예제 #1
def main():

    start_time = time()
    print '\n\n\n' + _format_title('Registering available plugins')
    sslyze_plugins = PluginsFinder()
    available_plugins = sslyze_plugins.get_plugins()
    available_commands = sslyze_plugins.get_commands()
    print ''
    for plugin in available_plugins:
        print '  ' + plugin.__name__
    print '\n\n'

    # Create the command line parser and the list of available options
    sslyze_parser = CommandLineParser(available_plugins, PROJECT_VERSION)

    try: # Parse the command line
        (command_list, target_list, shared_settings) = sslyze_parser.parse_command_line()
    except CommandLineParsingError as e:
        print e.get_error_msg()
    print command_list    

    nb_processes = command_list.nb_processes
    if command_list.https_tunnel:
        nb_processes = 1 # Let's not kill the proxy
    task_queue = JoinableQueue() # Processes get tasks from task_queue and
    result_queue = JoinableQueue() # put the result of each task in result_queue

    # Spawn a pool of processes, and pass them the queues
    process_list = []
    for _ in xrange(nb_processes):
        p = WorkerProcess(task_queue, result_queue, available_commands, \
        process_list.append(p) # Keep track of the processes that were started

    # Figure out which hosts are up and fill the task queue with work to do
    print _format_title('Checking host(s) availability')

    targets_OK = []
    targets_ERR = []
    target_results = ServersConnectivityTester.test_server_list(target_list, 
    for target in target_results:
        if target is None:
            break # None is a sentinel here
        # Send tasks to worker processes
        for command in available_commands:
            if getattr(command_list, command):
                args = command_list.__dict__[command]
                task_queue.put( (target, command, args) )
    for exception in target_results:
    print ServersConnectivityTester.get_printable_result(targets_OK, targets_ERR)
    print '\n\n'

    # Put a 'None' sentinel in the queue to let the each process know when every
    # task has been completed
    [task_queue.put(None) for _ in process_list]

    # Keep track of how many tasks have to be performed for each target
    for command in available_commands:
        if getattr(command_list, command):

    processes_running = nb_processes
    # XML output
    if shared_settings['xml_file']:
        xml_output_list = []

    # Each host has a list of results
    result_dict = {}
    for target in targets_OK:
        result_dict[target] = []

    # If all processes have stopped, all the work is done
    while processes_running:
        result = result_queue.get()

        if result == None: # Getting None means that one process was done
            processes_running -= 1

        else: # Getting an actual result
            (target, command, plugin_result) = result
            result_dict[target].append((command, plugin_result))

            if len(result_dict[target]) == task_num: # Done with this target
                # Print the results and update the xml doc
                print _format_txt_target_result(target, result_dict[target])
                if shared_settings['xml_file']:
                    xml_output_list.append(_format_xml_target_result(target, result_dict[target]))

    # --TERMINATE--
    # Make sure all the processes had time to terminate
    #[process.join() for process in process_list] # Causes interpreter shutdown errors
    exec_time = time()-start_time
    # Output XML doc to a file if needed
    if shared_settings['xml_file']:
        result_xml_attr = {'httpsTunnel':str(shared_settings['https_tunnel_host']),
                           'totalScanTime' : str(exec_time), 
                           'defaultTimeout' : str(shared_settings['timeout']), 
                           'startTLS' : str(shared_settings['starttls'])}
        result_xml = Element('results', attrib = result_xml_attr)
        # Sort results in alphabetical order to make the XML files (somewhat) diff-able
        xml_output_list.sort(key=lambda xml_elem: xml_elem.attrib['host'])
        for xml_element in xml_output_list:
        xml_final_doc = Element('document', title = "SSLyze Scan Results",
                                SSLyzeVersion = PROJECT_VERSION, 
                                SSLyzeWeb = PROJECT_URL)
        # Add the list of invalid targets
        # Add the output of the plugins

        # Hack: Prettify the XML file so it's (somewhat) diff-able
        xml_final_pretty = minidom.parseString(tostring(xml_final_doc, encoding='UTF-8'))
        with open(shared_settings['xml_file'],'w') as xml_file:
            xml_file.write(xml_final_pretty.toprettyxml(indent="  ", encoding="utf-8" ))

    print _format_title('Scan Completed in {0:.2f} s'.format(exec_time))
예제 #2
파일: sslyze.py 프로젝트: sethlaw/sslyze
def main():
    # For py2exe builds

    # Handle SIGINT to terminate processes
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)

    start_time = time()
    sslyze_plugins = PluginsFinder()
    available_plugins = sslyze_plugins.get_plugins()
    available_commands = sslyze_plugins.get_commands()
    # Create the command line parser and the list of available options
    sslyze_parser = CommandLineParser(available_plugins, PROJECT_VERSION)

    try:  # Parse the command line
        (command_list, target_list,
         shared_settings) = sslyze_parser.parse_command_line()
    except CommandLineParsingError as e:
        print e.get_error_msg()

    if not shared_settings['quiet']:
        print '\n\n\n' + _format_title('Available plugins')
        print ''
        for plugin in available_plugins:
            print '  ' + plugin.__name__
        print '\n\n'

    # Three processes per target from MIN_PROCESSES up to MAX_PROCESSES
    nb_processes = max(MIN_PROCESSES, min(MAX_PROCESSES, len(target_list) * 3))
    if command_list.https_tunnel:
        nb_processes = 1  # Let's not kill the proxy

    task_queue = JoinableQueue()  # Processes get tasks from task_queue and
    result_queue = JoinableQueue(
    )  # put the result of each task in result_queue

    # Spawn a pool of processes, and pass them the queues
    for _ in xrange(nb_processes):
        priority_queue = JoinableQueue()  # Each process gets a priority queue
        p = WorkerProcess(priority_queue, task_queue, result_queue, available_commands, \
             priority_queue))  # Keep track of each process and priority_queue

    # Figure out which hosts are up and fill the task queue with work to do
    if not shared_settings['quiet']:
        print _format_title('Checking host(s) availability')

    targets_OK = []
    targets_ERR = []

    # Each server gets assigned a priority queue for aggressive commands
    # so that they're never run in parallel against this single server
    cycle_priority_queues = cycle(process_list)
    target_results = ServersConnectivityTester.test_server_list(
        target_list, shared_settings)
    for target in target_results:
        if target is None:
            break  # None is a sentinel here

        # Send tasks to worker processes
        (_, current_priority_queue) = cycle_priority_queues.next()

        for command in available_commands:
            if getattr(command_list, command):
                args = command_list.__dict__[command]

                if command in sslyze_plugins.get_aggressive_commands():
                    # Aggressive commands should not be run in parallel against
                    # a given server so we use the priority queues to prevent this
                    current_priority_queue.put((target, command, args))
                    # Normal commands get put in the standard/shared queue
                    task_queue.put((target, command, args))

    for exception in target_results:

    if not shared_settings['quiet']:
        print ServersConnectivityTester.get_printable_result(
            targets_OK, targets_ERR)
        print '\n\n'

    # Put a 'None' sentinel in the queue to let the each process know when every
    # task has been completed
    for (proc, priority_queue) in process_list:
        task_queue.put(None)  # One sentinel in the task_queue per proc
        priority_queue.put(None)  # One sentinel in each priority_queue

    # Keep track of how many tasks have to be performed for each target
    task_num = 0
    for command in available_commands:
        if getattr(command_list, command):
            task_num += 1

    processes_running = nb_processes

    # XML output
    xml_output_list = []

    # Each host has a list of results
    result_dict = {}
    for target in targets_OK:
        result_dict[target] = []

    # If all processes have stopped, all the work is done
    while processes_running:
        result = result_queue.get()

        if result is None:  # Getting None means that one process was done
            processes_running -= 1

        else:  # Getting an actual result
            (target, command, plugin_result) = result
            result_dict[target].append((command, plugin_result))

            if len(result_dict[target]) == task_num:  # Done with this target
                # Print the results and update the xml doc
                if shared_settings['xml_file']:
                        _format_xml_target_result(target, result_dict[target]))
                    if not shared_settings['quiet']:
                        print _format_txt_target_result(
                            target, result_dict[target])
                    print _format_txt_target_result(target,


    # --TERMINATE--

    # Make sure all the processes had time to terminate
    #[process.join() for process in process_list] # Causes interpreter shutdown errors
    exec_time = time() - start_time

    # Output XML doc to a file if needed
    if shared_settings['xml_file']:
        result_xml_attr = {
            'httpsTunnel': str(shared_settings['https_tunnel_host']),
            'totalScanTime': str(exec_time),
            'defaultTimeout': str(shared_settings['timeout']),
            'startTLS': str(shared_settings['starttls'])

        result_xml = Element('results', attrib=result_xml_attr)

        # Sort results in alphabetical order to make the XML files (somewhat) diff-able
        xml_output_list.sort(key=lambda xml_elem: xml_elem.attrib['host'])
        for xml_element in xml_output_list:

        xml_final_doc = Element('document',
                                title="SSLyze Scan Results",
        # Add the list of invalid targets
        # Add the output of the plugins

        # Hack: Prettify the XML file so it's (somewhat) diff-able
        xml_final_pretty = minidom.parseString(
            tostring(xml_final_doc, encoding='UTF-8'))
        with open(shared_settings['xml_file'], 'w') as xml_file:
                xml_final_pretty.toprettyxml(indent="  ", encoding="utf-8"))

    if not shared_settings['quiet']:
        print _format_title('Scan Completed in {0:.2f} s'.format(exec_time))
예제 #3
def get(target_list,shared_settings):

    start_time = time()
    if debug: print '\n\n\n' + _format_title('Registering available plugins')
    sslyze_plugins = PluginsFinder()
    available_plugins = sslyze_plugins.get_plugins()
    available_commands = sslyze_plugins.get_commands()
    if debug: print ''
    for plugin in available_plugins:
        if debug: print '  ' + plugin.__name__
    if debug: print '\n\n'

# jonk: goodbye cli parser
#     Create the command line parser and the list of available options
#    sslyze_parser = CommandLineParser(available_plugins, PROJECT_VERSION)
#    try: # Parse the command line
#        (command_list, target_list, shared_settings) = sslyze_parser.parse_command_line()
#    except CommandLineParsingError as e:
#        print e.get_error_msg()
#        return

    # JON_K: I need a way to make command_list instance go away in code here,
    #  the class is needed for a getattr() call, I am not sure how to factor out the getattr() call,
    #    so that I can drive this entire thing purely by shared settings, so hence, I wrote an internal class which maps 
    #    to an instance.
    class command_list(object):
        certinfo    = shared_settings['certinfo']
        starttls    = shared_settings['starttls']
        resum       = shared_settings['resum']
        resum_rate  = shared_settings['resum_rate']
        http_get    = shared_settings['http_get']
        xml_file    = shared_settings['xml_file']
        compression = shared_settings['compression']
        tlsv1       = shared_settings['tlsv1']
        reneg       = shared_settings['reneg']
        targets_in  = shared_settings['targets_in']
        cert        = shared_settings['cert']
        https_tunnel_port = shared_settings['https_tunnel_port']
        keyform     = shared_settings['keyform']
        hsts        = shared_settings['hsts']
        sslv3       = shared_settings['sslv3']
        sslv2       = shared_settings['sslv2']
        https_tunnel = shared_settings['https_tunnel']
        sni         = shared_settings['sni']
        https_tunnel_host = shared_settings['https_tunnel_host']
        regular     = shared_settings['regular']
        key         = shared_settings['key']
        tlsv1_2     = shared_settings['tlsv1_2']
        tlsv1_1     = shared_settings['tlsv1_1']
        hide_rejected_ciphers = shared_settings['hide_rejected_ciphers']
        keypass     = shared_settings['keypass']
        nb_processes = shared_settings['nb_processes']
        certform    = shared_settings['certform']
        timeout     = shared_settings['timeout']
        xmpp_to     = shared_settings['xmpp_to']

    nb_processes = command_list.nb_processes
    if command_list.https_tunnel:
        nb_processes = 1 # Let's not kill the proxy
    task_queue = JoinableQueue() # Processes get tasks from task_queue and
    result_queue = JoinableQueue() # put the result of each task in result_queue

    # Spawn a pool of processes, and pass them the queues
    process_list = []
    for _ in xrange(nb_processes):
        p = WorkerProcess(task_queue, result_queue, available_commands, \
        process_list.append(p) # Keep track of the processes that were started

    # Figure out which hosts are up and fill the task queue with work to do
    if debug: print _format_title('Checking host(s) availability')

    targets_OK = []
    targets_ERR = []
    target_results = ServersConnectivityTester.test_server_list(target_list, 
    for target in target_results:
        if target is None:
            break # None is a sentinel here
        # Send tasks to worker processes
        for command in available_commands:
            if getattr(command_list, command):
                args = command_list.__dict__[command]
                task_queue.put( (target, command, args) )
    for exception in target_results:
    if debug: print ServersConnectivityTester.get_printable_result(targets_OK, targets_ERR)
    if debug: print '\n\n'

    # Put a 'None' sentinel in the queue to let the each process know when every
    # task has been completed
    [task_queue.put(None) for _ in process_list]

    # Keep track of how many tasks have to be performed for each target
    for command in available_commands:
        if getattr(command_list, command):

    processes_running = nb_processes
    # XML output
    if shared_settings['xml_file']:
        xml_output_list = []

    # Each host has a list of results
    result_dict = {}
    for target in targets_OK:
        result_dict[target] = []

    # If all processes have stopped, all the work is done
    while processes_running:
        result = result_queue.get()

        if result == None: # Getting None means that one process was done
            processes_running -= 1

        else: # Getting an actual result
            (target, command, plugin_result) = result
            result_dict[target].append((command, plugin_result))

            if len(result_dict[target]) == task_num: # Done with this target
                # Print the results and update the xml doc
                if debug: print _format_txt_target_result(target, result_dict[target])
                if shared_settings['xml_file']:
                    xml_output_list.append(_format_xml_target_result(target, result_dict[target]))

    # --TERMINATE--
    # Make sure all the processes had time to terminate
    #[process.join() for process in process_list] # Causes interpreter shutdown errors
    exec_time = time()-start_time
    # Output XML doc to a file if needed
    if shared_settings['xml_file']:
        result_xml_attr = {'httpsTunnel':str(shared_settings['https_tunnel_host']),
                           'totalScanTime' : str(exec_time), 
                           'defaultTimeout' : str(shared_settings['timeout']), 
                           'startTLS' : str(shared_settings['starttls'])}
        result_xml = Element('results', attrib = result_xml_attr)
        # Sort results in alphabetical order to make the XML files (somewhat) diff-able
        xml_output_list.sort(key=lambda xml_elem: xml_elem.attrib['host'])
        for xml_element in xml_output_list:
        xml_final_doc = Element('document', title = "SSLyze Scan Results", MyPurpose = 'To send you a dictionary with json back. Cool huh?',
                                SSLyzeVersion = PROJECT_VERSION, 
                                SSLyzeWeb = PROJECT_URL)
        # Add the list of invalid targets
        # Add the output of the plugins
        xml_final_pretty = minidom.parseString(tostring(xml_final_doc, encoding='UTF-8'))
        xmlout = xml_final_pretty.toprettyxml(indent="  ", encoding="utf-8" )
        dictout = xmltodict.parse(xmlout)
        return dictout
        # Hack: Prettify the XML file so it's (somewhat) diff-able
#        xml_final_pretty = minidom.parseString(tostring(xml_final_doc, encoding='UTF-8'))
#        with open(shared_settings['xml_file'],'w') as xml_file:
#            xml_file.write(xml_final_pretty.toprettyxml(indent="  ", encoding="utf-8" ))

    if debug: print _format_title('Scan Completed in {0:.2f} s'.format(exec_time))
예제 #4
파일: sslyze.py 프로젝트: xujun10110/sslyze
def main():
    # For py2exe builds

    # Handle SIGINT to terminate processes
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)

    start_time = time()
    print "\n\n\n" + _format_title("Registering available plugins")
    sslyze_plugins = PluginsFinder()
    available_plugins = sslyze_plugins.get_plugins()
    available_commands = sslyze_plugins.get_commands()
    print ""
    for plugin in available_plugins:
        print "  " + plugin.__name__
    print "\n\n"

    # Create the command line parser and the list of available options
    sslyze_parser = CommandLineParser(available_plugins, PROJECT_VERSION)

    try:  # Parse the command line
        (command_list, target_list, shared_settings) = sslyze_parser.parse_command_line()
    except CommandLineParsingError as e:
        print e.get_error_msg()

    # Three processes per target from MIN_PROCESSES up to MAX_PROCESSES
    nb_processes = max(MIN_PROCESSES, min(MAX_PROCESSES, len(target_list) * 3))
    if command_list.https_tunnel:
        nb_processes = 1  # Let's not kill the proxy

    task_queue = JoinableQueue()  # Processes get tasks from task_queue and
    result_queue = JoinableQueue()  # put the result of each task in result_queue

    # Spawn a pool of processes, and pass them the queues
    for _ in xrange(nb_processes):
        priority_queue = JoinableQueue()  # Each process gets a priority queue
        p = WorkerProcess(priority_queue, task_queue, result_queue, available_commands, shared_settings)
        process_list.append((p, priority_queue))  # Keep track of each process and priority_queue

    # Figure out which hosts are up and fill the task queue with work to do
    print _format_title("Checking host(s) availability")

    targets_OK = []
    targets_ERR = []

    # Each server gets assigned a priority queue for aggressive commands
    # so that they're never run in parallel against this single server
    cycle_priority_queues = cycle(process_list)
    target_results = ServersConnectivityTester.test_server_list(target_list, shared_settings)
    for target in target_results:
        if target is None:
            break  # None is a sentinel here

        # Send tasks to worker processes
        (_, current_priority_queue) = cycle_priority_queues.next()

        for command in available_commands:
            if getattr(command_list, command):
                args = command_list.__dict__[command]

                if command in sslyze_plugins.get_aggressive_commands():
                    # Aggressive commands should not be run in parallel against
                    # a given server so we use the priority queues to prevent this
                    current_priority_queue.put((target, command, args))
                    # Normal commands get put in the standard/shared queue
                    task_queue.put((target, command, args))

    for exception in target_results:

    print ServersConnectivityTester.get_printable_result(targets_OK, targets_ERR)
    print "\n\n"

    # Put a 'None' sentinel in the queue to let the each process know when every
    # task has been completed
    for (proc, priority_queue) in process_list:
        task_queue.put(None)  # One sentinel in the task_queue per proc
        priority_queue.put(None)  # One sentinel in each priority_queue

    # Keep track of how many tasks have to be performed for each target
    task_num = 0
    for command in available_commands:
        if getattr(command_list, command):
            task_num += 1

    processes_running = nb_processes

    # XML output
    xml_output_list = []

    # Each host has a list of results
    result_dict = {}
    for target in targets_OK:
        result_dict[target] = []

    # If all processes have stopped, all the work is done
    while processes_running:
        result = result_queue.get()

        if result is None:  # Getting None means that one process was done
            processes_running -= 1

        else:  # Getting an actual result
            (target, command, plugin_result) = result
            result_dict[target].append((command, plugin_result))

            if len(result_dict[target]) == task_num:  # Done with this target
                # Print the results and update the xml doc
                print _format_txt_target_result(target, result_dict[target])
                if shared_settings["xml_file"]:
                    xml_output_list.append(_format_xml_target_result(target, result_dict[target]))


    # --TERMINATE--

    # Make sure all the processes had time to terminate
    # [process.join() for process in process_list] # Causes interpreter shutdown errors
    exec_time = time() - start_time

    # Output XML doc to a file if needed
    if shared_settings["xml_file"]:
        result_xml_attr = {
            "httpsTunnel": str(shared_settings["https_tunnel_host"]),
            "totalScanTime": str(exec_time),
            "defaultTimeout": str(shared_settings["timeout"]),
            "startTLS": str(shared_settings["starttls"]),

        result_xml = Element("results", attrib=result_xml_attr)

        # Sort results in alphabetical order to make the XML files (somewhat) diff-able
        xml_output_list.sort(key=lambda xml_elem: xml_elem.attrib["host"])
        for xml_element in xml_output_list:

        xml_final_doc = Element(
            "document", title="SSLyze Scan Results", SSLyzeVersion=PROJECT_VERSION, SSLyzeWeb=PROJECT_URL
        # Add the list of invalid targets
        # Add the output of the plugins

        # Hack: Prettify the XML file so it's (somewhat) diff-able
        xml_final_pretty = minidom.parseString(tostring(xml_final_doc, encoding="UTF-8"))
        with open(shared_settings["xml_file"], "w") as xml_file:
            xml_file.write(xml_final_pretty.toprettyxml(indent="  ", encoding="utf-8"))

    print _format_title("Scan Completed in {0:.2f} s".format(exec_time))
예제 #5
파일: sslyze.py 프로젝트: yutianhot/sslyze
def main():
    # For py2exe builds

    # Handle SIGINT to terminate processes
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)

    start_time = time()
    sslyze_plugins = PluginsFinder()
    available_plugins = sslyze_plugins.get_plugins()
    available_commands = sslyze_plugins.get_commands()
    # Create the command line parser and the list of available options
    sslyze_parser = CommandLineParser(available_plugins, PROJECT_VERSION)

    try: # Parse the command line
        (command_list, target_list, shared_settings) = sslyze_parser.parse_command_line()
    except CommandLineParsingError as e:
        print e.get_error_msg()

    if not shared_settings['quiet'] and shared_settings['xml_file'] != '-':
        print '\n\n\n' + _format_title('Available plugins')
        print ''
        for plugin in available_plugins:
            print '  ' + plugin.__name__
        print '\n\n'

    # Three processes per target from MIN_PROCESSES up to MAX_PROCESSES
    nb_processes = max(MIN_PROCESSES, min(MAX_PROCESSES, len(target_list)*3))
    if command_list.https_tunnel:
        nb_processes = 1 # Let's not kill the proxy

    task_queue = JoinableQueue() # Processes get tasks from task_queue and
    result_queue = JoinableQueue() # put the result of each task in result_queue

    # Spawn a pool of processes, and pass them the queues
    for _ in xrange(nb_processes):
        priority_queue = JoinableQueue() # Each process gets a priority queue
        p = WorkerProcess(priority_queue, task_queue, result_queue, available_commands, \
        process_list.append((p, priority_queue)) # Keep track of each process and priority_queue

    # Figure out which hosts are up and fill the task queue with work to do
    if not shared_settings['quiet'] and shared_settings['xml_file'] != '-':
        print _format_title('Checking host(s) availability')

    targets_OK = []
    targets_ERR = []

    # Each server gets assigned a priority queue for aggressive commands
    # so that they're never run in parallel against this single server
    cycle_priority_queues = cycle(process_list)
    target_results = ServersConnectivityTester.test_server_list(target_list,
    for target in target_results:
        if target is None:
            break # None is a sentinel here

        # Send tasks to worker processes
        (_, current_priority_queue) = cycle_priority_queues.next()

        for command in available_commands:
            if getattr(command_list, command):
                args = command_list.__dict__[command]

                if command in sslyze_plugins.get_aggressive_commands():
                    # Aggressive commands should not be run in parallel against
                    # a given server so we use the priority queues to prevent this
                    current_priority_queue.put( (target, command, args) )
                    # Normal commands get put in the standard/shared queue
                    task_queue.put( (target, command, args) )

    for exception in target_results:

    if not shared_settings['quiet'] and shared_settings['xml_file'] != '-':
        print ServersConnectivityTester.get_printable_result(targets_OK, targets_ERR)
        print '\n\n'

    # Put a 'None' sentinel in the queue to let the each process know when every
    # task has been completed
    for (proc, priority_queue) in process_list:
        task_queue.put(None) # One sentinel in the task_queue per proc
        priority_queue.put(None) # One sentinel in each priority_queue

    # Keep track of how many tasks have to be performed for each target
    for command in available_commands:
        if getattr(command_list, command):

    processes_running = nb_processes

    # XML output
    xml_output_list = []

    # Each host has a list of results
    result_dict = {}
    for target in targets_OK:
        result_dict[target] = []

    # If all processes have stopped, all the work is done
    while processes_running:
        result = result_queue.get()

        if result is None: # Getting None means that one process was done
            processes_running -= 1

        else: # Getting an actual result
            (target, command, plugin_result) = result
            result_dict[target].append((command, plugin_result))

            if len(result_dict[target]) == task_num: # Done with this target
                # Print the results and update the xml doc
                if shared_settings['xml_file']:
                    xml_output_list.append(_format_xml_target_result(target, result_dict[target]))
                    if not shared_settings['quiet'] and shared_settings['xml_file'] != '-':
                        print _format_txt_target_result(target, result_dict[target])
                    print _format_txt_target_result(target, result_dict[target])


    # --TERMINATE--

    # Make sure all the processes had time to terminate
    #[process.join() for process in process_list] # Causes interpreter shutdown errors
    exec_time = time()-start_time

    # Output XML doc to a file if needed
    if shared_settings['xml_file']:
        result_xml_attr = {'httpsTunnel':str(shared_settings['https_tunnel_host']),
                           'totalScanTime' : str(exec_time),
                           'defaultTimeout' : str(shared_settings['timeout']),
                           'startTLS' : str(shared_settings['starttls'])}

        result_xml = Element('results', attrib = result_xml_attr)

        # Sort results in alphabetical order to make the XML files (somewhat) diff-able
        xml_output_list.sort(key=lambda xml_elem: xml_elem.attrib['host'])
        for xml_element in xml_output_list:

        xml_final_doc = Element('document', title = "SSLyze Scan Results",
                                SSLyzeVersion = PROJECT_VERSION,
                                SSLyzeWeb = PROJECT_URL)
        # Add the list of invalid targets
        # Add the output of the plugins

        # Remove characters that are illegal for XML
        # https://lsimons.wordpress.com/2011/03/17/stripping-illegal-characters-out-of-xml-in-python/
        xml_final_string = tostring(xml_final_doc, encoding='UTF-8')
        illegal_xml_chars_RE = re.compile(u'[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1F\uD800-\uDFFF\uFFFE\uFFFF]')
        xml_sanitized_final_string = illegal_xml_chars_RE.sub('', xml_final_string)

        # Hack: Prettify the XML file so it's (somewhat) diff-able
        xml_final_pretty = minidom.parseString(xml_sanitized_final_string).toprettyxml(indent="  ", encoding="utf-8" )

        if shared_settings['xml_file'] == '-':
            # Print XML output to the console if needed
            print xml_final_pretty
            # Otherwise save the XML output to the console
            with open(shared_settings['xml_file'],'w') as xml_file:

    if not shared_settings['quiet'] and shared_settings['xml_file'] != '-':
        print _format_title('Scan Completed in {0:.2f} s'.format(exec_time))