def __init__(self, config): """ Args: config: config file of the current model """ self.config = config # load data here d = DataLoader(self.config) # Get the filenames and labels self.filenames, self.labels = d.get_sub_dataset(self.config.image_size) # Create the Dataset using Tensorflow Data API self.dataset = # Apply parse function to get the numpy array of the images self.dataset = map_func=self._parse_function, num_parallel_calls=self.config.num_parallel_calls) # Shuffle the dataset #self.dataset = self.dataset.shuffle(self.config.buffer_size) # Repeat the dataset indefinitely self.dataset = self.dataset.repeat(self.config.num_epochs) # Applying prefetch to increase the performance # Prefetch the next 10 batches self.dataset = self.dataset.prefetch(buffer_size=10 * config.batch_size) # Apply batching self.dataset = self.dataset.batch(config.batch_size) self.iterator = self.dataset.make_initializable_iterator() self.image = self.iterator.get_next()
def __init__(self): # self.config = config # load data here d = DataLoader("./data") # Get the filenames and labels self.filenames, self.labels = d.get_sub_dataset(28) #assert len(self.filenames) == len(self.labels) # Create the Dataset using Tensorflow Data API self.dataset = # Apply parse function to get the numpy array of the images self.dataset = # Shuffle the dataset self.dataset = self.dataset.shuffle(self.filenames.get_shape()[0]) # Apply batching self.dataset = self.dataset.batch(50)