def processLine(self, msg): try: if msg is None: print("Message is null") return message = msg.split(self.TOKEN_SEP) if len(message) < 2: print("Message not complete") return self.lastMessageId = message[0] js = message[1] self.sso = SerializableStateObservation() if js == "START": self.sso.phase = Phase.START elif js == "FINISH": self.sso.phase = Phase.FINISH else: js.replace('"', '') self.parse_json(js) # self.sso = json.loads(js, object_hook=self.as_sso) if self.sso.phase == "ACT": if self.lastSsoType == LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.IMAGE or self.lastSsoType == "IMAGE" \ or self.lastSsoType == LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.BOTH or self.lastSsoType == "BOTH": if self.sso.imageArray: self.sso.convertBytesToPng(self.sso.imageArray) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) print("Line processing [FAILED]") traceback.print_exc() sys.exit()
def __init__(self, agentName): self.TOKEN_SEP = '#' = IOSocket(CompetitionParameters.SOCKET_PORT) self.sso = SerializableStateObservation() self.agentName = agentName self.lastMessageId = 0 self.LOG = False self.player = None self.global_ect = None self.lastSsoType = LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.JSON
def processLine(self, msg): try: if msg is None: print ("Message is null") return message = msg.split(self.TOKEN_SEP) if len(message) < 2: print ("Message not complete") return self.lastMessageId = message[0] js = message[1] self.sso = SerializableStateObservation() if js == "START": self.sso.phase = Phase.START elif js == "FINISH": self.sso.phase = Phase.FINISH else: js.replace('"', '') self.parse_json(js) # self.sso = json.loads(js, object_hook=self.as_sso) if self.sso.phase == "ACT": if self.lastSsoType == LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.IMAGE or self.lastSsoType == "IMAGE" \ or self.lastSsoType == LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.BOTH or self.lastSsoType == "BOTH": if self.sso.imageArray: self.sso.convertBytesToPng(self.sso.imageArray) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) print("Line processing [FAILED]") traceback.print_exc() sys.exit()
class ClientComm: """ * Client communication, set up the socket for a given agent """ def __init__(self, agentName): self.TOKEN_SEP = '#' = IOSocket(CompetitionParameters.SOCKET_PORT) self.sso = SerializableStateObservation() self.agentName = agentName self.lastMessageId = 0 self.LOG = False self.player = None self.global_ect = None self.lastSsoType = LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.JSON def startComm(self): try: self.listen() except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) print("Start listen [FAILED]") traceback.print_exc() sys.exit() """ * Method that perpetually listens for messages from the server. * With the use of additional helper methods, this function interprets * messages and represents the core response-generation methodology of the agent. * @throws IOException """ def listen(self): line = '' while line is not None: line = line = line.rstrip("\r\n") self.processLine(line) if self.sso.phase == Phase.START: self.start() elif self.sso.phase == "INIT": self.sso.phase = Phase.INIT self.init() elif self.sso.phase == Phase.INIT: self.init() elif self.sso.phase == "END": self.sso.phase = Phase.END self.result() elif self.sso.phase == Phase.END: self.result() elif self.sso.phase == "ABORT": self.sso.phase = Phase.ABORT self.result() elif self.sso.phase == Phase.ABORT: self.result() elif self.sso.phase == "ACT": self.sso.phase = Phase.ACT self.act() elif self.sso.phase == Phase.ACT: self.act() elif self.sso.phase == Phase.FINISH: line = None elif self.sso.phase == "FINISH": line = None else:, 'ERROR', self.LOG) """ Helper method that converts a given dictionary into a correct SSO type """ def as_sso(self, d): self.sso.__dict__.update(d) return self.sso def parse_json(self, input): parsed_input = json.loads(input) self.sso.__dict__.update(parsed_input) if parsed_input.get('observationGrid'): self.sso.observationGrid = [[ [None for j in range(self.sso.observationGridMaxCol)] for i in range(self.sso.observationGridMaxRow) ] for k in range(self.sso.observationGridNum)] for i in range(self.sso.observationGridNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['observationGrid'][i])): for k in range(len(parsed_input['observationGrid'][i][j])): self.sso.observationGrid[i][j][k] = Observation( parsed_input['observationGrid'][i][j][k]) if parsed_input.get('NPCPositions'): self.sso.NPCPositions = [[ None for j in range(self.sso.NPCPositionsMaxRow) ] for i in range(self.sso.NPCPositionsNum)] for i in range(self.sso.NPCPositionsNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['NPCPositions'][i])): self.sso.NPCPositions[i][j] = Observation( parsed_input['NPCPositions'][i][j]) if parsed_input.get('immovablePositions'): self.sso.immovablePositions = [[ None for j in range(self.sso.immovablePositionsMaxRow) ] for i in range(self.sso.immovablePositionsNum)] for i in range(self.sso.immovablePositionsNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['immovablePositions'][i])): self.sso.immovablePositions[i][j] = Observation( parsed_input['immovablePositions'][i][j]) if parsed_input.get('movablePositions'): self.sso.movablePositions = [[ None for j in range(self.sso.movablePositionsMaxRow) ] for i in range(self.sso.movablePositionsNum)] for i in range(self.sso.movablePositionsNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['movablePositions'][i])): self.sso.movablePositions[i][j] = Observation( parsed_input['movablePositions'][i][j]) if parsed_input.get('resourcesPositions'): self.sso.resourcesPositions = [[ None for j in range(self.sso.resourcesPositionsMaxRow) ] for i in range(self.sso.resourcesPositionsNum)] for i in range(self.sso.resourcesPositionsNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['resourcesPositions'][i])): self.sso.resourcesPositions[i][j] = Observation( parsed_input['resourcesPositions'][i][j]) if parsed_input.get('portalsPositions'): self.sso.portalsPositions = [[ None for j in range(self.sso.portalsPositionsMaxRow) ] for i in range(self.sso.portalsPositionsNum)] for i in range(self.sso.portalsPositionsNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['portalsPositions'][i])): self.sso.portalsPositions[i][j] = Observation( parsed_input['portalsPositions'][i][j]) if parsed_input.get('fromAvatarSpritesPositions'): self.sso.fromAvatarSpritesPositions = [[ None for j in range(self.sso.fromAvatarSpritesPositionsMaxRow) ] for i in range(self.sso.fromAvatarSpritesPositionsNum)] for i in range(self.sso.fromAvatarSpritesPositionsNum): for j in range( len(parsed_input['fromAvatarSpritesPositions'][i])): self.sso.fromAvatarSpritesPositions[i][j] = Observation( parsed_input['fromAvatarSpritesPositions'][i][j]) """ * Method that interprets the received messages from the server's side. * A message can either be a string (in the case of initialization), or * a json object containing an encapsulated state observation. * This method deserializes the json object into a local state observation * instance. * @param msg Message received from server to be interpreted. * @throws IOException """ def processLine(self, msg): try: if msg is None: print("Message is null") return message = msg.split(self.TOKEN_SEP) if len(message) < 2: print("Message not complete") return self.lastMessageId = message[0] js = message[1] self.sso = SerializableStateObservation() if js == "START": self.sso.phase = Phase.START elif js == "FINISH": self.sso.phase = Phase.FINISH else: js.replace('"', '') self.parse_json(js) # self.sso = json.loads(js, object_hook=self.as_sso) if self.sso.phase == "ACT": if self.lastSsoType == LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.IMAGE or self.lastSsoType == "IMAGE" \ or self.lastSsoType == LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.BOTH or self.lastSsoType == "BOTH": if self.sso.imageArray: self.sso.convertBytesToPng(self.sso.imageArray) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) print("Line processing [FAILED]") traceback.print_exc() sys.exit() """ * Manages the start of the communication. It starts the whole process, and sets up the timer for the whole run. """ def start(self): self.global_ect = ElapsedCpuTimer() self.global_ect.setMaxTimeMillis( CompetitionParameters.TOTAL_LEARNING_TIME) ect = ElapsedCpuTimer() ect.setMaxTimeMillis(5000000) self.startAgent() if ect.exceededMaxTime():, "START_FAILED_DUE_TO_TIMEMOUT", self.LOG) else:, "START_DONE" + "#" + self.lastSsoType, self.LOG) def startAgent(self): try: try: module = importlib.import_module(self.agentName, __name__) try: self.player = getattr(module, 'Agent')() self.lastSsoType = self.player.lastSsoType except AttributeError: logging.error('ERROR: Class does not exist') traceback.print_exc() sys.exit() except ImportError: logging.error('ERROR: Module does not exist') traceback.print_exc() sys.exit() print("Agent startup [OK]") except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) print("Agent startup [FAILED]") traceback.print_exc() sys.exit() """ * Manages the init of a game played. """ def init(self): ect = ElapsedCpuTimer() ect.setMaxTimeMillis(CompetitionParameters.INITIALIZATION_TIME) self.player.init(self.sso, ect.copy()) self.lastSsoType = self.player.lastSsoType if ect.exceededMaxTime():, "INIT_FAILED", self.LOG) else:, "INIT_DONE" + "#" + self.lastSsoType, self.LOG) """ * Manages the action request for an agent. The agent is requested for an action, * which is sent back to the server """ def act(self): ect = ElapsedCpuTimer() ect.setMaxTimeMillis(CompetitionParameters.ACTION_TIME) action = str(self.player.act(self.sso, ect.copy())) if (not action) or (action == ""): action = "ACTION_NIL" self.lastSsoType = self.player.lastSsoType if ect.exceededMaxTime(): if ect.elapsedNanos( ) > CompetitionParameters.ACTION_TIME_DISQ * 1000000:, "END_OVERSPENT", self.LOG) else:, "ACTION_NIL" + "#" + self.lastSsoType, self.LOG) else:, action + "#" + self.lastSsoType, self.LOG) """ * Manages the aresult sent to the agent. The time limit for this call will be TOTAL_LEARNING_TIME * or EXTRA_LEARNING_TIME if current global time is beyond TOTAL_LEARNING_TIME. * The agent is assumed to return the next level to play. It will be ignored if * a) All training levels have not been played yet (in which case the starting sequence 0-1-2 continues). * b) It's outside the range [0,4] (in which case we play one at random) * c) or we are in the validation phase (in which case the starting sequence 3-4 continues). """ def result(self): ect = ElapsedCpuTimer() if not self.global_ect.exceededMaxTime(): ect = self.global_ect.copy() else: ect.setMaxTimeMillis(CompetitionParameters.EXTRA_LEARNING_TIME) nextLevel = self.player.result(self.sso, ect.copy()) # print "Result of a game at " + str(ect.remainingTimeMillis()) + "ms to the end." self.lastSsoType = self.player.lastSsoType if ect.exceededMaxTime():, "END_OVERSPENT", self.LOG) else: if self.global_ect.exceededMaxTime(): end_message = "END_VALIDATION" if self.sso.isValidation else "END_TRAINING", end_message, self.LOG) else:, str(nextLevel) + "#" + self.lastSsoType, self.LOG)
class ClientComm: """ * Client communication, set up the socket for a given agent """ def __init__(self, agentName): self.TOKEN_SEP = '#' = IOSocket(CompetitionParameters.SOCKET_PORT) self.sso = SerializableStateObservation() self.agentName = agentName self.lastMessageId = 0 self.LOG = False self.player = None self.global_ect = None self.lastSsoType = LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.JSON def startComm(self): try: self.listen() except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) print("Start listen [FAILED]") traceback.print_exc() sys.exit() """ * Method that perpetually listens for messages from the server. * With the use of additional helper methods, this function interprets * messages and represents the core response-generation methodology of the agent. * @throws IOException """ def listen(self): line = '' while line is not None: line = line = line.rstrip("\r\n") self.processLine(line) if self.sso.phase == Phase.START: self.start() elif self.sso.phase == "INIT": self.sso.phase = Phase.INIT self.init() elif self.sso.phase == Phase.INIT: self.init() elif self.sso.phase == "END": self.sso.phase = Phase.END self.result() elif self.sso.phase == Phase.END: self.result() elif self.sso.phase == "ABORT": self.sso.phase = Phase.ABORT self.result() elif self.sso.phase == Phase.ABORT: self.result() elif self.sso.phase == "ACT": self.sso.phase = Phase.ACT self.act() elif self.sso.phase == Phase.ACT: self.act() elif self.sso.phase == Phase.FINISH: line = None elif self.sso.phase == "FINISH": line = None else:, 'ERROR', self.LOG) """ Helper method that converts a given dictionary into a correct SSO type """ def as_sso(self, d): self.sso.__dict__.update(d) return self.sso def parse_json(self, input): parsed_input = json.loads(input) self.sso.__dict__.update(parsed_input) if parsed_input.get('observationGrid'): self.sso.observationGrid = [[[None for j in range(self.sso.observationGridMaxCol)] for i in range(self.sso.observationGridMaxRow)] for k in range(self.sso.observationGridNum)] for i in range(self.sso.observationGridNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['observationGrid'][i])): for k in range(len(parsed_input['observationGrid'][i][j])): self.sso.observationGrid[i][j][k] = Observation(parsed_input['observationGrid'][i][j][k]) if parsed_input.get('NPCPositions'): self.sso.NPCPositions = [[None for j in range(self.sso.NPCPositionsMaxRow)] for i in range(self.sso.NPCPositionsNum)] for i in range(self.sso.NPCPositionsNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['NPCPositions'][i])): self.sso.NPCPositions[i][j] = Observation(parsed_input['NPCPositions'][i][j]) if parsed_input.get('immovablePositions'): self.sso.immovablePositions = [[None for j in range(self.sso.immovablePositionsMaxRow)] for i in range(self.sso.immovablePositionsNum)] for i in range(self.sso.immovablePositionsNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['immovablePositions'][i])): self.sso.immovablePositions[i][j] = Observation(parsed_input['immovablePositions'][i][j]) if parsed_input.get('movablePositions'): self.sso.movablePositions = [[None for j in range(self.sso.movablePositionsMaxRow)] for i in range(self.sso.movablePositionsNum)] for i in range(self.sso.movablePositionsNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['movablePositions'][i])): self.sso.movablePositions[i][j] = Observation(parsed_input['movablePositions'][i][j]) if parsed_input.get('resourcesPositions'): self.sso.resourcesPositions = [[None for j in range(self.sso.resourcesPositionsMaxRow)] for i in range(self.sso.resourcesPositionsNum)] for i in range(self.sso.resourcesPositionsNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['resourcesPositions'][i])): self.sso.resourcesPositions[i][j] = Observation(parsed_input['resourcesPositions'][i][j]) if parsed_input.get('portalsPositions'): self.sso.portalsPositions = [[None for j in range(self.sso.portalsPositionsMaxRow)] for i in range(self.sso.portalsPositionsNum)] for i in range(self.sso.portalsPositionsNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['portalsPositions'][i])): self.sso.portalsPositions[i][j] = Observation(parsed_input['portalsPositions'][i][j]) if parsed_input.get('fromAvatarSpritesPositions'): self.sso.fromAvatarSpritesPositions = [[None for j in range(self.sso.fromAvatarSpritesPositionsMaxRow)] for i in range(self.sso.fromAvatarSpritesPositionsNum)] for i in range(self.sso.fromAvatarSpritesPositionsNum): for j in range(len(parsed_input['fromAvatarSpritesPositions'][i])): self.sso.fromAvatarSpritesPositions[i][j] = Observation(parsed_input['fromAvatarSpritesPositions'][i][j]) """ * Method that interprets the received messages from the server's side. * A message can either be a string (in the case of initialization), or * a json object containing an encapsulated state observation. * This method deserializes the json object into a local state observation * instance. * @param msg Message received from server to be interpreted. * @throws IOException """ def processLine(self, msg): try: if msg is None: print ("Message is null") return message = msg.split(self.TOKEN_SEP) if len(message) < 2: print ("Message not complete") return self.lastMessageId = message[0] js = message[1] self.sso = SerializableStateObservation() if js == "START": self.sso.phase = Phase.START elif js == "FINISH": self.sso.phase = Phase.FINISH else: js.replace('"', '') self.parse_json(js) # self.sso = json.loads(js, object_hook=self.as_sso) if self.sso.phase == "ACT": if self.lastSsoType == LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.IMAGE or self.lastSsoType == "IMAGE" \ or self.lastSsoType == LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.BOTH or self.lastSsoType == "BOTH": if self.sso.imageArray: self.sso.convertBytesToPng(self.sso.imageArray) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) print("Line processing [FAILED]") traceback.print_exc() sys.exit() """ * Manages the start of the communication. It starts the whole process, and sets up the timer for the whole run. """ def start(self): self.global_ect = ElapsedCpuTimer() self.global_ect.setMaxTimeMillis(CompetitionParameters.TOTAL_LEARNING_TIME) ect = ElapsedCpuTimer() ect.setMaxTimeMillis(CompetitionParameters.START_TIME) self.startAgent() if ect.exceededMaxTime():, "START_FAILED", self.LOG) else:, "START_DONE" + "#" + self.lastSsoType, self.LOG) def startAgent(self): try: try: module = importlib.import_module(self.agentName, __name__) try: self.player = getattr(module, 'Agent')() self.lastSsoType = self.player.lastSsoType except AttributeError: logging.error('ERROR: Class does not exist') traceback.print_exc() sys.exit() except ImportError: logging.error('ERROR: Module does not exist') traceback.print_exc() sys.exit() print("Agent startup [OK]") except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) print("Agent startup [FAILED]") traceback.print_exc() sys.exit() """ * Manages the init of a game played. """ def init(self): ect = ElapsedCpuTimer() ect.setMaxTimeMillis(CompetitionParameters.INITIALIZATION_TIME) self.player.init(self.sso, ect.copy()) self.lastSsoType = self.player.lastSsoType if ect.exceededMaxTime():, "INIT_FAILED", self.LOG) else:, "INIT_DONE" + "#" + self.lastSsoType, self.LOG) """ * Manages the action request for an agent. The agent is requested for an action, * which is sent back to the server """ def act(self): ect = ElapsedCpuTimer() ect.setMaxTimeMillis(CompetitionParameters.ACTION_TIME) action = str(self.player.act(self.sso, ect.copy())) if (not action) or (action == ""): action = "ACTION_NIL" self.lastSsoType = self.player.lastSsoType if ect.exceededMaxTime(): if ect.elapsedNanos() > CompetitionParameters.ACTION_TIME_DISQ*1000000:, "END_OVERSPENT", self.LOG) else:, "ACTION_NIL" + "#" + self.lastSsoType, self.LOG) else:, action + "#" + self.lastSsoType, self.LOG) """ * Manages the aresult sent to the agent. The time limit for this call will be TOTAL_LEARNING_TIME * or EXTRA_LEARNING_TIME if current global time is beyond TOTAL_LEARNING_TIME. * The agent is assumed to return the next level to play. It will be ignored if * a) All training levels have not been played yet (in which case the starting sequence 0-1-2 continues). * b) It's outside the range [0,4] (in which case we play one at random) * c) or we are in the validation phase (in which case the starting sequence 3-4 continues). """ def result(self): ect = ElapsedCpuTimer() if not self.global_ect.exceededMaxTime(): ect = self.global_ect.copy() else: ect.setMaxTimeMillis(CompetitionParameters.EXTRA_LEARNING_TIME) nextLevel = self.player.result(self.sso, ect.copy()) # print "Result of a game at " + str(ect.remainingTimeMillis()) + "ms to the end." self.lastSsoType = self.player.lastSsoType if ect.exceededMaxTime():, "END_OVERSPENT", self.LOG) else: if self.global_ect.exceededMaxTime(): end_message = "END_VALIDATION" if self.sso.isValidation else "END_TRAINING", end_message, self.LOG) else:, str(nextLevel) + "#" + self.lastSsoType, self.LOG)