예제 #1
def buy_ticket():
    uid = authorization.current_user()
    showid = request.form.get('show_id')
    logger.info(f'User {uid} requested ticket/buyticket api')
    db = DatabaseConnector(user, passw, host, defaultdb)
    response = dict()
    response['show_id'] = showid
        seatsAvailable = db.query(
            f'SELECT seatsAvailable FROM film_show WHERE Show_ID={showid}')
        if len(seatsAvailable) != 0:
            seatsAvailable = (seatsAvailable.pop())[0]
            logger.debug(f'Available seats: {seatsAvailable}')
            if seatsAvailable > 1:
                    f'INSERT INTO ticket (Show_ID,Customer_ID,seat) VALUES ({showid},\'{uid}\',\'A00\')'
                    f'UPDATE film_show SET seatsAvailable=seatsAvailable-1 WHERE Show_ID={showid}'
                response['status'] = 'success'
                response['status'] = 'fail'
            response['status'] = 'fail'
        logger.info('Request served successfully')
    except Exception as e:
        # Log the exception and not raise it in order to provide a response to the client
        response['status'] = 'fail'
    return jsonify(response), 200
예제 #2
def get_item_qty():
    uid = authorization.current_user()
    product_id = request.form.get('productId')
    logger.info(f'User {uid} requested /api/cart/getitemqty')
    db = DatabaseConnector(user, passw, host, defaultdb)
    response = dict()
    response['qty'] = 0
        # Check if there's a pending cart for the user
        cartid = db.query(
            f'SELECT Cart_ID from cart WHERE Customer_ID = \'{uid}\' AND status = \'PENDING\''
        # If there is one, remove the requested item
        if len(cartid) != 0:
            cartid = cartid[0][0]
            logger.debug(f'Cart ID found: {cartid}')
            query = db.query(
                f'SELECT qty FROM cart_item WHERE Cart_ID = {cartid} AND Product_ID={product_id}'
            if len(query) != 0:
                response['qty'] = query.pop()[0]
        response['status'] = 'success'
        logger.info('Request served successfully')
    except Exception as e:
        # Log the exception and not raise it in order to provide a response to the client
        response['status'] = 'fail'
    return jsonify(response), 200
예제 #3
def remove_all_product_from_cart():
    uid = authorization.current_user()
    logger.info(f'User {uid} requested cart/removeallproduct api')
    productid = request.form.get('productId')
    db = DatabaseConnector(user, passw, host, defaultdb)
    response = dict()
    response['productId'] = productid
        # Check if there's a pending cart for the user
        cartid = db.query(
            f'SELECT Cart_ID from cart WHERE Customer_ID = \'{uid}\' AND status = \'PENDING\''
        # If there is one, remove the requested item
        if len(cartid) != 0:
            cartid = cartid[0][0]
            logger.debug(f'Cart ID found: {cartid}')
            item = db.query(
                f'SELECT Item_ID, qty FROM cart_item WHERE Cart_ID={cartid} AND Product_ID={productid}'
            if len(item) != 0:
                item = item.pop(0)
                db.query(f'DELETE FROM cart_item WHERE Item_ID={item[0]}')
        response['status'] = 'success'
        logger.info('Request served successfully')
    except Exception as e:
        # Log the exception and not raise it in order to provide a response to the client
        response['status'] = 'fail'
    return response, 200
예제 #4
def add_product_to_cart():
    uid = authorization.current_user()
    db = DatabaseConnector(user, passw, host, defaultdb)
    logger.info(f'User {uid} requested cart/add_product_to_cart api')
    productid = request.form.get('productId')
    response = dict()
    response['productId'] = productid
        # Check if there's a pending cart for the user
        cartid = db.query(
            f'SELECT Cart_ID from cart WHERE Customer_ID = \'{uid}\' AND status = \'PENDING\''
        # If not, create one and retrieve the ID
        if len(cartid) == 0:
                f'INSERT INTO cart (Customer_ID,status) VALUES (\'{uid}\',\'PENDING\')'
            uid = authorization.current_user()
            cartid = db.query(
                f'SELECT Cart_ID from cart WHERE Customer_ID = \'{uid}\' AND status = \'PENDING\''
        # Get numeric id from the query
        cartid = cartid[0][0]
        # Now we can insert the cart item
        # First check if there's already a record for that product
        item_id = db.query(
            f'SELECT Item_ID FROM cart_item WHERE Cart_ID={cartid} AND Product_ID={productid}'
        if len(item_id) == 0:
                f'INSERT INTO cart_item (Product_ID,Cart_ID) VALUES ({productid},{cartid})'
            item_id = item_id[0][0]
            db.query(f'UPDATE cart_item SET qty=qty+1 WHERE Item_ID={item_id}')
        response['status'] = 'success'
        logger.info('Request served successfully')
    except Exception as e:
        # Log the exception and not raise it in order to provide a response to the client
        response['status'] = 'fail'
    return response, 200
예제 #5
def place_order():
    uid = authorization.current_user()
    ticket_id = request.form.get('ticket_id')
    logger.info(f'User {uid} requested the order/placeorder api')
    db = DatabaseConnector(user, passw, host, defaultdb)
    response = dict()
    response['ticket_id'] = ticket_id
        # Look for the pending cart
        cartid = db.query(
            f'SELECT Cart_ID from cart WHERE Customer_ID = \'{uid}\' AND status = \'PENDING\''
        cartid = cartid[0][0]
        # Fetch all the product in the cart and calculate the total price
        items = db.query(
            f'SELECT product.price, cart_item.qty '
            f'FROM cart_item '
            f'JOIN product ON cart_item.Product_ID = product.Product_ID '
            f'WHERE cart_item.Cart_ID = {cartid}')
        totalprice = 0.0
        for item in items:
            # print(item)
            totalprice += item[0] * item[1]
        # Get current timestamp
        timeplaced = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        # WHEN?
        show_start_time = db.query(
            f'SELECT showTime FROM ticket join film_show ON ticket.Show_ID = film_show.Show_ID WHERE Ticket_ID={ticket_id}'
        show_start_time = show_start_time[0][0]
        timeplanned = show_start_time + timedelta(hours=1)
        # Finally insert entry in order and close the cart
            f'INSERT INTO '
            f'cart_order (Cart_ID, Ticket_ID, timePlaced, totalDue, timePlanned) '
            f'VALUES ({cartid}, {ticket_id}, \'{timeplaced}\', {totalprice}, \'{timeplanned}\')'

        db.query(f'UPDATE cart '
                 f'SET status = \'CLOSED\' '
                 f'WHERE cart_id={cartid}')
        response['status'] = 'success'
        logger.info('Request served successfully')
    except Exception as e:
        # Log the exception and not raise it in order to provide a response to the client
        response['status'] = 'fail'
    return jsonify(response), 200
예제 #6
def get_tickets():
    uid = authorization.current_user()
    logger.info(f'User {uid} requested ticket/gettickets api')
    db = DatabaseConnector(user, passw, host, defaultdb)
    response = []
        for ticket in db.query(
                f'SELECT Ticket_ID, showTime, Film_ID, seat, showRoom '
                f'FROM ticket JOIN film_show ON ticket.Show_ID = film_show.Show_ID '
                f'WHERE ticket.Customer_ID = \'{uid}\''):
            ticket_dict = dict()
            ticket_dict['Ticket_ID'] = ticket[0]
            ticket_dict['showTime'] = ticket[1]
            ticket_dict['Film_ID'] = ticket[2]
            ticket_dict['seat'] = ticket[3]
            ticket_dict['room'] = ticket[4]
        logger.info('Request served successfully')
    except Exception as e:
        # Log the exception and not raise it in order to provide a response to the client
    return jsonify(response), 200
예제 #7
def get_cart():
    uid = authorization.current_user()
    logger.info(f'User {uid} requested cart/get_cart api')
    db = DatabaseConnector(user, passw, host, defaultdb)
    response = []
        # Check if there's a pending cart for the user
        cartid = db.query(
            f'SELECT Cart_ID from cart WHERE Customer_ID = \'{uid}\' AND status = \'PENDING\''
        # If there is one, remove the requested item
        if len(cartid) != 0:
            cartid = cartid[0][0]
            logger.debug(f'Cart ID found: {cartid}')
            query = db.query(
                f'SELECT product.*, qty '
                f'FROM '
                f'(SELECT Product_ID,qty FROM cart_item WHERE Cart_ID = {cartid}) T '
                f'JOIN product '
                f'ON T.Product_ID = product.Product_ID')
            for food in query:
                food_dict = dict()
                food_dict['id'] = food[0]
                food_dict['title'] = food[1]
                food_dict['ingredients'] = food[2]
                food_dict['image'] = food[3]
                food_dict['price'] = food[4]
                food_dict['calories'] = food[5]
                food_dict['description'] = food[6]
                food_dict['size'] = food[7]
                food_dict['cat'] = food[8]
                food_dict['qty'] = food[9]
        logger.info('Request served successfully')
    except Exception as e:
        # Log the exception and not raise it in order to provide a response to the client
    return jsonify(response), 200
예제 #8
def get_all_drinks():
    uid = authorization.current_user()
    logger.info(f'User {uid} requested product/getall api')
    db = DatabaseConnector(user, passw, host, defaultdb)
    response = []
        for food in db.query('SELECT * FROM product WHERE cat = \'DRINK\''):
            food_dict = dict()
            food_dict['id'] = food[0]
            food_dict['title'] = food[1]
            food_dict['ingredients'] = food[2]
            food_dict['image'] = food[3]
            food_dict['price'] = food[4]
            food_dict['calories'] = food[5]
            food_dict['description'] = food[6]
            food_dict['size'] = food[7]
            food_dict['cat'] = food[8]
        logger.info('Request served successfully')
    except Exception as e:
        # Log the exception and not raise it in order to provide a response to the client
        # response['status'] = 'fail'
    return jsonify(response), 200