, "tasted": 1 if (TasteGenre.get_by_id(genre + user.key.id()) is not None and (TasteGenre.get_by_id(genre + user.key.id())).added) else 0}) for genre in GENRES if genre.lower().startswith(query.lower())]

    return {"query": query, "movies": movies, "artists": artists, "genres": genres}
예제 #11
async def recent_games(limit: int = 5,
                       current_user: UserPydantic = Depends(get_current_user),
                       db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    me_db = get(current_user.username, db)

    current_games = RPS.getGames(me_db, db).filter(RockPaperScissorsDB.finished == False) \
    finished_games = RPS.getGames(me_db, db).filter(RockPaperScissorsDB.finished == True) \

    response = [
        RPS.make_response_from_db(game=game, my_name=me_db.username)
        for game in (current_games + finished_games)
    return response
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, model, parameter_type, n, base=2):
     super().__init__(model, parameter_type, n)
     values = utilities.get(self.model, self.parameter_type)
     min_value = min(values)
     max_value = max(values)
     maximum = max(abs(min_value), abs(max_value))
     total = 0
     for i in range(0, self.elements_per_side):
         total += (base**i)
     scale = maximum / total
     total = 0
     for i in range(0, self.elements_per_side):
         total += (base**i)
         self.quantizationDomain.append(-total * scale)
         self.quantizationDomain.append(total * scale)
예제 #13
 def __init__(self, model, parameter_type, n):
     super().__init__(model, parameter_type, n + 2)
     self.quantizationDomain = [
     ]  # Remove 0 as near 0 will be obtained by averaging the two smaller (absolute) values.
     values = utilities.get(self.model, self.parameter_type)
     negative_values = list(filter(lambda x: x <= 0, values))
     negative_values = [abs(value) for value in negative_values]
     positive_values = list(filter(lambda x: x >= 0, values))
     percentile_gap = 100 / self.elements_per_side
     for i in range(1, self.elements_per_side):
             -np.percentile(negative_values, 100 - percentile_gap * i))
             np.percentile(positive_values, 100 - percentile_gap * i))
     self.quantizationDomain.append(-max(negative_values) - 0.00001)
     self.quantizationDomain.append(max(positive_values) + 0.00001)
예제 #14
 def __init__(self, model, parameter_type, n, base=2):
     super().__init__(model, parameter_type, n)
     values = utilities.get(self.model, self.parameter_type)
     min_value = min(values)
     max_value = max(values)
     total = 0
     for i in range(0, self.elements_per_side):
         total += (base**i)
     negative_scale = abs(min_value) / total
     positive_scale = abs(max_value) / total
     positive_total = 0
     negative_total = 0
     for i in range(0, self.elements_per_side):
         negative_total += (base**i)
         self.quantizationDomain.append(-negative_total * negative_scale)
         positive_total += (base**i)
         self.quantizationDomain.append(positive_total * positive_scale)
def result_movies_schedule(tv_type, day):
    Get TV movies schedule from www.filmtv.it. You could ask the schedule of today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
    of the free TV, SKY TV and Mediaset Premium TV.
    :param tv_type: type of TV from get schedule, possible value (free, sky, premium)
    :type tv_type: string
    :param day: interested day, possible value (today, tomorrow, future)
    :type day: string
    :return: list JSON object of movie info scraped
        {"title": title, "originalTitle": original_title, "channel": channel, "time": time}
    :rtype: list of dict
    if day.upper() == "TODAY":  # Translate day for get call
        day = "oggi"
    elif day.upper() == "TOMORROW":
        day = "domani"
    elif day.upper() == "FUTURE":
        day = "dopodomani"
        raise BadRequest

    tv_type = tv_type.lower()

    schedule = memcache.get(tv_type + day)  # Tries to retrieve the schedule from memcache
    if schedule is not None:  # Control if it was retrieved
        return schedule
    else:  # Else retrieve it
        if tv_type == TV_TYPE[0]:
            url = BASE_URL_FILMTV_FILM + day + "/stasera/"
        elif tv_type == TV_TYPE[1] or tv_type == TV_TYPE[2]:
            url = BASE_URL_FILMTV_FILM + day + "/stasera/" + tv_type
            raise BadRequest

        html_page = get(url)  # Get HTML page
        schedule = get_movies_schedule(html_page)  # Retrieve schedule

        if schedule is not None:
            memcache.add(tv_type + day, schedule, time_for_tomorrow())  # Store the schedule in memcache
            return schedule
            raise InternalServerError('TV scheduling not retrieved')
def retrieve_artist_from_id(artist_id):
    Retrieve artist info from IMDB by id of artist.
    :param artist_id: id of the artist to retrieve info
    :type artist_id: string
    :return: Artist's key
    :rtype: ndb.Key
    :raise RetrieverError: if there is an error from MYAPIFILMS
    logging.info('Retrieving %s', artist_id)

    url = BASE_URL_MYAPIFILMS + 'imdb?idName=' + artist_id + '&format=JSON&filmography=0&lang=en-us&bornDied=0&starSign=0&uniqueName=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&actorPhotos=N&actorVideos=N&salary=0&spouses=0&tradeMark=0&personalQuotes=0&token=307cccfe-d20b-4b69-b976-d6a024538864'
    json_page = get(url).encode('utf-8')
    json_data = json.loads(json_page)

    artist = Artist(id=json_data["idIMDB"],
                    photo=clear_url(json_data["urlPhoto"]) if ('urlPhoto' in json_data and json_data['urlPhoto'] != "") else None)

    return artist.put()
def retrieve_movie_from_title(movie_original_title, movie_director, movie_cast, movie_title=None, movie_url=None,
                              movie_year=None, movie_genre=None):
    Retrieve movie info from IMDB by movie title.
    :param movie_title: title of the film to retrieve info
    :type movie_title: string
    :param movie_original_title: original title of the film to retrieve info
    :type movie_original_title: string
    :param movie_director: director of the film to retrieve info
    :type movie_director: string
    :param movie_genre: genre of the film to retrieve info
    :type movie_genre: string
    :return: Movie's key
    :rtype: ndb.Key
    :raise RetrieverError: if there is an error from MYAPIFILMS
    logging.info('Retrieving %s', movie_original_title)

    url = BASE_URL_MYAPIFILMS + 'imdb?title=' + movie_original_title + '&format=JSON&aka=0&business=0&seasons=0&seasonYear=' + movie_year + '&technical=0&filter=M&exactFilter=0&limit=1&lang=en-us&actors=S&biography=0&trailer=1&uniqueName=0&filmography=0&bornDied=0&starSign=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&movieTrivia=0&awards=0&token=307cccfe-d20b-4b69-b976-d6a024538864'
    logging.info('Url My API Films: %s', url)

    json_page = get(url).encode('utf-8')
    json_data = json.loads(json_page)

    if type(json_data) is not list:  # If it is not a list there is a problem
        logging.info('Movie not found in IMDB.')
        for x in range(26, len(movie_url)):
            if movie_url[x] == "/":
                end = x

        movie_id = movie_url[26: end]
        movie = Movie(id=movie_id,

        actors_string = movie_cast
        directors_list = movie_director
        writers_list = []
        #print actors_string

        actors_list = []
        begin = 0
        count = 0
        for i in actors_string:
            count += 1
            if i == "," or count == len(actors_string) - 1:
                actors_list.append(actors_string[begin:count - 1])
                begin = count + 1
                search_artist_from_name(actors_list[len(actors_list) - 1], movie)

        for director_name in directors_list:
            search_artist_from_name(actors_list[len(actors_list) - 1], movie, director_name)

        html_page_plot = get(movie_url).encode('utf-8')
        tree = lxml.html.fromstring(html_page_plot)
            movie.plot_it = tree.xpath('//article[@class="scheda-desc"]/p/text()')[0]
        except IndexError:
            logging.error('Impossible to retrieve info from FilmTV')
        directors_list = json_data[0]['directors']
        #print movie_director
        #prova = directors_list[0]['name'].encode('utf-8')
        #print prova
        if (movie_director in directors_list[0]['name'].encode('utf-8')) or (directors_list[0]['name'].encode('utf-8') in movie_director):
            movie = Movie(id=json_data[0]['idIMDB'],
                trailer_url = json_data[0]['trailer']['videoURL']
                movie.trailer = trailer_url
            except KeyError:
                movie.trailer = None

            movie.title = movie_title
            movie.original_title = movie_original_title

            run_times = json_data[0]['runtime']
            if len(run_times) == 0:
                movie.run_times = None
                movie.run_times = run_times[0]

            year = json_data[0]['year']
            if len(year) > 4:
                year = year[-4:]
            movie.year = year

            actors_list = json_data[0]['actors']
            writers_list = json_data[0]['writers']

            retrieve_artists(movie, actors_list, directors_list, writers_list)

            logging.info('Url FilmTV: %s', movie_url)

            html_page_plot = get(movie_url).encode('utf-8')
            tree = lxml.html.fromstring(html_page_plot)
                movie.plot_it = tree.xpath('//article[@class="scheda-desc"]/p/text()')[0]

            except IndexError:
                logging.error('Impossible to retrieve info from FilmTV')
            logging.info("FilmTV movie is not the same with retrieved movie in IMDB!")
            for x in range(26, len(movie_url)):
                if movie_url[x] == "/":
                    end = x

            movie_id = movie_url[26: end]
            #print movie_id
            movie = Movie(id=movie_id,

            actors_string = movie_cast
            directors_list = movie_director
            writers_list = []
            #print actors_string

            actors_list = []
            begin = 0
            count = 0
            if actors_string is not None:
                for i in actors_string:
                    count += 1
                    if i == "," or count == len(actors_string) - 1:
                        actors_list.append(actors_string[begin:count - 1])
                        begin = count + 1
                        search_artist_from_name(actors_list[len(actors_list) - 1], movie)
            if directors_list is not None:
                for director_name in directors_list:
                    search_artist_from_name(actors_list[len(actors_list) - 1], movie, director_name)

            html_page_plot = get(movie_url).encode('utf-8')
            tree = lxml.html.fromstring(html_page_plot)
                movie.plot_it = tree.xpath('//article[@class="scheda-desc"]/p/text()')[0]
            except IndexError:
                logging.error('Impossible to retrieve info from FilmTV')

    key = movie.put()
    logging.info('Retrieved %s', movie_original_title)

    return key