예제 #1
def draw_view(url):

        html = ''

        cur = get_cursor("""
SELECT industry, sub_industry
,round(sum(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id*100)/count(sub_industry),2) as value
, sum(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id*100) as sum
, count(*) as count
from changed_bond group by sub_industry 
order by industry, value,sub_industry

        table = from_db_cursor(cur)
        html += generate_chart_html(table, '可转债行业双低值分布',

        return '可转债行业双低值分布', \
               views.nav_utils.build_analysis_nav_html(url), \

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #2
파일: trade_utils.py 프로젝트: macrochen/cb
def _get_mid_data():
    cur = get_cursor("""
SELECT mid_price, mid_premium, avg_premium
from (
         SELECT round(AVG(cb_price2_id), 2) as mid_price, row_number() OVER () as rn
         FROM (SELECT cb_price2_id
               FROM changed_bond
               ORDER BY cb_price2_id
               LIMIT 2 - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM changed_bond) % 2 -- odd 1, even 2
                   OFFSET (SELECT (COUNT(*) - 1) / 2
                           FROM changed_bond))) a
         left join(
    SELECT round(AVG(cb_premium_id) * 100, 2) as mid_premium, row_number() OVER () as rn
    FROM (SELECT cb_premium_id
          FROM changed_bond
          ORDER BY cb_premium_id
          LIMIT 2 - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM changed_bond) % 2 -- odd 1, even 2
              OFFSET (SELECT (COUNT(*) - 1) / 2
                      FROM changed_bond))) b
                  on a.rn = b.rn,
     (select 1 as rn, round(avg(cb_premium_id)*100,2) as avg_premium from changed_bond) c
where a.rn = c.rn
    global MID_X, MID_Y
    row = cur.fetchone()
    MID_X = row[0]
    MID_Y = row[1]
    avg_premium = row[2]
    print('init mid data is successful.MID_X:' + str(MID_X) + ', MID_Y:' +
    return row
예제 #3
def update_cb_index():
    mid_price, temp, avg_premium = calc_mid_data_with_avg_premium()
    # 检查当天记录已经存在, 存在则更新
    cur = get_cursor(
        "select count(*) from cb_index_history where strftime('%Y-%m-%d', date) = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', date())"
    one = cur.fetchone()
    if one[0] == 0:
        count = execute_sql_with_rowcount(
            """insert into cb_index_history(mid_price, avg_premium) values(:mid_price, :avg_premium)""",
                'mid_price': mid_price,
                'avg_premium': avg_premium
        if count == 1:
            print('insert today\'s mid_price is successful.')
        count = execute_sql_with_rowcount(
            """update cb_index_history set mid_price=:mid_price, avg_premium=:avg_premium where strftime('%Y-%m-%d', date) = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', date())""",
                'mid_price': mid_price,
                'avg_premium': avg_premium
        if count == 1:
            print('update today\'s mid_price is successful.')
예제 #4
def draw_view():

        html = ''
        nav_html_list = {}

        # 用来画收益曲线图的数据

        cur = get_cursor("""
date, mid_price, avg_premium
from cb_index_history 
order by date  desc   --limit 2   

        rows = list(cur)
        dict_rows = []
        for row in rows:
            dict_row = db_utils.get_dict_row(cur, row)

        html = """
                    """ + utils.echarts_html_utils.generate_line_html2(dict_rows) + """<br/>
                    """ + utils.echarts_html_utils.generate_line_html3(dict_rows) + """

        return '可转债整体估值', '<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>', html

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #5
def draw_view(url):

        html = ''

        cur = get_cursor("""
SELECT industry, sub_industry
--, industry|| '[' || sub_industry || ']' as 名称
, sub_industry as 名称
,round(sum(cb_premium_id)/count(sub_industry)*100,2) as avg_premium
,round(sum(cb_premium_id)/count(sub_industry)*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率
,round(sum(cb_price2_id)/count(sub_industry),2) as 转债价格
,'0' as bond_code
, sum(cb_premium_id*100) as sum
, count(*) as count
from changed_bond group by sub_industry 
order by industry, avg_premium,sub_industry

        table = from_db_cursor(cur)
        html += '<br/><br/>' + generate_scatter_html_with_one_table(
            table, title='可转债行业分布', click_maker=click_maker)

        return '可转债行业价格&溢价率分布', \
               views.nav_utils.build_analysis_nav_html(url), \

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #6
파일: view_test.py 프로젝트: macrochen/cb
def get_idx_data():
    cur = get_cursor("select date, idx_data from cb_index_history")
    idx_rows = cur.fetchall()
    idx_data = {}
    for idx_row in idx_rows:
        ss = idx_row[0].split()
        idx_data[datetime.datetime.strptime(ss[0], '%Y-%m-%d')] = idx_row[1]
    return idx_data
예제 #7
def calc_yield():
    cur = get_cursor("""
SELECT round(sum(c.cb_price2_id*h.hold_amount+h.sum_sell -h.sum_buy), 2) as 累积收益,   
	round(sum(c.cb_price2_id*h.hold_amount+h.sum_sell -h.sum_buy)/sum(h.sum_buy) * 100, 2)  as 累积收益率
from (select hold_amount, sum_buy, hold_owner, bond_code, sum_sell from hold_bond union select hold_amount, sum_buy, hold_owner, bond_code, sum_sell from hold_bond_history) h , changed_bond c 
where h.bond_code = c.bond_code and hold_owner='me'

    row = cur.fetchone()
    return row[0], row[1]
예제 #8
def do_update_stock_theme(driver, task_name):
    # 遍历可转债列表
    task = None
        # 查询可转债
        bond_cursor = get_cursor(
            """SELECT bond_code, cb_name_id, stock_code, stock_name from changed_bond"""
        rows = bond_cursor.fetchall()
        task, status = new_or_update_task(len(rows), task_name)
        if status == -1:  # 有任务在执行

        i = 0
        for bond_row in rows:
            bond_code = bond_row[0]
            stock_code = bond_row[2]
            stock_name = bond_row[3]


            theme = fetch_stock_theme(driver, stock_code)

            rowcount = execute_sql_with_rowcount(
                """update changed_bond_extend set theme = :theme where bond_code = :bond_code""",
                    'theme': theme,
                    'bond_code': bond_code
            if rowcount == 0:
                print("not update stock:" + stock_name +
                      ' in changed_bond_extend')
                print("update " + stock_name + " is successful. count:" +
                      str(i + 1))

            # 暂停5s再执行, 避免被网站屏蔽掉
            i += 1

        ok_desc = "共处理" + str(i) + "条记录"
        process_task_when_finish(task, ok_desc)

    except Exception as e:
        print("db操作出现异常" + str(e), e)
        process_task_when_error(task, "db操作出现异常")
    except TimeoutError as e:
        print("网络超时, 请手工重试")
        process_task_when_error(task, "网络超时")
예제 #9
def draw_my_view(url):

        html = ''
        nav_html_list = {}

        # 用来画收益曲线图的数据

        cur = get_cursor("""
            date_string as 时间, 
            my_today_profit  as 我的实盘日收益,
            my_real_profit  as 我的实盘累积收益,
            my_real_yield || '%' as 我的实盘收益率,
            my_day_yield || '%' as 我的日收益率,
            cb_day_yield || '%' as 可转债指数日收益率,
            hs_day_yield || '%' as 沪深300日收益率,
            round(my_all_yield-1, 2) as 我的累积收益率,
            round(cb_all_yield-1, 2) as 可转债指数累积收益率,
            round(hs_all_yield-1, 2) as 沪深300累积收益率
            from invest_yield 
            order by date  desc   --limit 2   

        # table_html = table.get_html_string()
        table, table_html = utils.table_html_utils.generate_table_html_with_data(None, cur, html, need_title=False,
                                                                                 remark_fields=['我的日收益率', '可转债指数日收益率', '沪深300日收益率'],
                                                                                 ignore_fields=['我的累积收益率', '可转债指数累积收益率', '沪深300累积收益率'],
                                                                                 nav_html_list=nav_html_list, table_width='800px')

        rows = []
        dict_rows = []
        for row in table._rows:
            dict_row = db_utils.get_dict_row(cur, row)

        line_html = generate_line_html(dict_rows)

        html = """
                    """ + line_html + "<br/>" + table_html + """

        return '我的可转债收益情况', views.nav_utils.build_personal_nav_html(url), html

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #10
def draw_view(url):

        html = ''

        # =========全网可转债涨跌幅柱状图=========
        cur = get_cursor("""select case
           when cb_mov2_id < -20 then '低于-20%'
           when cb_mov2_id > -20 and cb_mov2_id <= -10 then '[-20%~-10%]'
           when cb_mov2_id > -10 and cb_mov2_id <= -5 then '[-10%~-5%]'
           when cb_mov2_id > -5 and cb_mov2_id <= -1 then '[-5%~-1%]'
           when cb_mov2_id > -1 and cb_mov2_id < 0 then '[-1%~0]'
           when cb_mov2_id = 0 then '[0]'
           when cb_mov2_id > 0 and cb_mov2_id <= 1 then '[0~1%]'
           when cb_mov2_id > 1 and cb_mov2_id <= 5 then '[1%,5%]'
           when cb_mov2_id > 5 and cb_mov2_id <= 10 then '[5%,10%]'
           when cb_mov2_id > 10 and cb_mov2_id <= 20 then '[10~20%]'
           when cb_mov2_id > 20 then '超过20%'
    end as 范围
     , count(id) as 个数, round(min(cb_mov2_id), 2) as min_value, round(max(cb_mov2_id), 2) as max_value
from (SELECT id, cb_mov2_id * 100 as cb_mov2_id, cb_name_id from changed_bond) c

group by case
             when cb_mov2_id < -20 then '低于-20%'
             when cb_mov2_id > -20 and cb_mov2_id <= -10 then '[-20%~-10%]'
             when cb_mov2_id > -10 and cb_mov2_id <= -5 then '[-10%~-5%]'
             when cb_mov2_id > -5 and cb_mov2_id <= -1 then '[-5%~-1%]'
             when cb_mov2_id > -1 and cb_mov2_id < 0 then '[-1%~0]'
             when cb_mov2_id = 0 then '[0]'
             when cb_mov2_id > 0 and cb_mov2_id <= 1 then '[0~1%]'
             when cb_mov2_id > 1 and cb_mov2_id <= 5 then '[1%,5%]'
             when cb_mov2_id > 5 and cb_mov2_id <= 10 then '[5%~10%]'
             when cb_mov2_id > 10 and cb_mov2_id <= 20 then '[10~20%]'
             when cb_mov2_id > 20 then '超过20%'
order by cb_mov2_id""")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        html += generate_bar_html(rows, '全网可转债涨跌幅情况')

        return '可转债涨跌幅分布', \
               views.nav_utils.build_analysis_nav_html(url), \

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #11
def draw_view(url):

        html = ''

        # =========全网可转债涨跌幅柱状图=========
        cur = get_cursor("""select case
           when cb_price2_id < 90 then '低于90元'
           when cb_price2_id > 90 and cb_price2_id <= 100 then '[90元~100元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 100 and cb_price2_id <= 110 then '[100元~110元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 110 and cb_price2_id <= 120 then '[110元~120元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 120 and cb_price2_id <= 130 then '[120元~130元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 130 and cb_price2_id <= 150 then '[130~150元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 150 and cb_price2_id <= 180 then '[150元~180元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 180 and cb_price2_id <= 200 then '[180元~200元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 200 and cb_price2_id <= 300 then '[200元~300元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 300 then '超过300元'
    end as 范围
     , count(id) as 个数, round(min(cb_price2_id), 2) as min_value, round(max(cb_price2_id), 2) as max_value
from (SELECT id, cb_price2_id, cb_name_id from changed_bond) c

group by case
           when cb_price2_id < 90 then '低于90元'
           when cb_price2_id > 90 and cb_price2_id <= 100 then '[90元~100元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 100 and cb_price2_id <= 110 then '[100元~110元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 110 and cb_price2_id <= 120 then '[110元~120元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 120 and cb_price2_id <= 130 then '[120元~130元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 130 and cb_price2_id <= 150 then '[130~150元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 150 and cb_price2_id <= 180 then '[150元~180元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 180 and cb_price2_id <= 200 then '[180元~200元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 200 and cb_price2_id <= 300 then '[200元~300元]'
           when cb_price2_id > 300 then '超过300元'
order by cb_price2_id""")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        html += generate_bar_html(rows, '全网可转债价格范围分布情况')

        return '可转债价格范围分布', \
               views.nav_utils.build_analysis_nav_html(url), \

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #12
def modify_data_unit_error():
    # 遍历可转债列表


        i = 0

        stock_cursor = get_cursor(
            """SELECT avg_net_margin, stock_name from stock_report""")
        stocks = list(stock_cursor)

        for stock in stocks:
            avg_net_margin = stock[1]
            stock_name = stock[2]

            if not isinstance(avg_net_margin,
                              str) or not avg_net_margin.endswith('万'):

            avg_net_margin = change_data_unit(avg_net_margin, no_clean_text)

            rowcount = execute_sql_with_rowcount(
                """update stock_report set avg_net_margin = :avg_net_margin where stock_name = :stock_name""",
                    'avg_net_margin': avg_net_margin,
                    'stock_name': stock_name

            i += 1
            if rowcount == 0:
                print("update " + stock_name + " is failure. count:" + str(i))
                print("update " + stock_name + " is successful. count:" +

        print("共处理" + str(i) + "条记录")

    except Exception as e:
        print("db操作出现异常" + str(e), e)
    except TimeoutError as e:
        print("网络超时, 请手工重试")
예제 #13
def draw_view(url):

        sql = """SELECT cb_name_id, cb_hot from changed_bond where cb_hot > 5 order by cb_hot desc limit 1000"""
        cur = get_cursor(sql)
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        words = []
        for row in rows:
            words.append((row[0].replace('转债', ''), row[1]))

        chart = WordCloud(
            # 添加数据
            # 字间隙
            # 调整字大小范围
            word_size_range=[5, 100],
            # shape="cardioid",
            #  选择背景图,也可以不加该参数,使用默认背景
            #  mask_image='购物车.jpg'
        html = chart.render_embed('template.html', env)

        return '可转债热度分析', views.nav_utils.build_analysis_nav_html(url), html
    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #14
def query_database_view():
    table_html = ''
    sql_code = ''
    table_height_style = ''
    if len(request.form) > 0:
        sql_code = request.form['sql_code']
        if sql_code is None or sql_code.strip(' ') == '':
            raise Exception('SQL不能为空')

        if not sql_code.lower().strip().startswith('select'):
            raise Exception("仅允许select操作")

        cur = get_cursor(sql_code)
        table = from_db_cursor(cur)

        if table.rowcount > 10:
            table_height_style = """style="height:500px" """

        table_html = utils.table_html_utils.build_table_html(table)

    return render_template("query_database.html", table_html=table_html, sql_code=sql_code, table_height_style=table_height_style)
예제 #15
def update_db(rows):
        i = 0
        for row in rows:
            cur = get_cursor(
                "select count(*) from changed_bond where bond_code=:bond_code",
                {'bond_code': row['bond_code']})
            one = cur.fetchone()
            if one[0] == 0:
                print("not update cb:" + row['cb_name_id'])

            # execute执行脚本
            rowcount = execute_sql_with_rowcount(
                """update changed_bond 
                            set cb_price2_id = :cb_price2_id,
                            cb_mov2_id = :cb_mov2_id,
                            cb_mov_id = :cb_mov_id,
                            stock_price_id = :stock_price_id,
                            cb_premium_id = :cb_premium_id
                            where bond_code = :bond_code""", {
                    'cb_price2_id': row.get('cb_price2_id', None),
                    'cb_mov2_id': row.get('cb_mov2_id', None),
                    'cb_mov_id': row.get('cb_mov_id', None),
                    'stock_price_id': row.get('stock_price_id', None),
                    'cb_premium_id': row.get('cb_premium_id', None),
                    'bond_code': row['bond_code']
            if rowcount == 0:
                print("not update cb:" + str(row))
                print("update cb:" + str(row))
                i += 1

        print('Successfully updated row count:' + str(i))
    except Exception as e:
        print("db操作出现异常", e)
        raise e
예제 #16
def do_update_stock_sum(driver, task_name):
    # 遍历可转债列表
    # 打开文件数据库

    task = None
        # 查询可转债
        bond_cursor = get_cursor(
            """SELECT bond_code, cb_name_id, stock_code, stock_name from changed_bond"""
        rows = bond_cursor.fetchall()
        task, status = new_or_update_task(len(rows), task_name)
        if status == -1:  # 有任务在执行

        # 当前日月
        y = datetime.now().year
        m = datetime.now().month
        d = datetime.now().day
        t = datetime(y, m, d)
        # 记录更新时间(秒)
        s = (t - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()

        i = 0
        for bond_row in rows:
            process_task_when_normal(task, 1)

            stock_code = bond_row[2]
            stock_name = bond_row[3]

            stock_cursor = get_cursor(
                """SELECT modify_date from stock_report where stock_code = :stock_code""",
                {'stock_code': stock_code})
            stocks = list(stock_cursor)
            if len(stocks) == 0:

            # 已经更新了
            if stocks[0][0] is not None and stocks[0][0] >= s:

            row = get_stock_sum(driver, stock_code)

            rowcount = execute_sql_with_rowcount(
                """update stock_report set pe = :pe, 
                net_asset = :net_asset, 
                gross_rate = :gross_rate, 
                avg_market_cap = :avg_market_cap, 
                avg_roe = :avg_roe, 
                avg_net_profit_ratio = :avg_net_profit_ratio, 
                avg_gross_rate = :avg_gross_rate, 
                avg_pb = :avg_pb, 
                avg_pe = :avg_pe, 
                avg_net_margin = :avg_net_margin, 
                avg_net_asset = :avg_net_asset, 
                rank_roe = :rank_roe, 
                rank_net_profit_ratio = :rank_net_profit_ratio, 
                rank_gross_rate = :rank_gross_rate, 
                rank_pb = :rank_pb, 
                rank_pe = :rank_pe, 
                rank_net_margin = :rank_net_margin, 
                rank_net_asset = :rank_net_asset, 
                rank_market_cap = :rank_market_cap, 
                level_roe = :level_roe, 
                level_market_cap = :level_market_cap, 
                level_net_asset = :level_net_asset, 
                level_net_margin = :level_net_margin, 
                level_pe = :level_pe, 
                level_pb = :level_pb, 
                level_gross_rate = :level_gross_rate, 
                level_net_profit_ratio = :level_net_profit_ratio, 
                modify_date = :modify_date where stock_code = :stock_code""",
                    'pe': row['pe'],
                    'net_asset': row['net_asset'],
                    'gross_rate': row['gross_rate'],
                    'avg_market_cap': row['avg_market_cap'],
                    'avg_roe': row['avg_roe'],
                    'avg_net_profit_ratio': row['avg_net_profit_ratio'],
                    'avg_gross_rate': row['avg_gross_rate'],
                    'avg_pb': row['avg_pb'],
                    'avg_pe': row['avg_pe'],
                    'avg_net_margin': row['avg_net_margin'],
                    'avg_net_asset': row['avg_net_asset'],
                    'rank_roe': row['rank_roe'],
                    'rank_net_profit_ratio': row['rank_net_profit_ratio'],
                    'rank_gross_rate': row['rank_gross_rate'],
                    'rank_pb': row['rank_pb'],
                    'rank_pe': row['rank_pe'],
                    'rank_net_margin': row['rank_net_margin'],
                    'rank_net_asset': row['rank_net_asset'],
                    'rank_market_cap': row['rank_market_cap'],
                    'level_roe': row['level_roe'],
                    'level_market_cap': row['level_market_cap'],
                    'level_net_asset': row['level_net_asset'],
                    'level_net_margin': row['level_net_margin'],
                    'level_pe': row['level_pe'],
                    'level_pb': row['level_pb'],
                    'level_gross_rate': row['level_gross_rate'],
                    'level_net_profit_ratio': row['level_net_profit_ratio'],
                    'modify_date': s,
                    'stock_code': stock_code
            if rowcount == 0:
                print("not update stock:" + stock_name + ' in stock_report')
                print("update " + stock_name + " is successful. count:" +
                      str(i + 1))

            # 暂停5s再执行, 避免被网站屏蔽掉
            i += 1

        ok_desc = "共处理" + str(i) + "条记录"
        process_task_when_finish(task, ok_desc)
    except Exception as e:
        print("db操作出现异常" + str(e), e)
        process_task_when_error(task, "db操作出现异常")
        raise e
    except TimeoutError as e:
        print("网络超时, 请手工重试")
        process_task_when_error(task, "网络超时")
        raise e
예제 #17
def insertDb(rows):
    # 打开文件数据库


        for row in rows:
            # execute执行脚本
                """insert into changed_bond(cb_num_id,bond_code,cb_name_id,bond_date_id,stock_code,stock_name,industry,sub_industry,cb_price2_id,cb_mov2_id,cb_mov3_id,stock_price_id,cb_mov_id,cb_price3_id,cb_strike_id,cb_premium_id,cb_value_id,cb_t_id,bond_t1,red_t,remain_amount,cb_trade_amount_id,cb_trade_amount2_id,cb_to_share,cb_to_share_shares,market_cap,stock_pb,BT_yield,AT_yield,BT_red,AT_red,npv_red,npv_value,rating,discount_rate,elasticity,cb_ol_value,cb_ol_rank,cb_nl_value,cb_nl_rank,cb_ma20_deviate,cb_hot,duration,enforce_get,buy_back,down_revise,data_id)
                    'cb_num_id': row['cb_num_id'],
                    'bond_code': row['bond_code'],
                    'cb_name_id': row['cb_name_id'],
                    'bond_date_id': row['bond_date_id'],
                    'stock_code': row['stock_code'],
                    'stock_name': row['stock_name'],
                    'industry': row['industry'],
                    'sub_industry': row['sub_industry'],
                    'cb_price2_id': row['cb_price2_id'],
                    'cb_mov2_id': row['cb_mov2_id'],
                    'cb_mov3_id': row['cb_mov3_id'],
                    'stock_price_id': row['stock_price_id'],
                    'cb_mov_id': row['cb_mov_id'],
                    'cb_price3_id': row['cb_price3_id'],
                    'cb_strike_id': row['cb_strike_id'],
                    'cb_premium_id': row['cb_premium_id'],
                    'cb_value_id': row['cb_value_id'],
                    'cb_t_id': row['cb_t_id'],
                    'bond_t1': row['bond_t1'],
                    'red_t': row['red_t'],
                    'remain_amount': row['remain_amount'],
                    'cb_trade_amount_id': row['cb_trade_amount_id'],
                    'cb_trade_amount2_id': row['cb_trade_amount2_id'],
                    'cb_to_share': row['cb_to_share'],
                    'cb_to_share_shares': row['cb_to_share_shares'],
                    'market_cap': row['market_cap'],
                    'stock_pb': row['stock_pb'],
                    'BT_yield': row['BT_yield'],
                    'AT_yield': row['AT_yield'],
                    'BT_red': row['BT_red'],
                    'AT_red': row['AT_red'],
                    'npv_red': row['npv_red'],
                    'npv_value': row['npv_value'],
                    'rating': row['rating'],
                    'discount_rate': row['discount_rate'],
                    'elasticity': row['elasticity'],
                    'cb_ol_value': row['cb_ol_value'],
                    'cb_ol_rank': row['cb_ol_rank'],
                    'cb_nl_value': row['cb_nl_value'],
                    'cb_nl_rank': row['cb_nl_rank'],
                    'cb_ma20_deviate': row['cb_ma20_deviate'],
                    'cb_hot': row['cb_hot'],
                    'duration': row['duration'],
                    'enforce_get': row.get('enforce_get'),
                    'buy_back': row.get('buy_back'),
                    'down_revise': row.get('down_revise'),
                    'data_id': row['data_id']
    except Exception as e:
        # cur_file.close()
        print("db操作出现异常", e)
예제 #18
def fetch_data(task_name):

    # 遍历可转债列表

    stock_name = ''
    stock_code = None
    earnings = None

    task = None

        # 当前报告期
        report_date = get_report_date()

        # 查询可转债

        bond_cursor = get_cursor("""
            SELECT bond_code, cb_name_id, stock_code, stock_name from changed_bond
        rows = bond_cursor.fetchall()
        task, status = new_or_update_task(len(rows), task_name)
        if status == -1:  # 有任务在执行

        i = 0
        for bond_row in rows:
            process_task_when_normal(task, 1)

            stock_code = bond_row[2]
            stock_name = bond_row[3]

            stock_cursor = get_cursor(
                "SELECT last_date from stock_report where stock_code = '" +
                stock_code + "'")

            stocks = list(stock_cursor)
            # 还没添加正股财务指标信息
            if len(stocks) == 0:
                earnings = get_earnings(stock_code)
                # 新增

                rowcount = db_utils.execute_sql_with_rowcount(
                    """insert into stock_report(stock_code,stock_name,
                        'stock_code': bond_row[2],
                        'stock_name': bond_row[3],
                        'last_date': earnings.lastDate,
                        'revenue': earnings.revenue,
                        'qoq_revenue_rate': earnings.qoqRevenueRate,
                        'yoy_revenue_rate': earnings.yoyRevenueRate,
                        'net': earnings.net,
                        'qoq_net_rate': earnings.qoqNetRate,
                        'yoy_net_rate': earnings.yoyNetRate,
                        'margin': earnings.margin,
                        'qoq_margin_rate': earnings.qoqMarginRate,
                        'yoy_margin_rate': earnings.yoyMarginRate,
                        'roe': earnings.roe,
                        'qoq_roe_rate': earnings.qoqRoeRate,
                        'yoy_roe_rate': earnings.yoyRoeRate,
                        'al_ratio': earnings.alRatio,
                        'qoq_rl_ratio_rate': earnings.qoqAlRatioRate,
                        'yoy_al_ratio_rate': earnings.yoyAlRatioRate,
                if rowcount == 0:
                    print("insert " + stock_name + " is failure. count:" +
                          str(i + 1))
                    print("insert " + stock_name + " is successful. count:" +
                          str(i + 1))
                # todo 补充前面几年/季度的财务数据
                # fixme 为了解决中途被中断, 继续执行时, 简化处理不更新
                # continue
                last_date = stocks[0][0]

                if last_date != report_date:
                    earnings = get_earnings(stock_code)
                    rowcount = db_utils.execute_sql_with_rowcount(
                        """update stock_report
                                set last_date = :last_date,
                                revenue = :revenue,qoq_revenue_rate = :qoq_revenue_rate,yoy_revenue_rate = :yoy_revenue_rate,
                                net = :net,qoq_net_rate = :qoq_net_rate,yoy_net_rate = :yoy_net_rate,
                                margin = :margin,qoq_margin_rate = :qoq_margin_rate,yoy_margin_rate = :yoy_margin_rate,
                                roe = :roe,qoq_roe_rate = :qoq_roe_rate,yoy_roe_rate = :yoy_roe_rate,
                                al_ratio = :al_ratio,qoq_rl_ratio_rate = :qoq_rl_ratio_rate,yoy_al_ratio_rate = :yoy_al_ratio_rate
                             where stock_code = :stock_code""", {
                            'last_date': earnings.lastDate,
                            'revenue': earnings.revenue,
                            'qoq_revenue_rate': earnings.qoqRevenueRate,
                            'yoy_revenue_rate': earnings.yoyRevenueRate,
                            'net': earnings.net,
                            'qoq_net_rate': earnings.qoqNetRate,
                            'yoy_net_rate': earnings.yoyNetRate,
                            'margin': earnings.margin,
                            'qoq_margin_rate': earnings.qoqMarginRate,
                            'yoy_margin_rate': earnings.yoyMarginRate,
                            'roe': earnings.roe,
                            'qoq_roe_rate': earnings.qoqRoeRate,
                            'yoy_roe_rate': earnings.yoyRoeRate,
                            'al_ratio': earnings.alRatio,
                            'qoq_rl_ratio_rate': earnings.qoqAlRatioRate,
                            'yoy_al_ratio_rate': earnings.yoyAlRatioRate,
                            'stock_code': stock_code
                    if rowcount == 0:
                        print("update " + stock_name + " is failure. count:" +
                              str(i + 1))
                        print("update " + stock_name +
                              " is successful. count:" + str(i + 1))
            # 暂停3s再执行, 避免被网站屏蔽掉
            i += 1

        ok_desc = "共处理" + str(i) + "条记录"
        process_task_when_finish(task, ok_desc)
    except Exception as e:
            "db操作出现异常" + str(e) + ', stock_code: ' + stock_code +
            ', stock_name:' + stock_name + ', earnings:' + str(earnings), e)
        process_task_when_error(task, "db操作出现异常")
        raise e
    return 'OK'
예제 #19
def draw_my_view(is_login_user, url):
    # 打开文件数据库

        html = ''
        nav_html_list = views.nav_utils.build_personal_nav_html_list()

        # =========我的强赎=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, enforce_get as 强赎状态, 
    h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
 h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
    from (select * from changed_bond where enforce_get in ('强赎中')) c, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
    order by 转债价格 desc 

        html = generate_table_html("强赎",

        # =========我的回售=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业',
        h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
        h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', 
        cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(bt_red * 100,2) as 回售收益率, red_t as 回售年限,  
        round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)',round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌,
        round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, 
        rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
        rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
        rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
        rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
        stock_total as 综合评分, 
        round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
        gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
        round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
        s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
        s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
        round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
        s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
        c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
        net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
        market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
        remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2) || '%'  as '余额/股本(%)', cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)',
        fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
        trade_suggest as 操作建议,
        rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度, h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
    from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code AND h.strategy_type = '回售' and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
    order by 回售收益率

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '回售年限', '回售收益率'],

        # =========我的低余额策略=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业',
        h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
 h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', 
        round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)',round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌,
        cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率, round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100,2) as 双低值, 
        round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2)  as '余额/股本(%)',
        rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
        rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
        rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
        rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
        stock_total as 综合评分, 
        round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
        gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
        round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
        s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
        s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
        round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
        s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
        c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
        net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
        market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
        cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)',
        fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
        trade_suggest as 操作建议,
        rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度, h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
    from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code
    AND h.strategy_type = '低余额' 
    and h.hold_owner = 'me' 
    and h.hold_amount != -1
    order by 转债价格

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '到期收益率', '正股涨跌'],

        # =========我的低价高收益策略=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业',
        h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
 h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', 
        cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率, round(100- cb_price2_id + BT_yield * 100, 2) as 性价比,
        round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)',round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌, 
        rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
        rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
        rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
        rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
        stock_total as 综合评分, 
        round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
        gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
        round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
        s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
        s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
        round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
        s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
        c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
        net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
        market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
        remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2) || '%'  as '余额/股本(%)', cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)',
        fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
        trade_suggest as 操作建议,
        rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度, h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
    from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code AND h.strategy_type = '高收益' and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
    ORDER by 性价比 desc

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '到期收益率'],

        # =========我的双低策略=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
        SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业', 
            h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
 h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, 
            round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100,2) as 双低值, round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌, 
            round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率,round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)', 

            rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
            rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
            rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
            rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
            stock_total as 综合评分, 

            round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
            gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
            round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
            s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
            s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
            round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
            s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
            c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
            net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
            market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
            remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2) || '%'  as '余额/股本(%)', cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)',

            fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
            trade_suggest as 操作建议,

            rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度, h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
        from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code AND h.strategy_type = '双低' and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
        order by 双低值

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '到期收益率', '双低值'],

        # =========我的双低轮动策略=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
        SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业', 
            h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
 h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, 
            round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100,2) as 双低值,round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌, 
            round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率, round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)', 

            rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
            rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
            rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
            rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
            stock_total as 综合评分, 

            round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
            gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
            round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
            s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
            s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
            round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
            s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
            c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
            net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
            market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
            remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2) || '%'  as '余额/股本(%)', cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)',

            fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
            trade_suggest as 操作建议,

            rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度, h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
        from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code AND h.strategy_type = '双低轮动' and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
        order by 双低值

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '到期收益率', '双低值'],

        # =========我的多因子策略=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
        SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业', 
            h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
 h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率,
            round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌,
            round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100,2) as 双低值, 
            round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率,round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)', 

            rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
            rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
            rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
            rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
            stock_total as 综合评分, 

            round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
            gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
            round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
            s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
            s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
            round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
            s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
            c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
            net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
            market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
            remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2) || '%'  as '余额/股本(%)', cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)',

            fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
            trade_suggest as 操作建议,

            rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度, h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
        from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code AND h.strategy_type = '多因子' and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
        order by 双低值

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '到期收益率'],

        # =========我的打新策略=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业',
        h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
        h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, 
        round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100,2) as 双低值, round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率,
        round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)',round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌, 
        rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
        rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
        rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
        rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
        stock_total as 综合评分, 
        round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
        gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
        round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
        s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
        s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
        round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
        s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
        c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
        net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
        market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
        remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2) || '%'  as '余额/股本(%)', cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)',
        fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
        trade_suggest as 操作建议,
        rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度, h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
    from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code AND h.strategy_type = '打新' and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
    order by 转债价格

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '到期收益率', '双低值'],

        # =========我的网格策略=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业', 
        h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
        h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率, 
        round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100,2) as 双低值, 
        round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)',round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌,
        rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
        rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
        rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
        rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
        stock_total as 综合评分, 
        round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
        gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
        round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
        s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
        s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
        round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
        s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
        c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
        net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
        market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
        remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2) || '%'  as '余额/股本(%)', cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)',
        fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
        trade_suggest as 操作建议,
        rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度, h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
    from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code AND h.strategy_type = '网格' and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
    order by 转债价格

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '到期收益率', '双低值'],

        # =========我的基本面策略=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业',
        h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
 h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', 
        cb_price2_id as '转债价格', round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率,
        round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100, 2) as 双低值,
        round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)',round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌,
        rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
        rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
        rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
        rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
        stock_total as 综合评分, 
        round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
        gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
        round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
        s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
        s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
        round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
        s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
        c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
        net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
        market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
        remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2) || '%'  as '余额/股本(%)', cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)',
        fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
        trade_suggest as 操作建议,
        rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度,
        h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
    from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code
     AND h.strategy_type = '基本面' and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
    order by 转债价格

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '到期收益率', '双低值'],

        # =========我的猪肉概念=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业',
        h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
 h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)',
        round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌, 
        cb_price2_id as '转债价格', round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率,
        round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100, 2) as 双低值,round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)',
        rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
        rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
        rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
        rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
        stock_total as 综合评分, 
        round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
        gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
        round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
        s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
        s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
        round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
        s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
        c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
        net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
        market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
        remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2) || '%'  as '余额/股本(%)', cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)',
        fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
        trade_suggest as 操作建议,
        rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度,
        h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
    from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code
     AND h.strategy_type = '猪肉概念' and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
    order by 转债价格

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '到期收益率', '正股涨跌'],

        # =========我的每周精选策略=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业',
        h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
 h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', cb_price2_id as '转债价格', round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, 
        round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100, 2) as 双低值,
        round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)',round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌,
        rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率,
        round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比', round(s.net,2) as '净利润(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
        s.margin || '%' as '利润率(%)', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', s.roe || '%' as 'ROE(%)', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比',  
        round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', s.pe as '市盈率(动)', c.stock_pb as 市净率,
        market_cap as '市值(亿元)', remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2) || '%'  as '余额/股本(%)',
        cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度, h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
        from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code 
    	AND h.strategy_type = '每周精选' and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
    order by 转债价格

        html = generate_table_html("每周精选",

        # =========我的活性债策略=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业',
        h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
 h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', cb_price2_id as '转债价格', round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率,
        round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)',round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌,
        rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
        rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
        rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
        rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
        stock_total as 综合评分, 
        round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
        gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
        round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
        s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
        s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
        round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
        s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
        c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
        net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
        market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
        remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2) || '%'  as '余额/股本(%)', cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)',
        fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
        trade_suggest as 操作建议,
        rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度,
        h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
    from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code
    AND h.strategy_type = '活性债' and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1 
    --and h.hold_owner = '水晶杯'
    order by 转债价格

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '到期收益率', '双低值'],

        # =========其他=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业',
        h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
 h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', cb_price2_id as '转债价格', round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率,
        round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100, 2) as 双低值, round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率,
        round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)',round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌,
        rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
        rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
        rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
        rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
        stock_total as 综合评分, 
        round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
        gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
        round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
        s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
        s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
        round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
        s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
        c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
        net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
        market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
        remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2) || '%'  as '余额/股本(%)', cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)',
        fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
        trade_suggest as 操作建议,
        rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度,
        h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
    from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code 
    AND h.strategy_type = '其他' and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
order by 双低值

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '到期收益率', '双低值'],

        configs = db.session.query(Config).filter(
            Config.group == 'my_strategy', Config.is_delete == 0).all()
        for config in configs:
            cur = get_cursor(config.value)
            ext_config = json.loads(config.ext_value)
            remark_fields = ext_config['remark_fields']
            html = generate_table_html(config.key,

        # =========清仓建议=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称, 
        h.hold_amount as 持有数量,
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
 h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)', cb_price2_id as '转债价格', round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率,
        round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100, 2) as 双低值, round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌,
        round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率, round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)',
        h.account as 账户, h.strategy_type as 策略,
        c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业', 
        h.memo as 备注
    from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code, hold_bond h
    WHERE c.bond_code = h.bond_code 
        AND (
        cb_price2_id < 100 and cb_premium_id > 0.9 	
        or cb_price2_id > 130 
        or cb_price2_id > 100 and cb_price2_id < 110 and cb_premium_id > 0.6
        and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount != -1
    order by cb_price2_id

        html = generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['盈亏', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '到期收益率', '双低值'],

        # 数据汇总

        # 用来画统计图的数据

        cur = get_cursor("""
SELECT strategy_type as 策略, 
    count(h.bond_code) as 个数, 
    sum(h.hold_amount) as 数量,
    round(sum(h.sum_buy-h.sum_sell),2) as 投入金额, 
    round(sum(h.hold_amount * c.cb_price2_id),2) as 市值, 
    round(sum(c.cb_price2_id*hold_amount + today_sum_sell - today_sum_buy), 2) as '日收益', 
    round(sum(c.cb_price2_id*hold_amount + today_sum_sell - today_sum_buy)/sum(today_sum_buy)*100,2) || '%' as '日收益率',
    round(sum(round(c.cb_price2_id*h.hold_amount+h.sum_sell -h.sum_buy, 3)), 2) as '累积收益',   
    round(sum(round(c.cb_price2_id*h.hold_amount+h.sum_sell -h.sum_buy, 3)) /sum(h.sum_buy) * 100, 2) || '%' as 累积收益率
from hold_bond h , changed_bond c 
where h.bond_code = c.bond_code and hold_owner='me' GROUP by strategy_type order by 投入金额 DESC        

        rows = []
        dict_rows = []
        # 增加合计行
        total_money = 0
        assets_money = 0
        total_profit = 0
        total_now_profit = 0
        total_now_profit_rate = 0
        total_amount = 0
        total_num = 0

        money_rows = []
        for row in cur.fetchall():
            dict_row = db_utils.get_dict_row(cur, row)
            asset_row = dict_row['市值']
            money_row = dict_row['投入金额']
            total_money += money_row
            assets_money += asset_row
            total_profit += dict_row['累积收益']
            total_now_profit += dict_row['日收益']
            total_num += dict_row['个数']
            total_amount += dict_row['数量']

        new_rows = []
        for row in rows:
            money_row = money_rows.pop()
            new_row = row + (str(round(money_row / total_money * 100, 2)) +
                             '%', )

        total_yield = round(total_profit / total_money * 100, 2)
        total_now_yield = round(total_now_profit / total_money * 100, 2)
            '合计', total_num, total_amount,
            round(total_money, 2),
            round(assets_money, 2),
            round(total_now_profit, 2),
            str(round(total_now_yield, 2)) + '%',
            round(total_profit, 2),
            str(total_yield) + '%', '100%'

        pie_html = utils.echarts_html_utils.generate_pie_html(
            dict_rows, '策略', '投入金额')

        head_column_link_maker = lambda record, field: '#' + record[
            field] if field == '策略' else None

        sum_html = utils.table_html_utils.generate_table_html(
            remark_fields=['日收益', '日收益率', '累积收益率', '累积收益'],

        # 用柱状图从大到小展示持有可转债涨跌幅情况
        scatter_html = utils.echarts_html_utils.generate_scatter_html_with_multi_tables(
            tables, select=select)

        html = """
                """ + sum_html + '<br/>' + pie_html + scatter_html + "<br/>" + """
        """ + html

        return '我的策略', views.nav_utils.build_personal_nav_html(
            url, nav_html_list), html

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #20
def draw_view(is_login_user, key, rise, url):

        html = ''

        cur = get_cursor("""
        select a.industry, round(b.涨跌幅 / a.个数*100, 2) as 涨跌, 余额
from (SELECT industry, count(industry) as 个数 from changed_bond group by industry) a,
     (SELECT industry, sum(cb_mov2_id) as 涨跌幅 from changed_bond group by industry) b,
     (SELECT industry, round(sum(remain_amount),2) as 余额 from changed_bond group by industry) c
where a.industry = b.industry
  and a.industry = c.industry
order by 涨跌 desc

        html += generate_treemap_html(

        if key is not None and key.strip(' ') != '' and rise is not None:
            rise = float(rise)
            up = 0
            down = 0
            if rise >= 0:
                up = 10
                down = 10

            cur = get_cursor(
            SELECT DISTINCT d.*,
                e.strategy_type                                        as 策略,
                e.hold_price                                           as 持有成本,
                e.hold_amount                                          as 持有数量
         SELECT c.data_id                                                                                       as nid,
                case when cb_mov2_id > 0 then 1 when cb_mov2_id = 0 then 0 ELSE -1 end                          as _sign,
                c.cb_name_id                                                                                    as 名称,
                round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                               as 可转债涨跌,
                cb_price2_id                                                                                    as '转债价格',
                round(cb_premium_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                            as 溢价率,
                round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                                as 正股涨跌,
                remain_amount                                                                                   as '余额(亿元)',
                round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                      as '换手率(%)',
                cb_trade_amount_id                                                                              as '成交额(百万)',
                round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100, 2)                                                    as 双低值,
                round(bt_yield * 100, 2) || '%'                                                                 as 到期收益率,
                c.stock_name                                                                                    as 正股名称,
                c.industry                                                                                      as '行业',
                c.sub_industry                                                                                  as '子行业',

                rank_gross_rate || '【' || level_gross_rate || '】'                                               as 毛利率排名,
                rank_net_margin || '【' || level_net_margin || '】'                                               as 净利润排名,
                rank_net_profit_ratio || '【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'                                   as 利润率排名,
                rank_roe || '【' || level_roe || '】'                                                             as ROE排名,
                rank_pe || '【' || level_pe || '】'                                                               as PE排名,
                rank_pb || '【' || level_pb || '】'                                                               as PB排名,
                rank_net_asset || '【' || level_net_asset || '】'                                                 as 净资产排名,
                rank_market_cap || '【' || level_market_cap || '】'                                               as 市值排名,
                stock_total                                                                                     as 综合评分,

                round(s.revenue, 2)                                                                             as '营收(亿元)',
                s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%'                                                                       as '营收同比',
                gross_rate || '|' || avg_gross_rate                                                             as '毛利率|行业均值',
                round(s.net, 2) || '|' || avg_net_margin                                                        as '净利润|均值(亿元)',
                s.yoy_net_rate || '%'                                                                           as '净利润同比',
                s.margin || '|' || avg_net_profit_ratio                                                         as '利润率|行业均值',
                s.yoy_margin_rate || '%'                                                                        as '利润率同比',
                s.roe || '|' || avg_roe                                                                         as 'ROE|行业均值',
                s.yoy_roe_rate || '%'                                                                           as 'ROE同比',
                round(s.al_ratio, 2) || '%'                                                                     as 负债率,
                s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%'                                                                      as '负债率同比',
                s.pe || '|' || avg_pe                                                                           as 'PE(动)|均值',
                c.stock_pb || '|' || avg_pb                                                                     as 'PB|行业均值',
                net_asset || '|' || avg_net_asset                                                               as '净资产|行业均值',
                market_cap || '|' || avg_market_cap                                                             as '市值|均值(亿元)',

                fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' ||
                fact_base                                                                                       as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',
                trade_suggest                                                                                   as 操作建议,

                rating                                                                                          as '信用',
                duration                                                                                        as 续存期,
                cb_ma20_deviate                                                                                 as 'ma20乖离',
                cb_hot                                                                                          as 热门度

         from (select *
               from (SELECT DISTINCT c.*
                     from changed_bond c WHERE industry = :industry
                     order by cb_mov2_id DESC
                     limit :up_size) 
               select *
               from (SELECT DISTINCT c.*
                     from changed_bond_view c WHERE industry = :industry
                     order by cb_mov2_id ASC
                     limit :down_size)) c
                  LEFT join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code) d
         left join
     (select id as hold_id, bond_code, hold_price, hold_amount, strategy_type
      from hold_bond
      where id in (select id
                   from hold_bond
                   where id
                             in (SELECT min(id)
                                 from hold_bond
                                 where hold_owner = 'me' and hold_amount != -1
                                 group by bond_code))
     ) e
     on d.bond_code = e.bond_code
order by _sign desc, abs(cb_mov2_id) DESC
                                """, {
                    'industry': key,
                    'up_size': up,
                    'down_size': down

            table, table_html = generate_table_html_with_data(
                remark_fields=['盈亏', '到期收益率', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '正股涨跌'],
            html += "<div id='cb_detail_list'>"
            html += generate_scatter_html_with_one_table(
                title=key + '行业可转债分布',
            html += table_html
            html += '</div>'

        return '可转债涨跌分布', \
               views.nav_utils.build_analysis_nav_html(url), \

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #21
def draw_view(is_login_user, url):

        html = ''

        # =========全网可转债涨跌TOP20柱状图=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
        select bond_code, cb_name_id as 名称, round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) as 涨跌, cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率
         from (SELECT DISTINCT c. * from changed_bond c 
          order by cb_mov2_id DESC limit 20)     
        select bond_code, cb_name_id as 名称, round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) as 涨跌, cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率
         from (SELECT DISTINCT c. * from changed_bond c 
           order by cb_mov2_id ASC limit 20) 
        order by 涨跌 desc
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        html += generate_bar_html(rows, '全网可转债涨跌TOP20')

        cur = get_cursor("""
SELECT DISTINCT d.* , e.strategy_type as 策略, case when e.hold_id is not null then  '✔️️' else  '' END as 持有, e.hold_price as 持有成本, e.hold_amount as 持有数量
  FROM (
      SELECT c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称,cb_mov2_id, round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌, 
        cb_price2_id as '转债价格', round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率,
        round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌, remain_amount as '余额(亿元)', 
        round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)', cb_trade_amount_id as '成交额(百万)', 
        round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100, 2) as 双低值, round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率,
        c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业',
        rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
        rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
        rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
        rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
        stock_total as 综合评分, 
        round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
        gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
        round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
        s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
        s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
        round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
        s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
        c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
        net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
        market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
        fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
        trade_suggest as 操作建议,
        rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度

    from (select *
         from (SELECT DISTINCT c. * from changed_bond c 
          order by cb_mov2_id DESC limit 10)     
        select *
         from (SELECT DISTINCT c. * from changed_bond_view c 
           order by cb_mov2_id ASC limit 10) ) c LEFT join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code ) d left join 
        (select id as hold_id, bond_code, hold_price, hold_amount, strategy_type 
            from hold_bond where id in (select id from hold_bond where id 
                in (SELECT min(id) from hold_bond where hold_owner = 'me' and hold_amount != -1 group by bond_code) ) 
             ) e 
        on d.bond_code = e.bond_code	
        ORDER by cb_mov2_id DESC

        html = utils.table_html_utils.generate_table_html("全网涨跌TOP10", cur, html, need_title=False,
                                                          remark_fields=['盈亏', '到期收益率', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '正股涨跌'],

        return '可转债涨跌排行', views.nav_utils.build_analysis_nav_html(url), html

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #22
def draw_view(is_login_user, key, start, end, rise, url):

        html = ''

        cur = get_cursor("""
        select i as 价格区间, round(s_m / c_i*100, 2) as 涨跌,  c_i as 数量
from (select DISTINCT(_interval) as i, count(_interval) as c_i, sum(cb_mov2_id) as s_m
      from (SELECT cb_price2_id,
                       when cb_price2_id <= 80 then '<=80元'
                       when cb_price2_id > 80 and cb_price2_id <= 90 then '80~90元'
                       when cb_price2_id > 90 and cb_price2_id <= 100 then '90~100元'
                       when cb_price2_id > 100 and cb_price2_id <= 110 then '100~110元'
                       when cb_price2_id > 110 and cb_price2_id <= 120 then '110~120元'
                       when cb_price2_id > 120 and cb_price2_id <= 130 then '120~130元'
                       when cb_price2_id > 130 and cb_price2_id <= 150 then '130~150元'
                       when cb_price2_id > 150 and cb_price2_id <= 200 then '150~200元'
                       when cb_price2_id > 200 then '>200元' end
                       as _interval,
                       when cb_price2_id <= 80 then 1
                       when cb_price2_id > 80 and cb_price2_id <= 90 then 2
                       when cb_price2_id > 90 and cb_price2_id <= 100 then 3
                       when cb_price2_id > 100 and cb_price2_id <= 110 then 4
                       when cb_price2_id > 110 and cb_price2_id <= 120 then 5
                       when cb_price2_id > 120 and cb_price2_id <= 130 then 6
                       when cb_price2_id > 130 and cb_price2_id <= 150 then 7
                       when cb_price2_id > 150 and cb_price2_id <= 200 then 8
                       when cb_price2_id > 200 then 9 end
                       as _interval_idx
            from changed_bond)
      GROUP by _interval
      order by _interval_idx)

        html += generate_treemap_html(cur, '=========可转债涨跌价格分布=========',
                                      '价格区间', '数量',

        if start is not None or end is not None and rise is not None:
            rise = float(rise)
            up = 0
            down = 0
            if rise >= 0:
                up = 10
                down = 10

            cur = get_cursor(
            SELECT DISTINCT d.*,
                e.strategy_type                                        as 策略,
                e.hold_price                                           as 持有成本,
                e.hold_amount                                          as 持有数量
         SELECT c.data_id                                                                                       as nid,
                case when cb_mov2_id > 0 then 1 when cb_mov2_id = 0 then 0 ELSE -1 end                          as _sign,
                c.cb_name_id                                                                                    as 名称,
                round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                               as 可转债涨跌,
                cb_price2_id                                                                                    as '转债价格',
                round(cb_premium_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                            as 溢价率,
                round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                                as 正股涨跌,
                remain_amount                                                                                   as '余额(亿元)',
                round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                      as '换手率(%)',
                cb_trade_amount_id                                                                              as '成交额(百万)',
                round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100, 2)                                                    as 双低值,
                round(bt_yield * 100, 2) || '%'                                                                 as 到期收益率,
                c.stock_name                                                                                    as 正股名称,
                c.industry                                                                                      as '行业',
                c.sub_industry                                                                                  as '子行业',

                rank_gross_rate || '【' || level_gross_rate || '】'                                               as 毛利率排名,
                rank_net_margin || '【' || level_net_margin || '】'                                               as 净利润排名,
                rank_net_profit_ratio || '【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'                                   as 利润率排名,
                rank_roe || '【' || level_roe || '】'                                                             as ROE排名,
                rank_pe || '【' || level_pe || '】'                                                               as PE排名,
                rank_pb || '【' || level_pb || '】'                                                               as PB排名,
                rank_net_asset || '【' || level_net_asset || '】'                                                 as 净资产排名,
                rank_market_cap || '【' || level_market_cap || '】'                                               as 市值排名,
                stock_total                                                                                     as 综合评分,

                round(s.revenue, 2)                                                                             as '营收(亿元)',
                s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%'                                                                       as '营收同比',
                gross_rate || '|' || avg_gross_rate                                                             as '毛利率|行业均值',
                round(s.net, 2) || '|' || avg_net_margin                                                        as '净利润|均值(亿元)',
                s.yoy_net_rate || '%'                                                                           as '净利润同比',
                s.margin || '|' || avg_net_profit_ratio                                                         as '利润率|行业均值',
                s.yoy_margin_rate || '%'                                                                        as '利润率同比',
                s.roe || '|' || avg_roe                                                                         as 'ROE|行业均值',
                s.yoy_roe_rate || '%'                                                                           as 'ROE同比',
                round(s.al_ratio, 2) || '%'                                                                     as 负债率,
                s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%'                                                                      as '负债率同比',
                s.pe || '|' || avg_pe                                                                           as 'PE(动)|均值',
                c.stock_pb || '|' || avg_pb                                                                     as 'PB|行业均值',
                net_asset || '|' || avg_net_asset                                                               as '净资产|行业均值',
                market_cap || '|' || avg_market_cap                                                             as '市值|均值(亿元)',

                fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' ||
                fact_base                                                                                       as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',
                trade_suggest                                                                                   as 操作建议,

                rating                                                                                          as '信用',
                duration                                                                                        as 续存期,
                cb_ma20_deviate                                                                                 as 'ma20乖离',
                cb_hot                                                                                          as 热门度

         from (select *
               from (SELECT DISTINCT c.*
                     from changed_bond c WHERE cb_price2_id > :start and cb_price2_id <= :end
                     order by cb_mov2_id DESC
                     limit :up_size) 
               select *
               from (SELECT DISTINCT c.*
                     from changed_bond_view c WHERE cb_price2_id > :start and cb_price2_id <= :end
                     order by cb_mov2_id ASC
                     limit :down_size)) c
                  LEFT join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code) d
         left join
     (select id as hold_id, bond_code, hold_price, hold_amount, strategy_type
      from hold_bond
      where id in (select id
                   from hold_bond
                   where id
                             in (SELECT min(id)
                                 from hold_bond
                                 where hold_owner = 'me' and hold_amount != -1
                                 group by bond_code))
     ) e
     on d.bond_code = e.bond_code
order by _sign desc, abs(cb_mov2_id) DESC
                                """, {
                    'start': start,
                    'end': end,
                    'up_size': up,
                    'down_size': down

            table, table_html = generate_table_html_with_data(
                remark_fields=['盈亏', '到期收益率', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '正股涨跌'],
            html += "<div id='cb_detail_list'>"
            html += generate_scatter_html_with_one_table(
                title='价格' + key + '的可转债涨跌分布',
            html += table_html
            html += '</div>'

        return '可转债涨跌分布', \
               views.nav_utils.build_analysis_nav_html(url), \

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #23
def draw_my_view(user_id, bond_code, url):
    is_login_user = user_id is not None

        html = ''

        cur = None
        if bond_code != '':
            cur = get_cursor(
                """select h.id,
                   c.data_id   as nid,
                   h.cb_name_id  as 名称,
                   price|| (case when amount > 0 then  '(<font style=color:green>买入</font>)' else '(<font style=color:red>卖出</font>)' end)       as 成交价,
                   abs(amount)       as 成交量,
                   fee         as 费用,
                   create_date as 成交时间,
                   account     as 交易账号,
                   strategy_type     as 策略类型
            from trade_history h,
                 changed_bond c
            where h.bond_code = c.bond_code
              and owner_id = :user_id and h.is_delete = 0
              and h.bond_code = :bond_code
            order by create_date desc
            limit 20""", {
                    'user_id': user_id,
                    'bond_code': bond_code
            cur = get_cursor(
                """select h.id,
                   c.data_id   as nid,
                   h.cb_name_id  as 名称,
                   price|| (case when amount > 0 then  '(<font style=color:green>买入</font>)' else '(<font style=color:red>卖出</font>)' end)       as 成交价,
                   abs(amount)       as 成交量,
                   fee         as 费用,
                   create_date as 成交时间,
                   account     as 交易账号,
                   strategy_type     as 策略类型
            from trade_history h,
                 changed_bond c
            where h.bond_code = c.bond_code
              and owner_id = :user_id and h.is_delete = 0
            order by create_date desc
            limit 20""", {'user_id': user_id})

        html = table_html_utils.generate_simple_table_html(

        html += """
            function undo_trade(cur, id){
                var r=confirm("确认要撤回?");
                if (r == true){
                    tr = cur.parentElement.parentElement
                    $.get("/un_save_trade_data.html/" + id, function (data, status) {
                        // alert(data)
                        if (status == 'success') {
                            alert('undo save is successful')
                        } else {
                            alert("undo trade is failure. id:" + id)
                    }).error(function (XMLHttpRequest, status, error){
                        // alert("occur exception. not find bond by code:" + $("#bond_code").val())

        return '我的可转债交易记录', views.nav_utils.build_personal_nav_html(url), html

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #24
def do_fetch_data(driver, task_name):
    task = None
        # 遍历整个可转债列表, 拿到bond_num
        bond_cursor = get_cursor(
            """SELECT data_id, bond_code, cb_name_id from changed_bond""")

        rows = bond_cursor.fetchall()
        task, status = new_or_update_task(len(rows), task_name)
        if status == -1:  # 有任务在执行

        i = 0
        j = 0
        for bond_row in rows:
            process_task_when_normal(task, 1)

            num_id = bond_row[0]
            bond_code = bond_row[1]
            bond_name = bond_row[2]

            bond_ex_cursor = get_cursor(
                """SELECT id, bond_name from changed_bond_extend where bond_num = :num_id""",
                    'num_id': num_id,
            ex_list = list(bond_ex_cursor)
            if len(ex_list) == 0:
                # 检查是否存在extend信息, 没有则去抓数据
                row = getContent(driver, num_id)
                # 插入数据

                    """insert into changed_bond_extend(bond_num, bond_code, 
                                interest, ensure, enforce_get_term, buy_back_term, down_revise_term)
                                        values(:bond_num, :bond_code, 
                :interest, :ensure, :enforce_get_term, :buy_back_term, :down_revise_term)""",
                        'bond_num': num_id,
                        'bond_code': bond_code,
                        'interest': row.get('interest'),
                        'ensure': row.get('ensure'),
                        'enforce_get_term': row.get('enforce_get_term'),
                        'buy_back_term': row.get('buy_back_term'),
                        'down_revise_term': row.get('down_revise_term'),
                print("insert " + bond_name + " is successful. count:" +
                      str(i + 1))
                i += 1
                # 暂停5s再执行, 避免被网站屏蔽掉
            elif ex_list[0][1] is None:
                rowcount = execute_sql_with_rowcount(
                    """update changed_bond_extend set bond_name = :bond_name where bond_num = :num_id""",
                        'bond_name': bond_name,
                        'num_id': num_id
                if rowcount == 0:
                    print("update " + bond_name + " is failure. count:" +
                          str(j + 1))
                    print("update " + bond_name + " is successful. count:" +
                          str(j + 1))
                j += 1

        ok_desc = "共处理" + str(i + j) + "条记录"
        process_task_when_finish(task, ok_desc)
    except Exception as e:
        print("db操作出现异常" + str(e), e)
        process_task_when_error(task, "db操作出现异常")
        raise e
    except TimeoutError as e:
        print("网络超时, 请手工重试")
        process_task_when_error(task, "网络超时")
        raise e
예제 #25
def draw_view(is_login_user, url):

        html = ''

        # =========我的转债价格TOP20柱状图=========
        cur = get_cursor("""
select bond_code, cb_name_id as 名称, cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) as 涨跌, round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率
 from (SELECT DISTINCT c. * from changed_bond c, hold_bond h 
 where  c.bond_code = h.bond_code and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount > 0 order by cb_price2_id DESC limit 20)     
select bond_code, cb_name_id as 名称, cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) as 涨跌, round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率
 from (SELECT DISTINCT c. * from changed_bond c, hold_bond h 
 where  c.bond_code = h.bond_code and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount > 0  order by cb_price2_id ASC limit 20) 
order by 转债价格 desc

        rows = cur.fetchall()
        html += '<br/>' + generate_price_bar_html(rows, '我的可转债价格高低TOP20')

        cur = get_cursor("""
    SELECT h.id as hold_id, c.data_id as nid, c.bond_code, c.stock_code, c.cb_name_id as 名称,    
        cb_price2_id as 转债价格, round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 可转债涨跌,
        h.hold_price || ' (' || h.hold_amount || ')' as '成本(量)',
        round(c.cb_price2_id * h.hold_amount + sum_sell - sum_buy, 2) || '(' || round((c.cb_price2_id - h.hold_price) / c.cb_price2_id * 100, 2) || '%)' as 盈亏, 
        round(cb_premium_id*100,2) || '%' as 溢价率, round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%' as 正股涨跌,
        remain_amount as '余额(亿元)',round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100,2) || '%' as '换手率(%)', 
        h.strategy_type as 策略, c.stock_name as 正股名称, c.industry as '行业', c.sub_industry as '子行业',
        round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100,2) as 双低值, 
        round(cb_to_share_shares * 100,2)  as '余额/股本(%)',
        round(bt_yield*100,2) || '%' as 到期收益率,
        rank_gross_rate ||'【' || level_gross_rate || '】' as 毛利率排名,rank_net_margin ||'【' || level_net_margin || '】' as 净利润排名,
        rank_net_profit_ratio ||'【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'  as 利润率排名, rank_roe ||'【' || level_roe || '】' as ROE排名,
        rank_pe ||'【' || level_pe || '】' as PE排名, rank_pb ||'【' || level_pb || '】' as PB排名,
        rank_net_asset ||'【' || level_net_asset || '】' as 净资产排名, rank_market_cap ||'【' || level_market_cap || '】' as 市值排名,
        stock_total as 综合评分, 
        round(s.revenue,2) as '营收(亿元)',s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%' as '营收同比',
        gross_rate||'|' || avg_gross_rate as '毛利率|行业均值',  
        round(s.net,2)||'|' || avg_net_margin as '净利润|均值(亿元)', s.yoy_net_rate || '%' as '净利润同比', 
        s.margin ||'|' || avg_net_profit_ratio as '利润率|行业均值', s.yoy_margin_rate || '%' as '利润率同比', 
        s.roe ||'|' || avg_roe as 'ROE|行业均值', s.yoy_roe_rate || '%' as 'ROE同比', 
        round(s.al_ratio,2) || '%' as 负债率, s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%' as '负债率同比', 
        s.pe||'|' || avg_pe as 'PE(动)|均值',  
        c.stock_pb||'|' || avg_pb as 'PB|行业均值', 
        net_asset||'|' || avg_net_asset as '净资产|行业均值', 
        market_cap||'|' || avg_market_cap as '市值|均值(亿元)', 
        fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' || fact_base as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',  
        trade_suggest as 操作建议,
        rating as '信用', duration as 续存期, cb_ma20_deviate as 'ma20乖离', cb_hot as 热门度, h.account as 账户, h.memo as 备注
        from changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code , (select * from (SELECT DISTINCT h. * from changed_bond c, hold_bond h 
 where  c.bond_code = h.bond_code and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount > 0 order by cb_price2_id DESC limit 10)  
select * from (SELECT DISTINCT h. * from changed_bond c, hold_bond h 
 where  c.bond_code = h.bond_code and h.hold_owner = 'me' and h.hold_amount > 0  order by cb_price2_id ASC limit 10)) h 
 where  c.bond_code = h.bond_code order by cb_price2_id desc

        html = table_html_utils.generate_simple_table_html(
            cur, html, is_login_user=is_login_user)

        return '我的可转债价格top列表', views.nav_utils.build_personal_nav_html(
            url), html

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #26
def draw_view(url):

        html = ''
        ignore_words = (

        sql = """SELECT theme from changed_bond_extend"""
        cur = get_cursor(sql)
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        word_count = {}
        for row in rows:
            if row[0] is None:
            words = row[0].split(' ')
            for word in words:
                if word in ignore_words or word.endswith('板块'):

                count = word_count.get(word, 0)
                word_count[word] = count + 1

        new_words = sorted(word_count.items(),
                           key=lambda x: x[1],
        words = []
        for key, value in new_words:
            # if value < 3:
            #     continue

            words.append((key, value))
        chart = WordCloud(
            chart_cb_wordcloud.on('click', function(x){
                if(x.name == undefined) {return true;}
                if ($('#cb_detail_list').length==0){
                    $(document.body).append('<div id=\\'cb_detail_list\\'></div>')
                $.get('/view_cb_wordcloud_detail.html?key=' + encodeURIComponent(x.name), function(result){
                    $('body,html').animate({scrollTop: $('#cb_detail_list').offset().top}, 500);
            # 添加数据
            # 字间隙
            # 调整字大小范围
            word_size_range=[5, 100],
            # shape="cardioid",
            #  选择背景图,也可以不加该参数,使用默认背景
            #  mask_image='购物车.jpg'
        html = """
            <input type='text' id='theme_key_word'>&nbsp;<input type='button' value='查 询' id='btn_query' onclick="find_by_key_word()">
                $(document).keydown(function (event) {
                    if (event.keyCode == "13") {
                function find_by_key_word(){
                    if ($('#cb_detail_list').length==0){
                        $(document.body).append('<div id=\\'cb_detail_list\\'></div>');
                    $.get('/view_cb_wordcloud_detail.html?key=' + encodeURIComponent($('#theme_key_word').val()), 
                            $('body,html').animate({scrollTop: $('#cb_detail_list').offset().top}, 500);
        </center>""" + chart.render_embed('template.html', env)

        return '可转债概念分析', views.nav_utils.build_analysis_nav_html(url), html
    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #27
def draw_view():

        html = ''
        nav_html_list = {}

        # 用来画收益曲线图的数据

        cur = get_cursor("""
            date as 时间, 
            day_rate_1 || '%' as 低溢价率策略日收益率,
            day_rate_2 || '%' as 高收益率策略日收益率,
            day_rate_3 || '%' as '低余额+双低策略日收益率',
            day_rate_4 || '%' as '低溢价率+双低策略日收益率',
            --cb_day_yield || '%' as 可转债指数日收益率,
            --hs_day_yield || '%' as 沪深300日收益率,

            --round(cb_all_yield-1.84, 2) as 可转债指数累积收益率,
            --round(hs_all_yield-0.06, 2) as 沪深300累积收益率,
            all_rate_1 as 低溢价率策略累积收益率,
            all_rate_2 as 高收益率策略累积收益率,
            all_rate_3 as '低余额+双低策略累积收益率',
            all_rate_4 as '低溢价率+双低策略累积收益率'
            from strategy_group_yield
            order by date  desc   

        # 日收益率看表格, 累积收益率看折线图
        table, table_html = generate_table_html_with_data(
                '可转债指数日收益率', '沪深300日收益率', '低溢价率策略日收益率', '高收益率策略日收益率',
                '低余额+双低策略日收益率', '低溢价率+双低策略日收益率'
                '可转债指数累积收益率', '沪深300累积收益率', '低余额+双低策略累积收益率', '低溢价率+双低策略累积收益率',
                '高收益率策略累积收益率', '低溢价率策略累积收益率'

        rows = []
        dict_rows = []
        for row in table._rows:
            dict_row = db_utils.get_dict_row(cur, row)

        line_html = generate_line_html(dict_rows)

        html = """<center>
                    """ + line_html + "<br/><br/><br/>" + table_html + """

        return html

    except Exception as e:
        print("processing is failure. ", e)
        raise e
예제 #28
def update_stock_sum(driver, task_name):
    # 遍历可转债列表

    task = None
        # 查询可转债
        bond_cursor = get_cursor(
            """SELECT bond_code, cb_name_id, stock_code, stock_name from changed_bond"""
        rows = bond_cursor.fetchall()
        task, status = new_or_update_task(len(rows), task_name)
        if status == -1:  # 有任务在执行
        # 当前日月
        y = datetime.datetime.now().year
        m = datetime.datetime.now().month
        d = datetime.datetime.now().day
        t = datetime.datetime(y, m, d)
        # 记录更新时间(秒)
        s = (t - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()

        i = 0
        for bond_row in rows:
            process_task_when_normal(task, 1)

            stock_code = bond_row[2]
            stock_name = bond_row[3]

            stock_cursor = get_cursor(
                """SELECT modify_date from stock_report where stock_code = :stock_code""",
                {'stock_code': stock_code})
            stocks = list(stock_cursor)
            if len(stocks) == 0:

            # 已经更新了
            if stocks[0][0] is not None and stocks[0][0] >= s:

            row = get_stock_sum(driver, stock_code)

            rowcount = execute_sql_with_rowcount(
                """update stock_report set 
                stock_total = :stock_total, 
                stock_level = :stock_level, 
                trade_suggest = :trade_suggest, 
                fact_trend = :fact_trend, 
                fact_money = :fact_money, 
                fact_news = :fact_news, 
                fact_industry = :fact_industry, 
                fact_base = :fact_base, 
                modify_date = :modify_date where stock_code = :stock_code""", {
                    'stock_total': row['stock_total'],
                    'stock_level': row['stock_level'],
                    'trade_suggest': row['trade_suggest'],
                    'fact_trend': row['fact_trend'],
                    'fact_money': row['fact_money'],
                    'fact_news': row['fact_news'],
                    'fact_industry': row['fact_industry'],
                    'fact_base': row['fact_base'],
                    'modify_date': s,
                    'stock_code': stock_code
            if rowcount == 0:
                print("not update stock:" + stock_name)
                print("update_diagnostic " + stock_name +
                      " is successful. count:" + str(i + 1))

            # 暂停5s再执行, 避免被网站屏蔽掉
            i += 1

        ok_desc = "共处理" + str(i) + "条记录"
        process_task_when_finish(task, ok_desc)
    except Exception as e:
        print("db操作出现异常" + str(e), e)
        process_task_when_error(task, "db操作出现异常")
        raise e
    except TimeoutError as e:
        print("网络超时, 请手工重试")
        process_task_when_error(task, "网络超时")
        raise e
예제 #29
def generate_detail(key, is_login_user):
    cur = get_cursor(
                SELECT DISTINCT d.*,
                    e.strategy_type                                        as 策略,
                    e.hold_price                                           as 持有成本,
                    e.hold_amount                                          as 持有数量
    FROM (
             SELECT c.data_id                                                                                       as nid,
                    case when cb_mov2_id > 0 then 1 when cb_mov2_id = 0 then 0 ELSE -1 end                          as _sign,
                    c.cb_name_id                                                                                    as 名称,
                    round(cb_premium_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                            as 溢价率,
                    cb_price2_id                                                                                    as '转债价格',
                    round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                               as 可转债涨跌,
                    round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                                as 正股涨跌,
                    remain_amount                                                                                   as '余额(亿元)',
                    round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                      as '换手率(%)',
                    cb_trade_amount_id                                                                              as '成交额(百万)',
                    round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100, 2)                                                    as 双低值,
                    round(bt_yield * 100, 2) || '%'                                                                 as 到期收益率,
                    c.stock_name                                                                                    as 正股名称,
                    c.industry                                                                                      as '行业',
                    c.sub_industry                                                                                  as '子行业',

                    rank_gross_rate || '【' || level_gross_rate || '】'                                               as 毛利率排名,
                    rank_net_margin || '【' || level_net_margin || '】'                                               as 净利润排名,
                    rank_net_profit_ratio || '【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'                                   as 利润率排名,
                    rank_roe || '【' || level_roe || '】'                                                             as ROE排名,
                    rank_pe || '【' || level_pe || '】'                                                               as PE排名,
                    rank_pb || '【' || level_pb || '】'                                                               as PB排名,
                    rank_net_asset || '【' || level_net_asset || '】'                                                 as 净资产排名,
                    rank_market_cap || '【' || level_market_cap || '】'                                               as 市值排名,
                    stock_total                                                                                     as 综合评分,

                    round(s.revenue, 2)                                                                             as '营收(亿元)',
                    s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%'                                                                       as '营收同比',
                    gross_rate || '|' || avg_gross_rate                                                             as '毛利率|行业均值',
                    round(s.net, 2) || '|' || avg_net_margin                                                        as '净利润|均值(亿元)',
                    s.yoy_net_rate || '%'                                                                           as '净利润同比',
                    s.margin || '|' || avg_net_profit_ratio                                                         as '利润率|行业均值',
                    s.yoy_margin_rate || '%'                                                                        as '利润率同比',
                    s.roe || '|' || avg_roe                                                                         as 'ROE|行业均值',
                    s.yoy_roe_rate || '%'                                                                           as 'ROE同比',
                    round(s.al_ratio, 2) || '%'                                                                     as 负债率,
                    s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%'                                                                      as '负债率同比',
                    s.pe || '|' || avg_pe                                                                           as 'PE(动)|均值',
                    c.stock_pb || '|' || avg_pb                                                                     as 'PB|行业均值',
                    net_asset || '|' || avg_net_asset                                                               as '净资产|行业均值',
                    market_cap || '|' || avg_market_cap                                                             as '市值|均值(亿元)',

                    fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' ||
                    fact_base                                                                                       as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',
                    trade_suggest                                                                                   as 操作建议,

                    rating                                                                                          as '信用',
                    duration                                                                                        as 续存期,
                    cb_ma20_deviate                                                                                 as 'ma20乖离',
                    cb_hot                                                                                          as 热门度

             from (select *
                   from (SELECT DISTINCT c.*
                         from changed_bond c WHERE sub_industry = :sub_industry) 
                   ) c
                      LEFT join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code) d
             left join
         (select id as hold_id, bond_code, hold_price, hold_amount, strategy_type
          from hold_bond
          where id in (select id
                       from hold_bond
                       where id
                                 in (SELECT min(id)
                                     from hold_bond
                                     where hold_owner = 'me' and hold_amount != -1
                                     group by bond_code))
         ) e
         on d.bond_code = e.bond_code
    order by 溢价率
                                    """, {'sub_industry': key})

    table, table_html = generate_table_html_with_data(
        remark_fields=['盈亏', '到期收益率', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '正股涨跌'],
    # html = generate_scatter_html_with_one_table(table,
    #                                              title=key + '行业可转债',
    #                                              use_personal_features=is_login_user)
    # html = table_html
    return table_html
예제 #30
def generate_detail(key, is_login_user):
    cur = get_cursor(
                SELECT DISTINCT d.*, e.hold_id, e.hold_amount as 持有数量
         SELECT c.data_id                                                                                       as nid,
                c.cb_name_id                                                                                    as 名称,
                round(cb_premium_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                            as 溢价率,
                cb_price2_id                                                                                    as '转债价格',
                cb_t_id                                                                                         as 距离转股日,

                round(cb_price2_id + cb_premium_id * 100, 2)                                                    as 双低值,
                round(bt_yield * 100, 2) || '%'                                                                 as 到期收益率,
                round(cb_trade_amount2_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                      as '换手率(%)',
                round(cb_mov2_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                               as 可转债涨跌,
                round(cb_mov_id * 100, 2) || '%'                                                                as 正股涨跌,

                c.stock_name                                                                                    as 正股名称,
                c.industry                                                                                      as '行业',
                c.sub_industry                                                                                  as '子行业',
                e.theme                                                                                         as 题材概念,

                rank_gross_rate || '【' || level_gross_rate || '】'                                               as 毛利率排名,
                rank_net_margin || '【' || level_net_margin || '】'                                               as 净利润排名,
                rank_net_profit_ratio || '【' || level_net_profit_ratio || '】'                                   as 利润率排名,
                rank_roe || '【' || level_roe || '】'                                                             as ROE排名,
                rank_pe || '【' || level_pe || '】'                                                               as PE排名,
                rank_pb || '【' || level_pb || '】'                                                               as PB排名,
                rank_net_asset || '【' || level_net_asset || '】'                                                 as 净资产排名,
                rank_market_cap || '【' || level_market_cap || '】'                                               as 市值排名,
                stock_total                                                                                     as 综合评分,

                round(s.revenue, 2)                                                                             as '营收(亿元)',
                s.yoy_revenue_rate || '%'                                                                       as '营收同比',
                gross_rate || '|' || avg_gross_rate                                                             as '毛利率|行业均值',
                round(s.net, 2) || '|' || avg_net_margin                                                        as '净利润|均值(亿元)',
                s.yoy_net_rate || '%'                                                                           as '净利润同比',
                s.margin || '|' || avg_net_profit_ratio                                                         as '利润率|行业均值',
                s.yoy_margin_rate || '%'                                                                        as '利润率同比',
                s.roe || '|' || avg_roe                                                                         as 'ROE|行业均值',
                s.yoy_roe_rate || '%'                                                                           as 'ROE同比',
                round(s.al_ratio, 2) || '%'                                                                     as 负债率,
                s.yoy_al_ratio_rate || '%'                                                                      as '负债率同比',
                s.pe || '|' || avg_pe                                                                           as 'PE(动)|均值',
                c.stock_pb || '|' || avg_pb                                                                     as 'PB|行业均值',
                net_asset || '|' || avg_net_asset                                                               as '净资产|行业均值',
                market_cap || '|' || avg_market_cap                                                             as '市值|均值(亿元)',
                remain_amount                                                                                   as '余额(亿元)',
                round(cb_to_share_shares * 100, 2) || '%'                                                       as '余额/股本(%)',

                fact_trend || '|' || fact_money || '|' || fact_news || '|' || fact_industry || '|' ||
                fact_base                                                                                       as '技术|资金|消息|行业|基本面',
                trade_suggest                                                                                   as 操作建议,

                rating                                                                                          as '信用',
                duration                                                                                        as 续存期,
                cb_ma20_deviate                                                                                 as 'ma20乖离',
                cb_hot                                                                                          as 热门度,
                cb_trade_amount_id                                                                              as '成交额(百万)',
                e.interest                                                                                      as 各期利息,
                case when e.ensure is not null then '有' else '无' END                                            as 担保,
                case when e.buy_back_term is not null then e.buy_back_term else '无' END                         as 回售条款,
                case when e.down_revise_term is not null then e.down_revise_term else '无' END                   as 下修条款,
                case when e.enforce_get_term is not null then e.enforce_get_term else '无' END                   as 强赎条款

         from (changed_bond c left join stock_report s on c.stock_code = s.stock_code)
                  left join changed_bond_extend e on c.bond_code = e.bond_code where theme like :theme
     ) d
         left join
     (select id as hold_id, bond_code, cb_name_id, hold_price, hold_amount
      from hold_bond
      where id in (select id
                   from hold_bond
                   where id
                         (SELECT min(id) from hold_bond where hold_owner = 'me' and hold_amount > 0 group by bond_code))
     ) e
     on d.bond_code = e.bond_code
                                    """, {'theme': '%' + key + '%'})

    table, table_html = generate_table_html_with_data(
        remark_fields=['盈亏', '到期收益率', '溢价率', '可转债涨跌', '正股涨跌'],
    html = generate_scatter_html_with_one_table(
        table, title=key + '概念相关可转债', use_personal_features=is_login_user)
    html += table_html
    return html