예제 #1
    def run(self, destination, packages, mode="prod"):
        # setup compiler
        from utils.compiler import Compiler

        compiler = Compiler(self.manifest)

        # process builds
        for package in packages:
            manifest, build = self._find_manifest_and_build(package)
            p_destination = os.path.join(destination, package)

            if not build:
                raise Exception("No Build Found ({})".format(package))

            # run the compiler
            compiler.run(p_destination, mode=mode, packages=build["packages"])

            # process the html
            css_imports = []
            js_imports = []
            test_imports = []

            head_indent = "    "
            meta_indent = "        "

            for p in build["packages"]:
                parts = p.split(".")

                is_sub_package = len(parts) > 2

                if is_sub_package:
                    parts.insert(1, "packages")

                file = "/".join(parts)

                    meta_indent + "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{}-dev.css\" />".format(file)

                    meta_indent + "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"{}-dev.js\"></script>".format(file)

                # add tests file
                parts[-1] = "tests.js"

                file = "/".join(parts)

                tests_file = os.path.join(p_destination, file)

                if os.path.exists(tests_file):
                        meta_indent + "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"{}\"></script>".format(

            html_files = {}
            html_paths = build["html"] if isinstance(build["html"], (list, tuple)) else [build["html"]]

            for html_path in html_paths:
                html_dev_path = os.path.join(p_destination, html_path.split("/")[-1].replace(".", "-dev."))

                html_files[html_dev_path] = file_get_contents(os.path.join(manifest["source_path"], html_path)).replace(

            for html_path in html_files:
                # process dev html
                dev_html = html_files[html_path].replace(
                    "<head>" +
                    "\n" + meta_indent + "<meta content=\"utf-8\" http-equiv=\"encoding\" />" +
                    "\n" + meta_indent + "<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\">" +
                    "\n" + meta_indent + "<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"0\">" +
                    "\n" + meta_indent + "<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">" +

                dev_html = dev_html.replace(

                needle = re.search("id=[\"|']OJ[\"|']", dev_html)

                if needle:
                    index = needle.end(0)

                    dev_html = dev_html[:index] + " mode=\"development\" " + dev_html[index:]

                    dev_html = dev_html.replace("<body", "<body mode=\"development\" ")

                file_put_contents(html_path, dev_html)

            build["html_files"] = html_files

            self._build_zip(destination, package, build, "dev")

            # process prod html
            if mode == "prod":
                prod_html_files = {}

                for html_path in html_files:
                    prod_html = html_files[html_path].replace("-dev.", ".")
                    prod_html_path = html_path.replace("-dev.", ".")

                    prod_html_files[prod_html_path] = prod_html

                    file_put_contents(prod_html_path, prod_html)

                build["html_files"] = prod_html_files

                self._build_zip(destination, package, build, mode)
예제 #2
파일: run.py 프로젝트: NuAge-Solutions/OJ
def run(src_path):
    # setup script arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compile Objective-JS Package(s).")

        "action", choices=["add", "build", "compile", "dist", "remove", "setup", "install"], default="compile",
        help="The action to take when running the script."

        "packages", type=str, nargs="*", default=ALL,
        help="Action \"add\": The classes you want to add. At least one class must be specified.\n" +
             "Action \"build\": The packages you want to build. Will build all packages if nothing is specified.\n" +
             "Action \"compile\": The packages you want to compile. Will compile all packages if nothing is specified.\n" +
             "Action \"dist\": The packages you want to distribute.\n" +
             "Action \"remove\": The classes you want to remove. At least one class must be specified.\n" +
             "Action \"setup\": The first argument is the package name and the second is the destination.\n" +
             "***Note: Package names 'android', 'ios', 'linux', 'osx', & 'windows' are reserved."

        "-v", action="store_true", default=False,
        help="Show verbose output."

        "--mode", choices=[DEV, PROD], default="prod",
        help="The mode to compile in. Note that prod will automatically update dev as well."

        "--types", nargs="*", choices=[ALL, CSS, JS, TEMPLATE, THEME], default=ALL,
        help="The file types to compile. Will compile all file types if nothing is specified."

        "--destination", type=str, default=os.path.join(src_path, "builds"),
        help="The path to the build directory."

        "--verbose", type=int, default=0,
        help="Show verbose output."

    # process the script args
    args = parser.parse_args()

    kwargs = {
        "types": args.types

    if ALL in args.types:
        kwargs["types"] = TYPES

    # setup verbose setting
    utils.VERBOSE = args.verbose

    if args.v and utils.VERBOSE == 0:
        utils.VERBOSE = 1

    destination, mode, packages = _process_args(args)

    # figure out what action to take
    if args.action == "add":
        # setup compiler instance
        from utils.manage import add

        kwargs["classes"] = packages

        add(src_path, **kwargs)

    elif args.action == "build":
        # check that at least one package was specified
        if args.packages == ALL:
            raise Exception("When building at least one package must be specified. All/empty is unsupported.")

        # setup compiler instance
        from utils.builder import Builder

        builder = Builder("manifest.json")

        # build the compile kwargs
        kwargs["mode"] = mode


        # run the compiler
        builder.run(destination, packages, **kwargs)

    elif args.action == "compile":
        # setup compiler instance
        from utils.compiler import Compiler

        compiler = Compiler("manifest.json")

        # build the compile kwargs
        kwargs["mode"] = mode
        kwargs["packages"] = packages

        # run the compiler
        compiler.run(destination, **kwargs)

    elif args.action == "dist":
        from zipfile import ZipFile

        for package in packages:
            zip_name = "{}{}.zip".format(
                "-dev" if mode == DEV else ""

            with ZipFile(os.path.join("builds", "dist", zip_name)) as zip:

    elif args.action == "install":
        sh.npm.install("-g", "uglify-es")
        sh.npm.install("-g", "clean-css")
        sh.npm.install("-g", "clean-css-cli")

    elif args.action == "remove":
        # setup compiler instance
        from utils.manage import remove

        kwargs["classes"] = packages

        remove(src_path, **kwargs)

    elif args.action == "setup":
        from utils.manage import setup

        setup(src_path, *packages)
예제 #3
if args.dmodel:
    density = DensityModel(path=args.vmodel)
    density = DensityModel(shape=tuple(args.grid))

# get the velocity model dimension
dimension = len(vel.shape())

if dimension == 2:
    nz, nx = tuple(args.grid)
    dz, dx = tuple(args.spacing)
    nz, nx, ny = tuple(args.grid)
    dz, dx, dy = tuple(args.spacing)

compiler = Compiler(program_version=args.tool, c_code=args.ccode)

grid = Grid(shape=vel.shape())

# apply CFL conditions
dt = cfl.calc_dt(dimension=dimension,
timesteps = cfl.calc_num_timesteps(args.time, dt)

params = {
    'compiler': compiler,
    'grid': grid,
    'vel_model': vel,