예제 #1
def _genPlaneFaceNormals(segment, face, normals):
    v = map(lambda i: segment.vertices.data[i], face.indexes)

    # Calculate plane face normal
    # v[0] and left neighbor v[-1] and right neighbor v[1] are used.
    edge1 = v[1] - v[0]
    edge2 = v[-1] - v[0]
    normal = crossVec3Float32(edge1, edge2)

    # Accumulate the normals.
    for i in face.indexes:
        normals[i] = normals[i] + normal
예제 #2
 def getPlaneFaces(self, segment):
     create multiple plane faces for this face.
     # successive vertices with same normal
     normalGroups = []
     # normal of last processed vertex
     lastNormal = None
     currentGroup = None
     # create face groups, with vertices sharing a plane.
     vertices = map(lambda i: segment.vertices.data[i], self.indexes)
     for i in range(len(vertices)):
         # lookup indexes of neighbor vertices in segment
         i0 = self.indexes[i-2]
         i1 = self.indexes[i-1]
         i2 = self.indexes[i]
         v0 = segment.vertices.data[i0]
         v1 = segment.vertices.data[i1]
         v2 = segment.vertices.data[i2]
         # Calculate vertex normal.
         edge1 = v2 - v1
         edge2 = v0 - v1
         normal = crossVec3Float32( edge1, edge2 )
         if lastNormal!=None and almostEqual(normal, lastNormal):
             if currentGroup!=None:
                 currentGroup = ([i0, i1], normal)
                 currentGroup = ([i1], normal)
         lastNormal = normal
     if currentGroup!=None:
     # all vertex in plane
     if len(normalGroups)==1:
         return [self]
     # first and last group may get joined
     if almostEqual( normalGroups[0][1], normalGroups[-1][1] ):
         indexes = normalGroups[0][0] + normalGroups[-1][0]
         normalGroups = normalGroups[:-1]
         normalGroups[0] = (indexes, normalGroups[0][1])
     # groups must have at least three member,
     # this way we can remove groups of
     # vertices acting as bridge between planes.
     normalGroups = filter(lambda x: len(x)>2, normalGroups)
     # create VArrayFace instances for each group
     groupFaces = []
     for (indexes, _) in normalGroups:
         params = { 'i': indexes }
         uv = None; col = None; nor = None
         numIndexes = len(indexes)
         for i in range(len(indexes)):
             j = indexes[i]
             for k in self.indexes:
                 if k==j: break
             # set params
             if bool(self.uv):
                 if not bool(uv): uv = [None]*numIndexes
                 uv[i] = self.uv[j]
             if bool(self.col):
                 if not bool(col): col = [None]*numIndexes
                 col[i] = self.col[j]
             if bool(self.nor):
                 if not bool(nor): nor = [None]*numIndexes
                 nor[i] = self.nor[j]
         face = VArrayFace(params)
     return groupFaces