예제 #1
    def attributeLocation(self, name): #bruce 090302 renamed from self.attribute()
        Return location of an attribute (per-vertex input) shader variable.
        If it's not found, return -1 and warn once per session for end users,
        or raise an AssertionError for developers.

        @see: _has_shader_attribute
        loc = glGetAttribLocationARB(self.progObj, name)
        if loc == -1:
            msg = "Invalid or unused attribute variable name '%s'." % name
            if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
                # Developers want to know of a mismatch between their Python
                # and shader programs as soon as possible.  Not doing so causes
                # logic errors, or at least incorrect assumptions, to silently
                # propagate through the code and makes debugging more difficult.
                assert 0, msg
                # End users on the other hand, may value program stability more.
                # Just print a warning if the program is released.  Do it only
                # once per session, since this will be in the inner draw loop!
                global _warnedVars
                if name not in _warnedVars:
                    print "Warning:", msg
                    _warnedVars += [name]
        return loc
예제 #2
def initialize():  # called from startup_misc.py
    if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
        register_debug_menu_command("Import all source files",
        register_debug_menu_command("Export command table",
예제 #3
    def attributeLocation(self, name): #bruce 090302 renamed from self.attribute()
        Return location of an attribute (per-vertex input) shader variable.
        If it's not found, return -1 and warn once per session for end users,
        or raise an AssertionError for developers.

        @see: _has_shader_attribute
        loc = glGetAttribLocationARB(self.progObj, name)
        if loc == -1:
            msg = "Invalid or unused attribute variable name '%s'." % name
            if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
                # Developers want to know of a mismatch between their Python
                # and shader programs as soon as possible.  Not doing so causes
                # logic errors, or at least incorrect assumptions, to silently
                # propagate through the code and makes debugging more difficult.
                assert 0, msg
                # End users on the other hand, may value program stability more.
                # Just print a warning if the program is released.  Do it only
                # once per session, since this will be in the inner draw loop!
                global _warnedVars
                if name not in _warnedVars:
                    print "Warning:", msg
                    _warnedVars += [name]
        return loc
예제 #4
def reload_once(module):
    This function is used to support automatic runtime reloading of modules
    within this package, for developer convenience. To use it, add this code
    before any import of symbols from a module (or use this code in place of
    any direct import of a module):

    #  import module
    #  reload_once(module)

    Warning: not all modules support runtime reload. Those that don't should
    say so in their docstrings.
    Warning: this system does not yet properly handle indirect imports, when
    only the inner module has been modified. See code comments for details,
    especially the docstring of debug.reload_once_per_event(). As a workaround,
    if A imports B and you edit B.py, also edit A.py in order to trigger the
    desired runtime reload of B.py.

    # this comment become obsolete when exprs.basic was split into separate files:
    ##Note: this function's module (exprs.basic itself) is fast and harmless enough to reload that it can be
    ##reloaded on every use, without bothering to use reload_once. Therefore, external callers of anything
    ##in the exprs package can always "import basic;reload(basic)" first, and if they do, all modules within
    ##exprs can just start with "from basic import *". But for clarity, some of them call reload_once on basic too.

    if (
            not EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures()
    ):  #070627 precaution; should improve by making this only affect default value of a debug_pref ###TODO

    if not ENABLE_RELOAD:

        def printfyi(
        ):  # WARNING: dup code, inlining py_utils version since not yet imported
            msg = "fyi (printonce): " + msg
            from foundation.env import seen_before
            if not seen_before(msg):
                print msg

        if 1:
            ## printfyi( "exprs modules won't be reloaded during this session" ) # 070627 removed this
예제 #5
def reload_once(module):
    This function is used to support automatic runtime reloading of modules
    within this package, for developer convenience. To use it, add this code
    before any import of symbols from a module (or use this code in place of
    any direct import of a module):

    #  import module
    #  reload_once(module)

    Warning: not all modules support runtime reload. Those that don't should
    say so in their docstrings.
    Warning: this system does not yet properly handle indirect imports, when
    only the inner module has been modified. See code comments for details,
    especially the docstring of debug.reload_once_per_event(). As a workaround,
    if A imports B and you edit B.py, also edit A.py in order to trigger the
    desired runtime reload of B.py.

    # this comment become obsolete when exprs.basic was split into separate files:    
    ##Note: this function's module (exprs.basic itself) is fast and harmless enough to reload that it can be
    ##reloaded on every use, without bothering to use reload_once. Therefore, external callers of anything
    ##in the exprs package can always "import basic;reload(basic)" first, and if they do, all modules within
    ##exprs can just start with "from basic import *". But for clarity, some of them call reload_once on basic too.
    if (not EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures()): #070627 precaution; should improve by making this only affect default value of a debug_pref ###TODO
    if not ENABLE_RELOAD:
        def printfyi(msg): # WARNING: dup code, inlining py_utils version since not yet imported
            msg = "fyi (printonce): " + msg
            from foundation.env import seen_before
            if not seen_before(msg):
                print msg
        if 1:
            ## printfyi( "exprs modules won't be reloaded during this session" ) # 070627 removed this
                          always_print = True,
                          never_again = False,
                          counter = exprs_globals.reload_counter,
                          check_modtime = True)
예제 #6
    def make_dialog_if_needed(self):
        Create self.dialog if necessary.
        # For developers, remake the dialog from its description file each time that file changes.
        # (The point of only remaking it then is not speed, but to test the code when it doesn't get remade,
        #  since that's what always happens for non-developers.)
        # (Someday, when remaking it, copy its window geometry from the old one. Then put that code into the MMKit too. ###e)
        # For others, only make it the first time.

        if (EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures() or env.debug()) and self.dialog:
            # For developers, remake the dialog if its description file changed (by zapping the old dialog here).
            zapit = False
            modtime = os.stat(self.param_desc_path).st_mtime
            if modtime != self.param_desc_path_modtime:
                zapit = True
                self.param_desc_path_modtime = modtime
            if zapit:
                #e save geometry?
                self.dialog.destroy() ###k
                self.dialog = None
        if not self.dialog:
            if debug_run():
                print "making dialog from", self.parameter_set_filename
            dialog_env = self
                # KLUGE... it needs to be something with an imagename_to_pixmap function that knows our icon_path.
                # the easiest way to make one is self... in future we want our own env, and to modify it by inserting that path...
            if use_property_pane():
                # experimental, doesn't yet work [060623]
                parent = self.win.vsplitter2 ###@@@ could this parent be wrong? it acted like parent was self.win or so.
                clas = ParameterPane ###@@@ worked internally, buttons printed debug msgs, but didn't have any effects in GBC.
                # usual case
                parent = self.win
                clas = ParameterDialog
            self.dialog = clas( self.win, self.param_desc_path, env = dialog_env )
                # this parses the description file and makes the dialog,
                # but does not show it and does not connect a controller to it.
            #e set its geometry if that was saved (from above code or maybe in prefs db)
예제 #7
    def _uniform(self, name): #bruce 090302 renamed from self.uniform()
        Return location of a uniform (input) shader variable.
        If it's not found, return -1 and warn once per session for end users,
        or raise an AssertionError for developers.

        @see: _has_uniform
        loc = glGetUniformLocationARB(self.progObj, name)
        if loc == -1:
            # The glGetUniformLocationARB man page says:
            #   "name must be an active uniform variable name in program that is
            #    not a structure, an array of structures, or a subcomponent of a
            #    vector or a matrix."
            # It "returns -1 if the name does not correspond to an active
            # uniform variable in program".  Then getUniform ignores it: "If
            # location is equal to -1, the data passed in will be silently
            # ignored and the specified uniform variable will not be changed."
            # Lets not be so quiet.
            msg = "Invalid or unused uniform shader variable name '%s'." % name
            if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
                # Developers want to know of a mismatch between their Python
                # and shader programs as soon as possible.  Not doing so causes
                # logic errors, or at least incorrect assumptions, to silently
                # propagate through the code and makes debugging more difficult.
                assert 0, msg
                # End users on the other hand, may value program stability more.
                # Just print a warning if the program is released.  Do it only
                # once per session, since this will be in the inner draw loop!
                global _warnedVars
                if name not in _warnedVars:
                    print "Warning:", msg
                    _warnedVars += [name]
        return loc
예제 #8
    def _uniform(self, name): #bruce 090302 renamed from self.uniform()
        Return location of a uniform (input) shader variable.
        If it's not found, return -1 and warn once per session for end users,
        or raise an AssertionError for developers.

        @see: _has_uniform
        loc = glGetUniformLocationARB(self.progObj, name)
        if loc == -1:
            # The glGetUniformLocationARB man page says:
            #   "name must be an active uniform variable name in program that is
            #    not a structure, an array of structures, or a subcomponent of a
            #    vector or a matrix."
            # It "returns -1 if the name does not correspond to an active
            # uniform variable in program".  Then getUniform ignores it: "If
            # location is equal to -1, the data passed in will be silently
            # ignored and the specified uniform variable will not be changed."
            # Lets not be so quiet.
            msg = "Invalid or unused uniform shader variable name '%s'." % name
            if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
                # Developers want to know of a mismatch between their Python
                # and shader programs as soon as possible.  Not doing so causes
                # logic errors, or at least incorrect assumptions, to silently
                # propagate through the code and makes debugging more difficult.
                assert 0, msg
                # End users on the other hand, may value program stability more.
                # Just print a warning if the program is released.  Do it only
                # once per session, since this will be in the inner draw loop!
                global _warnedVars
                if name not in _warnedVars:
                    print "Warning:", msg
                    _warnedVars += [name]
        return loc
def enter_example_command(widget, example_command_classname):
##    assert isinstance(widget, GLPane) # assumed by _reinit_modes; assertion disabled to fix an import cycle
    glpane = widget
    if 0 and EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures(): ###during devel only; broken due to file splitting
        # reload before use (this module only)
        if 0 and 'try reloading preqs too': ### can't work easily, glpane stores all the mode classes (not just their names)...
            glpane._reinit_modes() # just to get out of current mode safely
            import command_support.modes as modes
            ## from selectAtomsMode import selectAtomsMode # commented so it doesn't affect import dependency tools
            _superclass = 'Undefined variable' # FIX
            if _superclass is selectAtomsMode:
                import commands.Select.selectMode as selectMode
                import commands.SelectAtoms.selectAtomsMode as selectAtomsMode
            ## glpane.mode = glpane.nullmode = modes.nullMode()
            # revised 071010 (glpane == commandSequencer == modeMixin), new code UNTESTED:

            glpane._reinit_modes() # try to avoid problems with changing to other modes later, caused by those reloads
                # wrong: uses old classes from glpane
        import prototype.test_command_PMs as test_command_PMs
        import prototype.test_commands_init as test_commands_init
            # (note: reload code is untested since the change [bruce 071030]
            #  to call initialize explicitly rather than as import side effect,
            #  done together with splitting this module out of test_commands)
        from prototype.test_commands_init import enter_example_command_doit
        from prototype.test_commands_init import enter_example_command_doit
    enter_example_command_doit(glpane, example_command_classname)
예제 #10
DEBUG_PRINT_UNDO = False  # DO NOT COMMIT with True -- causes lots of debug prints regardless of atom_debug

DEBUG_FEWER_ARGS_RETRY = True  # debug prints for fewer-args retries; now True since these are deprecated [bruce 071004]

DEBUG_GETARGSPEC = False  # DO NOT COMMIT with True -- debug prints related to USE_GETARGSPEC (only matters when that's true)

DEBUG_USE_GETARGSPEC_TypeError = False  # print the few cases which args_info can't yet handle (### TODO: fix it for these ASAP)

# options that change behavior

USE_GETARGSPEC = True  # bruce 071004

_use_hcmi_hack = True  # enable signal->slot call intercepting code, to check for bugs that mess up other things [bruce 050922]
# i suspect this now has to be true (undo won't work without it) -- if true, remove this [bruce 071003 comment]

if not EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
    # end user case
    # be looser for end-users until we're sure we fixed all the bugs
    # this would expose and turn into exceptions, as explained in the
    # long comment in the other case.
    # [bruce 071004, per team call]
    NONERROR_STDERR_OK = False  # in case we're on a Windows install for which prints to sys.stderr cause exceptions
    # (that issue ought to be fixed more generally than in this file)
    # developer case
    DISABLE_SLOT_ARGCOUNT_RETRY = True  # bruce 071004 -- WHEN True, THIS WILL EXPOSE SOME BUGS as new TypeError exceptions.
    # (see also a change to this for endusers, below.)
    # To fix the bugs this exposes, add the proper argument declarations to slot
예제 #11

binPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
                           + '/../bin')
if binPath not in sys.path:

quux_module_import_succeeded = False

    import quux # can't be toplevel
    quux_module_import_succeeded = True
    if "experimental" in os.path.dirname(quux.__file__):
        # Should never happen for end users, but if it does we want to print the
        # warning.
        if env.debug() or not EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
            print "debug: fyi:", \
                  "Loaded experimental version of C rendering code:", \
    quux = None
    quux_module_import_succeeded = False
    if env.debug(): #bruce 060323 added condition
        print "WARNING: unable to import C rendering code (quux module).", \
              "Only Python rendering will be available."

# ==

class ShapeList_inplace:
예제 #12

binPath = os.path.normpath(
    os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + '/../bin')
if binPath not in sys.path:

quux_module_import_succeeded = False

    import quux  # can't be toplevel
    quux_module_import_succeeded = True
    if "experimental" in os.path.dirname(quux.__file__):
        # Should never happen for end users, but if it does we want to print the
        # warning.
        if env.debug() or not EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
            print "debug: fyi:", \
                  "Loaded experimental version of C rendering code:", \
    quux = None
    quux_module_import_succeeded = False
    if env.debug():  #bruce 060323 added condition
        print "WARNING: unable to import C rendering code (quux module).", \
              "Only Python rendering will be available."

# ==

class ShapeList_inplace:
예제 #13
def before_most_imports( main_globals ):
    Do things that should be done before most imports occur.
    main_globals should be the value of globals() in the __main__ module.

    # user-specific debug code to be run before any other imports [bruce 040903]

    # gpl_only check at startup [bruce 041217]
        import platform_dependent.gpl_only as _gpl_only
            # if this module is there, this lets it verify it should be there,
            # and if not, complain (to developers) whenever the program starts
        print "(running a GPL distribution)" #e retain or zap this?
    except ImportError:
        print "(running a non-GPL distribution)" #e retain or zap this? [should never happen for Qt4, as of 070425]
        pass # this is normal for non-GPL distributions
        rc = "~/.atom-debug-rc"
        rc = os.path.expanduser(rc)
        if os.path.exists(rc):
            ## execfile(rc) -- not allowed!
            import utilities.debug as _debug
            _debug.legally_execfile_in_globals(rc, main_globals, error_exception = False)
                # might fail in non-GPL versions; prints error message but
                # does not raise an exception.
                # (doing it like this is required by our licenses for Qt/PyQt)
        print """exception in execfile(%r); traceback printed to stderr or console; exiting""" % (rc,)

    # Figure out whether we're run by a developer from cvs sources
    # (EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures() returns True), or by an
    # end-user from an installer-created program (it returns False).
    # Use two methods, warn if they disagree, and if either one
    # think's we're an end user, assume we are (so as to turn off
    # certain code it might not be safe for end-users to run).
    # [bruce 050902 new feature; revised 051006 to work in Windows
    # built packages]
    # [Russ 080905: Fixed after this file moved into ne1_startup.
    #  bruce 080905 slightly revised that fix.
    #  Note: see also NE1_Build_Constants.py, which has constants
    #  that might be useable for this.]
    _OUR_PACKAGE = "ne1_startup" # should be this file's package inside cad/src
        # todo: this could be derived entirely from __name__.
    our_basename = __name__.split('.')[-1] # e.g. startup_before_most_imports
    assert _OUR_PACKAGE == __name__.split('.')[-2], \
           "need to revise this code for moved file"
        # this will fail if _OUR_PACKAGE has more than one component, or no
        # components; that's intentional, since some of the code below would
        # also fail in that case. If it fails, generalize this and that code.

    # Method 1. As of 050902, package builders on all platforms reportedly move main.py
    # (the __main__ script) into a higher directory than the compiled python files.
    # But developers running from cvs leave them all in cad/src.
    # So we compare the directories.
    endUser = True # conservative initial assumption (might be changed below)
    import __main__
    ourdir = None # hack for print statement test in except clause
        # this is still being imported, but we only need its __file__ attribute, which should be already defined [but see below]
        # It turns out that for Windows (at least) package builds, __main__.__file__ is either never defined or not yet
        # defined at this point, so we have no choice but to silently guess endUser = True in that case. I don't know whether
        # this module's __file__ is defined, whether this problem is Windows-specific, etc. What's worse, this problem disables
        # *both* guessing methods, so on an exception we just have to skip the whole thing. Further study might show that there is
        # no problem with ourdir, only with maindir, but I won't force us to test that right now. [bruce 051006]
        # REVIEW: is this still correct now that this code is in a non-toplevel module? [bruce 080111 question]
        ourdir = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
        maindir = os.path.split(__main__.__file__)[0]
        # unfortunately it's not ok to print the exception or any error message, in case endUser = True is correct...
        # but maybe I can get away with printing something cryptic (since our code is known to print things sometimes anyway)?
        # And I can make it depend on whether ourdir was set, so we have a chance of finding out whether this module defined __file__.
        # [bruce 051006]
        if ourdir is not None:
            print "end-user build"
            print "end user build" # different text -- no '-'
        # we set maindir and ourdir; try both guess-methods, etc
        def canon(path):
            #bruce 050908 bugfix in case developer runs python with relative (or other non-canonical) path as argument
            return os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path))
        maindir = canon(maindir)
        ourdir = canon(ourdir)
        guess1 = (os.path.join(maindir, _OUR_PACKAGE) != ourdir) # Russ 080905: Loaded from package subdirectory.

        # Method 2. As of 050902, package builders on all platforms remove the .py files, leaving only .pyc files.
        guess2 = not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ourdir, our_basename + ".py"))

        endUser = guess1 or guess2
        if EndUser.getAlternateSourcePath() != None:
            # special case when using ALTERNATE_CAD_SRC_PATH feature
            # (which can cause these guesses to differ or be incorrect):
            # assume anyone using it is a developer [bruce 070704]
            endUser = False
            if guess1 != guess2:
                print "Warning: two methods of guessing whether we're being run by an end-user disagreed (%r and %r)." % (guess1, guess2)
                print "To be safe, assuming we are (disabling some developer-only features)."
                print "If this ever happens, it's a bug, and the methods need to be updated."
                if guess1:
                    print "(debug info: guess1 is true because %r != %r)" % (maindir, ourdir)
                        #bruce 050908 to debug Linux bug in guess1 reported by Ninad (it's True (i.e. wrong) when he runs nE-1 from source)

    EndUser.setDeveloperFeatures(not endUser)
    if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
        print "enabling developer features"
        # The actual enabling is done by other code which checks the value of EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures().
        # Note: most code should NOT behave differently based on that value!
        # (Doing so might cause bugs to exist in the end-user version but not the developer version,
        #  which would make them very hard to notice or debug. This risk is only justified in a few
        #  special cases.)
    return # from before_most_imports
예제 #14
DEBUG_PRINT_UNDO = False # DO NOT COMMIT with True -- causes lots of debug prints regardless of atom_debug

DEBUG_FEWER_ARGS_RETRY = True # debug prints for fewer-args retries; now True since these are deprecated [bruce 071004]

DEBUG_GETARGSPEC = False # DO NOT COMMIT with True -- debug prints related to USE_GETARGSPEC (only matters when that's true)

DEBUG_USE_GETARGSPEC_TypeError = False # print the few cases which args_info can't yet handle (### TODO: fix it for these ASAP)

# options that change behavior

USE_GETARGSPEC = True # bruce 071004

_use_hcmi_hack = True # enable signal->slot call intercepting code, to check for bugs that mess up other things [bruce 050922]
    # i suspect this now has to be true (undo won't work without it) -- if true, remove this [bruce 071003 comment] 

if not EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
    # end user case
        # be looser for end-users until we're sure we fixed all the bugs
        # this would expose and turn into exceptions, as explained in the
        # long comment in the other case.
        # [bruce 071004, per team call]
    NONERROR_STDERR_OK = False # in case we're on a Windows install for which prints to sys.stderr cause exceptions
        # (that issue ought to be fixed more generally than in this file)
    # developer case
    DISABLE_SLOT_ARGCOUNT_RETRY = True # bruce 071004 -- WHEN True, THIS WILL EXPOSE SOME BUGS as new TypeError exceptions.
    # (see also a change to this for endusers, below.)
    # To fix the bugs this exposes, add the proper argument declarations to slot
예제 #15
def before_most_imports( main_globals ):
    Do things that should be done before most imports occur.
    main_globals should be the value of globals() in the __main__ module.

    # user-specific debug code to be run before any other imports [bruce 040903]

    # gpl_only check at startup [bruce 041217]
        import platform_dependent.gpl_only as _gpl_only
            # if this module is there, this lets it verify it should be there,
            # and if not, complain (to developers) whenever the program starts
        print "(running a GPL distribution)" #e retain or zap this?
    except ImportError:
        print "(running a non-GPL distribution)" #e retain or zap this? [should never happen for Qt4, as of 070425]
        pass # this is normal for non-GPL distributions
        rc = "~/.atom-debug-rc"
        rc = os.path.expanduser(rc)
        if os.path.exists(rc):
            ## execfile(rc) -- not allowed!
            import utilities.debug as _debug
            _debug.legally_execfile_in_globals(rc, main_globals, error_exception = False)
                # might fail in non-GPL versions; prints error message but
                # does not raise an exception.
                # (doing it like this is required by our licenses for Qt/PyQt)
        print """exception in execfile(%r); traceback printed to stderr or console; exiting""" % (rc,)

    # Figure out whether we're run by a developer from cvs sources
    # (EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures() returns True), or by an
    # end-user from an installer-created program (it returns False).
    # Use two methods, warn if they disagree, and if either one
    # think's we're an end user, assume we are (so as to turn off
    # certain code it might not be safe for end-users to run).
    # [bruce 050902 new feature; revised 051006 to work in Windows
    # built packages]
    # [Russ 080905: Fixed after this file moved into ne1_startup.
    #  bruce 080905 slightly revised that fix.
    #  Note: see also NE1_Build_Constants.py, which has constants
    #  that might be useable for this.]
    _OUR_PACKAGE = "ne1_startup" # should be this file's package inside cad/src
        # todo: this could be derived entirely from __name__.
    our_basename = __name__.split('.')[-1] # e.g. startup_before_most_imports
    assert _OUR_PACKAGE == __name__.split('.')[-2], \
           "need to revise this code for moved file"
        # this will fail if _OUR_PACKAGE has more than one component, or no
        # components; that's intentional, since some of the code below would
        # also fail in that case. If it fails, generalize this and that code.

    # Method 1. As of 050902, package builders on all platforms reportedly move main.py
    # (the __main__ script) into a higher directory than the compiled python files.
    # But developers running from cvs leave them all in cad/src.
    # So we compare the directories.
    endUser = True # conservative initial assumption (might be changed below)
    import __main__
    ourdir = None # hack for print statement test in except clause
        # this is still being imported, but we only need its __file__ attribute, which should be already defined [but see below]
        # It turns out that for Windows (at least) package builds, __main__.__file__ is either never defined or not yet
        # defined at this point, so we have no choice but to silently guess endUser = True in that case. I don't know whether
        # this module's __file__ is defined, whether this problem is Windows-specific, etc. What's worse, this problem disables
        # *both* guessing methods, so on an exception we just have to skip the whole thing. Further study might show that there is
        # no problem with ourdir, only with maindir, but I won't force us to test that right now. [bruce 051006]
        # REVIEW: is this still correct now that this code is in a non-toplevel module? [bruce 080111 question]
        ourdir = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
        maindir = os.path.split(__main__.__file__)[0]
        # unfortunately it's not ok to print the exception or any error message, in case endUser = True is correct...
        # but maybe I can get away with printing something cryptic (since our code is known to print things sometimes anyway)?
        # And I can make it depend on whether ourdir was set, so we have a chance of finding out whether this module defined __file__.
        # [bruce 051006]
        if ourdir is not None:
            print "end-user build"
            print "end user build" # different text -- no '-'
        # we set maindir and ourdir; try both guess-methods, etc
        def canon(path):
            #bruce 050908 bugfix in case developer runs python with relative (or other non-canonical) path as argument
            return os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path))
        maindir = canon(maindir)
        ourdir = canon(ourdir)
        guess1 = (os.path.join(maindir, _OUR_PACKAGE) != ourdir) # Russ 080905: Loaded from package subdirectory.

        # Method 2. As of 050902, package builders on all platforms remove the .py files, leaving only .pyc files.
        guess2 = not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ourdir, our_basename + ".py"))

        endUser = guess1 or guess2
        if EndUser.getAlternateSourcePath() != None:
            # special case when using ALTERNATE_CAD_SRC_PATH feature
            # (which can cause these guesses to differ or be incorrect):
            # assume anyone using it is a developer [bruce 070704]
            endUser = False
            if guess1 != guess2:
                print "Warning: two methods of guessing whether we're being run by an end-user disagreed (%r and %r)." % (guess1, guess2)
                print "To be safe, assuming we are (disabling some developer-only features)."
                print "If this ever happens, it's a bug, and the methods need to be updated."
                if guess1:
                    print "(debug info: guess1 is true because %r != %r)" % (maindir, ourdir)
                        #bruce 050908 to debug Linux bug in guess1 reported by Ninad (it's True (i.e. wrong) when he runs nE-1 from source)

    EndUser.setDeveloperFeatures(not endUser)
    if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
        print "enabling developer features"
        # The actual enabling is done by other code which checks the value of EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures().
        # Note: most code should NOT behave differently based on that value!
        # (Doing so might cause bugs to exist in the end-user version but not the developer version,
        #  which would make them very hard to notice or debug. This risk is only justified in a few
        #  special cases.)

    return # from before_most_imports
예제 #16
def initialize(): # called from startup_misc.py
    if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
        register_debug_menu_command( "Import all source files", import_all_modules_cmd )
        register_debug_menu_command( "Export command table", export_command_table_cmd )