def __init__(self, kw): assert('type' in kw) assert('terms' in kw) self.type = kw['type'] self.terms = kw['terms'] assert(is_str(self.type)) if self.type == "gene": sql = """ SELECT Species.`Name` AS species_name, InbredSet.`Name` AS inbredset_name, Tissue.`Name` AS tissue_name, ProbeSetFreeze.Name AS probesetfreeze_name, ProbeSetFreeze.FullName AS probesetfreeze_fullname, ProbeSet.Name AS probeset_name, ProbeSet.Symbol AS probeset_symbol, CAST(ProbeSet.`description` AS BINARY) AS probeset_description, ProbeSet.Chr AS chr, ProbeSet.Mb AS mb, ProbeSetXRef.Mean AS mean, ProbeSetXRef.LRS AS lrs, ProbeSetXRef.`Locus` AS locus, ProbeSetXRef.`pValue` AS pvalue, ProbeSetXRef.`additive` AS additive, ProbeSetFreeze.Id AS probesetfreeze_id, Geno.Chr as geno_chr, Geno.Mb as geno_mb FROM Species INNER JOIN InbredSet ON InbredSet.`SpeciesId`=Species.`Id` INNER JOIN ProbeFreeze ON ProbeFreeze.InbredSetId=InbredSet.`Id` INNER JOIN Tissue ON ProbeFreeze.`TissueId`=Tissue.`Id` INNER JOIN ProbeSetFreeze ON ProbeSetFreeze.ProbeFreezeId=ProbeFreeze.Id INNER JOIN ProbeSetXRef ON ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId=ProbeSetFreeze.Id INNER JOIN ProbeSet ON ProbeSet.Id = ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId LEFT JOIN Geno ON ProbeSetXRef.Locus = Geno.Name AND Geno.SpeciesId = Species.Id WHERE ( MATCH (ProbeSet.Name,ProbeSet.description,ProbeSet.symbol,ProbeSet.alias,ProbeSet.GenbankId, ProbeSet.UniGeneId, ProbeSet.Probe_Target_Description) AGAINST ('%s' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ) AND ProbeSetFreeze.confidentiality < 1 AND ProbeSetFreeze.public > 0 ORDER BY species_name, inbredset_name, tissue_name, probesetfreeze_name, probeset_name LIMIT 6000 """ % (self.terms) with Bench("Running query"): logger.sql(sql) re = g.db.execute(sql).fetchall() trait_list = [] dataset_to_permissions = {} with Bench("Creating trait objects"): for i, line in enumerate(re): this_trait = {} this_trait['index'] = i + 1 this_trait['name'] = line[5] this_trait['dataset'] = line[3] this_trait['dataset_fullname'] = line[4] this_trait['hmac'] = hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(line[5], line[3])) this_trait['species'] = line[0] this_trait['group'] = line[1] this_trait['tissue'] = line[2] this_trait['symbol'] = line[6] if line[7]: this_trait['description'] = line[7].decode('utf-8', 'replace') else: this_trait['description'] = "N/A" this_trait['location_repr'] = 'N/A' if (line[8] != "NULL" and line[8] != "") and (line[9] != 0): this_trait['location_repr'] = 'Chr%s: %.6f' % (line[8], float(line[9])) try: this_trait['mean'] = '%.3f' % line[10] except: this_trait['mean'] = "N/A" this_trait['LRS_score_repr'] = "N/A" if line[11] != "" and line[11] != None: this_trait['LRS_score_repr'] = '%3.1f' % line[11] this_trait['additive'] = "N/A" if line[14] != "" and line[14] != None: this_trait['additive'] = '%.3f' % line[14] this_trait['dataset_id'] = line[15] this_trait['locus_chr'] = line[16] this_trait['locus_mb'] = line[17] dataset_ob = SimpleNamespace(id=this_trait["dataset_id"], type="ProbeSet",species=this_trait["species"]) if not in dataset_to_permissions: permissions = check_resource_availability(dataset_ob) dataset_to_permissions[] = permissions else: pemissions = dataset_to_permissions[] if "view" not in permissions['data']: continue max_lrs_text = "N/A" if this_trait['locus_chr'] != None and this_trait['locus_mb'] != None: max_lrs_text = "Chr" + str(this_trait['locus_chr']) + ": " + str(this_trait['locus_mb']) this_trait['max_lrs_text'] = max_lrs_text trait_list.append(this_trait) self.trait_count = len(trait_list) self.trait_list = json.dumps(trait_list) self.header_fields = ['Index', 'Record', 'Species', 'Group', 'Tissue', 'Dataset', 'Symbol', 'Description', 'Location', 'Mean', 'Max LRS', 'Max LRS Location', 'Additive Effect'] elif self.type == "phenotype": search_term = self.terms group_clause = "" if "_" in self.terms: if len(self.terms.split("_")[0]) == 3: search_term = self.terms.split("_")[1] group_clause = "AND InbredSet.`InbredSetCode` = '{}'".format(self.terms.split("_")[0]) sql = """ SELECT Species.`Name`, InbredSet.`Name`, PublishFreeze.`Name`, PublishFreeze.`FullName`, PublishXRef.`Id`, CAST(Phenotype.`Pre_publication_description` AS BINARY), CAST(Phenotype.`Post_publication_description` AS BINARY), Publication.`Authors`, Publication.`Year`, Publication.`PubMed_ID`, PublishXRef.`LRS`, PublishXRef.`additive`, InbredSet.`InbredSetCode`, PublishXRef.`mean` FROM Species,InbredSet,PublishFreeze,PublishXRef,Phenotype,Publication WHERE PublishXRef.`InbredSetId`=InbredSet.`Id` AND PublishFreeze.`InbredSetId`=InbredSet.`Id` AND InbredSet.`SpeciesId`=Species.`Id` {0} AND PublishXRef.`PhenotypeId`=Phenotype.`Id` AND PublishXRef.`PublicationId`=Publication.`Id` AND (Phenotype.Post_publication_description REGEXP "[[:<:]]{1}[[:>:]]" OR Phenotype.Pre_publication_description REGEXP "[[:<:]]{1}[[:>:]]" OR Phenotype.Pre_publication_abbreviation REGEXP "[[:<:]]{1}[[:>:]]" OR Phenotype.Post_publication_abbreviation REGEXP "[[:<:]]{1}[[:>:]]" OR Phenotype.Lab_code REGEXP "[[:<:]]{1}[[:>:]]" OR Publication.PubMed_ID REGEXP "[[:<:]]{1}[[:>:]]" OR Publication.Abstract REGEXP "[[:<:]]{1}[[:>:]]" OR Publication.Title REGEXP "[[:<:]]{1}[[:>:]]" OR Publication.Authors REGEXP "[[:<:]]{1}[[:>:]]" OR PublishXRef.Id REGEXP "[[:<:]]{1}[[:>:]]") ORDER BY Species.`Name`, InbredSet.`Name`, PublishXRef.`Id` LIMIT 6000 """.format(group_clause, search_term) logger.sql(sql) re = g.db.execute(sql).fetchall() trait_list = [] with Bench("Creating trait objects"): for i, line in enumerate(re): this_trait = {} this_trait['index'] = i + 1 this_trait['name'] = str(line[4]) if len(str(line[12])) == 3: this_trait['display_name'] = str(line[12]) + "_" + this_trait['name'] else: this_trait['display_name'] = this_trait['name'] this_trait['dataset'] = line[2] this_trait['dataset_fullname'] = line[3] this_trait['hmac'] = hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(line[4], line[2])) this_trait['species'] = line[0] this_trait['group'] = line[1] if line[9] != None and line[6] != None: this_trait['description'] = line[6].decode('utf-8', 'replace') elif line[5] != None: this_trait['description'] = line[5].decode('utf-8', 'replace') else: this_trait['description'] = "N/A" if line[13] != None and line[13] != "": this_trait['mean'] = line[13] else: this_trait['mean'] = "N/A" this_trait['authors'] = line[7] this_trait['year'] = line[8] if this_trait['year'].isdigit(): this_trait['pubmed_text'] = this_trait['year'] else: this_trait['pubmed_text'] = "N/A" if line[9] != "" and line[9] != None: this_trait['pubmed_link'] = webqtlConfig.PUBMEDLINK_URL % line[8] else: this_trait['pubmed_link'] = "N/A" if line[12]: this_trait['display_name'] = line[12] + "_" + str(this_trait['name']) this_trait['LRS_score_repr'] = "N/A" if line[10] != "" and line[10] != None: this_trait['LRS_score_repr'] = '%3.1f' % line[10] this_trait['additive'] = "N/A" if line[11] != "" and line[11] != None: this_trait['additive'] = '%.3f' % line[11] this_trait['max_lrs_text'] = "N/A" trait_ob = create_trait(dataset_name=this_trait['dataset'], name=this_trait['name'], get_qtl_info=True, get_sample_info=False) if not trait_ob: continue if this_trait['dataset'] == this_trait['group'] + "Publish": try: if trait_ob.locus_chr != "" and trait_ob.locus_mb != "": this_trait['max_lrs_text'] = "Chr" + str(trait_ob.locus_chr) + ": " + str(trait_ob.locus_mb) except: this_trait['max_lrs_text'] = "N/A" trait_list.append(this_trait) self.trait_count = len(trait_list) self.trait_list = json.dumps(trait_list) self.header_fields = ['Index', 'Species', 'Group', 'Record', 'Description', 'Authors', 'Year', 'Max LRS', 'Max LRS Location', 'Additive Effect']
def generate_corr_json(corr_results, this_trait, dataset, target_dataset, for_api=False): results_list = [] for i, trait in enumerate(corr_results): if trait.view == False: continue results_dict = {} results_dict['index'] = i + 1 results_dict['trait_id'] = results_dict['dataset'] = results_dict['hmac'] = hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(, if target_dataset.type == "ProbeSet": results_dict['symbol'] = trait.symbol results_dict['description'] = "N/A" results_dict['location'] = trait.location_repr results_dict['mean'] = "N/A" results_dict['additive'] = "N/A" if bool(trait.description_display): results_dict['description'] = trait.description_display if bool(trait.mean): results_dict['mean'] = f"{float(trait.mean):.3f}" try: results_dict[ 'lod_score'] = f"{float(trait.LRS_score_repr) / 4.61:.1f}" except: results_dict['lod_score'] = "N/A" results_dict['lrs_location'] = trait.LRS_location_repr if bool(trait.additive): results_dict['additive'] = f"{float(trait.additive):.3f}" results_dict['sample_r'] = f"{float(trait.sample_r):.3f}" results_dict['num_overlap'] = trait.num_overlap results_dict['sample_p'] = f"{float(trait.sample_p):.3e}" results_dict['lit_corr'] = "--" results_dict['tissue_corr'] = "--" results_dict['tissue_pvalue'] = "--" if bool(trait.lit_corr): results_dict['lit_corr'] = f"{float(trait.lit_corr):.3f}" if bool(trait.tissue_corr): results_dict['tissue_corr'] = f"{float(trait.tissue_corr):.3f}" results_dict[ 'tissue_pvalue'] = f"{float(trait.tissue_pvalue):.3e}" elif target_dataset.type == "Publish": results_dict['abbreviation_display'] = "N/A" results_dict['description'] = "N/A" results_dict['mean'] = "N/A" results_dict['authors_display'] = "N/A" results_dict['additive'] = "N/A" if for_api: results_dict['pubmed_id'] = "N/A" results_dict['year'] = "N/A" else: results_dict['pubmed_link'] = "N/A" results_dict['pubmed_text'] = "N/A" if bool(trait.abbreviation): results_dict['abbreviation_display'] = trait.abbreviation if bool(trait.description_display): results_dict['description'] = trait.description_display if bool(trait.mean): results_dict['mean'] = f"{float(trait.mean):.3f}" if bool(trait.authors): authors_list = trait.authors.split(',') if len(authors_list) > 6: results_dict['authors_display'] = ", ".join( authors_list[:6]) + ", et al." else: results_dict['authors_display'] = trait.authors if bool(trait.pubmed_id): if for_api: results_dict['pubmed_id'] = trait.pubmed_id results_dict['year'] = trait.pubmed_text else: results_dict['pubmed_link'] = trait.pubmed_link results_dict['pubmed_text'] = trait.pubmed_text try: results_dict[ 'lod_score'] = f"{float(trait.LRS_score_repr) / 4.61:.1f}" except: results_dict['lod_score'] = "N/A" results_dict['lrs_location'] = trait.LRS_location_repr if bool(trait.additive): results_dict['additive'] = f"{float(trait.additive):.3f}" results_dict['sample_r'] = f"{float(trait.sample_r):.3f}" results_dict['num_overlap'] = trait.num_overlap results_dict['sample_p'] = f"{float(trait.sample_p):.3e}" else: results_dict['location'] = trait.location_repr results_dict['sample_r'] = f"{float(trait.sample_r):.3f}" results_dict['num_overlap'] = trait.num_overlap results_dict['sample_p'] = f"{float(trait.sample_p):.3e}" results_list.append(results_dict) return json.dumps(results_list)
def correlation_json_for_table(correlation_data, this_trait, this_dataset, target_dataset_ob): """Return JSON data for use with the DataTable in the correlation result page Keyword arguments: correlation_data -- Correlation results this_trait -- Trait being correlated against a dataset, as a dict this_dataset -- Dataset of this_trait, as a dict target_dataset_ob - Target dataset, as a Dataset ob """ this_trait = correlation_data['this_trait'] this_dataset = correlation_data['this_dataset'] target_dataset = target_dataset_ob.as_dict() corr_results = correlation_data['correlation_results'] results_list = [] file_name = f"{target_dataset['name']}_metadata.json" file_path = os.path.join(TMPDIR, file_name) new_traits_metadata = {} try: with open(file_path, "r+") as file_handler: dataset_metadata = json.load(file_handler) except FileNotFoundError: Path(file_path).touch(exist_ok=True) dataset_metadata = {} for i, trait_dict in enumerate(corr_results): trait_name = list(trait_dict.keys())[0] trait = trait_dict[trait_name] target_trait = dataset_metadata.get(trait_name) if target_trait is None: target_trait_ob = create_trait(dataset=target_dataset_ob, name=trait_name, get_qtl_info=True) target_trait = jsonable(target_trait_ob, target_dataset_ob) new_traits_metadata[trait_name] = target_trait if target_trait['view'] == False: continue results_dict = {} results_dict['index'] = i + 1 results_dict['trait_id'] = target_trait['name'] results_dict['dataset'] = target_dataset['name'] results_dict['hmac'] = hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format( target_trait['name'], target_dataset['name'])) results_dict['sample_r'] = f"{float(trait['corr_coefficient']):.3f}" results_dict['num_overlap'] = trait['num_overlap'] results_dict['sample_p'] = f"{float(trait['p_value']):.3e}" if target_dataset['type'] == "ProbeSet": results_dict['symbol'] = target_trait['symbol'] results_dict['description'] = "N/A" results_dict['location'] = target_trait['location'] results_dict['mean'] = "N/A" results_dict['additive'] = "N/A" if bool(target_trait['description']): results_dict['description'] = target_trait['description'] if bool(target_trait['mean']): results_dict['mean'] = f"{float(target_trait['mean']):.3f}" try: results_dict[ 'lod_score'] = f"{float(target_trait['lrs_score']) / 4.61:.1f}" except: results_dict['lod_score'] = "N/A" results_dict['lrs_location'] = target_trait['lrs_location'] if bool(target_trait['additive']): results_dict[ 'additive'] = f"{float(target_trait['additive']):.3f}" results_dict['lit_corr'] = "--" results_dict['tissue_corr'] = "--" results_dict['tissue_pvalue'] = "--" if this_dataset['type'] == "ProbeSet": if 'lit_corr' in trait: results_dict[ 'lit_corr'] = f"{float(trait['lit_corr']):.3f}" if 'tissue_corr' in trait: results_dict[ 'tissue_corr'] = f"{float(trait['tissue_corr']):.3f}" results_dict[ 'tissue_pvalue'] = f"{float(trait['tissue_p_val']):.3e}" elif target_dataset['type'] == "Publish": results_dict['abbreviation_display'] = "N/A" results_dict['description'] = "N/A" results_dict['mean'] = "N/A" results_dict['authors_display'] = "N/A" results_dict['additive'] = "N/A" results_dict['pubmed_link'] = "N/A" results_dict['pubmed_text'] = "N/A" if bool(target_trait['abbreviation']): results_dict['abbreviation_display'] = target_trait[ 'abbreviation'] if bool(target_trait['description']): results_dict['description'] = target_trait['description'] if bool(target_trait['mean']): results_dict['mean'] = f"{float(target_trait['mean']):.3f}" if bool(target_trait['authors']): authors_list = target_trait['authors'].split(',') if len(authors_list) > 6: results_dict['authors_display'] = ", ".join( authors_list[:6]) + ", et al." else: results_dict['authors_display'] = target_trait['authors'] if 'pubmed_id' in target_trait: results_dict['pubmed_link'] = target_trait['pubmed_link'] results_dict['pubmed_text'] = target_trait['pubmed_text'] try: results_dict[ 'lod_score'] = f"{float(target_trait['lrs_score']) / 4.61:.1f}" except: results_dict['lod_score'] = "N/A" results_dict['lrs_location'] = target_trait['lrs_location'] if bool(target_trait['additive']): results_dict[ 'additive'] = f"{float(target_trait['additive']):.3f}" else: results_dict['location'] = target_trait['location'] results_list.append(results_dict) if bool(new_traits_metadata): # that means new traits exists dataset_metadata.update(new_traits_metadata) with open(file_path, "w+") as file_handler: json.dump(dataset_metadata, file_handler) return json.dumps(results_list)
def gen_search_result(self): """ Get the info displayed in the search result table from the set of results computed in the "search" function """ trait_list = [] json_trait_list = [] # result_set represents the results for each search term; a search of # "shh grin2b" would have two sets of results, one for each term if self.dataset.type == "ProbeSet": self.header_data_names = ['index', 'display_name', 'symbol', 'description', 'location', 'mean', 'lrs_score', 'lrs_location', 'additive'] elif self.dataset.type == "Publish": self.header_data_names = ['index', 'display_name', 'description', 'mean', 'authors', 'pubmed_text', 'lrs_score', 'lrs_location', 'additive'] elif self.dataset.type == "Geno": self.header_data_names = ['index', 'display_name', 'location'] for index, result in enumerate(self.results): if not result: continue trait_dict = {} trait_dict['index'] = index + 1 trait_dict['dataset'] = if self.dataset.type == "ProbeSet": trait_dict['display_name'] = result[2] trait_dict['hmac'] = hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(trait_dict['display_name'], trait_dict['dataset'])) trait_dict['symbol'] = "N/A" if result[3] is None else result[3].strip() description_text = "N/A" if result[4] is None or str(result[4]) == "" else trait_dict['symbol'] target_string = result[5].decode('utf-8') if result[5] else "" description_display = description_text if target_string is None or str(target_string) == "" else description_text + "; " + str(target_string).strip() trait_dict['description'] = description_display trait_dict['location'] = "N/A" if (result[6] is not None) and (result[6] != "") and (result[7] is not None) and (result[7] != 0): trait_dict['location'] = f"Chr{result[6]}: {float(result[7]):.6f}" trait_dict['mean'] = "N/A" if result[8] is None or result[8] == "" else f"{result[8]:.3f}" trait_dict['additive'] = "N/A" if result[12] is None or result[12] == "" else f"{result[12]:.3f}" trait_dict['lod_score'] = "N/A" if result[9] is None or result[9] == "" else f"{float(result[9]) / 4.61:.1f}" trait_dict['lrs_location'] = "N/A" if result[13] is None or result[13] == "" or result[14] is None else f"Chr{result[13]}: {float(result[14]):.6f}" elif self.dataset.type == "Geno": trait_dict['display_name'] = str(result[0]) trait_dict['hmac'] = hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(trait_dict['display_name'], trait_dict['dataset'])) trait_dict['location'] = "N/A" if (result[4] != "NULL" and result[4] != "") and (result[5] != 0): trait_dict['location'] = f"Chr{result[4]}: {float(result[5]):.6f}" elif self.dataset.type == "Publish": # Check permissions on a trait-by-trait basis for phenotype traits trait_dict['name'] = trait_dict['display_name'] = str(result[0]) trait_dict['hmac'] = hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(trait_dict['name'], trait_dict['dataset'])) permissions = check_resource_availability(self.dataset, trait_dict['display_name']) if "view" not in permissions['data']: continue if result[10]: trait_dict['display_name'] = str(result[10]) + "_" + str(result[0]) trait_dict['description'] = "N/A" trait_dict['pubmed_id'] = "N/A" trait_dict['pubmed_link'] = "N/A" trait_dict['pubmed_text'] = "N/A" trait_dict['mean'] = "N/A" trait_dict['additive'] = "N/A" pre_pub_description = "N/A" if result[1] is None else result[1].strip() post_pub_description = "N/A" if result[2] is None else result[2].strip() if result[5] != "NULL" and result[5] != None: trait_dict['pubmed_id'] = result[5] trait_dict['pubmed_link'] = PUBMEDLINK_URL % trait_dict['pubmed_id'] trait_dict['description'] = post_pub_description else: trait_dict['description'] = pre_pub_description if result[4].isdigit(): trait_dict['pubmed_text'] = result[4] trait_dict['authors'] = result[3] if result[6] != "" and result[6] != None: trait_dict['mean'] = f"{result[6]:.3f}" try: trait_dict['lod_score'] = f"{float(result[7]) / 4.61:.1f}" except: trait_dict['lod_score'] = "N/A" try: trait_dict['lrs_location'] = f"Chr{result[11]}: {float(result[12]):.6f}" except: trait_dict['lrs_location'] = "N/A" trait_dict['additive'] = "N/A" if not result[8] else f"{result[8]:.3f}" # Convert any bytes in dict to a normal utf-8 string for key in trait_dict.keys(): if isinstance(trait_dict[key], bytes): try: trait_dict[key] = trait_dict[key].decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: trait_dict[key] = trait_dict[key].decode('latin-1') trait_list.append(trait_dict) if self.results: self.max_widths = {} for i, trait in enumerate(trait_list): for key in trait.keys(): if key == "authors": authors_string = ",".join(str(trait[key]).split(",")[:6]) + ", et al." self.max_widths[key] = max(len(authors_string), self.max_widths[key]) if key in self.max_widths else len(str(trait[key])) else: self.max_widths[key] = max(len(str(trait[key])), self.max_widths[key]) if key in self.max_widths else len(str(trait[key])) self.wide_columns_exist = False if self.dataset.type == "Publish": if (self.max_widths['display_name'] > 25 or self.max_widths['description'] > 100 or self.max_widths['authors']> 80): self.wide_columns_exist = True if self.dataset.type == "ProbeSet": if (self.max_widths['display_name'] > 25 or self.max_widths['symbol'] > 25 or self.max_widths['description'] > 100): self.wide_columns_exist = True self.trait_list = trait_list
def gen_search_result(self): """ Get the info displayed in the search result table from the set of results computed in the "search" function """ trait_list = [] json_trait_list = [] species = webqtlDatabaseFunction.retrieve_species( # result_set represents the results for each search term; a search of # "shh grin2b" would have two sets of results, one for each term logger.debug("self.results is:", pf(self.results)) for index, result in enumerate(self.results): if not result: continue #### Excel file needs to be generated #### trait_dict = {} trait_id = result[0] trait_dict['index'] = index + 1 this_trait = trait.GeneralTrait(dataset=self.dataset, name=trait_id, get_qtl_info=True, get_sample_info=False) trait_dict['name'] = if this_trait.dataset.type == "Publish": trait_dict['display_name'] = this_trait.display_name else: trait_dict['display_name'] = trait_dict['dataset'] = trait_dict['hmac'] = hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(, if this_trait.dataset.type == "ProbeSet": trait_dict['symbol'] = this_trait.symbol trait_dict[ 'description'] = this_trait.description_display.decode( 'utf-8', 'replace') trait_dict['location'] = this_trait.location_repr trait_dict['mean'] = "N/A" trait_dict['additive'] = "N/A" if this_trait.mean != "" and this_trait.mean != None: trait_dict['mean'] = '%.3f' % this_trait.mean trait_dict['lrs_score'] = this_trait.LRS_score_repr trait_dict['lrs_location'] = this_trait.LRS_location_repr if this_trait.additive != "": trait_dict['additive'] = '%.3f' % this_trait.additive elif this_trait.dataset.type == "Geno": trait_dict['location'] = this_trait.location_repr elif this_trait.dataset.type == "Publish": trait_dict['description'] = this_trait.description_display trait_dict['authors'] = this_trait.authors trait_dict['pubmed_id'] = "N/A" if this_trait.pubmed_id: trait_dict['pubmed_id'] = this_trait.pubmed_id trait_dict['pubmed_link'] = this_trait.pubmed_link trait_dict['pubmed_text'] = this_trait.pubmed_text trait_dict['mean'] = "N/A" if this_trait.mean != "" and this_trait.mean != None: trait_dict['mean'] = '%.3f' % this_trait.mean trait_dict['lrs_score'] = this_trait.LRS_score_repr trait_dict['lrs_location'] = this_trait.LRS_location_repr trait_dict['additive'] = "N/A" if this_trait.additive != "": trait_dict['additive'] = '%.3f' % this_trait.additive trait_list.append(trait_dict) #json_trait_list.append(trait.jsonable_table_row(this_trait,, index + 1)) self.trait_list = json.dumps(trait_list)
def jsonable_table_row(trait, dataset_name, index): """Return a list suitable for json and intended to be displayed in a table Actual turning into json doesn't happen here though""" dataset = create_dataset(dataset_name) if dataset.type == "ProbeSet": if trait.mean == "": mean = "N/A" else: mean = "%.3f" % round(float(trait.mean), 2) if trait.additive == "": additive = "N/A" else: additive = "%.3f" % round(float(trait.additive), 2) return ['<input type="checkbox" name="searchResult" class="checkbox trait_checkbox" value="' + hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(str(, + '">', index, '<a href="/show_trait?trait_id='+str('&dataset=''">'+str('</a>', trait.symbol, trait.description_display, trait.location_repr, mean, trait.LRS_score_repr, trait.LRS_location_repr, additive] elif dataset.type == "Publish": if trait.additive == "": additive = "N/A" else: additive = "%.2f" % round(float(trait.additive), 2) if trait.pubmed_id: return ['<input type="checkbox" name="searchResult" class="checkbox trait_checkbox" value="' + hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(str(, + '">', index, '<a href="/show_trait?trait_id='+str('&dataset=''">'+str('</a>', trait.description_display, trait.authors, '<a href="' + trait.pubmed_link + '">' + trait.pubmed_text + '</href>', trait.LRS_score_repr, trait.LRS_location_repr, additive] else: return ['<input type="checkbox" name="searchResult" class="checkbox trait_checkbox" value="' + hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(str(, + '">', index, '<a href="/show_trait?trait_id='+str('&dataset=''">'+str('</a>', trait.description_display, trait.authors, trait.pubmed_text, trait.LRS_score_repr, trait.LRS_location_repr, additive] elif dataset.type == "Geno": return ['<input type="checkbox" name="searchResult" class="checkbox trait_checkbox" value="' + hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(str(, + '">', index, '<a href="/show_trait?trait_id='+str('&dataset=''">'+str('</a>', trait.location_repr] else: return dict()
def test_data_hmac(self): """Test data_hmac fn with a utf-8 string""" self.assertEqual(data_hmac("ファイ"), "ファイ:7410466338cfe109e946")
def gen_search_result(self): """ Get the info displayed in the search result table from the set of results computed in the "search" function """ trait_list = [] json_trait_list = [] species = webqtlDatabaseFunction.retrieve_species( # result_set represents the results for each search term; a search of # "shh grin2b" would have two sets of results, one for each term logger.debug("self.results is:", pf(self.results)) for index, result in enumerate(self.results): if not result: continue #### Excel file needs to be generated #### trait_dict = {} trait_id = result[0] this_trait = create_trait(dataset=self.dataset, name=trait_id, get_qtl_info=True, get_sample_info=False) if this_trait: trait_dict['index'] = index + 1 trait_dict['name'] = if this_trait.dataset.type == "Publish": trait_dict['display_name'] = this_trait.display_name else: trait_dict['display_name'] = trait_dict['dataset'] = trait_dict['hmac'] = hmac.data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(, if this_trait.dataset.type == "ProbeSet": trait_dict['symbol'] = this_trait.symbol trait_dict['description'] = "N/A" if this_trait.description_display: trait_dict[ 'description'] = this_trait.description_display trait_dict['location'] = this_trait.location_repr trait_dict['mean'] = "N/A" trait_dict['additive'] = "N/A" if this_trait.mean != "" and this_trait.mean != None: trait_dict['mean'] = f"{this_trait.mean:.3f}" try: trait_dict[ 'lod_score'] = f"{float(this_trait.LRS_score_repr) / 4.61:.1f}" except: trait_dict['lod_score'] = "N/A" trait_dict['lrs_location'] = this_trait.LRS_location_repr if this_trait.additive != "": trait_dict['additive'] = f"{this_trait.additive:.3f}" elif this_trait.dataset.type == "Geno": trait_dict['location'] = this_trait.location_repr elif this_trait.dataset.type == "Publish": trait_dict['description'] = "N/A" if this_trait.description_display: trait_dict[ 'description'] = this_trait.description_display trait_dict['authors'] = this_trait.authors trait_dict['pubmed_id'] = "N/A" if this_trait.pubmed_id: trait_dict['pubmed_id'] = this_trait.pubmed_id trait_dict['pubmed_link'] = this_trait.pubmed_link trait_dict['pubmed_text'] = this_trait.pubmed_text trait_dict['mean'] = "N/A" if this_trait.mean != "" and this_trait.mean != None: trait_dict['mean'] = f"{this_trait.mean:.3f}" try: trait_dict[ 'lod_score'] = f"{float(this_trait.LRS_score_repr) / 4.61:.1f}" except: trait_dict['lod_score'] = "N/A" trait_dict['lrs_location'] = this_trait.LRS_location_repr trait_dict['additive'] = "N/A" if this_trait.additive != "": trait_dict['additive'] = f"{this_trait.additive:.3f}" # Convert any bytes in dict to a normal utf-8 string for key in trait_dict.keys(): if isinstance(trait_dict[key], bytes): trait_dict[key] = trait_dict[key].decode('utf-8') trait_list.append(trait_dict) self.trait_list = trait_list if self.dataset.type == "ProbeSet": self.header_data_names = [ 'index', 'display_name', 'symbol', 'description', 'location', 'mean', 'lrs_score', 'lrs_location', 'additive' ] elif self.dataset.type == "Publish": self.header_data_names = [ 'index', 'display_name', 'description', 'mean', 'authors', 'pubmed_text', 'lrs_score', 'lrs_location', 'additive' ] elif self.dataset.type == "Geno": self.header_data_names = ['index', 'display_name', 'location']