def decideAction(self, robot, board, actions):
     Walks towards the other robot and tries to run into it.
     # get the list of robots from the board
     robots = board.getRobots()
     robotKeys = list(robots.keys())
     # temporary hacky workaround
     # get the other robot (future versions should find the closest robot)
     closest = robots[robotKeys[0]]
     # if first robot is this robot, get second robot
     if robotKeys[0] ==
         closest = robots[robotKeys[1]]
     # get current distance to target robot
     currentDistance = manhattanDistance(robot, closest)
     # get coordinates of space in front of robot
     forwardPos = forwardCoords(robot.xPosition, robot.yPosition, robot.rotation)
     # get distance of forwardPos from target
     forwardDistance = manhattanDistance(forwardPos, closest)
     # if forward gets robot closer to target, move forward
     if forwardDistance < currentDistance:
         return 'MOVE_FORWARD'
     # otherwise turn right
         return 'TURN_RIGHT'
	def decideAction(self, robot, board, actions):
		Returns the alias to a random movement function in the robot class
		choice = random.choice(actions)
		if (choice == 'MOVE_FORWARD'):
			forwardLoc = utility.forwardCoords(robot.xPosition, robot.yPosition, robot.rotation, board)
			# if going to move off the board, turn
			if forwardLoc is None:
				return 'TURN_RIGHT'
			# do other stuff
			isOccupied = board.occupied(forwardLoc[0],forwardLoc[1])
			if (isOccupied is None):
				#space in front is outside the board
				return 'TURN_RIGHT'
			if (isOccupied):
				#if something is in front, shoot at it
				#if something isn't in front, move forward
				return 'MOVE_FORWARD'
		return choice
	def moveForward(self, board):
		Moves the robot forward one space in the current direction.
		If it runs into a wall, it will simply not move.
		@param board: A reference to the board object. This is used for checking bounds and collisions.
# 		logging.debug("%s is moving forward" % (

		# get the coordinates in front of the robot
		coords = forwardCoords(self.xPosition, self.yPosition, self.rotation, board)

		# if out of bounds, do nothing
		if coords is None:
# 			logging.debug('{} is off the board'.format( # debugging output
			# exit
		# ===================
		# ===================
		# retrieve list of actors in new space
		collidingActors = board.occupied(coords[0], coords[1])
		# if there are one or more actors in the new space
		if len(collidingActors) > 0:
			# debugging output
# 			logging.debug('actors in front of {}: {}'.format(, str(collidingActors)))
			# iterate over actors in space
			for actor in collidingActors:
				# debugging output
# 				logging.debug( + " to collide with actor " + actor)
				# if actor is robot, damage robot and destroy self
				if actor in board.getRobots():
					# debugging output
# 					logging.debug( + " colliding with robot " + actor)
					# run collision logic
					board.collision(, actor)
					# exit without moving
		# no collisions, move to new coords
		if ( > 0):
			self.xPosition = coords[0]
			self.yPosition = coords[1]
    def takeAction(self, board):
        Moves the projectile forward one space in the current direction.
        If it runs into a wall, it will destroy itself.
        @param board: A reference to the board object. This is used for checking bounds and collidingActors.
#         logging.debug("%s is moving forward" % (
        # get the coordinates in front of the robot
        coords = forwardCoords(self.xPosition, self.yPosition, self.rotation, board)
        # if out of bounds, destroy self
        if coords is None:
            # debugging output
#             logging.debug('{} is off the board'.format(
   = 0
        # ===================
        # ===================
        # retrieve list of actors in new space
        collidingActors = board.occupied(coords[0], coords[1])
        if len(collidingActors) > 0:
#             logging.debug('actors in front of {}: {}'.format(, str(collidingActors)))
            # iterate over actors in space
            for actor in collidingActors:
#                 logging.debug( + " to collide with actor " + actor)
                # if actor is robot, damage robot and destroy self
                if actor in board.getRobots():
#                     logging.debug( + " colliding with robot " + actor)
                    # run collision logic
                    board.collision(, actor)
                    # reset health to 0 to ensure correct destruction
           = 0
                elif actor in board.getProjectiles():
                    # actor is a projectile
                    # if both are not facing the same direction, both are destroyed
#                     logging.debug( + " colliding with projectile " + actor)
                    # test if both are facing same direction
                    if not (board.actors[actor].rotation == self.rotation):
                        # collide both
                        board.collision(, actor)
        # projectile still on the board
        if ( > 0):
            self.xPosition = coords[0]
            self.yPosition = coords[1]