def api_task_search(): """ Flask Handler: API Interface: Search for tasks with specified conditions :return: Json containing the result, including total page number """ # Check and get all conditions failed_result = { "result": ReturnCode.INVALID_INPUT, "pages": 0, "tasks": [] } try: id = flask.request.args.get("id", None) if id is not None and not check_id(id): return flask.jsonify(failed_result) user = flask.request.args.get("user", None) if user is not None: user = int(user) if not check_int(user): return flask.jsonify(failed_result) start_time = flask.request.args.get("start_time", None) end_time = flask.request.args.get("end_time", None) old_to_new = bool(flask.request.args.get("old_to_new", False)) limit = int(flask.request.args.get("limit", 0)) if not check_int(limit): return flask.jsonify(failed_result) page = int(flask.request.args.get("page", 0)) if not check_int(page): return flask.jsonify(failed_result) except: self.logger.error("Failed to get all search conditions.", exc_info=True) return flask.jsonify(failed_result)"Parsed searching conditions.") # Search for the task res = select_from_etcd_and_call("search", self.local_etcd, self.conf["judicator_etcd_path"], self.logger, id, user, start_time, end_time, old_to_new, limit, page) # Handle the result and return tasks = [extract(x, brief=True) for x in res.tasks]"Found result: %s." % str([x["id"] for x in tasks])) for t in tasks: t["add_time"] = "" if not t["add_time"] else t[ "add_time"].isoformat() t["report_time"] = "" if not t["report_time"] else t[ "report_time"].isoformat() return flask.jsonify({ "result": res.result, "pages": res.pages, "tasks": tasks })
def api_task_cancel(): """ Flask Handler: API Interface: Cancel a task :return: Json with only result code """ # Get the id, and return directly if no id is specified id = flask.request.args.get("id", None) if id is None: return flask.jsonify({"result": ReturnCode.INVALID_INPUT}) # Cancel and return the result"Canceling task %s." % id) res = select_from_etcd_and_call("cancel", self.local_etcd, self.conf["judicator_etcd_path"], self.logger, id) return flask.jsonify({"result": res})
def api_executors(): """ Flask Handler: API Interface: Fetch executor list :return: Json containing executor list """ # Fetch all executors from rpc and return"Getting executors.") res = select_from_etcd_and_call("executors", self.local_etcd, self.conf["judicator_etcd_path"], self.logger) return flask.jsonify({ "result": res.result, "executors": [{ "id":, "hostname": x.hostname, "report_time": x.report_time } for x in res.executors] })
def report(complete, executing, vacant, local_etcd, config, logger): """ Get the address of a judicator and report the tasks status :param complete: Complete task list :param executing: Executing task list :param vacant: Vacant task places :param local_etcd: Proxy of local etcd :param config: Configuration json :param logger: Logger object :return: Tuple contain RPC report return """ res = select_from_etcd_and_call("report", local_etcd, config["judicator_etcd_path"], logger, config["name"], complete, executing, vacant) if res.result != ReturnCode.OK: raise Exception("Return code from judicator is not 0 but %d." % res.result) return res.cancel, res.assign
def api_task_add(): """ Flask Handler: API Interface: Add a new task :return: Json with result code and id of new task """ # Extract all necessary data try: data = { "id": None, "user": int(flask.request.form.get("user")), "compile": { "source": b"", "command": zlib.compress( flask.request.form.get("compile_command").replace( "\r\n", "\n").encode("utf-8")), "timeout": int(flask.request.form.get("compile_timeout")) }, "execute": { "input": zlib.compress( flask.request.form.get("execute_input").replace( "\r\n", "\n").encode("utf-8")), "data": b"", "command": zlib.compress( flask.request.form.get("execute_command").replace( "\r\n", "\n").encode("utf-8")), "timeout": int(flask.request.form.get("execute_timeout")), "standard": zlib.compress( flask.request.form.get("execute_standard").replace( "\r\n", "\n").encode("utf-8")) }, "add_time": None, "done": False, "status": 0, "executor": None, "report_time": None, "result": None } if not (check_int(data["user"]) and check_int(data["compile"]["timeout"]) and check_int(data["execute"]["timeout"])): raise Exception("An int parameter is out of bound.") except: self.logger.error("Failed to parse added task.", exc_info=True) return flask.jsonify({ "result": ReturnCode.INVALID_INPUT, "id": None })"Generating all extra fields for added task.") # Deal with compile source compile_source = flask.request.files.get("compile_source") compile_source_name = flask.request.form.get("compile_source_name") compile_source_str = flask.request.form.get("compile_source_str") # If the zip file has been uploaded, use it # Else if some text is given, zipped it and use it if compile_source:"Detected compile source.") data["compile"]["source"] = elif compile_source_str and compile_source_name:"Detected compile source text.") # Create a temp dir temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( dir=self.conf["data_dir"]) # Write the text in the file with specified name file_path = join(, compile_source_name) with open(file_path, "w") as f: f.write(compile_source_str.replace("\r\n", "\n")) # Create the zip file zip_path = join(, "") with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "w") as f: f.write(file_path, compile_source_name) # Read the binary with open(zip_path, "rb") as f: data["compile"]["source"] = # Deal with execute data execute_data = flask.request.files.get("execute_data") execute_data_name = flask.request.form.get("execute_data_name") execute_data_str = flask.request.form.get("execute_data_str") # If the zip file has been uploaded, use it # Else if some text is given, zipped it and use it if execute_data:"Detected execute data.") data["execute"]["data"] = elif execute_data_str and execute_data_name:"Detected execute data text.") # Create a temp dir temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( dir=self.conf["data_dir"]) # Write the text in the file with specified name file_path = join(, execute_data_name) with open(file_path, "w") as f: f.write(execute_data_str.replace("\r\n", "\n")) # Create the zip file zip_path = join(, "") with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "w") as f: f.write(file_path, execute_data_name) # Read the binary with open(zip_path, "rb") as f: data["execute"]["data"] ="Generated all fields for added task.") # Check the size of the data before submit. if not check_task_dict_size(data): return flask.jsonify({ "result": ReturnCode.TOO_LARGE, "id": None }) # Add through rpc and return res = select_from_etcd_and_call("add", self.local_etcd, self.conf["judicator_etcd_path"], self.logger, generate(data)) return flask.jsonify({"result": res.result, "id":})
def api_task_get(): """ Flask Handler: API Interface: Get a specified task, or one of its files :return: A file if getting a file, or a json containing tasks """ # Get the id and the name of the file, and if the plain text should be truncate id = flask.request.args.get("id", None) file = flask.request.args.get("file", None) truncate = not flask.request.args.get("no_truncate", False) # Return directly if no id is specified if id is None: return flask.jsonify({ "result": ReturnCode.INVALID_INPUT, "task": None }) # Get the task"Getting task %s." % id) res = select_from_etcd_and_call("get", self.local_etcd, self.conf["judicator_etcd_path"], self.logger, id) # If not found, return # Otherwise return required data. if res.result != ReturnCode.OK: if file: flask.abort(404) return flask.jsonify({ "result": ReturnCode.NOT_EXIST, "task": None }) task = extract(res.task) # If requesting files, try to fetch it if file: # Compile source and execute_data are in zip format # Others are plain text if file == "compile_source" or file == "execute_data": postfix = ".zip" mimetype = "application/zip" content = task["compile"][ "source"] if file == "compile_source" else task[ "execute"]["data"] else: postfix = ".txt" mimetype = "plain/text" if file == "compile_command": content = task["compile"]["command"] elif file == "execute_input": content = task["execute"]["input"] elif file == "execute_command": content = task["execute"]["command"] elif file == "execute_standard": content = task["execute"]["standard"] else: content = task.get("result", {}).get(file, b"") if content: content = zlib.decompress(content) # If nothing has been found, return 404 if not content: self.logger.warning( "Returning 404 as %s is empty for task %s." % (file, id)) flask.abort(404) # Write a temp file and return it"Returning %s for task %s." % (file, id)) temp_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir=self.conf["data_dir"]) temp_file.write(content) return flask.send_file(temp_file, cache_timeout=-1, as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=id + "_" + file + postfix, mimetype=mimetype) # Deal with zip field task["compile"]["source"] = bool(task["compile"]["source"]) task["execute"]["data"] = bool(task["execute"]["data"]) "Decompressing all fields compressed by zlib of task %s." % id) # Deal with zlib decompressed field in compile section task["compile"]["command"] = decompress_and_truncate( task["compile"]["command"], truncate) # Deal with zlib decompressed field in execute section task["execute"]["input"] = decompress_and_truncate( task["execute"]["input"], truncate) task["execute"]["command"] = decompress_and_truncate( task["execute"]["command"], truncate) task["execute"]["standard"] = decompress_and_truncate( task["execute"]["standard"], truncate) # Deal with zlib decompressed field in result section if task["result"]: task["result"]["compile_output"] = decompress_and_truncate( task["result"]["compile_output"], truncate) task["result"]["compile_error"] = decompress_and_truncate( task["result"]["compile_error"], truncate) task["result"]["execute_output"] = decompress_and_truncate( task["result"]["execute_output"], truncate) task["result"]["execute_error"] = decompress_and_truncate( task["result"]["execute_error"], truncate) # Deal with time section task["add_time"] = "" if not task["add_time"] else task[ "add_time"].isoformat() task["report_time"] = "" if not task["report_time"] else task[ "report_time"].isoformat()"Returning task %s." % id) return flask.jsonify({"result": res.result, "task": task})