예제 #1
    def __init__(self, ambi_format, method='projection'):
        self.fmt = ambi_format
        self.method = method

        # Initialize ear position
        self.ear_pos = [Position(0, 0.1, 0, 'cartesian'), Position(0, -0.1, 0, 'cartesian')]
        self.ambi_decoder = AmbiDecoder(self.ear_pos, self.fmt, method=self.method)
    def __init__(self, ambi_order=1, window=None, angular_res=20.0):
        self.angular_res = angular_res
        self.phi_mesh, self.nu_mesh = spherical_mesh(angular_res)
        self.frame_shape = self.phi_mesh.shape
        self.window = window
        mesh_p = [
            Position(phi, nu, 1., 'polar') for phi, nu in zip(
                self.phi_mesh.reshape(-1), self.nu_mesh.reshape(-1))

        # Setup decoder
        self.decoder = AmbiDecoder(mesh_p,
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, ambi_format, mic_pos, method='projection', td_order=5, **kwargs):
        self.source_decoder = VirtualMics(mic_pos, **kwargs)
        self.fmt = ambi_format
        self.method = method

        # Initialize speakers
        if self.method == 'pseudoinv':
            self.speaker_pos = list(map(lambda x: Position(x[0], x[1], x[2], 'cartesian'), get_tDesign(td_order)))
            # self.speaker_pos = list(map(lambda x: Position(x[0], x[1], x[2], 'cartesian'), get_tDesign(self.fmt.order)))
        elif self.method == 'projection':
            speakers_phi = (2. * np.arange(2*self.fmt.num_channels) / float(2*self.fmt.num_channels) - 1.) * np.pi
            self.speaker_pos = list(map(lambda x: Position(x, 0, self.fmt.radius, 'polar'), speakers_phi))
            raise ValueError('Unknown decoding method. Options: projection and pseudoinv')
        self.n_speakers = len(self.speaker_pos)
        self.ambi_decoder = AmbiDecoder(self.speaker_pos, self.fmt, method=self.method)
예제 #4
def ambix_power_map(ambix, audio_rate=22050, outp_rate=10, angular_res=5.0):
    from utils.ambisonics.distance import spherical_mesh
    from utils.ambisonics.decoder import AmbiDecoder, AmbiFormat
    from utils.ambisonics.position import Position
    phi_mesh, nu_mesh = spherical_mesh(angular_res)
    mesh_p = [Position(phi, nu, 1., 'polar') for phi, nu in zip(phi_mesh.reshape(-1), nu_mesh.reshape(-1))]
    ambi_order = math.sqrt(ambix.shape[0]) - 1
    decoder = AmbiDecoder(mesh_p, AmbiFormat(ambi_order=int(ambi_order), sample_rate=audio_rate), method='projection')

    # Compute RMS at each speaker
    rms = []
    window_size = int(audio_rate / outp_rate)
    for t in np.arange(0, ambix.shape[1], window_size):
        chunk = ambix[:, int(t):int(t) + window_size]
        decoded = decoder.decode(chunk)
        rms += [np.flipud(np.sqrt(np.mean(decoded ** 2, 1)).reshape(phi_mesh.shape))]
    return np.stack(rms, 0)
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, ambi_format, method='projection', use_hrtfs=False, cipic_dir=None):
        self.source_bin = SourceBinauralizer(cipic_dir=cipic_dir, use_hrtfs=use_hrtfs)
        self.fmt = ambi_format
        self.method = method

        # Initialize speakers
        if self.method == 'pseudoinv':
            self.speaker_pos = map(lambda x: Position(x[0], x[1], x[2], 'cartesian'), get_tDesign(self.fmt.order))
            map(lambda p: p.set_radius(self.fmt.radius), self.speaker_pos)
            # speakers_phi = (2. * np.arange(2*self.fmt.num_channels) / float(2*self.fmt.num_channels) - 1.) * np.pi
            # self.speaker_pos = map(lambda x: Position(x, 0, self.fmt.radius, 'polar'), speakers_phi)
        elif self.method == 'projection':
            speakers_phi = (2. * np.arange(2*self.fmt.num_channels) / float(2*self.fmt.num_channels) - 1.) * np.pi
            self.speaker_pos = list(map(lambda x: Position(x, 0, self.fmt.radius, 'polar'), speakers_phi))
            raise ValueError('Unknown decoding method. Options: projection and pseudoinv')
        self.n_speakers = len(self.speaker_pos)
        self.ambi_decoder = AmbiDecoder(self.speaker_pos, self.fmt, method=self.method)
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, data, rate=22050, window=0.1, angular_res=2.0):
        self.window = window
        self.angular_res = angular_res
        self.data = data
        self.phi_mesh, self.nu_mesh = spherical_mesh(angular_res)
        mesh_p = [
            Position(phi, nu, 1., 'polar') for phi, nu in zip(
                self.phi_mesh.reshape(-1), self.nu_mesh.reshape(-1))

        # Setup decoder
        ambi_order = np.sqrt(data.shape[0]) - 1
        self.decoder = AmbiDecoder(mesh_p,

        # Compute spherical energy averaged over consecutive chunks of "window" secs
        self.window_frames = int(self.window * rate)
        self.n_frames = data.shape[1] / self.window_frames
        self.output_rate = float(rate) / self.window_frames
        self.frame_dims = self.phi_mesh.shape
        self.cur_frame = -1
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, pos):
        from utils.ambisonics.decoder import AmbiDecoder
        from utils.ambisonics.position import Position

        pos = [Position(*er2polar(x, y), 'polar') for x, y in pos]
        self.decoder = AmbiDecoder(pos, method='projection')