예제 #1
def flush_suite(suite, outdir):


    if 'host' in suite:
        dir = os.path.join(outdir, "host")
        _flush_host(suite['host'], dir)
        _write_to_file(outdir, 'envtype', 'host')
        _write_to_file(outdir, 'controller', 'host')

    if 'container' in suite:
        _write_to_file(outdir, "image", suite['container']['image'])
        _write_to_file(outdir, 'envtype', 'container')
        _write_to_file(outdir, 'controller', 'container')

    if 'cluster' in suite:
        cluster = suite['cluster']
        for i, host in enumerate(cluster['hosts']):
            dir = os.path.join(outdir, "host-%d" % i)
            _flush_host(host, dir)
            _write_to_file(dir, "name", host['name'])
        _write_to_file(outdir, 'nhosts', str(i + 1))
        if 'container' in cluster:
            _write_to_file(outdir, "image", cluster['container']['image'])
            _write_to_file(outdir, 'controller', 'container')
            _write_to_file(outdir, 'controller', 'host')
        _write_to_file(outdir, 'envtype', 'cluster')

    if 'tests' in suite:
        _write_to_file(outdir, "tests", '\n'.join(suite['tests']), utf8=True)

    _write_to_file(outdir, "branches",
                   '\n'.join(suite.get('branches', ['master'])))

    timeout = common.str_to_timeout(suite.get('timeout', '2h'))
    _write_to_file(outdir, "timeout", str(timeout))

    _write_to_file(outdir, "context", suite.get('context'))

    if 'extra-repos' in suite:
        repos = ''
        for repo in suite['extra-repos']:
            repos += "[%s]\n" % repo['name']
            for key, val in repo.items():
                repos += "%s=%s\n" % (key, val)
        if repos != "":
            _write_to_file(outdir, "rhci-extras.repo", repos)

    if 'packages' in suite:
        packages = []
        for pkg in suite['packages']:
        _write_to_file(outdir, "packages", ' '.join(packages))

    if 'artifacts' in suite:
        _write_to_file(outdir, "artifacts", '\n'.join(suite['artifacts']))

    if 'env' in suite:
        envs = ''
        for k, v in suite['env'].items():
            # NB: the schema already ensures that k is ASCII
            # only, so utf8=True will only affect the value
            envs += 'export %s="%s"\n' % (k, v)
        _write_to_file(outdir, "envs", envs, utf8=True)

    if 'build' in suite:
        v = suite['build']
        if type(v) is bool and v:
            _write_to_file(outdir, "build", '')
        elif type(v) is dict:
            _write_to_file(outdir, "build", '')
            _write_to_file(outdir, "build.config_opts",
                           v.get('config-opts', ''))
            _write_to_file(outdir, "build.build_opts", v.get('build-opts', ''))
            _write_to_file(outdir, "build.install_opts",
                           v.get('install-opts', ''))
예제 #2
파일: ext_schema.py 프로젝트: miabbott/papr
def ext_timeout(value, rule_obj, path):
    if common.str_to_timeout(value) > (2 * 60 * 60):
        raise SchemaError("timeout cannot be greater than 2 hours")
    return True
예제 #3
def flush_suite(suite, outdir):

    def write_to_file(fn, s):
        with open(os.path.join(outdir, fn), 'w') as f:


    if 'host' in suite:
        host = suite['host']
        if 'ostree' in host:
            val = host['ostree']
            assert type(val) in [str, dict]
            if type(val) is str:
                assert val == "latest"
                write_to_file("ostree_revision", "")
                write_to_file("ostree_remote", val.get('remote', ''))
                write_to_file("ostree_branch", val.get('branch', ''))
                write_to_file("ostree_revision", val.get('revision', ''))
        write_to_file("distro", host['distro'])

    if 'container' in suite:
        write_to_file("image", suite['container']['image'])

    if 'tests' in suite:
        write_to_file("tests", '\n'.join(suite['tests']))

    write_to_file("branches", '\n'.join(suite.get('branches', ['master'])))

    timeout = common.str_to_timeout(suite.get('timeout', '2h'))
    write_to_file("timeout", str(timeout))

    write_to_file("context", suite.get('context'))

    if 'extra-repos' in suite:
        repos = ''
        for repo in suite['extra-repos']:
            repos += "[%s]\n" % repo['name']
            for key, val in repo.items():
                repos += "%s=%s\n" % (key, val)
        if repos != "":
            write_to_file("rhci-extras.repo", repos)

    if 'packages' in suite:
        packages = []
        for pkg in suite['packages']:
        write_to_file("packages", ' '.join(packages))

    if 'artifacts' in suite:
        write_to_file("artifacts", '\n'.join(suite['artifacts']))

    if 'env' in suite:
        envs = ''
        for k, v in suite['env'].items():
            envs += 'export %s=%s\n' % (k, shlex.quote(v))
        write_to_file("envs", envs)

    if 'build' in suite:
        v = suite['build']
        if type(v) is bool and v:
            write_to_file("build", '')
        elif type(v) is dict:
            write_to_file("build", '')
            write_to_file("build.config_opts", v.get('config-opts', ''))
            write_to_file("build.build_opts", v.get('build-opts', ''))
            write_to_file("build.install_opts", v.get('install-opts', ''))