def get_position(self, handle): """Uses the cached positions to return position of any given object handle """ # self.object_positions is updated by the __update_all_object_positions() method pos = self.object_positions[self.objects.index(handle)].tolist() for idx, val in enumerate(pos): pos[idx] = utility.rnd(pos[idx]) return pos
ra.goto_position([Decimal('-0.24'), Decimal('-0.10'), Decimal('0.12')]) status("", ra) ra.enable_grip(False) status("", ra) ra.goto_position([Decimal('-0.26'), Decimal('-0.10'), Decimal('0.10')]) status("", ra) quit() pos = ra.get_position(ra.cylinder_handle) status("After getting position of cylinder", ra) pos[0] += utility.rnd(0.0) ra.goto_position(pos) status("After going to the cylinder", ra) ra.enable_grip(True) status("After enabling grip", ra) pos = ra.get_position(ra.cylinder_handle) status("After fetching position", ra) pos[2] *= 6 ra.goto_position(pos) status("After lifting", ra) pos = ra.get_position(ra.bin_handle)
def __init__(self, vrep_ip: str, vrep_port: int): """Prepares the actions, states and other environment variables """ self.robot = RobotArm(vrep_ip, vrep_port) self.tolerance = utility.rnd(config.TOLERANCE) self.unit_step = utility.rnd(config.UNIT_STEP_SIZE) dim = self.robot.get_env_dimensions() # Actions ######################################################### # The actions the agent can take - either goto some x,y,z position # or engage/disengage claw x_range_actions = np.arange(dim[0][0], dim[0][1], self.unit_step) y_range_actions = np.arange(dim[1][0], dim[1][1], self.unit_step) z_range_actions = np.arange(dim[2][0], dim[2][1], self.unit_step) # Actions consist of # a) Gripper Enable/Disable # b) Goto location (x, y, z) self.action_type1 = 'move_gripper' self.action_type2 = 'engage_gripper' self.actions = [] self.actions.append([self.action_type2, True]) self.actions.append([self.action_type2, False]) print(x_range_actions[1:-1]) print(y_range_actions[1:-1]) print(z_range_actions[1:-1]) for x in x_range_actions[1:-1]: for y in y_range_actions[1:-1]: for z in z_range_actions[1:-1]: self.actions.append([self.action_type1, [x, y, z]]) self.total_actions = len(self.actions) # States ######################################################### # States consist of # a) Position of the object (x, y, z coordinates) # b) If it is held by gripper or not # c) Position of the gripper (x, y, z coordinates) x_range = np.arange(dim[0][0], dim[0][1], self.tolerance) y_range = np.arange(dim[1][0], dim[1][1], self.tolerance) z_range = np.arange(dim[2][0], dim[2][1], self.tolerance) self.states = [] self.invalid_state = config.INVALID_STATE for x in x_range: for y in y_range: for z in z_range: for b in [True, False]: for xa in x_range_actions: for ya in y_range_actions: for za in z_range_actions: self.states.append( [x, y, z, b, xa, ya, za]) # invalid state, the last state. This state suggests that the object is outside the environment. self.states.append(self.invalid_state) self.total_states = len(self.states) self.invalid_states_index = self.total_states - 1 log_and_display("There are {0} actions.".format(self.total_actions)) log_and_display("There are {0} states.".format(self.total_states)) self.episode_object_gripped = False self.environment_breached = False self.is_success = False self.actionstate_prev = {} self.actionstate_curr = {}
import utility import decimal def status(title, ra): print("") print(title) print("Is object held> ", ra.is_object_held()) print("Is object in bin> ", ra.is_object_in_bin()) print("------------------------>") ra = RobotArm('', 19997) ra.restart_sim() pos = ra.get_position(ra.cylinder_handle) pos[2] += utility.rnd(0.02) ra.goto_position(pos) status("", ra) time.sleep(2) ra.enable_grip(True) status("", ra) time.sleep(2) pos[2] *= 6 ra.goto_position(pos) time.sleep(2) """ print(ra.get_env_dimensions()) pos = ra.get_position(ra.gripper_handle) print(pos) pos[0] += utility.rnd(0.01)
def waist_fit(z, beam_width, weight, **kwargs): imsave = kwargs.get('savepath', False) disp = kwargs.get('print', False) # Import Modules import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math from scipy.special import erf from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import utility as ut # Convert z-positions to array with 0 = lowest position and units are mm z = np.array(z) z = (z - z[0]) * (25.4 / 1000) # Define the fit function def fit_waist(z, w_0, f): z_0 = (math.pi * np.square(w_0)) / (572 * 1E-6) return w_0 * np.sqrt(1 + np.square((z - f) / z_0)) param_guess = [4E-3, np.mean(z)] # Normalize the weights weight = weight / np.amax(weight) # Do the fit param, covar = curve_fit(fit_waist, z, beam_width, p0=param_guess, sigma=weight) # Plot the fit and data z_cont = np.linspace(0, np.amax(z), 100) if flength == 'fit': fit = fit_waist(z_cont, param[0], param[1]) if flength != 'fit': fit = fit_waist(z_cont, param[0]) fig = plt.figure('Beam Fit') plt.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(z, beam_width, 'bo', label='Data') plt.plot(z_cont, fit, 'k--', label='Fit') plt.axis([-.1, 1.1 * np.amax(z), 0, 1.25 * np.amax(beam_width)]) plt.xlabel('z (mm)') plt.ylabel('Spot Size (mm)') plt.legend() bbox_props = dict(boxstyle='square', fc='.9', ec='k', alpha=1.0) fig_text = 'Beam Waist: ' + ut.rnd(1000 * param[0], 2) + ' +/- ' + ut.rnd( 1000 * np.sqrt(covar[0, 0]), 2) + ' micron' plt.text(.02, .97, fig_text, fontsize=10, bbox=bbox_props, va='top', ha='left', transform=ax.transAxes) if imsave != False: ut.create_dir(imsave) plt.savefig(imsave + '/beam_fit.png') if disp == True: print('w0: ' + ut.rnd(1000 * param[0], 2) + ' um\nz0: ' + ut.rnd((math.pi * np.square(1000 * param[0])) / (572 * 1E-3), 2) + ' um\nf: ' + ut.rnd(param[1], 2) + ' mm')
def prof_solo(profnum, z, **kwargs): # Define kwargs imsave = kwargs.get('savefile', 'none') fitrange = kwargs.get('fit_range', 'full') xstep = kwargs.get('xstep', 'auto') units = kwargs.get('units', 'microns') # Import modules import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math from scipy.special import erf from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import pylab import os import gen_reader as gr import utility as ut # Define fit function (erf for low to high power) def fit_erf(x, a, x_0, w, offset): return (a / 2.) * (1 + erf((np.sqrt(2) * (x - x_0)) / w)) + offset # Read in data from file if xstep == 'auto': matrix = gr.reader('/home/chris/anaconda/data/' + str(date) + '/lv/prof' + str(profnum) + '/prof' + str(profnum) + '_amp25_zpos_micron_' + z + '.txt', header=False) pos, pows = (.166E-3 / 25.) * matrix[:, 0], matrix[:, 1] if xstep != 'auto': matrix = gr.reader('/home/chris/anaconda/data/' + str(date) + '/lv/profman' + str.zfill(profnum, 2) + '/profman' + str.zfill(profnum, 2) + '_z-pos-' + units + str.zfill(z, 5) + '_x-step-' + units + str.zfill(xstep, 5) + '.txt', header=False) pows = matrix[:, 0] pos = 1E-3 * np.arange(0, float(xstep) * len(pows), float(xstep)) if units == 'minches': pos = pos * 25.4 # Make position array and power array (normalized low to high power) if pows[0] > pows[-1]: pows_norm = np.flipud(np.array(pows)) / np.amax(np.array(pows)) else: pows_norm = np.array(pows) / np.amax(np.array(pows)) # Get initial parameter guesses param_guess = [1, 0, 0, 0] # Guess for w bnds = ut.bound_finder(pows_norm, [.1, .9]) param_guess[2] = pos[bnds[1]] - pos[bnds[0]] # Guess for x_0 for i in range(len(pows)): if pows_norm[i] <= .5: param_guess[1] = pos[i] continue else: if pows_norm[i] - .5 >= .5 - pows_norm[i - 1]: param_guess[1] = pos[i - 1] break else: break # Do the fit if fitrange != 'full': param, covar = curve_fit(fit_erf, pos[fitrange[0]:fitrange[1]], pows_norm[fitrange[0]:fitrange[1]], p0=param_guess) if fitrange == 'full': param, covar = curve_fit(fit_erf, pos, pows_norm, p0=param_guess) # Plot the fits x = np.linspace(0, np.amax(pos), 100) fit = fit_erf(x, param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]) fig = plt.figure('laser_prof') plt.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(pos, pows_norm, 'bo', label='Data') plt.plot(x, fit, 'k--', label='Fit') plt.axis([0, 1.1 * np.amax(pos), 0, 1.25]) plt.xlabel('Razor Blade Position (mm)') plt.ylabel('Normalized Laser Power') plt.legend() bbox_props = dict(boxstyle='square', fc='.9', ec='k', alpha=1.0) fig_text = 'Spot Size: ' + ut.rnd(1000 * param[2], 2) + ' +/- ' + ut.rnd( 1000 * np.sqrt(covar[2, 2]), 2) + ' micron' #fig_text='Amplitude: '+repr(round(param[0],2))+'\nOffset: '+repr(round(param[1],2))+' mm'+'\nSpot Size: '+repr(1000*round(param[2]),3)+' micron' plt.text(.02, .97, fig_text, fontsize=10, bbox=bbox_props, va='top', ha='left', transform=ax.transAxes) if imsave != 'none': ut.create_dir(imsave) plt.savefig(imsave + 'beam_profile_' + str.zfill(z, 5) + '.png') return param[2], np.sqrt(covar[2, 2]), pos, pows_norm
import decimal def status(title, ra): print("") print(title) print("Is object held> ", ra.is_object_held()) print("Is object in bin> ", ra.is_object_in_bin()) print("------------------------>") ra = RobotArm('', 19997) ra.restart_sim() pos = ra.get_position(ra.cylinder_handle) pos[2] += utility.rnd(0.02) ra.goto_position(pos) status("", ra) time.sleep(2) ra.enable_grip(True) status("", ra) time.sleep(2) pos[2] *= 6 ra.goto_position(pos) time.sleep(2) """ print(ra.get_env_dimensions()) pos = ra.get_position(ra.gripper_handle) print(pos) pos[0] += utility.rnd(0.01) pos[1] += utility.rnd(0.01)
def status(title, ra): print("") print(title) print("Is object held> ", ra.is_object_held()) print("Is object in bin> ", ra.is_object_in_bin()) print("------------------------>") ra = RobotArm('', 19997) ra.restart_sim() pos = ra.get_position(ra.cylinder_handle) status("After getting position of cylinder", ra) pos[0] += utility.rnd(0.0) ra.goto_position(pos) status("After going to the cylinder", ra) ra.enable_grip(True) status("After enabling grip", ra) pos = ra.get_position(ra.cylinder_handle) status("After fetching position", ra) pos[2] = utility.rnd(0.10) ra.goto_position(pos) status("After lifting", ra) pos = ra.get_position(ra.bin_handle)
Q_TABLE_FILE = 'qtables/qtable.txt.npy' # File where per-episodic data will be saved: episode id, is success?, total rewards, total actions. PLOT_FILE = 'qtables/episodes.txt' # A filler state which represents an invalid state. INVALID_STATE = [-100, -100, -100, False, -100, -100, -100] # The step size to use to discretize the environment UNIT_STEP_SIZE = 0.02 # A value to judge nearness TOLERANCE = 0.01 # A finer value to judge nearness TOLERANCE_FINER = 0.005 # Initial position of the arm (to be placed before any episode starts) INIT_ARM_POSITION = [utility.rnd(-0.30), utility.rnd(-0.10), utility.rnd(0.14)] # Dimension of the environment. [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax], [zmin, zmax]] ENV_DIMENSION = [[utility.rnd(-0.32), utility.rnd(-0.19)], [utility.rnd(-0.12), utility.rnd(-0.05)], [utility.rnd(0.00), utility.rnd(0.15)]] # Some artificial delays to let V-REP stabilize after an action SLEEP_VAL = 0.4 SLEEP_VAL_MIN = 0.3 # Distance between object and bin when object is in bin CYLINDER_BIN_DISTANCE = 0.013 # Rewards REWARD_TERMINATION = -10
return np.sqrt(x2 + y2 + z2) def status(title, ra): print("") print(title) print("Is object held> ", ra.is_object_held()) print("Is object in bin> ", ra.is_object_in_bin()) print("------------------------>") ra = RobotArm('', 19997) ra.restart_sim() pos = ra.get_position(ra.cylinder_handle) status("After getting position of cylinder", ra) pos[0] += utility.rnd(0.0) ra.goto_position(pos) status("After going to the cylinder", ra) ra.enable_grip(True) status("After enabling grip", ra) pos = ra.get_position(ra.cylinder_handle) status("After fetching position", ra) pos[2] = utility.rnd(0.10) ra.goto_position(pos) status("After lifting", ra) pos = ra.get_position(ra.bin_handle)