def applyAugmentation(self, passes=np.inf): epochs = 0 aap = AspectAwarePreprocessor(self.width, self.height) while epochs < passes: for i in np.arange(0, self.numImages, self.batchSize): imagPaths = self.imagePaths[i:i + self.batchSize] labPaths = self.labelPaths[i:i + self.batchSize] images = [ aap.preprocess(cv2.imread(imagePath)) for imagePath in imagPaths ] labels = [ aap.preprocess(cv2.imread(labelPath)) for labelPath in labPaths ] images_labels = [ readAndGenerateImageSegmentation(image, label, self.generators) for (image, label) in zip(images, labels) ] images = [i[0] for i in images_labels] labels = [i[1] for i in images_labels] yield (images, labels) epochs += 1
class HDF5LinearClassificationAugmentor: # All images must have same width and height def __init__(self,inputPath,parameters): IAugmentor.__init__(self) self.inputPath = inputPath # output path represents the h5py file where dataset will be stored if parameters["outputPath"]: self.outputPath = parameters["outputPath"] else: raise ValueError("You should provide an output path in the parameters") self.generators = [] if parameters["width"]: self.width = parameters["width"] else: raise ValueError("You should provide a width in the parameters") if parameters["height"]: self.width = parameters["height"] else: raise ValueError("You should provide a height in the parameters") = AspectAwarePreprocessor(self.width,self.height) def addGenerator(self, generator): self.generators.append(generator) def readImagesAndAnnotations(self): self.imagePaths = list(paths.list_images(self.inputPath)) def applyAugmentation(self): self.readImagesAndAnnotations() le = LabelEncoder() labels = [p.split(os.path.sep)[-2] for p in self.imagePaths] labels = le.fit_transform(labels) writer = HDF5DatasetWriterClassification((len(self.imagePaths)*len(self.generators),self.width,self.height,3), self.outputPath) # We need to define this function outside to work in parallel. writer.storeClassLabels(le.classes_) widgets = ["Processing images: ", progressbar.Percentage(), " ", progressbar.Bar(), " ", progressbar.ETA()] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(self.imagePaths), widgets=widgets).start() for i_and_imagePath in enumerate(zip(self.imagePaths,labels)): (i, (imagePath,label)) = i_and_imagePath image = cv2.imread(imagePath) image = for (j, generator) in enumerate(self.generators): newimage = generator.applyForClassification(image) newimage = writer.add([newimage],[label]) pbar.update(i) writer.close() pbar.finish()
def applyAugmentation(self,passes=np.inf): epochs = 0 aap = AspectAwarePreprocessor(self.width,self.height) batch_features = np.zeros((self.batchSize, self.width, self.height, 3)) batch_labels = np.zeros((self.batchSize, self.classes)) while epochs < passes: for i in np.arange(0, self.numImages, self.batchSize): imagPaths = self.imagePaths[i:i+self.batchSize] labels = self.labels[i:i+self.batchSize] images = [cv2.imread(imagePath) for imagePath in imagPaths] images = [aap.preprocess(readAndGenerateImage(image,self.generators)) for image in images] for j in range(self.batchSize): index = random.randint(0,len(images)-1) batch_features[j] = images[index] batch_labels[j] = labels[index] yield (batch_features,batch_labels) epochs += 1
class HDF5PowerSegmentationAugmentor: # All images must have same width and height def __init__(self, inputPath, parameters): IAugmentor.__init__(self) self.inputPath = inputPath self.imagesPath = inputPath + "images/" self.labelsPath = inputPath + "labels/" # output path represents the folder where the images will be stored if parameters["outputPath"]: self.outputPath = parameters["outputPath"] else: raise ValueError( "You should provide an output path in the parameters") self.generators = [] if parameters["width"]: self.width = parameters["width"] else: raise ValueError("You should provide a width in the parameters") if parameters["height"]: self.width = parameters["height"] else: raise ValueError("You should provide a height in the parameters") if parameters["labelsExtension"]: self.labelsExtension = parameters["labelsExtension"] else: self.labelsExtension = ".tiff" = AspectAwarePreprocessor(self.width, self.height) def addGenerator(self, generator): self.generators.append(generator) def readImagesAndAnnotations(self): self.imagePaths = list( paths.list_files(self.imagesPath, validExts=(".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp", ".tiff", ".tif"))) self.labelPaths = list( paths.list_files(self.labelsPath, validExts=(".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp", ".tiff", ".tif"))) if (len(self.imagePaths) != len(self.labelPaths)): raise Exception( "The number of files is different in the folder of images and in the folder of labels" ) def applyAugmentation(self): self.readImagesAndAnnotations() widgets = [ "Processing images: ", progressbar.Percentage(), " ", progressbar.Bar(), " ", progressbar.ETA() ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(self.imagePaths), widgets=widgets).start() writer = HDF5DatasetWriterSegmentation( (len(self.imagePaths) * (2**(len(self.generators) - 1)), self.width, self.height, 3), self.outputPath) for i_and_imagePath in enumerate(self.imagePaths): (i, imagePath) = i_and_imagePath image = cv2.imread(imagePath) image = name = imagePath.split(os.path.sep)[-1] labelPath = '/'.join( imagePath.split(os.path.sep)[:-2] ) + "/labels/" + name[0:name.rfind(".")] + self.labelsExtension label = cv2.imread(labelPath) label = images = [image] labels = [label] for (j, generator) in enumerate(self.generators): newimages = [] newlabels = [] for (k, (im, la)) in enumerate(zip(images, labels)): (newimage, newlabel) = generator.applyForSegmentation(im, la) newimage = newlabel = writer.add([newimage], [newlabel]) newimages.append(newimage) newlabels.append(newlabel) images = newimages labels = newlabels pbar.update(i) writer.close() pbar.finish()