def hydroshare(request): utilities.viewer_counter(request) # if use_hs_client_helper: # hs = get_oauth_hs(request) # else: # hs = getOAuthHS(request) context = {} return render(request, 'timeseries_viewer/home.html', context)
def home(request): """ Controller for the app home page. """ # temp_dir = utilities.get_workspace() # print temp_dir # temp_dir = temp_dir[:-24] # print temp_dir utilities.viewer_counter(request) context = {} return render(request, 'script_viewer/home.html', context)
def home(request): ids=[] meta =[] source=[] quality=[] method=[] sourceid=[] try: #Check to see if request if from CUAHSI. For data validation request_url = request.META['HTTP_REFERER'] except: request_url ="test" data = request.META['QUERY_STRING']#stores all values in the query string data = data.encode(encoding ='UTF-8')#encodes the data string to avoid having unicode character in string data =data.split('&') for e in data: s= e.split('=') meta.append(s) for e in meta: print e if e[0] == 'Source': source.append(e[1]) if e[0] == 'WofUri': ids.append(e[1]) if e[0] == 'QCLID': quality.append(e[1]) if e[0] == 'MethodId': method.append(e[1]) if e[0] == 'SourceId': sourceid.append(e[1]) utilities.viewer_counter(request) #the parametes passed from CUAHSI are stored in a hidden div on the home page so that the js file is able to read them context = {'source':source, 'cuahsi_ids':ids, 'quality':quality, 'method':method, 'sourceid':sourceid, } return render(request, 'timeseries_viewer/home.html', context)