def eval_model(cls, model, dataloader, attack=get_attack({"attack_type": "no_attack"}), loss_func='default'): """ Evaluate the performance of the model on the train/test sets. :param model: the model that will be evaluated. :param dataloader: trainset or testset on which the evaluation will executed. :return: the loss and accuracy on the testset. """ model.eval() loss = 0 correct = 0 # with torch.no_grad(): for iter_num, (data, labels) in enumerate(dataloader): print("eval_model iter_num: {}".format(iter_num)) data, labels = TorchUtils.to_device(data), TorchUtils.to_device( labels) # with torch.enable_grad(): data = attack.create_adversarial_sample(data, labels) outputs, batch_loss = cls.__forward_pass(model, data, labels, loss_func) loss += float(batch_loss.detach_()) * len( data) # loss sum for all the batch _, predicted = torch.max(outputs.detach_().data, 1) correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item() if (predicted == labels).sum().item() == 1: print("correct prediction in iter_num: {}".format(iter_num)) acc = correct / len(dataloader.dataset) loss /= len(dataloader.dataset) return loss, acc
def eval_batch(self, data, labels, enable_grad: bool = True): """ :param data: the data to evaluate :param labels: the labels of the data :param enable_grad: Should grad be enabled for later differentiation :param model_output_type: "logits" if model output logits or "prob" :param loss_func: The loss function used to calculate the loss :return: batch loss, probability and label prediction. """ loss_func = torch.nn.NLLLoss(reduction='none') self.eval() with torch.set_grad_enabled(enable_grad): data, labels = TorchUtils.to_device(data), TorchUtils.to_device( labels) output = self.__call__(data) if not self.pnml_model: # Output is logits prob = torch.softmax(output, 1) loss = loss_func( torch.log_softmax(output, 1), labels) # log soft-max is more numerically stable else: # Output is probability prob = output loss = loss_func(torch.log(output), labels) # _, predicted_label = torch.max(, 1) return loss, prob, self.get_genie_prob()
def eval_adversarial_dataset(model, dataloader, attack, save_adv_sample: bool = False): """ Evaluate model performance on dataloader with attack :param model: :param dataloader: :param attack: :param save_adv_sample: :return: """ try: torch.cuda.reset_max_memory_allocated() except: pass logger = logger_utilities.get_logger() model.eval( ) # TODO: model isn't required because model.eval() is done inside attack (make sure before removing) adversarials = None"Starting eval...") if save_adv_sample:"Save adversarial samples generated") adv_batch_l = [] for iter_num, (data, labels) in enumerate(dataloader): t0 = time.time() data, labels = TorchUtils.to_device(data), TorchUtils.to_device(labels) adversarials_batch = attack.create_adversarial_sample( data, labels, get_adversarial_class=True, save_adv_sample=save_adv_sample) t1 = time.time() adv_batch_l.append(adversarials_batch)"eval_model iter_num: {} ,process time: {} ".format( iter_num, t1 - t0)) # if iter_num == 0: # adversarials = adversarials_batch # else: # adversarials.merge(adversarials_batch) # t2 = time.time() #"eval_model iter_num: {} ,process time: {} save time: {} ".format(iter_num, t1-t0, t2-t1)) adversarials = adv_batch_l[0].cat(adv_batch_l) try: "Max GPU memory allocated during eval_adversarial_dataset: {} MB". format(torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated() / 2**20)) except: pass return adversarials
def __init__(self, mean: list, std: list): """ :param mean: a list representing the mean values in each channel :param std: a list representing the std values in each channel """ super(NormalizeCls, self).__init__() assert (type(mean) == list and type(std) == list and len(mean) == len(std)) channels = len(mean) self.mean = TorchUtils.to_device( torch.tensor(mean, dtype=torch.float).reshape([channels, 1, 1])) self.std = TorchUtils.to_device( torch.tensor(std, dtype=torch.float).reshape([channels, 1, 1]))
def eval_single_sample(model, test_sample_data): """ Predict the probabilities assignment of the test sample by the model :param model: the model which will evaluate the test sample :param test_sample_data: the data of the test sample :return: prob: probabilities vector. pred: the class prediction of the test sample """ # test_sample = (data, label) # Test the sample model.eval() # if next(model.parameters()).is_cuda: # This only checks the first iteration from parameters(), a better way is to loop over all parameters # sample_data = test_sample_data.cuda() # else: # sample_data = test_sample_data.cpu() sample_data = TorchUtils.to_device(test_sample_data) if len(sample_data.shape) == 3: sample_data = sample_data.unsqueeze( 0) # make the single sample 4-dim tensor # with torch.no_grad(): with torch.enable_grad(): output = model(sample_data).detach().cpu() # Prediction pred = output.max(1, keepdim=True)[1] pred = pred.numpy()[0][0] # Extract prob prob = F.softmax(output, dim=-1) prob = prob.numpy().tolist()[0] return prob, pred
def calc_statistics(model, adv_l, logger): """ Calculate statistics from from adv_l :param adv_l: a repacked adversarial list (see repack_adversarial_results func) """ ### Calculate attack unsuccessful rate ### # Evaluate index = 0 batch_size = 32 correct = 0 while index < len(adv_l): batch = adv_l[index:(index + batch_size)] data_batch = torch.Tensor(unpack_adv_obj(batch)) data_batch = TorchUtils.to_device(data_batch) labels_batch = np.stack([a['original_class'] for a in batch]) outputs = model(data_batch) _, predicted = torch.max(outputs.detach_().data, 1) # print(predicted) # print(labels_batch) correct += (predicted.cpu().numpy() == labels_batch).sum().item() index += batch_size unsuccessful_attack = correct / len(adv_l)"Unsuccessful attacks {}%".format(100 * unsuccessful_attack)) # print(np.mean(model.forward(adv_img).argmax(axis=-1) == labels)) ### - END - ### ### Calculate median distance ### distances = np.asarray([a["distance"] for a in adv_l])"Distance - min:{:.1e}, median:{:.1e}, max:{:.1e}".format( distances.min(), np.median(distances), distances.max()))"{} of {} attacks failed".format( sum(a["distance"] == np.inf for a in adv_l), len(adv_l)))"{} of {} inputs misclassified without perturbation".format( sum(a["distance"] == 0 for a in adv_l), len(adv_l))) # Present number of queries for the first 10 samples for i in range(10): print("Number of queries for {} sample: {}".format( i, adv_l[i]['queries']))
def load_pretrained_imagenet_model(model_name: str, pretrained: bool = True): """ :param model_name: Could be one of the following: 'alexnet', 'densenet', 'densenet121', 'densenet161', 'densenet169', 'densenet201', 'inception', 'inception_v3', 'resnet', 'resnet101', 'resnet152', 'resnet18', 'resnet34', 'resnet50', 'squeezenet', 'squeezenet1_0', 'squeezenet1_1', 'vgg', 'vgg11', 'vgg11_bn', 'vgg13', 'vgg13_bn', 'vgg16', 'vgg16_bn', 'vgg19', 'vgg19_bn' :param: pretrained: Whether to return a pretrained model or not. :return: the trained model """ model = getattr(models, model_name)( pretrained=pretrained ) # equivalent to models.resnet101(pretrained=True) for example # model_with_norm = ImagenetModel(model) return TorchUtils.to_device(model)
def __init__(self): super(ModelTemplate, self).__init__() self.pnml_model = False self.regularization = TorchUtils.to_device(torch.zeros([1])) self.ckpt_path = None
def train_model(self, model, dataloaders, num_epochs: int = 10, acc_goal=None, eval_test_every_n_epoch: int = 1, sample_test_data=None, sample_test_true_label=None): """ Train DNN model using some trainset. :param model: the model which will be trained. :param dataloaders: contains the trainset for training and testset for evaluation. :param num_epochs: number of epochs to train the model. :param acc_goal: stop training when getting to this accuracy rate on the trainset. :return: trained model (also the training of the models happen inplace) and the loss of the trainset and testset. """"Use device:" + TorchUtils.get_device()) model = TorchUtils.to_device(model) attack = get_attack( self.attack_params, model, get_dataset_min_max_val(dataloaders['dataset_name'])) # If testset is already adversarial then do nothing else use the same attack to generate adversarial testset testset_attack = get_attack({ "attack_type": "no_attack" }) if dataloaders[ 'adv_test_flag'] else attack # TODO: replace training attack with testing attack epoch_time = 0 # Loop on epochs for epoch in range(1, num_epochs + 1): epoch_start_time = time.time() total_loss_in_epoch, natural_train_loss, train_acc = self.__train( model, dataloaders['train'], attack, sample_test_data, sample_test_true_label) # Evaluate testset if self.eval_test_during_train is True and epoch % eval_test_every_n_epoch == 0: test_loss, test_acc = self.eval_model(model, dataloaders['test'], testset_attack) else: test_loss, test_acc = torch.tensor([-1.]), torch.tensor([-1.]) epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start_time # Save model if epoch % self.save_model_every_n_epoch == 0: model.state_dict(), os.path.join(self.logger.output_folder, '' % epoch)) # Log for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups: lr = param_group['lr'] '[%d/%d] [train test] loss =[%f %f] natural_train_loss=[%f], acc=[%f %f], lr=%f, epoch_time=%.2f' % (epoch, num_epochs, total_loss_in_epoch, test_loss, natural_train_loss, train_acc, test_acc, lr, epoch_time)) # Stop training if desired goal is achieved if acc_goal is not None and train_acc >= acc_goal: break test_loss, test_acc = self.eval_model(model, dataloaders['test'], testset_attack) train_loss_output = float(total_loss_in_epoch) test_loss_output = float(test_loss) # Print and save '----- [train test] loss =[%f %f], natural_train_loss=[%f], acc=[%f %f] epoch_time=%.2f' % (total_loss_in_epoch, test_loss, natural_train_loss, train_acc, test_acc, epoch_time)) return model, train_loss_output, test_loss_output
def execute_pnml_adv_fix(pnml_params: dict, params_init_training: dict, dataloaders_input: dict, sample_test_data_trans, sample_test_true_label, idx: int, model_base_input, logger, genie_only_training: bool = False): """ Execute the PNML procedure: for each label train the model and save the prediction afterword. :param pnml_params: parameters of training the model for each label :param train_class: the train_class is used to train and eval the model :param dataloaders_input: dataloaders which contains the trainset :param sample_test_data_trans: the data of the test sample that will be evaluated :param sample_test_true_label: the true label of the test sample :param idx: the index in the testset dataset of the test sample :param model_base_input: the base model from which the train will start :param logger: logger class to print logs and save results to file :param genie_only_training: calculate only genie probability for speed up when debugging :return: None """ assert ( model_base_input.__class__ != "PnmlMnistClassifier" ) #deepcopy doesn't work for PnmlMnistClassifier but it doesn't matter because PnmlMnistClassifier accuracy is already pNML accuracy and this function doesn't need to run # Check pnml_params contains all required keys required_keys = [ 'lr', 'momentum', 'step_size', 'gamma', 'weight_decay', 'epochs' ] for key in required_keys: if key not in pnml_params: logger.logger.error('The key: %s is not in pnml_params' % key) raise ValueError('The key: %s is not in pnml_params' % key) classes_trained = dataloaders_input['classes'] if 'classes_cifar100' in dataloaders_input: classes_true = dataloaders_input['classes_cifar100'] elif 'classes_svhn' in dataloaders_input: classes_true = dataloaders_input['classes_svhn'] elif 'classes_noise' in dataloaders_input: classes_true = dataloaders_input['classes_noise'] else: classes_true = classes_trained # Iteration of all labels if genie_only_training: trained_label_list = [sample_test_true_label.tolist()] else: trained_label_list = range(len(classes_trained)) model = deepcopy(model_base_input) model.eval() refinement = get_attack(pnml_params['fix_type'], model, pnml_params['epsilon'], pnml_params['pgd_iter'], pnml_params['pgd_step'], get_dataset_min_max_val( dataloaders_input['dataset_name']), pnml_params['pgd_test_restart_num'], flip_grad_ratio=0.0) for fix_to_label in trained_label_list: time_trained_label_start = time.time() fix_label_expand = TorchUtils.to_device( torch.tensor(np.expand_dims(fix_to_label, 0), dtype=torch.int64)) true_label_expand = TorchUtils.to_device( torch.tensor(np.expand_dims(sample_test_true_label, 0), dtype=torch.int64) ) # make the label to tensor array type (important for loss calculation) if len(sample_test_data_trans.shape) == 3: sample_test_data_trans = TorchUtils.to_device( sample_test_data_trans.unsqueeze( 0)) # make the single sample 4-dim tensor time_trained_label = time.time() - time_trained_label_start # Evaluate with base model assert (not x_refine = refinement.create_adversarial_sample( sample_test_data_trans, true_label_expand, fix_label_expand) # assert(sample_test_data_trans.grad is None) prob, pred = eval_single_sample(model, x_refine) global execute_pnml_adv_fix_ind if execute_pnml_adv_fix_ind == 0: from utilities import plt_img # plt_img(x_refine, 0) # Save to file logger.add_entry_to_results_dict(idx, str(fix_to_label), prob, -1, -1) 'idx=%d fix_to_label=[%d,%s], true_label=[%d,%s] predict=[%d], time=%4.2f[s]' % (idx, fix_to_label, classes_trained[fix_to_label], sample_test_true_label, classes_true[sample_test_true_label], np.argmax(prob), time_trained_label)) execute_pnml_adv_fix_ind = execute_pnml_adv_fix_ind + 1
def __train(self, model, train_loader, attack, sample_test_data=None, sample_test_true_label=None): """ Execute one epoch of training :param model: the model that will be trained. :param train_loader: contains the trainset to train. :return: the loss and accuracy of the trainset. """ model.train() # Turn off batch normalization update if self.freeze_batch_norm is True: # this works during fine-tuning because it can change the model even if LR=0. model = model.apply( set_bn_eval ) # this fucntion calls model.eval() which only effects dropout and batchnorm which will work in eval mode. total_loss_in_epoch = 0 correct = 0 natural_loss = 0 natural_train_loss_in_ep = 0 if self.adv_learn_alpha != 1 else -1 * len( train_loader.dataset) natural_correct = 0 loss_sample_test = 0 # max_iter = np.ceil(len(train_loader.dataset) / train_loader.batch_size) #TODO: from some reason I am missing the last batch but the dataloader should not drop the last batch # device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if sample_test_data is not None: sample_test_data, sample_test_true_label = TorchUtils.to_device( sample_test_data), TorchUtils.to_device(sample_test_true_label) sample_test_data.requires_grad = False sample_test_true_label.requires_grad = False # Iterate over dataloaders self.logger.init_debug_time_measure() self.logger.debug("testing...") for iter_num, (images, labels) in enumerate(train_loader): self.logger.debug("iter: {}, load data".format(iter_num)) # Adjust to CUDA images, labels = TorchUtils.to_device( images), TorchUtils.to_device(labels) self.logger.debug( "iter: {}, data and labels to CUDA:".format(iter_num)) # Forward-pass of natural images self.optimizer.zero_grad() if self.adv_learn_alpha != 1: outputs, natural_loss = self.__forward_pass( model, images, labels) _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) natural_correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item() natural_train_loss_in_ep += natural_loss * len( images) # natural_loss sum for the epoch self.logger.debug("iter: {}, Forward pass".format(iter_num)) # Back-propagation if self.adv_learn_alpha == 0: natural_loss.backward() self.logger.debug("iter: {}, Backward pass".format(iter_num)) correct = natural_correct else: # # The loss is averaged over the minibatch, this doesn't matter at all since the loss magnitude # # is only just to determine gradient sign. Each pixel is changed by -+epsilon, no matter # # it's gradient magnitude. adv_images = attack.create_adversarial_sample(images, labels) self.optimizer.zero_grad() self.logger.debug( "iter: {}, create adversarial data".format(iter_num)) #### add another sample # TODO: move it outside if, otherwise this won't happen for non-adversarial training if (iter_num) == 0 and sample_test_data is not None: sample_test_data.requires_grad = False sample_test_true_label.requires_grad = False output_sample_test, loss_sample_test = self.__forward_pass( model, sample_test_data, sample_test_true_label) _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) # correct += (predicted == sample_test_true_label).sum().item() #TODO: when calculating accuracy (after epoch) we need to divide by +1 if TrainClass.criterion.reduction == 'elementwise_mean': # Re-average the loss since another image was added loss_sample_test = loss_sample_test / (len(images) + 1) # natural_loss = natural_loss * len(images) / (len(images) + 1) TODO: uncomment loss_sample_test.backward(retain_graph=True) # self.optimizer.zero_grad() #### outputs, adv_loss = self.__forward_pass( model, adv_images, labels) self.logger.debug( "iter: {}, Adv. Forward pass".format(iter_num)) _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item() total_loss = ( 1 - self.adv_learn_alpha ) * natural_loss + self.adv_learn_alpha * adv_loss #+ loss_sample_test total_loss_in_epoch += total_loss * len(images) total_loss.backward() self.logger.debug( "iter: {}, Adv. Backward pass".format(iter_num)) self.optimizer.step() self.logger.debug("iter: {}, Optimizer step".format(iter_num)) self.scheduler.step() natural_train_loss_in_ep /= len(train_loader.dataset) total_loss_in_epoch /= len(train_loader.dataset) train_acc = correct / len(train_loader.dataset) return total_loss_in_epoch, natural_train_loss_in_ep, train_acc