예제 #1
 def normalizeRelativeCoordinates(self, x_shift=None, y_shift=None):
     :param x_shift: The shift to apply to the X axis
     :type x_shift: int
     :param y_shift: The shift to apply to the Y axis
     :type y_shift: int
     Shift a mapping so that all values of the mapping are shifted by x_shift and y_shift.
     If x_shift is None, The lowest x value will be 0 and other x values are adapted in consequence.
     If y_shift is None, The lowest y value will be 0 and other y values are adapted in consequence.
     if x_shift is None and y_shift is None:
         (x_shift, y_shift) = geom.min_tuple(self._relative_coordinates.keys())
     elif x_shift is None:
         (x_shift, _) = geom.min_tuple(self._relative_coordinates.keys())
     elif y_shift is None:
         (_, y_shift) = geom.min_tuple(self._relative_coordinates.keys())
     new_mapping = {}
     if x_shift != 0 and y_shift != 0:
         keys = self._relative_coordinates.keys()
         for key in keys:
             value = self._relative_coordinates.pop(key)
             new_mapping[(key[0] - x_shift, key[1] - y_shift)] = value
     elif x_shift != 0:
         keys = self._relative_coordinates.keys()
         for key in keys:
             value = self._relative_coordinates.pop(key)
             new_mapping[(key[0] - x_shift, key[1])] = value
     elif y_shift != 0:
         keys = self._relative_coordinates.keys()
         for key in keys:
             value = self._relative_coordinates.pop(key)
             new_mapping[(key[0], key[1] - y_shift)] = value
         new_mapping = self._relative_coordinates
     self._relative_coordinates = new_mapping
예제 #2
 def prepareConnection(self, circles, bounds=None):
     :param circles: The circles in which a circle grid will be detected
     :type circles: list
     :param bounds: The boundaries of the image in which the circles have been detected
     :type bounds: list
     Method to call before self.connectCircles to set the object parameters properly
     self._circles = circles
     for i in range(len(circles)):
     if bounds is None:
         tuple_max = geom.max_tuple(circles)
         tuple_min = geom.min_tuple(circles)
         # bounds = (int(tuple_min[1]), int(tuple_min[0]), int(tuple_max[1]) + 1, int(tuple_max[0]) + 1)
         bounds = (int(tuple_min[0]), int(tuple_min[1]), int(tuple_max[0]) + 1, int(tuple_max[1]) + 1)
     self._bounds = bounds
    def setUp(self):
        def create_connect4(x_dist=65, y_dist=55, max_x_error=10, max_y_error=8, hor=7, vert=6):
            connect4 = []
            current_x = 0
            current_y = 0
            for i in range(vert):
                for j in range(hor):
                    error_x = random.random() * max_x_error
                    error_y = random.random() * max_y_error
                    connect4.append((round(current_x + error_x, 2), round(current_y + error_y, 2)))
                    current_x += x_dist
                current_y += y_dist
                current_x = 0
            # random.shuffle(gameboard)
            return connect4

        # Almost perfect circle grid (no circle missing, no noise)
        self.circles_0 = [(0, 0), (5, 0), (5, 8), (10, 4), (10, 8), (10, 0), (0, 4), (0, 8), (5, 4)]
        # Minimum circles so it can detect a 3x3 grid
        self.circles_1 = [(25, 40), (50, 20), (50, 0), (0, 40), (25, 20)]

        # Noise added to self.circles_1. The first element is isolated by noise so it'll be lost by filtering
        self.circles_2 = [(25, 40), (50, 20), (50, 0), (0, 40), (25, 20), (10, 42), (25, 25), (0, 20)]

        # Noise removed from self.circles_2. The first element is no more isolated by noise.
        self.circles_3 = [(5, 8), (10, 4), (10, 0), (0, 8), (5, 4), (5, 5), (0, 4)]

        # Almost perfect Connect 4 (no circle missing, no noise)
        self.connect4_0 = [
            (331, 165),
            (267, 225),
            (5, 226),
            (73, 59),
            (8, 166),
            (202, 61),
            (3, 3),
            (197, 276),
            (198, 226),
            (71, 281),
            (135, 222),
            (268, 1),
            (1, 115),
            (391, 59),
            (71, 170),
            (332, 222),
            (267, 62),
            (139, 58),
            (329, 5),
            (130, 171),
            (69, 228),
            (199, 114),
            (329, 276),
            (397, 227),
            (327, 112),
            (398, 6),
            (267, 282),
            (391, 165),
            (260, 115),
            (134, 278),
            (9, 56),
            (5, 278),
            (329, 58),
            (391, 281),
            (199, 6),
            (196, 171),
            (266, 172),
            (139, 7),
            (65, 5),
            (393, 111),
            (132, 115),
            (67, 110),
        # """"""""Worst case"""""""""
        # Connect 4 with 3 of the 4 corners missing, some internal circles missing,
        # some internal noise, some external noise
        self.connect4_1 = [
            (-71, 6),  # Noise before first node (-1, 0)
            (7, -60),  # Noise before first node (0, -1)
            (8, 3),
            (74, 3),
            (134, 8),
            (161, 4),  # Noise between (2, 0) and (3, 0)
            # (200.01, 0.95),  (3, 0) missing
            (263, 2),
            # (328.74, 5.82), (5, 0) missing
            # (396.51, 7.67), (6, 0) missing
            (3, 55),
            (74, 56),
            # (134.77, 62.91), (2, 1) missing
            (202, 57),
            # (262.29, 62.02), (4, 1) missing
            (333, 56),
            (394, 59),
            (391, 84),  # Noise between (6, 1) and (6, 2)
            # (6.75, 114.49), (0, 2) missing
            (69, 112),
            (133, 114),
            (201, 113),
            (269, 113),
            (263, 140),  # Noise between (4, 2) and (4, 3)
            (331, 113),
            # (399.9, 114.83), (6, 2) missing
            (0, 172),
            (1, 193),  # Noise between (0, 3) and (0, 4)
            (100, 151),  # Noise in the middle of (1, 2), (2, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)
            # (69.1, 172.5), (1, 3)  missing
            (137, 171),
            (199, 168),
            (204, 201),  # Noise between (3, 3) and (3, 4)
            # (262.98, 172.59), (4, 3) missing
            (328, 169),
            # (395.7, 165.24), (6, 3) missing
            (10, 225),
            # (65.64, 225.93),
            (102, 215),  # Noise between (1, 4) and (2, 4)
            (135, 222),
            (204, 223),
            # (267.24, 224.12), (4, 4) missing
            (334, 226),
            (391, 225),
            # (4.83, 282.79), (0, 5) missing
            (3, 326),  # Noise above (0, 5)
            (69, 275),
            # (136.19, 280.97), (203.95, 275.62), (2, 5) and (3, 5) missing
            (265, 280),
            (260, 320),  # Noise above (4, 5)
            (327, 280),
            (390, 278),
            (390, 322),
        ]  # Noise above (6, 5)
        tuple_min = geom.min_tuple(self.connect4_1)
        temp = []
        for (x, y) in self.connect4_1:
            x0 = x - tuple_min[0]
            y0 = y - tuple_min[1]
            temp.append((x0, y0))
        self.connect4_1 = temp
        self.connect4_model = DefaultModel()
        self.c4Detector = FrontHolesDetector(self.connect4_model)
        self.circleGridDetector = CircleGridDetector()