예제 #1
def validate_parent_name(title):
    """Need a special fn for this
    because classes are auto coerced to uppercase by default."""
    if is_identifier(title):
        if corrected := case_check(title, item_type="class"):
            return corrected
            return title
예제 #2
    def test_case_check(self, input):
        """case_check(item, item_type="class", preferences="ask")
        # case 1- leave preference as 'ask'- will take y from builtins.input
        # and return a case corrected class identifier
        self.assertEqual(case_check("example"), "Example")

        # change item_type to field and preferences to corece-
        # automatically convert the item to lowercase and add underscrores.
            case_check("GOAT BISCUIT", item_type="field",
                       preferences="coerce"), "goat_biscuit")

        # preference is none so the item is returned with no side-effects
        self.assertEqual(case_check("butter", preferences="none"), "butter")
예제 #3
def validate_members(items, item_type="class"):
    """does basic validation for a standard inlines' members
        1. ensure each item is identifier
        2. ensure it has appropriate case

    items [list | str] : class name or attributes/methods to validate.
    item_type="class" [str] : which type of identifier to validate- class or field.



    # this ibnky=
    if item_type == "class":
        return class_correct_convention(items)
    elif item_type in ("attribute", "method"):
        # This is a lil weird.
        item_type = "field"
    container = []
    for item in items:
        item = item.strip()
        if is_identifier(item):
            container.append(case_check(item, item_type=item_type))
    if len(container):
        return container
    return None
예제 #4
def attributes_main(attr: list):
    overseer fn for ensuring validity of each attr.
        attr ([type]): [description]
    # y is the actual value
    for x, y in enumerate(attr):
        if is_identifier(y):
            # heres where you would override the default
            # arg if you wanted to coerce the case
            if returned := case_check(y, item_type="field"):
                attr[x] = returned
            # dont think we need an else block because ^^ always return truthy
            response = input(f"the attribute {y} is not a valid identifier\n\
delete {y} from attribute set {attr} (y/n)?")
            if response in ("y", "yes"):
                del attr[x]
예제 #5
def validate_module_name(title):
    if is_identifier(title):
        if corrected := case_check(title, item_type="module"):
            return corrected
            return title