if hasattr(e, "original"): print( f"| Failed to load extension {cog}\n| {type(e.original).__name__}: {e.original}" ) else: print( f"| Failed to load extension {cog}\n| {type(e).__name__}: {e}" ) error = exc_info() await bot.errorlog.send(error, event="Load Initial Cog") print(f"| Syncing commands...", end="\r") await bot.tree.sync() await bot.tree.sync(guild=await bot.fetch_guild(699399549218717707)) print(f"| Commands synced ") print(f"#-------------------------------#\n" f"| Successfully logged in.\n" f"#-------------------------------#\n" f"| User: {bot.user}\n" f"| User ID: {bot.user.id}\n" f"| Owner: {bot.owner}\n" f"| Guilds: {len(bot.guilds)}\n" f"| OAuth URL: {oauth_url(app_info.id, permissions=permissions)}\n" f"#------------------------------#\n") if __name__ == "__main__": bot.run()
bot.load_extension(f"cogs.{cog}") except Exception as e: print( f"| Failed to load extension {cog}\n| {type(e).__name__}: {e}" ) # "Ready" status message ready = f"{config.hget('prefix:config', 'default_prefix')}help for help" await bot.change_presence(activity=Activity(name=ready, type=2)) # Pretty printing ready message and general stats print(f"#-------------------------------#\n" f"| Successfully logged in.\n" f"#-------------------------------#\n" f"| Username: {bot.user.name}\n" f"| User ID: {bot.user.id}\n" f"| Owner: {bot.owner}\n" f"| Guilds: {len(bot.guilds)}\n" f"| Users: {len(list(bot.get_all_members()))}\n" f"| OAuth URL: {oauth_url(bot.app_info.id)}\n" f"# ------------------------------#") @bot.event async def on_message(msg: Message): await bot.process_commands(msg) if __name__ == "__main__": bot.run(**config.hgetall("run"))