예제 #1
def get_empty_player_season_record(player):
    Accepts a player name or names as a list
    Converts the names as follows ['Alan','Barry'] becomes Alan:Barry
    Returns a dictionary of 8 x [0,0,0,0] with the eight list representing
    the 8 starting positions and the list representing the frequency
    of Win, Place, Show, Lose 
    team = ut.sorted_and_lowered(player)
    player = ''
    for p in team:
       player += p + ":"
    player = player.strip(":")
    player_season_record = {}
    num_times = [0,0,0,0]
    player_season_record[player] =  [num_times[:],num_times[:],num_times[:],num_times[:],num_times[:],num_times[:],num_times[:],num_times[:]]
    return player_season_record
예제 #2
def update_player_season_record(player_season_record,player, start_pos, result):
    Accepts a dictionary for the player_eason_record, a list for the player
    and list of integers for the result
    # First check the dictionary matches the player list
    team = ut.sorted_and_lowered(player)
    player = ''
    for p in team:
       player += p + ":"
    player = player.strip(":")
    if player == player_season_record.keys()[0]:
        for v in player_season_record.values():
            #print v
            v[start_pos-1][0] += result[0]
            v[start_pos-1][1] += result[1]
            v[start_pos-1][2] += result[2]
            v[start_pos-1][3] += result[3]
    return player_season_record