예제 #1
def test_func(param_str):
    filepath = './features/0_2_person1/13.2.52.txt'
    filepath0 = './features/0_2_person1/13.4.53.txt'

    addr_list = './addr_list.json'
    param_args = param_str.split(',')

    index_id = param_args[0]
    node_name = param_args[1]
    node_address = SrvAPI.getAddress(node_name, addr_list)

    # construct data argument
    #data_args = {}
    #data_args ['host_address'] = node_address
    #data_args ['url_rule'] = '/BlendCAC/api/v1.0/getCapToken'

    start_time = time.time()

    print(SrvAPI.verify_indexToken(index_id, filepath))


    end_time = time.time()

    #calculate exec time
    exec_time = end_time - start_time

    time_exec = format(exec_time * 1000, '.3f')
    print("Execution time is:%2.6f" % (exec_time))

    FileUtil.AddLine('exec_time_client.log', time_exec)
예제 #2
def test_ServiceAccess(host_ip):
    # set host id address
    filepath = './features/0_2_person1/13.2.52.txt'
    filepath0 = './features/6_10_person/14.52.38.txt'

    addr_list = '../../node_data/addr_list.json'

    project_id = 1
    index_id = 1
    node_name = 'Desk_PI_Plus_Sam1'
    node_address = SrvAPI.getAddress(node_name, addr_list)

    # construct data argument
    data_args = {}
    data_args['project_id'] = project_id
    data_args['host_ip'] = host_ip
    data_args['index_id'] = index_id
    data_args['filepath'] = filepath
    data_args['host_address'] = node_address
    data_args['url_rule'] = '/BlendCAC/api/v1.0/getCapToken'
    # set project id
    project_id = 3

    start_time = time.time()

    #------------------ test data access service API ------------------

    end_time = time.time()
    exec_time = end_time - start_time

    time_exec = format(exec_time * 1000, '.3f')
    print("Execution time is:%2.6f" % (exec_time))

    FileUtil.AddLine('exec_time_client.log', time_exec)
예제 #3
    def is_valid_access_request(req_args):
        #Get account address
        accountAddr = RBACToken.getAddress(
            'sam_miner_win7_0', '../CapbilityToken/test/addr_list.json')

        #Define ls_time_exec to save executing time to log
        ls_time_exec = []

        #get token data
        start_time = time.time()

        # 1) get token from smart contract, high overload
        token_data = RBACPolicy.get_token(accountAddr)

        # 2) Save token data to local token.dat
        #FileUtil.AddLine('RBAC_token.dat', TypesUtil.json_to_string(token_data))

        # 3) read token from local data, low overload

        exec_time = time.time() - start_time
        ls_time_exec.append(format(exec_time * 1000, '.3f'))
        print("Execution time of get_token is:%2.6f" % (exec_time))

        #extract access action from request
        access_data = {}
        access_data['url_rule'] = req_args.url_rule
        access_data['method'] = req_args.method

        start_time = time.time()
        if (not RBACPolicy.is_token_valid(token_data)):
            print('token valid fail')
            return False
        exec_time = time.time() - start_time
        ls_time_exec.append(format(exec_time * 1000, '.3f'))
        print("Execution time of is_token_valid is:%2.6f" % (exec_time))

        start_time = time.time()
        if (not RBACPolicy.is_access_valid(token_data, access_data)):
            print('access valid fail')
            return False
        exec_time = time.time() - start_time
        ls_time_exec.append(format(exec_time * 1000, '.3f'))
        print("Execution time of is_access_valid is:%2.6f" % (exec_time))

        #transfer list to string
        str_time_exec = " ".join(ls_time_exec)
        FileUtil.AddLine('exec_time_server.log', str_time_exec)

        return True
예제 #4
	def verify_indexToken(str_index, filepath):
		# Define ls_time_exec to save executing time to log

		# mark the start time

		#1) read index data in contract

		# calculate computational cost
		ls_time_exec.append(format(exec_time*1000, '.3f'))	
		print("Execution time of getIndexToken is:%2.6f" %(exec_time))

		# mark the start time

		#2) extract data from index file
		# calculate computational cost
		ls_time_exec.append(format(exec_time*1000, '.3f'))	
		print("Execution time of extract Index is:%2.6f" %(exec_time))

		# mark the start time

		#3) calculate hash value of str_value
		# transfer string data to bytes block
		bytes_block = TypesUtil.string_to_bytes(str_value);
		hash_value = Crypto_Hash.generate_hash(bytes_block)

		# compare 
		ret_indexAuth = (str(hash_value)==token_data[1])

		# calculate computational cost
		ls_time_exec.append(format(exec_time*1000, '.3f'))	
		print("Execution time of verifyIndex is:%2.6f" %(exec_time))

		#transfer list to string
		str_time_exec=" ".join(ls_time_exec)
		FileUtil.AddLine('exec_time_authIndex.log', str_time_exec)

		#return index authentication result
		return ret_indexAuth
예제 #5
def test_func(host_ip, index_id):
    filepath = './features/0_2_person1/13.2.52.txt'
    filepath0 = './features/0_2_person1/13.4.53.txt'

    start_time = time.time()

    print(WSClient.getIndexToken(host_ip, index_id))
    print(WSClient.verify_indexToken(host_ip, index_id, filepath))

    end_time = time.time()

    #calculate exec time
    exec_time = end_time - start_time

    time_exec = format(exec_time * 1000, '.3f')
    print("Execution time is:%2.6f" % (exec_time))

    FileUtil.AddLine('exec_time_client.log', time_exec)
예제 #6
def test_CapAC():

    #params = {'project_id':'2'}
    data_args = {'project_id': '2'}

    start_time = time.time()

    #print token_data

    end_time = time.time()
    exec_time = end_time - start_time

    time_exec = format(exec_time * 1000, '.3f')
    print("Execution time is:%2.6f" % (exec_time))

    FileUtil.AddLine('exec_time_client.log', time_exec)
    '''print WSClient.Get_Datasets('', data_args)
예제 #7
def test_func(host_ip, node_name):
    addr_list = '../../node_data/addr_list.json'
    node_address = WSClient.getAddress(node_name, addr_list)

    # construct data argument
    data_args = {}
    data_args['host_ip'] = host_ip
    data_args['host_address'] = node_address
    data_args['url_rule'] = '/BlendCAC/api/v1.0/getCapToken'

    start_time = time.time()


    end_time = time.time()

    #calculate exec time
    exec_time = end_time - start_time

    time_exec = format(exec_time * 1000, '.3f')
    print("Execution time is:%2.6f" % (exec_time))

    FileUtil.AddLine('exec_time_client.log', time_exec)
    def is_valid_access_request(req_args):
        #Get account address
        addr_client = req_args.json['host_address']
        url_rule = req_args.json['url_rule']

        #Define ls_time_exec to save executing time to log
        ls_time_exec = []

        # define branch control flag
        query_src = 0  # smart contract:0, local cache:1
        is_cachetoken = 0  # cache data:1, not cache data:0

        #get token data
        start_time = time.time()

        if (query_src == 0):
            # ----------a) query token from smart contract ------------
            token_data = CapPolicy.get_token(addr_client)

            if (is_cachetoken == 1):
                # 2) Save token data to local token.dat
            # ----------b) read authToken from local cached file ------------
            read_token = FileUtil.ReadLines('ACtoken.dat')
            token_data = TypesUtil.string_to_json(read_token[0])

        exec_time = time.time() - start_time
        ls_time_exec.append(format(exec_time * 1000, '.3f'))
        print("Execution time of get_token is:%2.6f" % (exec_time))

        #extract access action from request
        access_data = {}
        access_data['url_rule'] = url_rule
        access_data['method'] = req_args.method

        start_time = time.time()
        if (not CapPolicy.is_token_valid(token_data)):
            print('token valid fail')
            return False
        exec_time = time.time() - start_time
        ls_time_exec.append(format(exec_time * 1000, '.3f'))
        print("Execution time of is_token_valid is:%2.6f" % (exec_time))

        start_time = time.time()
        if (not CapPolicy.is_access_valid(token_data, access_data)):
            print('access valid fail')
            return False
        exec_time = time.time() - start_time
        ls_time_exec.append(format(exec_time * 1000, '.3f'))
        print("Execution time of is_access_valid is:%2.6f" % (exec_time))

        #transfer list to string
        str_time_exec = " ".join(ls_time_exec)
        FileUtil.AddLine('capac_exec_time_server.log', str_time_exec)

        return True
예제 #9
    def verify_AuthToken(req_args):
        # extract client address from req_args
        #addr_client = req_args['host_address']
        addr_client = req_args.json['host_address']

        # Define ls_time_exec to save executing time to log
        ls_time_exec = []

        # define branch control flag
        query_src = 0  # smart contract:0, local cache:1
        is_cachetoken = 0  # cache data:1, not cache data:0

        # mark the start time
        start_time = time.time()

        if (query_src == 0):
            # ----------a) query token from smart contract ------------
            # 1) get host Vnode data in contract
            accounts = myAuthToken.getAccounts()
            json_VNode_host = AuthPolicy.get_VNodeInfo(accounts[0])

            #2) get client Vnode in contract
            json_VNode_client = AuthPolicy.get_VNodeInfo(addr_client)

            if (is_cachetoken == 1):
                json_authToken = {}
                json_authToken['host'] = json_VNode_host
                json_authToken['client'] = json_VNode_client

                # 2) Save token data to local token.dat
            # ----------b) read authToken from local cached file ------------
            # 3) read token from local data, low overload
            read_token = FileUtil.ReadLines('authToken.dat')
            token_data = TypesUtil.string_to_json(read_token[0])
            json_VNode_host = token_data['host']
            json_VNode_client = token_data['client']

        print("localhost: %s | client: %s" %
              (json_VNode_host, json_VNode_client))

        #3) authicate identity based on token
        # compare
        ret_indexAuth = (
            json_VNode_host['VZoneID'] == json_VNode_client['VZoneID'])

        # calculate computational cost
        exec_time = time.time() - start_time
        ls_time_exec.append(format(exec_time * 1000, '.3f'))
        print("Execution time of %s authentication is:%2.6f" %
              (addr_client, exec_time))

        #transfer list to string
        str_time_exec = " ".join(ls_time_exec)
        FileUtil.AddLine('auth_exec_time_server.log', str_time_exec)

        #return index authentication result
        return ret_indexAuth