예제 #1
    def _calcThrust(self):
        """Thrust in the body frame."""
        xComponent = 0
        yComponent = 0
        zComponent = self.c["thrust"] * sum(self.state["inputs"])

        return ut.makeVector((xComponent, yComponent, zComponent))
예제 #2
    def _calcLinearAcceleration(self):
        """Linear acceleration in the world frame."""
        r = self.r.get(self.attitude)
        gravity = ut.makeVector((0, 0, -self.c["g"]))
        thrust = r * self._calcThrust()
        drag = -self.c["drag"] * self.state["positionRates"]

        return gravity + (thrust / self.c["mass"]) + drag
예제 #3
    def _calcTorque(self):
        """Torque in the body frame."""
        inputs = self.state["inputs"]
        l = self.c["armLength"]
        th = self.c["thrust"]
        tq = self.c["torque"]

        rollComponent = l * th * (inputs[0] - inputs[2])
        pitchComponent = l * th * (inputs[1] - inputs[3])
        yawComponent = tq * (inputs[0] - inputs[1] + inputs[2] - inputs[3])

        return ut.makeVector((rollComponent, pitchComponent, yawComponent))